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Although I am not in the market for a new home, there is this one particular condominium that makes me yearn for a new home every time I see it and that's Opal Damansara. Whenever we drive pass Opal Damansara on our way out, B and I will automatically steal a glance and sigh wistfully; imagining how cool it would be to live in this fancy Semi-D condominium. The beautiful clean facade of this modern tropical home makes me want to pack our things and move into an Opal immediately. It's not that I don't love our current home; it's just that Opal is truly breathtaking! Furthermore, it is situated right behind our current residence; making it impossible to ignore every time we drive out.

Set amidst a lush tropical paradise, everything about Opal spells luxury and style. Every unit of this condo is designed with a view; either the swimming pool, green lung, botanic garden or the golf course view. I can already picture myself having my morning coffee out at the balcony, taking in the beautiful scenery of this area. I love this lobby picture of Opal; it looks very well maintained and inviting.

And wait till you see what awaits you inside. If I had such a cosy spacious place as this, I'd definitely wouldn't want to leave home! Our first home after B and I got hitched was a really tiny condo in Sri Damansara. The kitchen was so tiny that if both of us were in there at the same time, it would be too close for comfort. When we moved into our current home, which is much bigger than the old one, we actually needed some time getting used to our bigger living space. Space is thus very important for us when it comes to home and Opal offers exactly that!

The main reason we fancy owning an Opal is its location, which is deemed as one of the most affluent neighbourhoods in PJ. There are many wonderful conveniences and amenities here including I Utama, IKEA, Ikano Power Centre, The Curve, Cathay Cineleisure and Tesco. Opal is also located very near to B's office, so there is more than one reason why we are very interested in this modern tropical home. If we ever decide to get a new home in the future, Opal Damansara or its equivalent will definitely be on our list. For now, it will remain as a distant dream; one that will continue to inspire us to save towards a bigger, better home one day!
Have a good week to all my readers.

GP!! Are you moving into the real estate business...because The Opal sure sounds mighty tempting!! LOL
GP! The Opal looks so beautiful and inviting like you say.. I love the pictures.... oh are they duplex unit?? I understood when you say you needed to get used to the space.. Our first home was also very small but our second home was a two storey house so can imagine the space we needed to get used to. Walking from the kitchen to the living room seemed endless..lolzz
Eh pindahlah.. lolzz
Wow GK, it's been a while since you've been my first commenter YAY!
It is so tempting GK, some more it's so near our place, torturing us with its beauty! Where is that million bucks? ;)
LOL LJ, thanks for ur cheerful comment! I'd love to pindah right now, but it's just not feasible la. This is not a duplex unit, but it's a semi-d concept, so not like the typical condo. I love the color combination also, grey and white..very clean and "overseas" looking! :)
eh GP... must be expensive kan Opal tu.. what's the rate going now for Condo in PJ?? It looks really high class... I like!!!
Oh sorry LJ, they do have some duplex units!! I bet that one would be even more superb wow!
Anyway, selling price starts at RM309,000 acc to their site. Oh and there's also Challis! Those are town houses, also very hi-class, I love!! :)
Not bad but for that kind of price I think I would prefer to get a house GP! Besides hubby also prefer houses where he says he can see his car in the front yard..heheh...
But for me doesn't matter.. I've lived in apts all my life while in Singapore.. so I'm easy..
Eh I spent last night watching back to back episodes of B&B from the time I left for Singapore.. Darn syiok.. padan muka Brooke kena marah dgn Bridget kan... I loved that scene and Nick pun tak defend dia langsung...but I still feel Bridget is not too wise to want a relationship with Nick knowing that his heart would always be with Brooke...
You know even hubs pun terjebak tengok one episode with me and then he said he gave up. The plot too thick he said...heheheh
Of coz the bigger units are more expensive. I think B would prefer a house, but right now we're quite content with our condo lifestyle. Our dream condo would be a duplex with a garden and in our current area!
OMG, I hate this Brooke la! Bridget is just bein silly, she shld really move on and stop trying to win Nick back. And what's up with Nick? Baru separate from Taylor and instead of running to Brooke, ended up in her daughter's arms! Angry or not?? I hope Ridge will dump Brooke then padan muka cause she'll have nobody left!
PS. Nowadays, B has been teman-ing me watch Boldie he he :)
Yeah lah woman.. I hope Ridge does dump Brooke.. and what's up with Taylor and Rick? Can you imagine if they get together..lolzz.. Brooke with be Taylor's MIL! Lolzz..that would be crazy..at least Taylor still has some sanity left while Rick is totally in lust!.. and menyampah I tengok si Donna tu..pushing herself like that to Eric..macam tak laku sgt kan??
heheh.. yelah must really rope hubby to watch more episodes with me... cant wait to dl today's episode!
LJ! Not only that, Rick used to date her daughter, so how is Phoebe gonna take it when she finds out her mom is makin out with her ex? Astaga! I really hope Taylor won't end up like Brooke and marry her way through all the remaining men in the clan! ;)
As for Donna, I lagi menyampah with Eric!! Although Steph had it coming, she doesn't deserve the disrespect Donna and Eric are showin her now!
OMG! If taylor marries rick..i think i would faint..lolzzz...hehehe.. i am beginning to respect only Stephanie..and that is scary....lolzzz!!
That's why, so tak padan, I hate! Oh and yes to Steph. Regardless how harsh or cruel she's been to the Logans, betul jugak cakap Steph cause they're the ones asking for trouble, esp Brooke! He he he...puas dapat discuss! :)
hehehe.. my hubs is reading our comments and he said... we're really nuts...lolzz.. but seriously mmg puas dapat discuss.. geram tengok they all too... follow their heart too much.. don't use their brain at all...but taylor really good actress... she really made me feel her frustration you know esp the court scene.. the way she jump up and down like that.. I do that too sometimes when I am frustrated...lolzz
Ha ha ha malunya hubby read the comments lolz...
I thot Taylor did a good job as well, she almost moved me to tears and she got me so damn angry with Brooke for doing that to her! Nowadays, B is the one who reminds me to DL Boldie he he ;)
Oh wow.. you got B addicted as well! That is awesome... wouldn't it be fun if all three of us can watch Boldie together. I tell you when I was watching it with hubs, I was so excited to let him know who was doing what kinda thing.. so much fun!!! he would just like shake and nod his head and rub his eyes and just stroke hair hair and head as it saying it's ok... it's just a tv show...lolzzz
Ha ha ha actually, I've been filling him on Boldie ever since we got married, poor thing! So he pretty much knows the plot and nowadays whenever Brooke does something so infuriating and I'd get this angry look on my face, when I turn to him, he also has the same angry look, ha ha ha!!
lolzzz GP!!! this is so entertaining.. cian B kan.. terjebak gak with boldie coz of his wife..heheh.. but so happy to hear that boldie has male fans as well..my hubby would just have an amused face when I look at him whenever I'm watching the show..lolzz
I just love discussing boldie with you GP!! muahsss!!!
Woo hoo First commenter again! Unfortunately it's probably going to be one off LOL
Hey you and LJ still talking Boldie huh...tsk tsk tsk...been away so long and nothing's changed LOL
Cheers GP and LJ too! :)
LJ, I know what u mean abt Boldie having male fans, this one also thanks to me he he! But seriously, once you dah follow and understand the plot, Boldie is actually very entertaining! I love discussing Boldie with u too LJ! :)
Ha ha ha GK, you're right, we're still bitchin abt Boldie, there's always so much drama that we have so much to say! Neverending lolz... :)
hahah GK. the bitchin would never stop as long as there is Brooke lah GK..lolzzz...
Alright GP..time to catch some zzz. 2mrw nak gi lowyat and buy some stuff for hubs clients.. perhaps chee meng hainanese chicken rice as well..lolzz
Nite2 GP... nite nite GK!!
A seni-D condo? First time I ever heard of one, but then I'm your regular blogsphere doofus, ya? LOL!
I'm just hoping that one day by some miracle that stalled condo project of mine eventually starts up again!
And I see GK is trying his best to get top commenter here by leaving 2 comments, that dirty little cheat ... LOL!
LJ, baru je nak cakap! You're so right, as long as Brooke is around, the bitchin will never end! ;)
Have fun at LY and enjoy ur chic rice! Sounds yum so early in the morning. ;)
Really Nick? Well, semi-d condos have been around for a while now, although it's still a fairly new concept. It makes u feel like u're living in a house rather than an a condo, so it's pretty cool! :)
I wonder if it's possible to have ur project revived, but there's no harm hoping right? And yeah la, GK is happily moving up the chart for now, let's see if he will actually make it to number 2 at least he he! :)
Opal, my birthstone! I love the name and by looking at the pictures, I must say that the place looks great! Hurry go and book one for you & B! Will tell Elina to buy one too!
Wah I didn't know Opal's ur birthstone. Hey, perhaps u shld get an Opal too Emila! How cool would that be? Then u, DD, me and Elina can all be neighbours! ;)
Wow this is beautiful and magnificent!!!
We shall hope and pray that u will get to stay in this place someday. If we were to stay in this place, we would never wanna go anywhere else! Hehehe.
It is very nice place. It can make you don't want to go out frequently, ha,ha....
LOL Nafa! Thanks for ur lovely comment. Hey, wait till you see Challis or Laman Impian, those are magnificent and totally out of our budget too he he he! :)
Hola Fida! Oh definitely, if I had this cosy home right here, I'd be too lazy to go out. Much rather spend time at home enjoying the lovely ambience! :)
Hey did I hear you and Nick talking behind my back!! Of course I'm trying to move up in rank lah...been neglecting my favourite blogs for too long...now one by one I'll claim my rightful place muahahahah...okay okay okay...It's late and I didn't get enuf sleep lah LOL
I'll settle for a straw hut on a beautiful beach somewhere hundreds of miles away from other people...hahaha! As long as there's pizza delivery and sexy babes:)
I enjoy reading your blog. I always thought dating sites were for people who were loosers.. so i never went on them.. after college it was real hard for me to find someone. with work i got so busy and i stop going to clubs and bars, just not the right atmosphere for me anymore... so a friend of mine told me about http://www.perfectma8.com , she told me its free and thats where she met her fiance.. so i sign up and in two months its our first year anniversary... i am a true atory dating sites work.. but i also have to say, from other peoples experience not all of them are the same.. so make sure you check them out... good luck.
Opal reminds me of the cartoon strip 'Pickles'! :)
I love the location... hari2 boleh lepak kat IKEA! LOL
Morning Bobby! How about Pizza and sexy girls with tattoos? He he he...sounds better no? ;)
He he Nessa, trust me...if u're staying in this area, there won't be a hari-hari IKEA lepak session, you'll be too bored of it like me lolz! But of course, I love this location and that's why I'm keen on the idea of another home but in the same location! :)
Hi Jessica, thanks for stopping by with ur msg here! :)
GK, almost didn't see ur comment here! He he, you not enuff sleep coz of HW or Triumph? Hurry up and form ur alliance la! I can't seem to collect the 1 mill we need for an alliance, always spend whatever I make as soon as I earn it lolz! :)
GP!! LOL Triumph first then homework in between hehe Okay I had a million twice but each time I either bought land or recruited more soldiers...hehe
Okay I'll save enuf for us to form an alliance...The Genies of Faraway! LOL Okaylah you think of a name...
Ha ha ha, sounds familiar GK! Okies, I can't wait for the Magical Genies Alliance! I've been winning quite a bit on Triumph, at least not as bad as last time, forever losing! ;)
Yes GP!! I can see that you really improved on Triumph!! ;p THe Magical Genies Alliance sounds like a good name!! Now I need a million bucks! :)
Yay, thanks Adrian! I feel that I'm doing much better nowadays. One of my FB friends actually sent me a msg asking me why I'm always losing at Triumph, boleh? He he he!! ;)
GP, yes this Opal Damansara looks very outstanding and gorgeous! the lobby is like a hotel lobby. How much is this unit? 7 digit? it looks very spacious too, and the location is totally prime and great too.
eh, you and your B, jangan glance aje, sign up too!! LOL :)
GP!! I've got a million bucks and am seriously considring an alliance! Should we go for it?
Hola Farah! The standard unit starts from 309k if I'm not mistaken and the duplex starts from 890k...boleh? I bet the duplex is simply gorgeous! Oh I love the lobby too, makes me feel very welcomed! ;)
GK, me too! I just collected my million, too bad we can't split the cost of the alliance. I say we go for it, hurry up and form the Magical Genies Alliance...alakazam! ;)
GP!! I spent it already lah...was too tempting :( Will do it tomorrow for certain okies! :)
Magical Genies Alliance!! Woo hoo
ooh wow... the placeis incredible. I love the interior!!! =) have a great weekend!
LOL me too GK!! Spent 1.6 mill yesterday to strengthen my army it seems, but still lost quite a bit last night! ;)
I love the interior too Erisha, thanks for stopping by. Have a good weekend dear! :)
GP!!! LOL Opps I did it again too. How to form an Allaince like this lah LOL The temptation to spend is so great lah...maybe we can get Emila or Janice to start the alliance so we can join LOL
Cheers GP and happy weekend to you! :)
What?! Ha ha ha..seriously GK? Okies, I'll see how much I have today and maybe I'll form the alliance instead of bugging Emila or Jan he he! Happy weekend to u too, bet we'll be seeing each other at Triumph this weekend! :)
Wow, looks great. I'd love to visit. Man I need to get out more often. :)
It looks so luxurious.
LOL Rolando, it's great isn't it? Imagine living in it... :)
nice place to stay!
eh the living room tu ingatkan bilik the wizard!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!