Well, I'm back from my so-called vacation! It was difficult for me to actually leave KL as my clients kept on having last minute "emergencies" that required my attention but sometimes late holidays are better than no holiday at all! In the end, I had to postpone my leave until the day of our flight itself, but even then I kept on receiving messages from certain clients throughout my stay, which definitely put a damper on my break! :(
The good news though was that our arrival coincided with the first day of the Great Singapore Sale. Naturally, I had to check out the duty-free shops in Changi Airport and happily bought 3 sets of miniature perfumes for my Perfume Gallery since there was an irresistible 15% discount for 3 sets!
The good news though was that our arrival coincided with the first day of the Great Singapore Sale. Naturally, I had to check out the duty-free shops in Changi Airport and happily bought 3 sets of miniature perfumes for my Perfume Gallery since there was an irresistible 15% discount for 3 sets!
We stayed at Hotel Phoenix, which is located in the heart of Orchard Road - giving us immediate access to all the major shopping, entertainment and dining venues in the city centre. Our room was great - spacious and very comfortable, with our own massage chair to relieve our aching muscles and tired legs after a long day of shopping, and of course my standard requirement of a nice big bathtub to complete our stay!
It was great to be back in Singapore after more than 10 years. Obviously a lot has changed since then and Singapore is now filled with breathtaking skyscrapers and posh high-rise condos that made me wish I could extend my stay longer to soak up more of what she has to offer. Walking on the pristinely clean streets of Singapore was also enjoyable as the weather was not as hot as it is back home (you were right TSZ!).
We spent most of our days shopping, or rather I did! The sale was excellent and since all the cool spots were walking distance from our hotel, we had the privilege of checking out nearly all of the major department stores in the vicinity.
Food did not pose a problem for us in Singapore. We were spoilt for choice with the wide array of eating outlets available near our hotel. We especially enjoyed dining al fresco in some of the cafes along Orchard Road, in particular one called NYDC, where I had a taste of their Ice Mocha Elephancinno - a must try for coffee enthusiasts like me!
Although short, our trip was definitely sweet! We enjoyed every bit of our visit, from the friendly Singaporeans who made us feel right at home to the polite and efficient taxi drivers who provided excellent service with no attempt of short-changing visitors like us. After our brief stay here, Singapore is now definitely on our list of great vacation spots for shopping and dining!

Wow ! 3 sets of miniature perfume, still got space in the cabinet ? Wonder if u still remember the 'miniature' one u bought for RM5 while staying in SAlam Sek 17:)
Ice Mocha Elephancinno - sounds tempting ... wud luv 2 try someday. Btw, got a few indon songs here & will upload more soon. http://profile.imeem.com/Do0p8n
Hi Marzie, Next time pack your phone in the bottom of your suitcase and don't open it. I'm glad you guys had a nice time - but next time please fed-ex me one of those Mocha Elephancinnos! :):)
How I envy you, going for a vacation while here I am slogging away. LOL. And I seriously know what you mean about those 'pesky' clients bugging you on vacations!
Marzianna! Great to have you back and glad you enjoyed your trip to Singapore. Mocha elephant sounds tempting!
Hi Naz, actually I'm out of display cases for my perfume and it seems to be out of stock everywhere :( Anyway, wat??? Did I actually buy a mini for 5 bucks in KPP???!! Can't seem to recall!
Hi Bobby, I tried the switching off phone tactic but it didn't work! Each time I switched it on to check for messages (from family), there would be one or two messages from clients :( And hey, I bet you would love the mocha elephancinno...absolutely divine to have on a hot day while doing some people watching! :)
Emila! Thanks woman, mostly shopped till I dropped :) LOL! Felt like a "tourist" even though we're neighbours with Sing :) :)
Hey Nick! I had a feeling you would understand my bitching! Only those in the industry would really understand the things that we have to go through, forever having to be "available" at whatever odd hour the client (who's always right apparently!) decides to bug you! When are you going to take some time off?? It's about time now that AR season is almost over, more or less?! :) :)
Judging by all the shopping bags it looks like you had tons of fun..hehe. And it looks like you showed up just in time for The Sale Truly Worth Waiting For :D
The photos are really excellent. Singapore looks beautiful. I always love seeing photos of different architecture from other places around the world. Got any more? :D
Actually it is not a miniature, more of a roller type. Apple fragrance to be specific n I was dat 'parfum' seller goin door 2 door in KPP hostel. Guess wat, I managed 2 buy sony most trendiest slim walkman from the sale. Still hv it though not functional coz it's full of sweet ol memories! :-D
Mikey! Hugs! Always happy to see you here :) Yeah, did loads of shopping, payback time for all the sales I missed out on LOL! Singapore is beautiful, you should make your way down here one day and visit both Malaysia and Singapore! Will post more pics on my Friendster :)
Ooooh, I got a hug...hehe. *blushes*
Coooool, I'll have to mosey on over there and check them out :) Seeing photos of far off places is at least the next best thing to actually going there :)
*hugs back* :D
Naz, really? I must be getting OLD cause for the life of me I can't seem to remember buying it! Anyway, thanks for stopping by.
Mike, Of course you get a hug!! He he... Here's one more for Gummy :)
Wow! U shopped a lot there!!! And of course, u just couldnt leave S'pore without bottles of perfumes hah? ;p
Good to know that u enjoyed Sunny S'pore, though u were kind of tied up with work before that. I also don't like it when that happens! But anyway who cares now? U eventually got to enjoy your vacation here!
Hmm...wish that we knew u at that time. Could bring u and your hubby jalan-jalan with the NAFA team! Hehehe! =)
Yay, a Singaporean commenter! Welcome NAFA he he he!
Oh yeah, I actually bought the most perfumes there in Singapore NAFA. The airport had plenty of miniature sets and I went WILD with perfume madness LOL!
Would love to visit again, then can meet u guys and Jan! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
So glad you enjoyed yourself in SG. I still feel so at home there although I only return to visit my mom once every 4 months or so.
I understand what you mean about the taxis though next time you should try taking the MRT. It gets you everywhere!
Oh yeah!!! I had a helluva time and it's not just the perfume shopping bit! Must visit Singapore again! Lucky u to be visiting it every 4 months! :):):)
Glad that you enjoyed your stay at Singapore. Have you visited those shopping centres that are outside of the city areas? Eg. Queensway Shopping Centre. There are also plenty of nice food around the city area which i do agree that Singaporeans are spoilt for food choices.
Hola Singapore Italian restaurant! Thank you for stopping by Mariuca's blog. I didn't get a chance to visit Queensway SC, but you can bet I'll be back in Sing. I really had such a great time! :):):)
Yeah.. Singaporeans are very friendly..hehhe.. Wah that Mocha Elephancinno looks huge..
So planning another trip down??
tatau la bila nak pergi kampung halaman lj ni...
hehe Emila.. you MUST come at least once tau.. besh!!
have yet to make a passport, lol!
oso need extra money for that!
hehehe..yelah passport kat sini very expensive kan.. RM300 right for three three validity?
ye ke? bukan 10 tahun ke?
oh sesungguhnya aku ketinggalan zaman...
I've never been to SG jugak nih! :):)
I suka sangat B punya baju Superman tu..hehe
I pun nak minum from that huge jar! Best tu!
Emila.. the last time A did his passport was 8 years ago when we got married and it was only valid for 3 years lah...
Not sure now lah... GP you know or not??
Debbie.. simpan duit and gi SG.. best shopping!!
Tahun depan nak bawak C gi Sarawak. Bila la nak gi SG ni..kalau ada duit lebih, surely nak pegi. C nak visit his uncle there. :)
debbie kita pergi sama-sama ok!
Hehe..surely, kalau diizinkan Tuhan! :)
wow, your vistior's kat widget tu menyala2 meriah!
ramai your visitors!
from all over the world gitu!
Lol@ Kak Emila.. :):)
Spam .. spam....lolz!!!! aku pun sama!! lolzz!!
Kak Emila mendahului la, jauh lagi tu.. I'm now number 4.. :(
GP!!!!! I just watched last week thurs and fri epi!!! OMG!!!
Have you seen it or not!!!... TRIDGE!!! Yahooo!!!
What a touching moment!!!! I love it!!!..
Now that's what I call CHEMISTRY!!!!
Yuhuuu anyone home???
I just finished makiing spaggetti!!!
I'm going back to SG tomorrow with mommy... read abt it at LLP ok!!
yuhuuu lj!
ok, lj take care!
scent-sational, scent-sation....
eh, that one ur mpg punay motto...hehe sori
sensational singapore....i will come to you one day...
marzie told me a lot about you, Miss SS...so i think i have to visit you someday....
some more i got friend oredi there...LJ and Janice...
if lj is in kl, i can visit her mother...
Emila... of course you can visit my mom kalau I'm in KL...you're very welcome :)
thank you lj!
:* :* :*
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!