Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cool Night @ Marina Bay Sands!

Busy, busy, busy! If it’s not work that’s keeping me sleeping in to the late hours of the afternoon due to staying up all night, it is me busy building my city on CityVille. I am currently so into CityVille on FB that I’ve neglected all my other games that I was previously playing including the super cool Slotomania no deposit bonus casino games I was into before discovering CityVille.

Speaking of casino bonuses and games, B and I had a blast on our last casino visit @ Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. We’ve heard so much about this new casino that we just had to pop in and check out what all the hoopla was about.


I wish I could have taken photos of the casino; there was really so much to see and ooh and aah about. The casino is huge and security was tight. I was stopped by security on the first night, asking to see my passport to make sure I was over 18. At first, I was a little worried to have been stopped by security. But when he asked for my passport to make sure I was of the right age to enter, I was more than pleased to oblige! With a beam on my face, I happily handed my passport over before skipping, hopping and jumping into the grand Marina Bay Sands Casino! Smiley


There were plenty of casino bonus, fun and games and the place was packed. Free drinks were everywhere and after I had a cup of coffee, I’d have mineral water, followed by a soft drink. All for free of course! The ladies room inside the casino is super clean too by the way, which was great because with so many free drinks to enjoy while happily playing slots, roulette and black jack, trips to the ladies were a must! By the way, I didn’t do too great that first night but B made up for my loss with his win! Smiley

We ended up leaving way after midnight but taking a cab back to Studio M Hotel was not a problem. There was a long queue at the taxi stand right outside Marina Bay Sands but there were also plenty of cabs waiting in line to pick up passengers. We waited for less than 5 minutes before being driven back to our hotel.


Oh, I managed to take this shot as I was going up to the escalator to the second floor of the casino. Of course I was very discreet about it hence the blurriness!


-FCC Scoreboard point for my FIRST commenter-
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