Budapest apartments as low as €17.50 a night? That is truly cheap so while you go nuts over the low rates online, let me get excited with the fact that we have finally reached the last day of my stay in England with B!

I know this European Escapade is taking me forever to complete and I truly appreciate your patience and diligence in following my escapades. It means a lot to me so thank you very much and if you’re ready, we are going to Liverpool today!

Prior to this trip, B had visited Liverpool city thrice. This fourth time however was extra special because he got to share his passion for football and his beloved Liverpool team with yours truly.
We took a train to Liverpool and our main agenda was to visit the KOP and experience the stadium tour. From the train station, we took a cab to the Anfield, home of B’s favourite team in the world!

Here we go!
Liverpool was a nice change from Manchester by the way. The sun was shining when we arrived and the people seemed friendlier too.
Our stadium tour guide was fun and she made everyone feel at ease. The tour group that afternoon was small but everybody seemed lazy for some reason. In fact, B was the most enthusiastic and sporting of the lot, answering most of the trivia questions, each time correctly of course! 

The KOP was a sight to behold, especially for me. First time visiting B’s turf, I actually paid attention to the tour guide’s fascinating insight into Anfield’s celebrated past and Liverpool FC’s achievements.
The tour included enjoying the best view from the best seats in the stadium, an interactive experience in the Anfield Press Room as well as a visit to the same dressing room used by today's football icons like Stevie G, Luis Suarez and Jamie Carragher.
By the time we reached the museum entrance, my camera battery had died so we used our second camera. I really need to bring a spare battery on my next trip. Whenever I take the panoramic shots or shoot videos with my Sony Cybershot, it takes up a lot of my battery life.
This is the 2005 Champions League Cup that Liverpool brought home. Apparently, Stevie G brought it back to his hotel room that winning night to hug in his bed! 

Our last stop was the Liverpool FC Club Store where I treated B to a shopping spree! It was his birthday present from me and I ended up spending the most throughout this EE, right here in this store! B got the new Liverpool jersey, complete with printing and everything and a whole bunch of other Liverpool merchandise. I got myself an awesome LFC Tee in red, which I love! 

We made our way back to the city to catch our train into Manchester and here are more pictures of beautiful Liverpool. I really can't remember the names of the buildings but the pictures are still worth viewing. 

With this last picture, I am officially done with my European Escapade in UK! Being in London, Manchester, and Liverpool with B on our vacation was truly one of the most memorable moments ever! I do love traveling and it is great to be able share this passion with the real love in my life. Will you be heading for a vacation anytime soon? Don't forget to check out the affordable apartments in Budapest I mentioned at the beginning of my post.
Now that I am finished with the UK segment of my European Escapade, you know what comes next right? Amazing Amsterdam!
Now that I am finished with the UK segment of my European Escapade, you know what comes next right? Amazing Amsterdam!

Wowwweee!! :) that was such a great long post with lotsa pictures to enjoy! I especially liked the photo of B with the phewiittt caption and your picture after that. :) If I were there, mmg blur gila.. because I am not a fan of football. although I do watch world cup! hahahaha that's a must! but no english premiere league for me!! hahahaha
this is one of my dreams actually i wanna watch football live in such a huge stadium like that... woohoo that must be very cool :-D :-D :-D :-D :-P
Wow.. best view from the best seats pulak tu! You're living the dream of a true liverpool fan! :) :) :) And well, B too got to live his dream. :) heheheheeh.. So best lah! Moments like these don't come by all the time kan? :)
Mesti whoever your FB friend yang rudely ask u to buy jersey skarang menyesal. LOL! :) oh btw, I also love the pics in the dressing room! So cool! :)
those architectures are simply amazing...
so the last pic... are those real statues? or those street performers like the pictures you shared before... hehe
have a great day marzie... love the pics... yihaww looking forward to that Amsterdam trip ;) ;)
i see RED... lol.. wah so nice lah.. so many pictures.. thanks for sharing dearie.. feel like i was there with all this picture.. lol.. i also touch that badge for luck next week lah.. lol!
eh i just realised.. B's hair like A like that.. got side then middle. then side.. you know what i mean or not. .lol!! so handsome ah men like that.. ahem ahem!
love that this post got video.. lagi real gitu.. can hear the wind lagi.. must be very windy kan..
oh so sad. finish already EE.. so end also your SDP ka?
yeay.. can see comment box now.. why ah??
Macam biskut lah.. now can now cannot.. and just now i put email edi.. now tak der.. argh!! is so jealous lah GP!! But thanks for sharing all those awesome photos of the BEST football team in the WORLD!! :) 8-)
hi marzie! i enjoyed looking at yr photos. It looks like u guys hv so much fun!
it's so funny on the pic of B pretending o be some manager.. haha :-D
and the pic of B in front of the liverpool club store is so cool 8-) 8-)
oh, i love the pic of you and B at the stadium.. the one with the text 'together in anfield'. You guys looked so joyous and sweet together! can make this as a lovey photo in yr living room! :* :*
yay, amazing amsterdam!! i can't wait for yr next post, marzie!
in the meantime, hv a fantas~licious day! :* :* 8-)
yay for liverpool lol. am not a fan for it :-D but nice place indeed!
Wow!! B must be in football heaven! LOL!!
Me not a fan of Liverpool! In fact just a fan of the WINNING team! So can change all the time! Hahaha!!
LOL @ B the most enthusiastic of the lot! Haha!!
Luckily me not a fan if not I sure spend a lot on those souvenirs and merchandise at the Liverpool FC Club Store!!!
Huh? This is the end of your EE posts??!! *shocked*
Oh! Got next round of Amsterdam some more!! Haha!! Dun shock me ler :) also went to liverpool. Awesome! Kolam yang penuh dengan...liver is what in BM...ahh....hati. Ha :D
I can see that B is really happy to be there. It is after all liverpool mah. :D
:* :* :* :*
Pheeewitt! wow so many it!! 8-) 8-) 8-)
B is so lucky! lol @ No comment on Torres, next question pls! hahhaha so funny la :-D :-D :-D
i'll show ralph these pics tomo cos it's his fave team oso hahhaha..oh cant wait to read ur "Amazing Amsterdam" too! :) ;)
wakey2 sweetie! :-P :-P
morning marzie! how are you? havent been seeing you these two days. u ok? :* :*
I always love your travel seems I 've also been there. :)
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
obviously GP, it would surely to take you forever in posting your EE! yay! :* :* :* :*
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Hi Marzie! i'm not a fan of football but i do enjoy tagging along with you. it must be a real treat to see all these Liverpool merchandise up close.
i'll look forward to your Amsterdam post. hope everything is going well for you.
:-D :-D :-D BD FC1!
And Jean FC3! :* :* :*
Thanks for the EE chop peeps, love ya! :* :* :*
Haha.. B on the mic so funny.. Got ciri2 already.. :-D Can become manager of the team soon! ;-)
Woohoo can't wait for the Amsterdam episode pulak.. Must be superb!
Great post and loved all the information you have given us especially London's sports team! Your pictures just added to all of the excellent feeling of being there. Thanks for sharing!! :*
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!