The reason I feature so many songs from the 80s for Music Monday is simply because songs from that era are so memorable. Just like this one here from El DeBarge. Dedicating this choice to my one and only Music Sister Ane!

Happy Music Monday to the rest! I know I'm late but I had no song in mind until today. It's raining right now and when it rains, I get a little sentimental and nostalgic. Have a good listen!

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.
PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!


8-) 8-)
I love this song dearie.. I love El DeBarge!
Happy MM GP!
love this song... i used to hear it from buses... and yeah...I feel the 80's here...
happy MM marzie... yikes.. not doing my entries for this week yet... maybe tomorrow :) :) :)
hello..coming by to visit...
the 80's were and still is the best music era EVER! :-D
Thanks for the dedication Marzie! :) I soooo looooove it! :* :* :*
Happy Music Monday my one and only Music Sister! :* :*
8-) 8-) LJ FC!
Well...I have never heard this song before. Very antique to my ears. :p
Besides the title is kinda weird too. :p
That's so true! I love the 80's songs too. Plus, I'm an 80's baby.. I feel like the songs of the 80's are just evergreen.. :-)
I agree with you right there, the 80s love songs are so awesome! And I love this song by El Debarge! 1984-1986 was the time in my life that I listened to these songs and could really name who sang what. Happy MM!
:* :* :*
i LOVE this song sweetie!! it's one of the best 80's songs..great pick! 8-) 8-)'s better late than never..happy MM!! :) ;)
Happy MM LJ! Love ED too... :* :*
Heya BD! :* :*
Woot, feeling the 80s here BD? YAY and thanks for listening! :* :* :*
Woot, feeling the 80s here BD? YAY and thanks for listening! :* :* :*
Ha ha I was late too BD, u have till Thursday, happy MM! :* :*
Thanks Claire, have a good one!
Yay!!! I agree with u 100% Ane, still da best for me too, love LOVE da 80s! :* :* :* :* :* :*
Yay, love it too sweetie and you're welcome, always a pleasure to dedicate songs to 80s music fans like you, hugs!!! :* :* :* :*
Happy Music Monday to my beautiful Music Sister, love yah! :* :* :*
Never heard Tekkaus? Biasa la you lol... :-E :-E
Weird title? I don't see any weirdness at all, sorry he he... thanks Tekkaus! :-D :-D
Yay for 80s baby and loving the 80s sweetie, hi-five Bella! :* :*
Hi Chris and welcome to Mariuca's blog! :* :* :*
Yay another 80s music lover in the house!! They are the best aren't they and thrilled that you know and love this song as well! Me too ha ha, I am pretty good with naming songs and singers from the 80s, hi-five! :* :* :* :*
:* :* :* Monica!
YAY, happy u LOVE dis one too sweetie, thanks Monica! :* :* :* :*
Happy MM Monica, I'm still on lazy mode, susah wan to get inspirasi to blog nowadays.. oh well! :-P :-P :-P
:* :* :*
heya dearie! ;) ;) ;)
actually i agree wit u too! songs in that era truly memorable and i never get bored listening it time to time. :-D :-D
and this song is new to me! yet like it eh! =-O =-O =-O
Happy MM to u dearie! ;) 8-)
A great song...very relaxing song which is greast for chillilng out too... 8-)
Nice song! :) :) :)
Love the rain!And it's raining right now on a Wednesday night! :)
Hope it'll rain some more later when I sleep! Haha!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!