The WordPress Dummy in me is currently busy checking out WordPress thanks to LJ who opened up a test account for me to try posting using this new blogging platform. It is scary that's for sure but then again, it could just be me because I am hopeless when it comes to anything not Blogger related. And WP is without doubt, unfamiliar territory for me. 
Why I'm checking out WP you ask? Well for one, I've had enough of the Missing Comment Syndrome (MCS) I've been experiencing at here, not only due to JS but Blogger too apparently. Plus, I have been having issues editing my posts. Whenever I try accessing my older posts, an error message appears. I then have to refresh the edit posts page nonstop until the error message disappears. This I suspect is also due to Blogger.
As a perfectionist, it bugs me when things are stalled, incomplete or missing from my blog. I've been with Blogger for three years now and perhaps it is time for me to move on to something new. I am not saying that I will be moving to WordPress ASAP; it takes time for me to grasp the whole complicated concept. So until I've perfected my WP knowledge, it is still Blogger for now.
Having a WP blog also means I'd have to consider paid hosting and I've been checking out a review or two on potential web hosting sites. JustHost for instance is a highly-reputed hosting provider. One of the cheapest hosts in the market, JustHost offers superior network and server infrastructure so you can always depend on them. Features include unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited email accounts, unlimited SQL databases and it allows you to host unlimited domains from one account!
Sounds good right? So if you're planning to switch to paid web hosting or move from your current provider to bigger better service, look no further than JustHost. Register today to enjoy free instant set up, free domain for life and free site builder with a variety of cool free templates to choose from. Have a good weekend!

Why I'm checking out WP you ask? Well for one, I've had enough of the Missing Comment Syndrome (MCS) I've been experiencing at here, not only due to JS but Blogger too apparently. Plus, I have been having issues editing my posts. Whenever I try accessing my older posts, an error message appears. I then have to refresh the edit posts page nonstop until the error message disappears. This I suspect is also due to Blogger.

As a perfectionist, it bugs me when things are stalled, incomplete or missing from my blog. I've been with Blogger for three years now and perhaps it is time for me to move on to something new. I am not saying that I will be moving to WordPress ASAP; it takes time for me to grasp the whole complicated concept. So until I've perfected my WP knowledge, it is still Blogger for now.

Having a WP blog also means I'd have to consider paid hosting and I've been checking out a review or two on potential web hosting sites. JustHost for instance is a highly-reputed hosting provider. One of the cheapest hosts in the market, JustHost offers superior network and server infrastructure so you can always depend on them. Features include unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited email accounts, unlimited SQL databases and it allows you to host unlimited domains from one account!

Sounds good right? So if you're planning to switch to paid web hosting or move from your current provider to bigger better service, look no further than JustHost. Register today to enjoy free instant set up, free domain for life and free site builder with a variety of cool free templates to choose from. Have a good weekend!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

Hi Mariuca! :* :* :*
Yeah, I still have MCS on my site at times as well. I haven't had any error messages when posting. I have to say I like ID much better than JS though.
But I agree it is better to gain knowledge of WP before switching. :)
Love this book, love this book!! The author, Lisa Sabin-Wilson is the designer of my Roxy's Best Of... Community of WordPress blogs.
Roxy 8-) 8-)
LJ did a great transition, didn't she? I'm so jealous, still can't figure out how to convert my template to WP :(
So you're checking out WP now? Cool! WP is really great been using it for a year now, if I can find a good theme I like I will switch my main blog to WP too :)
:* :* :*
missed it dearie.. i just came back.. went for supper..hehhe
ehehhe.. good good.. check it out and tell me what you learnt.. am still learning also you know :)
Thanks Evan's Mom
I'm sure you will figure it out soon enuff... or if you need my service.. you know where to find me :)
:* :* :*
morning Mariuca! missed it..
I dont have prob wz editing my posts but dashboard still shows 0 on some posts >:o >:o
i've this PB oso but due edi coz i fell asleep! :'( :'(
Ohh! So "Wordpress for Dummies" is now available?! Hehehe! :-D
I am using Wordpress and I simply love it. Everything could be learned so give yourself a pretty exciting adventure learning new stuffs! 8-)
:* :* :* Hey David, FC1!
Chop Roxy FC2! :* :*
Ur first chop for March David wowie! =-O =-O ;) ;)
And Evan's Mom! FC3 for the first time here I believe, awesome! :* :* :*
Thanks for chopping peeps, TGIF!! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
My friend Foong and me have been getting the stupid error message, I think he's already given up on Blogger.. now happily forgetting blog worries on his vacay! Oh yay to liking ID so far.. me too loving it at MPG... hope it will be smooth sailing there though and ID won give me another headache like JS ... we'll see, thanks David! :* :* :*
Wahhh I think I remember u mentioning that in RBO Roxy but I totally forgot abt it until ur comment here! Wow, so did u get a free copy? This does look like something I would need if I wanna master WP, wish me luck! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Ha ha of course! And when and IF I move to WP, I'm going to make sure LJ is beside me every step of the way! Only then will I feel confident in my move, thanks EM! :* :* :*
I'm going to call u EM for short sweetie, hope that's okay! :* :* :*
Me me need ur help nanti dearie, kalau semua a-ok! He he he ... thanks LJ! :-D :-D :-D :-[ :-[ :-[
:* :* :* Morning LJ!
=-O =-O =-O Wah LJ oso went for supper like Monica ha ha, what did u have dearie? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
I will check it out LJ, slow and steady seperti biasa, but I am pleased that I got the first test post out pretty okay, I have to familiarize myself with WP...more of that before I konpiden to move! :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
:* :* :* Morning Monica!
:'( :'( :'( U did Monica huhuhu...u sleeping eh? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Foong, me and another blogger from Phil apparently having this editing issue Mon, and I think Foong gave up edi! He oso GALM past few weeks cause of this issue, seriously it's so irritating to refresh and refresh nonstop! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Me too still 0 la some posts... cannot do anything abt it too! >:o >:o >:o
Ohhh dis the one? Actually dis PB la yg cancelled on me after I chopped it at a higher price grrrrr.... then they offered again at lower price grrrrr...but I took la cause no PBs kan this month, beggars cant be choosers mah.... :'( :'( :'( :'(
Hey June! Yeah and it looks great too right? Wow u are so clever to know WP... I am hopeless when it comes to WP.. so this is a big deal for me ha ha... slowly learning and I hope to be as good as you too soon, thanks sweetie! :* :* :* :*
Wow u are enticing me even more EM, I can't wait for the day when I have all good things to say abt WP, still exploring at the mo, thanks sweetie! :* :* :*
I'm so used to Blogger despite the problems. I find WP not so easy to use.
I would need time to study how to use WP and I'm still quite clueless on Blogger functions. haha....
Visiting you on wheelchair... hehehe....
Have an enjoyable weekend!
Hi there, 5 more days before my birthday! Don't miss out on this $70 value giveaway http://little.i-cay.com/little-baby-contest/giving-away-alexas-angels/
Peace, Love and Happiness! :-D
8-) 8-) 8-)
WP best tak? I really need to have this book if I want to start blogging on WP platform too :) I have zero idea how WP works =-X
Will find you LJ, but let me see how far I can stretch my brain first :)
It is finally! a reward of staying up till 2am (oops) :-[ :-[
It's ok, even better that way :)
Try it, you'll love it!
I just noticed today Blogger gave me comment problem again. They're not missing but my dashboard shows lesser number of comments than in the actual page. Getting really tired with this :(
Oh you experiencing the comment problem with blogger commenting system? Oh wow… and we thought we were having probs with JS.. hmm… interesting..
Thanks for letting us know Evan’s Mom J
Hehhe.. of course Evan’s Mom (EV)..
WP best Blue!! hehe
Hahah.. EM.. not EV.. what was I thinking EV.. lol!!
Yelah.. better than nothing ah GP!
Oh yes.. not just posting of course.. you have to familiarize with all the plugin and all for sure
Eh I noticed that I lost most of my comments lah when I moved to WP.. not sure why.. not all my old post showing 0 comments.. so sad… but from now on .. NO MORE MCS!! Yeay!
I had noodle only GP.. hehehe
Definitely GP!! All the way!
I agree June!!
I am having hedek now LJ, want something soupy so having mee magee kari berapi ni…
Lamak berapi … lagi hedek kot!!
Wow! you guys so advance with WP and everything 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
, me here still like a tortoise and most of the time struggling for time. Believe it or not Marzie, yesterday was Friday and I had a handful of students coming in for tuition as usual in the morning. Yet I forget totally about FF, teruk lah I ni, you tau now only I remember! I think the link is still open kan? See what I can do, perhaps just a short post.
Again, I pejam celet, pejam celet dok lawan mata kat my pc desk sampai pagi. Nasi yg I masak pun tak makan, blog I baru satu, adoi! teruk lah, kena pantas and consistent. I am trying ... that's why sampai tertidor kat pc desk lagi zzzzzzzzz
:( :( :(
This for you :) ;) 8-) :* :-D :* :* :* :* & hugzzz
I am thinking about switching to wordpress too. :D
Hi LJ, I have a problem accessing this blog of yours too for already days now. I just then tried again and again until I can visit here and also drop EC. I suggest, removing your "Twitter Following Widget" which has your name on the last follower, the one below the text generator of "I Am In A Bucket". I have also pop-up before which a lot of my visitor and buddies complained. Even adgitize blocked my main blog of having an adverts from them because of the pop-up. That time, I didn't know yet what caused on it and until now, I didn't ask adgi moderator to consider me as an advertiser even though the pop-up already gone. My pride also raisen. ;) Anyhoo, it's not adgi or me but the widget html that which I said. I research and observe it on my own experimenting my own blog for that reason and other buddies also I recommend the idea and get rid of the pop-up problem which caused a big problem. Try it Marzie if it works. Lab yah.. ~hugs&kisses~
www.cacainadjourney.com :*
Hi LJ, I have a problem accessing this blog of yours too for already days now. I just then tried again and again until I can visit here and also drop EC. I suggest, removing your "Twitter Following Widget" which has your name on the last follower, the one below the text generator of "I Am In A Bucket". I have also pop-up before which a lot of my visitor and buddies complained. Even adgitize blocked my main blog of having an adverts from them because of the pop-up. That time, I didn't know yet what caused on it and until now, I didn't ask adgi moderator to consider me as an advertiser even though the pop-up already gone. My pride also raisen. ;) Anyhoo, it's not adgi or me but the widget html that which I said. I research and observe it on my own experimenting my own blog for that reason and other buddies also I recommend the idea and get rid of the pop-up problem which caused a big problem. Try it Marzie if it works. Lab yah.. ~hugs&kisses~
www.cacainadjourney.com :*
Hi LJ, I have a problem accessing this blog of yours too for already days now. I just then tried again and again until I can visit here and also drop EC. I suggest, removing your "Twitter Following Widget" which has your name on the last follower, the one below the text generator of "I Am In A Bucket". I have also pop-up before which a lot of my visitor and buddies complained. Even adgitize blocked my main blog of having an adverts from them because of the pop-up. That time, I didn't know yet what caused on it and until now, I didn't ask adgi moderator to consider me as an advertiser even though the pop-up already gone. My pride also raisen. ;) Anyhoo, it's not adgi or me but the widget html that which I said. I research and observe it on my own experimenting my own blog for that reason and other buddies also I recommend the idea and get rid of the pop-up problem which caused a big problem. Try it Marzie if it works. Lab yah.. ~hugs&kisses~
www.cacainadjourney.com :*
Hi I would like to inform you that your site is included on my adgitizing tools but the list is only temporary if you are interested to remain pls check out how at
hi marzie..
well, i was also experiencing the same thing.. i thought it was just me but apparently it's not.. it's kinda getting on my nerves lately coz sometimes it took me almost 30 mins to log in to my blogger and when i was about to post, there are lots of error messages..
i tried to open a wordpress account but i see it's quite complicated indeed. *DONT_KNOW* i don't know what to do.. i'm actually looking for something that's not too expensive too.. hmmm.. again.. i don't know what to do.. *DONT_KNOW*
and there are times its so hard to access my own blog.. arrrgh >:o >:o >:o
anyways marzie, if it turns out wordpress is better and if there's a cheaper way to transfer to another web host, do share a step or two ya.. ;)
marzie!!!! wohoo! it'll get easier over time!! this i promise you!! same like blogger also, it's just that you have to get use with the interface.
Congrats dearie!!! Deserved win for sure!!! Muahs!!!
oh the missing comment...i hads trouble with that here many times
Emila is gonna take me for a ride in her new car later LJ ahaks!
Sure or noooooooooot Emila? I get the chills every time I enter WP, like what’s going on here, help me somebody! Hahahha but I will try.. thanks for the encouragement dear! :)
Wah really? Nak itut!!! Lol!!!
thank you dearie!
sure!! it'll get easier over times! doncha worry!
i am so going to take you!
and you too lj!!
i am currently awaiting letter from kementerian WP so that i can collect the car from NAZA...lambat sangat suratnya and my hands and legs are all itchy to drive!!! :*
I agree with Emila.. doncha worry!
Haha.. I pun boleh feel your itchiness Emila.. kalau I pun sama!!
Cepat lah WP!!!
Wp is def more complicated than Blogger ECL, that’s why I’m still on Blogger heheeheh….
Me too la!!! Need time, lots of time to master WP!!
Ha ha thanks for visiting me on a wheelchair dearie, how are ur legs now???
THanks Mommy Icay!
Best tu best Blue but still a little intimidating for me, so must practice more I guess! :(
Hahahahah so cute ur comment here EM!! :)
Ur using WP too eh EM? Ur so smart then, I need to learn more before I am fully confident to make that move, wish me luck!
YAY EM it is then!
That does give me comfort LJ, thanks!
He he best ye LJ? :)
THanks dearie!
LOL EV pun cute gak!
But u got all ur comments back kan LJ? I mean after u moved to WP….
Apa yg lagi hedek LJ? LOL!
Eh where got advance Lil? Hahaha still on blogger ni, tak sempat nak belajar lagi ahahah, sabar dulu, slow n steady gitu LOL!! :)
You too Tekkaus?? U know how to work WP?
Hi cacai.. this is Mariuca here not LJ lol! ;)
Thanks Rache, I’ve been soo busy lately sorry for the late response!
Tak dapat kereta lagi kut?
Blogger buat hal lately Bella, but I think everything is okay now right?
Stress kan blogging sometimes Bella? Hugs! :)
Ha ha hahah yahoooooo! Tenkiu Emila!
Very worried when it comes to WP Emila, u and LJ dah pro, syabas! :)
LOL LJ! Lama tak praktis WP ni, so busy nowadays huhuhuh
LOl @ doncha worry ha ha, if I have u to help me sure la doncha worry, thanks LJ!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!