It's been four days since my last update here! I've been posting at my other two blogs though so you can check my updates there.
Today, I woke up like a normal person at 7am. I turned in before midnight yesterday, which was surprising for night owl me and slept like a log throughout the night, just like a normal person. And it's Friday here too, which is my favourite day so I have lots of things planned for the weekend.
First, I need to set a dinner date with my sister, Issy's mom. Even though Baby Issy is a toddler now; I can't help calling her baby for I still think of her as a small tiny baby girl!
They're heading back to UK soon and I want to give my niece the gift I got her. I wasn't sure what to get Issy as a farewell gift so I checked out clothing for girls as my first option. I already got her a set of shirts from Mothercare the last time she came back for a visit so we shopped in the toys and games section next. And that's where I found the perfect Barbie doll for her. I hope she will remember her Aunty Marzie fondly with this gift.
I never did have a Barbie doll collection when I was a little girl. Perhaps Baby Issy can have one of her own; starting with the first one I'm giving her. Okay back to checking my calendar for an open night to see my niece. Thanks for reading and I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm in the mood for Italian tonight, how about you?
-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-
Hi Mariuca! :* :* :*
:* :* :* Hey David, u are fast FC1!
:* :* :*
Happy Friday Marzie!
Barbie dolls for Baby Issy sound great! Love the food too. Remind me of Manhattan Fish Market spaghetti! yummy!
That is such a cute pic of Issy! :)
I'm sure she will be starting a Barbie doll collection now thanks to you! ;) :)
Maddie chop? *DONT_KNOW*
London and Maddie send hugs to baby Issy =-O
Morning Blue, FC 2! :* :* :*
TGIF Haaziq, hope u got no exam today! :* :* :*
Maddie chop indeed, Roxy FC3! :* :* :*
Thanks for the morning chop ppl, enjoy ur weekend! :* :* :*
Thanks David and you are in the lead on my FCSB with this chop yay! =-O =-O :* :* :*
LOL I hope so David and she's a Virgo too just like me! :* :* :* :*
Woot thanks for da feedback Blue, I hope she will like it.. Ohhhhh lama tak makan kat Manhattan Fish! I love fish some more ... maybe I'll have fish tonight then... decisions decisions lol! :* :* :* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Yay thanks for the baby Issu hugs Roxy, Maddie and London..I hope u girls have a fun weekend planned as well, hugs! :* :* :*
So you have sort of a mini reunion with your little sis heh! Enjoy mau. :p
We just might be snowed in this weekend... they're saying a blizzard is coming with a foot of snow! The girls would love it to go sledding and build a snowman... I would just settle in by the fireplace and catch up on work.
Happy weekend to you, Mariuca! 8-)
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
BRB.heading to school now. >:o >:o >:o >:o
Yay to snowy weather where ur at Roxy! Ooooooh are u guys gonna make another snowman for me this year?? I can't wait and that fireplace sounds mighty cozy, enjoy ur weekend sweetie, hugs! :* :* :*
Thanks Tekkaus! Yup meeting up with sis and niece woo hoo! :* :* :*
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o GG!
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( Def u need VS today GG! :* :* :*
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o Just woke up is it GG? I woke up damn early today! =-O =-O
Ok GG see u later then and have a good day in school! :* :* :*
8-) 8-) 8-)
>:o >:o >:o >:o
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
i missed all :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
u've PB edi Mariuca! ;) ;)
hahah woke up like a normal person at 7am! same like me yesd! :-D :-D
but so nice right.. slept like a log throughout the night! :) ;)
oh im sure Baby Issy loves Barbie doll! :* :* :*
enjoy yr dinner wz B tonight! :)
happy weekend dearie.. just picked up awan.. so will post something soon :)
8-) 8-) 8-) LJ!
Ok thanks for the heads-up and TGIF dearie! :) :) ;) ;)
>:o >:o >:o >:o Monica!
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( I oso missed ur last one Monica huhuhuuu, still 0 for me at TUO! >:o >:o >:o
At least got 1 chop in sweetie, next one kay? ;) ;)
I woke up then saw BV PB in my inbox.. that's all so quickly did cause nothing else waiting for me huhuuhu...back to no PBs!! >:o >:o >:o
:-[ :-[ :-[ u oso woke up early yest Mon? He he... good to be on normal ppl mode once in a while right? :* :*
:* :* :* Yay. I think so too! I'm looking at the Barbie doll now, so pretty in pink! :* :*
Thanks Mon, thinking where to eat now... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Yeah tak sedar at all then suddenly only hear birds chirping outside..wakey wakey!! =-O =-O :* :* :*
i woke up coz sakit perut!! =-O =-O =-O =-O
yeah woke up early yest! i oso didnt know u zz early last nite!
thinking where to eat now? not tonight?*DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
yalor still 0 for u at TUO! >:o >:o >:o
Aiyoooo so tired yest cause didn sleep the night before.. so more than 24 hours up edi! I oso didn expect to sleep way before midnite! ;)
So sad still 0…. :( when u posting next? Hope to get that at least!
Oh no… sakit cause hungry or da other one??
LOL I mean.. NOW am thinking where to eat tonight… ;)
no, i lao sai la!! :(((
i'll post after drop 300 k!
Ok! Trying to drop but so slow la today….eh u no longer on Adgi is it???
Wat is lao sai??????
i haven't started dropping yet coz got sthing to do..... yeah no longer on
Adgi...will see how after 1 month!
ohhh NOW thinking where to eat tonight! :-D i tot u're going out NOW! LOL!
No longer on Adgi cause of NN is it? Ok lemme know how it turns out after a month… ;)
Now raining mah! B oso still in da office lol…
hahahahha lao sai = diarrhea! :-D
:* :* :* :* :* :*
marzie! miss u dear! :* :* :* :*
not only cause of NN...i didn't earn much oso :-D
fuyohhh more than 24 hours up! must take care ya ;)
i oso got no PBs!! >:o >:o >:o
Elai!!!! J
What a wonderful surprise to see u here Elai! I saw ur baby edi, congrats sweetie! And I’ve missed u too of coz.. hugs! J
Makan salah is it?? Of coz cannot sleep if lao sai! ;)
How come we got no PBs eh??? :(
i think it's becoz of the thai food last nite... hehe u've learned a new
word today! ;)
dat's why la don't know why we got no pbs!! :(((
Of coz I understand… good lcuk then sweetie!
Yeah and now a little sleepy too actually….
PB ppl don like us enimore or what??? :(
Oh u had thai food, maybe too spicy for u? R ok or he oso lao sai?? ;)
i don't know R lao sai or not..he's working now and i don't want to call him
just to tell him i lao sai..
sleepy? don't sleep first la :-P
only both of us no PBs meh? :(
Hahahahahha of coz not la so funny! Tak kan la wan to call him and say Honey, I lao sai today hahahahhaa!!!!
Yeah sleepy it seems! Why don sleep first? Chop coming up is it? Lol…
hahahhahahahha dat's why lor!
hahah no la.... i haven't uploaded pics yet mah! :-D
Hahahahhah ok ok u buzz2 me later, getting ready for dinner now, see ya Mon! J
It seems like it right? :(
Issy is so grown up now! Hard to see her go, huh?
Time to have your own baby. :)
Yeah, call me nagging nenek. haha....
Have a great weekend.... try to make baby, k?
okok will buz2 u later! enjoy yr dinner! :)
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
i wan VS GP!
no! got exam..need to study,i woke up early
terima kasih!
Issy is such a cutie pie. she has beautiful eyes and i love her curly locks.
Barbie dolls are the most popular dolls of all time. bet she'll love it.
the italian food looks dellish. enjoy your dinner sweetie.
Wahhh babay issy sudah jadi toddler.. :)
Besarnya udang.. Wah lemak berkrim kesukaan ramai. Makanan itali itu memang syiok dilihat : ) apatah lagi kalau dimakan.
pantun buat marzie :
Gendang gendut tali kecapi
Kecap perut senang hati.. lala la la laa.. Haha..
Ehh makan apa hari ini?
Ye la sudah toddler baby issy.. masa tu baby, lepas tu toddler.. and nanti sedar-sedar sudah remaja.
Macam anak buah rizal, masih selalu terbayangkan yang dia budak2 toddlers, sekarang bila jumpa, wahhh dah pandai rambut pun rebonding2 dah... kekeke =-O =-O :-D :-D
How time really flies.
I think i am still stuck at 17 la.. LOL LOL LOL
yumyum, i can eat more stuffs now!!! wohoo!
LOL @ besarnye udang…dah la sedap, help!!
Toddler yg comel lagi nakal, love baby Issy!
They do grow up fast right? I hope she remains small and cute for a loooooong time then, ha ha! :)
Enjoy Ayie! Yum yum indeed!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!