Despite my moodiness from being overworked this week, I was happy to receive an email from my younger sister, Isabella's mom who's now all settled in their new home in Bristol, UK. It's been ages since I last heard from her and I was hoping that the email included some new pictures of my niece. True enough, my sister sent me some lovely pictures of Isabella, which totally made my night. My moodiness momentarily disappeared as I happily browsed through the latest pictures of my niece. Perhaps I might not miss her so much now that I have a fresh batch of Isabella smiles with me, so thanks sis! :)
How she has grown since I last saw or held her in my arms! Her hair is so much longer and check out her long eyelashes and that adorable baby smile. And just like her aunt, she seems to love pink too. Looking at this picture also made me realize just how much I miss kissing and pinching her rosy cheeks!
Here she is again, at the park with her mommy. She looks all puffy and even more huggable, bundled up in her winter gear. I bet it must feel totally awesome to hug her when it's cold; she'll definitely keep me warm and comfy! I'm also happy to see Isabella doing a lot of sightseeing, soaking up the chilly freshness and beauty of Bristol.
And this is my favorite one, I laughed out loud when I saw this picture! Thank you Isabella for making Auntie Marzie smile tonight. I love this picture of her because she looks like a Cabbage Patch doll, looking up at me with those big eyes, warmly decked in a cute little red jacket and tiny red shoes to match. When she was born, I got her many gifts but forgot all about shoes and these red ones look really adorable on her. Maybe I'll get her some cool personalized baby shoes, embossed baby shoes or other personalized baby gifts for her coming birthday.
I'm coming to the end of my latest Isabella post and am suddenly getting all teary, remembering how much I'm missing my baby doll! It looks like she's all ready for bed in her cute pink pajamas, so I guess it's time for me to bid good night to you too.
Good night baby Isabella! We miss you and we love you, please remind your mommy to send more great pictures my way! :)
Good night baby Isabella! We miss you and we love you, please remind your mommy to send more great pictures my way! :)

Baby Isabella is so adorable! Sangat comel! And those chubby cheeks! Eeeeee geramnya! I think her name suits her, she'll grow up to be a real Belle. =) Happy Sunday!
Marzie!! She looks absolutely adorable!!! A very sweet smile indeed!! I can see why you're missing her more now!! Must be so hard for you huh? Well now you have to go visit her I suppose hehehe...
Take care GP!!
PS Exams over...Woo HOo...but now ust prepare for the next semester....don't want to wait for last minute again!! :) Cheers! :)
Aww she is so precious and adorable GP!! I love the picture that you love too.. like you say ... really like cabbage Patch doll and looking up looking oh so cute!!! mengoda u!! lolzz
Oh just listening you teary eyed also makes me want to try GP! Alahai.. kinda of wish kita have one of our own kan.lalalalala... lolz
Aww...what a doll she is! She has definitely grown, and she is looking prettier than ever. Can't wait to see how she looks likes when she becomes a young fair lady...
We miss her too, u know? But we're happy to see her pics up here, and we'll surely see more of her. =)
I Marzie...
I'm Really Very Happy to See Cute Little Isabella Again....itz been almost 3 months plus seeing this tiny cutie pie....
she is really cute to see at & all the tension will come down...seeing small kids....
as u said...she really looks like a small doll.......
hope you will be in touch with her pretty hug & kiss her....
All the very best...
thanx for sharing these wonderful snaps....
Wow, she's so cute and I can't believe how long her lashes are!
I know how you feel. My sister is living in Los Angeles and we don't really get much chance to see her and my nephew. He just turned three a couple of months ago and even if we speak to him on the telephone a lot, it's not the same as seeing him in person.
Isabella is such a cutie!!!!! Just seeing her has made me happier too. Thanks for showing us Marzie!!!:)
Thanks so much Debbie, happy u got to meet my niece, she's comel gila la!! I just want to pinch her cheeks the whole day he he... :)
PS. And hey, this time YOU are my 1st commenter! ;)
Hi GK! You are right, I got no choice but to visit her in UK...another good excuse for a vakasi! ;)
Yeah la, seeing these pics made me remember the good things when she was still here, but I'm happy to see her looking even cuter now!
Looks like you're coping well with ur new student routine GK, hope the next semester goes well too. :)
Hola LJ! Ahhh tu la, mcm Cabbage Patch kan? But a real one that can move about he he.. I bet it must feel great to hug and geramkan her now, cause she's bigger oredi kan? Aiya, I miss my baby doll!! Now have to go find Pheebs and hug her, she can make me feel better with her fluffiness lol.. :)
Awww thanks so much NAFA! So happy to hear that you've been missing my baby doll too he he...hopefully that will encourage my sis to send me more pics of Isabella!
And yeah la, she is growing up so fast, and is looking cuter by the day, love Isabella! :):):)
Thanks Raghav! I'm so glad I got to share these cute pics here with those of u who still remember my darling niece!
And yes, my tensions immediately disappeared after seeing her adorable pictures, I'm just thrilled to have this cute baby doll as my niece he he! :)
OMG Sharon, long time no see! So glad u came by today. :)
Thanks for ur kind words here, it really isn't the same looking at pics and talking on the phone right? But for now, these pics will have to do since UK is simply too far and expensive for frequent visits. I hope they come home for a visit or it'll be 3 years before I can kiss my baby doll again! :(
Thank you Uncle Bobby! I'm happy you find my pictures cute and they made you smile yay! :):):)
I was about to say Isabella looks like a Cabbage Patch Doll but you beat me to it! I don't believe that's the same lil baby you posted about a few months back.
And those HUGE eyes ... :D
Marzie, I luv the 1st photo; soft curly hair, long eyelashes, adorable eyes, sweet smile & chubby cheeks. All in one great pose. She's a natural ... so 'geram-licious' la babe!!
Now I know why her loving auntie misses her so much. She makes all of us go goo-goo gaa-gaa :D
Hugs n kisses to you Baby Isabella.
Your niece Isabella is beautiful...thanks for the smile in the middle of the night...make sure you enjoy her at every stage, she will grow up sooooo fast.
I apologized to LJ but I had to vote for that cute little girl!
Hey, to see Bree in your EntreCard widget! I am honored to be on your blog. I think it is her first appearance in the blogosphere since Matt made the BreeSquare for me...EntreCard has some sort of rule that whatever "ads" you placed before you changed your EntreCard picture have to stay with the old design, so everyone but you so far has the boring orange stripey from me.
Roxiticus Desperate Housewives
Your sister lives in Bristol? So do I! :) I can see her there sat at College Green with little Isabella, best of luck to them :)
Hi Marzie. Cute and chubby niece.
she is indeed so very pretty and so very cute! I love her already looking at these pics, and I bet how much you must miss her! it's torture kan when you are away especially with such a cute baby? How long for will they be in Bristol? When will she come back to her aunty Marzie?
my favourite pic is the first one and the one which made you laugh! yes, it's like she's looking up to you, staring straight into your eyes.
precious Isabella indeed...and LOVE her name- sounds so very romantic. i will call her Belle for pretty! :)
LOL, thanks for the Cabbage Patch compliment Nick ha ha .. so cute! But this one is a real baby, and yeah..she's big now right? And getting prettier too! :):):)
Awww thanks Roxy! I hope I can keep track of her growing up via pics even if she's far away. Happy she made u smile! :)
Hola Rache, thanks for stopping by! What a great coincidence, make sure u say hello to them for me if u see them around lol! :)
He he, thank you Faizal, I totally agree! ;)
Hi Farah, thanks so much for ur lovely comment here! Yes, she is one cute baby I have to say! Geram betul to see her in real life you know... and I won't be seeing her for 3 years, unless of course if I go for a vacation in UK. We'll see how it goes.
I love the sound of Belle, that is pretty indeed! Thank you Farah! :):)
Almost missed ur comment Naz!
Oh I love the first pic too, she looks so chubby wubby and cute, all smiley! Can't wait to get more pics of her. :)
Roxy! I'm so pleased to have you at my blog he he... am still learning my way around my Entrecard, but am loving it so far! And I'm thrilled to have Bree here, you know she's my fave DH character! :)
Marzie! Yay, I was the first commenter! =) Anyway, I showed baby Isabella's pics to my bf and we were awwwww-ing together. He thinks Isabella is so cute! =) We both love kids AND cats. Funny how those 2 words rhyme.
Ha ha ha, so cute la u Debbie, say hello to ur BF! Hopefully when u guys get hitched, you'll have loads of cute kids and cats together! :)
Girl with too much time on my hands? I've started a new blog, check it out:
If there's anything you'd like to add to my description, please leave a comment for me.
Yay, congrats on ur new blog Roxy! I'll def come and visit, soon as I get some zzz! See u later! :)
Awwww...she is so adorable!! I love the huge doll like eyes! Hehehe
Oh ya btw, the pink heart tag by Hazel? I managed to trace back all the links. It's in my page already :) You can get it from there.
Have a nice day!
Thanks Rozella! I think she's adorable and I love her big, big eyes too lolz! ;)
Oh I already did the pink tag at my perfume blog, I'll check out urs now, have a great Monday! :)
She is an Angel!!
+ Pretty just like her Aunt + Mom!!
;)) Peace*
Thank you Billy, she is one very cute angel indeed, I concur! Love seeing ur avatar here today! :)
A Married Man thinks that a baby changes everything.
Hola Married Man, great to see u here again! A baby does change everything (judging from other ppl's experience!), but it's still great to hug one right now! :)
aiyoooh! So cute... like a doll!
*pinches chubby cheeks*
he he he, thanks for the aiyooooh ECL lolz...Hard to resist her chubby cheeks yes? ;)
Hi Mariuca,
Very, very cute niece you've got there. I love the picture of her in the red jacket.
Such cute pics!! I am so glad we have the internet and email now. I live away from my family, and being able to communicate so easily and see pics of my nephew really helps me.
Hola Zunnur, thanks for coming by today and for ur lovely compliment on my niece. I love that picture of her in the red jacket too, cute gila! :)
Thank you NZ! Glad u enjoyed the pics and yes, thank goodness for the Internet. It does make for a much easier communication! :)
Hello Mariuca,
She is so cute and beautiful.
Hei, I have posted the True Love Tag, it should be posted couple days ago, but I still keep it. Well, I had to do something else, so I hadn't done the correction yet at that time. Now, voila!!!
Enjoy my posting!!!
Hola Fida! Thanks for stopping by all the way from PA today and I'm sure Isabella is smiling happily at ur compliment! :)
Looking forward to your thoughts on love Fida, will drop by shortly! :)
how can any one forget such cute little princess Isabella....
My Regards & Best Wishes are always with the Child...
God Bless Her...
Masha Allah!
Thank you Raghav, that's very sweet of you. Isabella must be feeling so much love right now! :)
oh she's s adorable...cant have to wait my own child.
Hola Jade! Thanks for coming by my blog and yes, Isabella is the cutest! I hope you'll get a cute baby soon too! :):):)
Totally adorable...Love her BIG round eyes looking innocently at the camera. Awww.... looks like she is adapting well over there? :)
Yay, thank you Aunty Janice! She does look like she's adapting well, hope she's keeping warm during the cold weather! :)
Oh my! Just look at those big eyes and her lashes!! Even mine pun kalah :D
Isabella's a big girl already, and I so envy your sis sitting on the grass surrounded by flowers... Spring is a lovely season. Cewah, macam la I pernah experience Spring... hehe
Isabella! You're so adorable! I'm happy that you're happy! You must've missed her so much! So when is that vakasi to Bristol?
Thanks Nessa! She is growing up fast and I am envying my sis as well! Spring was my fave season when I was staying overseas. I hope u get to experience the beauty of Spring one day! :)
Yay, thank u Aunty Emila!
Yeah la Emila, I miss seeing my baby doll grow up, suddenly je dah besar! But she is truly so cute, I love Isabella!
Bristol? Tunggu dapat 'bonus' la Emila, if u know what I mean! ;)
GP, if you miss her too much, then, just go online or get the phone and book your tickets to UK- vacation plus you get to see the pretty Belle! :) hahahahah
achooo... look at those chubbs cheeks la... geram ok. And I know maybeline mesti nak pinjam her for their next mascara launch. achooo.... oh my menantu ;) isabella is so adorable. Love her eyelashes, it's so pretty! thanks for sharing her photos with us. It has brighten up my day! :) A big hug to the both of you! *HUGZ*
Farah! I wish I could happily do that cause a vakasi in Bristol sure sounds refreshing! No money mah..he he he!! :)
Hello anonymous DD ke? Your menantu is doing a-ok in UK, and looking perttier by the day! :)
Hola Jean! I'm happy to hear that Isabella's pics brightened up your day, she sure is a delight! Hugs! :)
hello issy!
hi again issy!
My daughter's name is Yzabella. ^^ Isabella is getting popular by the day! ^^
Hello Aunty Emila! :)
Hi Babyfuzz, thanks for visiting Mariuca's blog. Isabella is such a pretty name! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!