B's niece Honey is turning thirteen in November. She and I are close and whenever there's a family function, she will always sit next to me so we can discuss girly stuff. I love talking to Honey for she reminds me of myself when I was a little girl so this year I want to get something ultra nice for her birthday.

Thinking of great birthday gifts for 13th birthday is definitely easier than racking my brain for a perfect gift for someone older like B. And getting gifts for girls is always much easier than getting gifts for boys. Maybe it's because I'm a girl too so I am more in tuned with what we fancy as opposed to what the opposite sex would find cool or interesting.

Usually, B and I will get Honey a nice Barbie doll for her collection. Just like me, she too has a collection and hers is of all the cool Barbie Dolls, especially those limited edition types. But this year, we thought of getting her something more grown-up. She will officially turn into a teenager this November so it has got to be something special.

I did a little online window shopping earlier and found some great 13th Birthday Gifts for Honey. I'm keeping the list to only three items so I won't further confuse myself with all the cool birthday gifts available for a thirteen year old; don't forget how fickle I can be sometimes!

First on the list is this very pretty red hardcover Diary that comes with a lock! Made out of goatskin leather, this lovely diary has 224 lined pages with gold leafing for added elegance. I started writing in my diary when I turned 13 too. Boy the things I used to vent about in my diary and I still have all of them secretly hidden in my treasure box! Diaries are precious and nobody but me will know what I wrote in them all those years growing up! 

So there you have it, three great presents, which you too can use as gift ideas for your thirteen year old girl. They all look really wonderful to me and I think Honey will love any one of them. Now for the big question...which one should I go with? Care to venture your thoughts?
-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

: :-D :-D
hmmm..betul ke ni?...
love the diary..looks so personal... :-D
Recent undefined:=-
:* :* :* :* :* Marvic! FC1!
Recent blog:=- Perfume Contest Update! **
yay Marvic, another point for u sweetie, thanks for chopping! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Perfume Contest Update! **
I oso love the diary Marvic, red karer some more and got key and lock! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- Perfume Contest Update! **
=-O =-O =-O =-O
Mariuca! i refreshed so many times but no comment box >:o
:* :* :* :* :* monica FC2!
Recent blog:=- Perfume Contest Update! **
Oh no how come eh? But I can see ur comments here Mon...JS mentioned on Twitter yest that they're fixing the MCS (it seems la) prob within the next 48 hours.... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Perfume Contest Update! **
Wow! So many people commented already? Hmm...so you have barbies dolls collection too. LOL :-D
Recent blog:=- The Ghost Month Has Begun!
Well....I thing 3 are equally good. Why don't you give all 3 to honey? LOL :-P
Recent blog:=- The Ghost Month Has Begun!
Tekkaus FC3! :* :* :* :*
Thank you for chopping peeps, TGIF! :* :* :*
Not me la Tekkaus, B's niece has the Barbie doll collection, me just the perfumes he he he! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- Perfume Contest Update! **
Wahhhhh byk duit Tekkaus LOL! U know this diary costs 94 dollars? He he he!!! =-O =-O :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Yay FC2! :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Two years of blogging
i don know lah i could see yr post but no comment box pulak...
Recent blog:=- Two years of blogging
FC2! Tied for top spot with LJ edi! ;)
very nice lah that diary! 8-) 8-) Happy birthday to Honey :* :*
Recent blog:=- Two years of blogging
Now can see or not??? Better not cause me any more prob JS! :(
Thanks Mon, I think the diary is nice oso. I’m leaning towards that idea as our gift! ;)
yeah now can see! ;)
hi MARZIE all those gift ideas are perfect! now i know what to give to my own daughter when she turns 13 this October. i have an award for you at my OF LIVING.. blog. i hope you'll have time to claim it at http://pinklady-bing.blogspot.com/2009/08/loyalty-award.html
best regards,
Phew! Otherwise sure I angry with JS ha ha, anything wrong sure wan to blame JS, can’t help it hahahah!
i love your selections Marzie. i bet Honey will love all three. ;) my daughter will turn 13 soon and finding the perfect birthday gift can be a strugglelah. she's one fussy girl.
on 2nd thoughts, i think i'll give my daughter a diary as her b'day pressie this year. she loves to pen her thoughts in writing. thanks for the great idea. :)
have a restful weekend and happy fasting! :-E 8-) ;) :)
Thank you LR, first day tomo sure tired lol! ;)
You’re welcome LR, so happy u like my diary gift idea YAY! Your daughter will surely love it! :)
LOL @ fussy 13 yr old girl! I’m sure ur daughter will love your gift for her LR and happy birthday to ur sweetie! :)
Hey Bing! Yay, so happy I could help you out with some gift ideas for your daughter, and happy birthday to her. Another award for me Bing? Thanks so much for always thinking of me, hugs! :)
hi ramblings!
happy weekend to all!
you know what marzie, i never really liked playing barbie dolls! hehehe
i agree, it's easier to give gifts for girls than boys. Girls have wider selection than boys. Advance happy birthday to your niece =)
Good Morning Marzie!! :) I just woke up from a terrible fever last night so I haven't posted my FF or FFI's.. :(
Recent blog:=- Thursday Thirteen: Wish List Updated*
Anyway, I started writing on my diary when I was 13 too! :-D
Recent blog:=- Thursday Thirteen: Wish List Updated*
Those are great gifts Marzie! :) I'd get her the charm bracelet for sure, it's so pretty, you can give her the diary for christmas, it's not too far away.. :)
Recent blog:=- Thursday Thirteen: Wish List Updated*
Oooh, and that Her Changes Kit sounds awesome too! :) I know your niece will be thrilled to have any of these gifts! :)
Recent blog:=- Thursday Thirteen: Wish List Updated*
Yay to making more kaching kaching Marzie!! :) I want I want too! :)
Recent blog:=- Thursday Thirteen: Wish List Updated*
I used to write diaries during my teens. It will be so cool to have one with locks ;p
I'm here Mariuca! ;)
LOL!!! Kaming Mon!
Thanks Ayie! True right, so much easier to give girl gifts instead of guys… :)
Really Ayie? I used to play with Barbie when I was a little girl but I still like my perfume toy better even then LOL!
Have a good one Ayie, thanks for stopping by. :)
yeah and I have to start thinking what else to give for hubs for his bday next week...I am fond of giving multiple presents and what he likes to have is only available in Japan but already tried to make contacts to get it. ;)
Recent blog:=- Hongkong Trio
What did u get hubs then Ayie? And what’s this thing that he likes dat can only be found in Japan??
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!