I have tons of things to do this weekend and it's only the first day of August! Yesterday, I received a last-minute job from one of my regular clients so work-wise, my plate is full. I also need to pack all the prizes and souvenirs I have yet to send to my friends for winning my last contest. I apologize for the delay but rest assured the prizes will be on their way next week!

Another very important thing on my to-do list is replacing my resident access card, which I've only used for two months but is now faulty. Everybody is required to carry one now even when you're walking and not driving in and out the building. Security has tightened, which is good news for us residents.

I don't know which ID card printer our condo management is using but so far, the services fail to impress me. This faulty card issue has happened twice! After using it for several months, the card won't be able to read and we'd end up having to get a new one, which is a hassle for B since he's the one who usually handles our condo issues. He hates going to the management office; it's always crowded and just like me, he too hates waiting!

Perhaps my condo management should look into new ID card printing services. I hear RACO Card Solutions is great. Providing industry leading card printing hardware and popular card printing software and accessories, RACO also ensures first-rate customer service and technical expertise. From visitor and student identification to loyalty and gift card provider solutions, RACO surpasses all your identification needs. With them as your service provider, you won't have to worry about faulty cards like me!
Have a great weekend everybody!

Have a great weekend everybody!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

Did i get it? (kena laa chop dua kali memandangkan JS-kit ni suka hilang2.. hehe) :-D
Recent undefined:=-
Rizal FC1! And first chopper here in August, congrats! :)
Same here, selalu kena chop dua tiga kali just in case! ;)
ahaaa.. i guess that is the Power of winning top 3 C at MPG kot. hehehe. :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Weblog Popular 1Malaysia :Does Your Blog Have What It Takes To Win RM1000?
ehh my friends' ID Card also like that, lalukan tak boleh lalu.. Pintu pagar auto tak mahu naik terangkat buka.
Eh marzie, JS-kit ni nanti auto tukar kepada Echo ?
Recent blog:=- Rattan Crafts : Idea Development Drawings
=-O =-O
Wuaahh awal bulan dah dapat PB, marzie! Good for you!! :)
Recent blog:=- A Horse is a Horse but a Frog..
i understand your frustration.. faulty cards are the worst.. lagi2 faulty atm cards! last time i kena, ikut mood my card je dia nak work on which atm. sometimes i have to go to 2-3 atms before it will work! Tension betul.. in the end i just ganti.
Recent blog:=- TAF’s First Giveaway (Aug ‘09)!!
Ehhh PB stands for? Paid Blog? Just curious. :)
Yeah congrats Rizal for winning top 3 choppers at MPG, tied with Sandman it seems! :)
Dat’s why, sebab lo-quality card kan so cepat rosak! I think JS automatically update to echo, like LJ already has it for one of her blogs, not sure which one. I pun tgh tunggu echo ni! :)
Shemah FC2! :)
First point in August Shemah, thanks for chopping! :)
Eh this one from last month Shemah, carry forward to August he he! PB!! :)
Shemah! Same here! My maybank card can only be used on certain ATMS, dunno why! Nak cakap faulty how come can use on some right? I need to change my maybank card oso and my alliance! Both same prob. :(
Hahahhahahahaha good guess Rizal…PB = Pos Berbayar ahaks!! $$$
=-O =-O
did i make it?? lol!!
we just woke up.. now going for dinner.. see you!! muahsss!! :* :* :*
Recent undefined:=-
GP! Can you believe the condo here is run by the Owners!!! How awesome is that right?? So we are all like one big happy family!! heheh
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Yay finally LJ FC3! :)
U did dearie! First chop and point in August woot! :)
Ok Lj, have a nice birthday dinner with A, see you later! :)
Yeay!!! so excited when i saw the tweet.. lucky made it.. ok see you later!!
Recent blog:=- Happy Birthday My Darling **
Run by the owners? No mgt office?? Good to hear it’s like one big happy family there, animals all in he he! :)
Just realised I'm not on your sidebar at all this month!! boo hoo!!!
Ok really going now.. hehe.. dont go posting without me!!
Recent blog:=- Happy Birthday My Darling **
Good one dearie, safe and sound on my FCSB now, have fun! :)
Hugsy LJ! But u are on my sidebar at MPG! :)
Great post. Love to be here. You can ask the management to buy a printer to print your ID card in one minutes or you can buy it for them :)
Recent blog:=- July Top Comentators
Cards like these tend to get faulty.. and I hate it when these happen. Have a great weekend to you too! :)
Recent blog:=- Tribute to Michael Jackson
hi..drop ec
Morning TH, thanks for dropping EC today, I haven dropped yet. Will drop by your place later, happy Sunday! :)
Oh thanks for sharing the same sentiment with me on this Cashmere, it really is annoying having to replace the card so soon after getting the new one sigh! ;)
Hi Another Blogger, thanks for reading and welcome to Mariuca’s blog. Do come again! :)
ID card printer? Hmm....perhaps I would buy one when I own a club or membership site!
I didn’t mean an actual printer Tekkaus lol! Happy Monday! :)
that truly is a big hassle...they should have those replaced so no inconvenience to people
Recent blog:=- Air Show, Vintage Display & Air Museum - Final Part
It is a hassle Ayie cause it’s not our fault the card is faulty so quickly after getting the new one and now we have to spend time waiting in line at the mgt office! :(
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!