Who says Mariuca doesn't like boy bands? I hope you'll enjoy listening to If You Come Back by Blue. And though Lee Ryan seems to be the more popular one in this group, my personal fave is Duncan!

Happy Music Monday!
PS. Special THANK YOU to Roxy, LJ and Shemah - I WON my BOTB!
PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

:-D :-D :-D :-D
I love love love Blue!! GP!!
Yeay FC!!!!
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- MM - After Midnight **
Yay, I love Blue oso LJ! This song especially! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- July Top 10 Mariucans ***
LJ FC1! Which blog dearie? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Perfume Contest Update! **
Mine is not up yet, but I came here as soon as I saw your name.
Hoping I can make the FC. Haha
Congrats LJ!
Great pick sweetie! I'm off to do mine now. :)
yay Liza FC2!! :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- MM - After Midnight **
Recent undefined:=-
Oh my could I really be that lucky? =-O =-O
Oh my could I really be that lucky? =-O =-O
I may faint if it's really true!! ;) ;) :) :) :-D :-D
Yayyyyyyyy marzie on winning BOTB!! Wow I didn't even know. Please remember you guys have to remind me!! I so sorry I missed getting to vote for you!! :'( :'(
I love your video this week Marzie too! Great pick!! ;) ;)
Happy MM!! love and hugs to everyone!! :* :*
Marzie! I also laik Duncan!! Lee comes second hehehe... :-[ :-[ :-[
And this is one of my faves from Blue! :* :* :* :-[ :-[ :-[ :-D :-D :-D
Happy MM, Marzie! :)
Doing three again to get you in! I hope this one will be okay!! ;) ;)I just lost one of my satellites again!! >:o >:o So traveling around will be difficult today. :( :(I will be lucky to get 100 drops!! :( :( so I am grabbing this badge okay sweety? Luv ya' bunches!! :* :*Congrats Liza FC2!! You made it at TPV too!! :) :) :* :*
i like your pic Marzie :)
Coming online from my sister's laptop... I am not into boy bands... lolz... me a metal head, you know. Anyway, happy MM, dearie. Cheerssss! :D
Recent blog:=- Chp 259. MM: Liv Kristine - Venus & Elegy.
Awww....I remember this song from Blue. A nice tune right? What happened to them?
Recent blog:=- I Am In Stadium Hang Jebat These Few Days
But it was their err....what song? I mean the one with, "Your honour please, gotta believe what I say..." It was this song that enables me to discover them. :)
Recent blog:=- I Am In Stadium Hang Jebat These Few Days
Nice song :D
Recent blog:=- MM - Can We Still Be Friends
I quite like boy bands like Backstreet Boys, Take That, Boyz 2 Men, 98 degrees and of course Blue! Some of their songs are quite nice. But boy bands are no longer the trend nowadays.
Recent undefined:=-
I like this song too. Actually I prefer Lee Ryan whom I think is the better singer. Haha!
Recent blog:=- Do You Do Household Chores?
But I think you like Duncan cos he's better looking, izit? LOL!
Recent blog:=- Do You Do Household Chores?
On another matter, would like to ask regarding Entrecard. Do they still exchange EC credits for cash?
Recent blog:=- Do You Do Household Chores?
hi MARZIE this is a great pick for music monday.
there's an award waiting for you at http://sheeponarampage.blogspot.com/2009/08/award-in-french-and-madonna-borderline.html
have a great week... ;)
One of my fave boy bands of the past. Love the song choice! :)
Yay, love this song too Kooki and welcome to Mariuca’s blog! :)
Hi Bing, thanks for the award sweetie, coming over now! :)
Hi Foong, no..EC is no longer giving cash for credits, the cashout system was short-lived, it’s over edi! ;)
Abaden Foong! Sure la I like Duncan cause he’s cuter, voice all same only to me hahahaha! ;)
Nice right this song Foong? Maybe a little corny but still nice he he! ;)
I like all the ones u mentioned here Foong, sure got at least one really cool song from each one, yay for boy bands! :)
Thanks DBuzz and happy MM to you! :)
Aiyoooo not sure la what is this your honour song Tekkaus LOL! Let me know if u remember the title, curious now ha ha! ;)
Dunno what happened to them, I think simon recorded a solo album, not sure…and Duncan declared he is bisexual it seems lol! ;)
Sandman! Thanks for coming over from ur sister’s laptop! I’m a little into boy bands Sandman, depends on my mood and happy MM to you, keep on rockin’! ;)
Thanks Bill, happy MM to you! :)
Jackie! I will turn this into a *** post just for you, hugsy for chopping! :)
FC3 Jackie, your very first chop here in a long while, yay! :)
Happy MM Jackie!
Happy MM Liza, thanks for coming over! :)
You made FC2 Liza yay! And ur badge is up too, thanks for chopping! :)
Hey Liza, enjoyed yours too! :)
Chop! :)
I won my BOTB Jackie and hey when are u gonna go on one so we can vote for TPV too? :)
Glad u enjoyed my video this week Jackie, thanks for listening. :)
Hugs all around Jackie! ;)
Debbs! CHoms kan Duncan even though he claims to be bi and theatrical like AL hehehehe! ;)
Oh me too Debbs yay! I love this song! ;)
Happy MM Debbs! :)
wow cool pick for music monday :) Have a great week ahead deary :) xoxo will be downloading this in a bit to add to my collection :)
Recent blog:=- Empty Streets' Software Recommendation: Digeus Registry Cleaner
Thanks so much Jackie, FC FC FC! :)
Hola Marzie! Mmg choms! Don't care if he's bi kan? :D:D:D
Debbs!! Tu la I laik the last part in the video when he says come back to me …choms and sincere gitu AHAKS!!! ;)
Yay to downloading my pick this week, Metz! Happy MM to you too! :)
Not to mention, he looks effin' good! :D:D Berbuka tadi makan apa, Marzie? C and I had nasi beriani..hehe
I like his hair oso Debbs he he he…
I had seafood tempura again Debbs, still not sick of it yet, nice la the one near my place. Prawns my fave! Lama tak makan nasi briyani. Yum! :)
:* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :*
I'm just so excited!! Thank you so very much!! :) :) :) :) :* :* :* :* :*
It's my very 1st time...I am smiling really really big now!! :) :) :) :) :-D :-D :-D :-Dbig big hugs to you!! :* :* :* :*
Hi GP!
I like Blue especially their song "All Rise". This is nice too, I like it. :) ;) :* 8-)
Recent undefined:=- Oh no! Comluv had an error with your feed, see message below!
Hi GP,
Come and see your two badges on my previous post. Though I am not quite active with inserting the FC score, I do attached the links of the 1st and 2nd commenter and sometimes even post their badges on my post.
Have good week, all my cats say "MEOW" to your 3 cute cats and like to make friends.
Cheers! :) ;) 8-) :*
Recent undefined:=- Oh no! Comluv had an error with your feed, see message below!
GP! Kalau hendak makan nasi briyani sedap datang lah kat Marang, Terengganu at Angullia Beach House Resort, my sister pandai masak tau, sedap sangat, one day you all must try tau! You love eatingprawns, I love eating prawns too and believe it or not, I love Japanese food, kat KL dulu boleh lah, sini mana ada macam KL, eeerrr geram sangat lah miss KL lagi!
Please I read in an e-mail sent by a friend to be careful, if you eat prawns, do not take vit. C on that day tau, dangerous.
Lily :) ;) 8-) :*
Recent undefined:=- Oh no! Comluv had an error with your feed, see message below!
great song choice marzie! I love this song! :* :* :* :* :* :* Miss you! So sorry I haven't drop by so often, been busy with new shop as well as the books I'm writing and designing! Hope all is well with you and B!! Regards to B, G and Zeff! Not forgetting the 3 cutie pies!!!
i love your MM selection! I like blue, one of my fave. RThey have great songs!
happy monday mariuca!!
what a cool selection for MM. I love Blue and this number. They have some great hits.
i apologize for not dropping by these few days Marzie. sicklah me. :'( :'(
Still sick LR? I hope ur feeling better and thanks for enjoying my MM pick! :)
Happy MM Ayie, come and join us next week if u like! :)
Hi Emila, so glad u love this song and I miss u too! But it’s good that work is what keeping u busy, don forget to take some time out to smell the roses! Kids and B say hello and meow! :)
Really Lil? No vitamin C if u eat prawns on the same day?? I didn know that, thanks sweetie. So dah dapat house in KL or not? I’ve not been to Trengganu in years, last time company trip we went to tasik Kenyir resort, which was superb btw! :)
Yay I got FC at ur blog after a long time kan Lil? My cats are okay, baru makan tu and lazing around. How are your many cats doing dearie?? :)
Oh hahahhaha yeah almost forgot abt All Rise, that was their first hit song kan? Happy MM Lil! :)
It was ur very first time Jackie, thanks so much and I’m so glad I made u smile! :)
Welcome sweetie, come chop again soon! :)
Ha ha ha Jackie! :)
I'll see if I can, maybe in time ;)
happy monday again!
Happy Monday sweetie!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!