Desk lamps, table lamps, wall lamps and lamp shades everywhere! Walking through the many choices to choose from razzle-dazzled me as I stopped to admire each beautiful lamp; my already fickle mind swirled in further confusion as to which one would make the perfect addition to my office! 

This one here beckons me with its simplicity. Clean fine lines and solid features make this perfect for modern comfort in a living room perhaps, but certainly not my home office.

How about this lady bug lamp? It's adorable and I love that it comes in lime green, but unless I plan to have a nursery for my three cats in the near future, this lamp for kids will have to wait until we actually have little ones walking around! 

Ah this one I love! Both colour and design are too sweet for words! It sets off a nice relaxing mood too but having one in my office will just make me sleepy and lazy and we can't have that!

Undaunted, we stopped for dinner and coffee first. As planned, I had the delicious meatballs and open-faced shrimp sandwich.

It was getting late by then and we wanted to get home in time to watch my darling's football match. And that was when I spotted the perfect lamp for me. Lime green and pink? As my friend Monica would say - perfection! Went home feeling happy with another great buy from IKEA!

=-O =-O
OMG NICE!!! Bestnyaaa!! Ha.. makan meatball again ah you!! LOL! What happened to our BD??? I also makan rice also lah marzie!!
:* :*
:* :'( :-$ =-X :*
Great buy dearie!!
Lime Green Fever!! lol!
The meatball looks so sedaps lah!!
I also feel like going to IKEA for the meatballs! And I also love the ladybug lamp! I think Allie would love it! :) Aiyaa.. now you make me feel like going for my 2 favorite indulgence, eating and shopping!!
Recent blog post: Friday Frustrations: The Pool Story*
hahahahah debbs!! I love your multiple emotions!! :) :) :* :*
LJ! I'm feeling so hungers now also looking at this.. padahal baru makan rice!! :) :)
Recent blog post: Friday Frustrations: The Pool Story*
Hehehe frust ni Lol!!
:) Shemah! Double chop today!
:) LJ!
Eh mana ada makan meat balls again Shemah, that day makan ****** ***** LOL!!!! Aiyo some more going out for dinner shortly oh no!
Congrats again Shemah, which link here today? :)
:) Debbs!!
Lime green phase still going strong LJ ha ha, semua pun nak lime green lol! Enjoy the meatballs sweetie, how is everything at the hospital? :)
Shemah! I think Allie will would love the lady bug lamp too! Hurry up la buy! Shopping and eating go hand in hand right? ;)
Ha ha I oso hungers now Shemah, the shrimp sandwich was lovely too, I like! :)
Hugsy Debbs! Mlm ni nak post kat MD lak, try chopy chop there meow! :)
Marzie! During getaway sepatutnya relaxi taxi and offline! Lol!!
Okay GP! Will try my best. :):)
Eh Shemah!!!! Sorry PB la dis one hahahahhaha, takpe 1 poin for MSE! :)
LOL dats why la, but this PB dah due ha ha! Ok back to relaxi-taxiing now!
Hahaha I knowww!! Somehow the universe has aligned it for me to make a
double chop today!! LOL! So best!! :-) At least it softened the blow of not
winning a lipgloss! LOL!
OH yaa.. not again!! Hari tu makan BANANA SPLIT eh!!! LOL!
Razzle dazzled not opps post eh Marzie??
Hahah tu lah I was like heran also why you ask for point!! Hahaahah 1 point
is good enough for me!! :-) :-)
Meow meow chop?? Can I pull hattrick again?? hmmmmmmmmmmm
Go relaxi taxi now marzie!!! :-) :-) :-) I want to go bring the kids
swimming also ni!! :-) :-)
Mariuca!!! u're back :* :* :*
the lady bug lamp is so cute :-D :-D
haha yeah Lime green + pink = perfect! 8-) 8-)
Ya GP?? I tengok pun very menghungerskan lah the sandwich!! :-) :-)
Those meatballs are yummy :D Makes me wanna go to IKEA just to eat them right now ... how to be fit la like this Marzie?
I wonder if I can convince wifey to let me get the lady bug light for our room ... hehehe ...
Hahaha Yeahh!! Shopping and eating definitely goes hand in hand!! Nanti lah
I need to find time first.. J is working this whole long weekend. Gotta
wait for him to take his off in lieu!! :-)
I always love Ikea's pretty kiddy lights. :D
I'm hoping for granddaughters so I can decorate their rooms. haha....
This long weekend, I'm taking care of the ailing elderly and coaching young nephews who are having their exams in 2 weeks' time. :(
Poor Aunty and poor kids. =-X
Glad you got your lamp. Thought you gave up halfway to eat and then balik :-D
IKEA products are quite attractive and stylish, but only problem do not last very long. I guess that's their tactic - to make you go back and buy again and again. Clever! :)
Recent blog post: My Adventure At Kinabalu Park (Part 3)
Hope time will freeze and the weekend will last forever! Too lazy to go back to work on Mon! :(
Recent blog post: My Adventure At Kinabalu Park (Part 3)
=-O =-O for terkejut banyak betul post berderet-deret.
=-O =-O for terkejut cepat betul orang dah ramai komen.
=-O =-O for terkejut tak berjaya nak dapat jadi yang pertama.
=-O =-O for terkejut Razzle.Dazzle oh i am bedazzled for that awesome funky, chic lights. lol
Hahaahha so funny lah Rizal byk terkejut terkejut!! :-) :-)
haha... bukan terkejut tapi dah masuk terkujat. :-D
Hi Rizal! Bnyknya terkejut! :):)
New posts everywhere Mariuca... and here I thought you were away for a long weekend getaway! Getting a jump on Music Monday over on RDH... hope you'll drop in...
Gotta say a few things, since I see that it only takes 2 comments to make it onto the May Mariucans list...
Recent blog post: Music Monday from a Jersey Girl: Southside Johnny Sings "Coming Back"
Trying hard to make top Mariucans for May before heading off to bed early on a Saturday night.
Hope you're having a great weekend...
Recent blog post: Music Monday from a Jersey Girl: Southside Johnny Sings "Coming Back"
Good to hear that Roxy, will be rooting for you and you’re off to a good start! Happy weekend. :)
LOL! Happy commenting Roxy, feel free to vent or bitch or simply say hello! :)
It was more of a short weekend getaway Roxy he he, the long vacation is coming up, hopefully soon woo hoo!!! :)
Morning Rizal! Lama tak Nampak u mengayuh basikal kat sini he he, enjoyz!! ;)
Ha ahhahah Rizal!!!! Byk post berderet-deret it seems LOL!! Kena la cepat mengomen sebab nak dapat chop Rizal ha ha! I oso haven chopped at ur blog yet since ur comeback he he! :):)
Foong! I tot it was Monday u know, so happy it’s still Sunday here yay! :)
I love IKEA stuff Foong but ur right on the not lasting long, for some of the products la. Plus the meatball is a good way to keep ppl coming back for more! :)
He he took a break first Foong, after meatballs sambung balik LOL! ;)
Morning ECL! :)
Oh busy weekend, so thoughtful la u ECL. Okay, have a good time too with the elderly and get some rest later. Hugs! :)
Ha ha ECL! It’s gonna be quite some time before u can enjoy a grandkid right? Hurry up Jaymes lol! ;)
Hi Marzie,
Yayy I can see that someone has gotten her cravings satisfied. :) That meatball meal looks so inviting hehehe. As for the lamps I love that lady bug :) gosh now I wish there was an Ikea shop nearby for me too :) have a great weekend xoxo :)
Recent blog post: Empty Streets Special: Over the Top
Me too ECL, they’re so cute yeah? :)
I did get my cravings satisfied Metz ha ha ha! Oh everybody seems to love the lady bug lamp yay! Just love IKEA shopping, followed by meatballs YUM! :)
Shemah! Always finding time kan, so many things to do, so little time to shop lol!
He he he go la to IKEA today Nick, bring wifey along so she can enjoy some meatballs too, then easier to convince her to get that lady bug lamp LOL! :)
Yes Shemah, the sandwich is really yum, if u like fresh shrimps on a nice bed of mayo and egg, on wholemeal bread! I love it, feels healthy too ahem! ;)
Hey Monica, my pinky + lime green buddy! :)
I think so too Mon! :)
Hey Mon, I’m back! :)
Swimming again Shemah? Have fun gollibuds! :)
U did pull a hattrick Shemah! Even though I posted the meow meow chop today and not yest! And then today got another one at WOAFS, u are on a roll woman! :)
LOL Shemah, blur la some more tgh curi-curi post, so kena cepat ha ha! Anyway, 2 points edi for u woot! :)
This is a PB lol, from BV yay! :)
Hahahah can always find the time to shop.. but so little money to shop!!
Ooohhh.. healthy of course.. if sans mayo lah!! :-)
Wowww!! I didn't notice I've been chopping everywhere!! I am on a roll!!
Alaa.. awal bulan.. wimax reset their speed again and made it fast fast..
but technically, debbs got the chop before me and bill did too!! I was just
lucky that you were having more than one FC! hehehehe
Yeah not enuff money to shop la esp nowadays when things are so pricey! :(
No more banans for me Shemah lol!!
YAY, happy I got the last lip gloss Shemah lol! :)
LOL! U try la Shemah, I think u would love it too! I mean before the BD and all that he he…
Yeah.. I feel things are so pricey nowadays.. Hari tu J ajak me go to
Forever21 to get me some clothes.. I've been complaining about not having
new clothes to wear.. asyik2 baju sama je.. but still.. I came out not
buying anything.. I feel macam things as simple as a t-shirt pun goes mighty
pricey nowadays..
Sure or not no more banans???? Hahahaha I need to go out and get some OJ
lah.. I need to restock so I can take my protein drink..
I feel so bad lah!! Emila gave hers to me!! But she insists.. she said kalau
I tak nak, she'll give to someone else.. so I nak lah!! LOL!
I think u got the chop Debbs, MEOW! And I put up PW there edi! ;)
Yeah no more banans for me Shemah huhuhu, it’s gonna be boring diet food now hah ah ha!
Oh ye ke Emila gave hers to you??? How sweet of her!! And how lucky for u ha ha!!! :)
Maybe I'll have that for my BD reward!! LOL!
Yaaa!! I'm happy but I feel bad!! Like seriously seriously bad! But I hope
to have a giveaway some time soon. so.. let's just wait and see!! :-)
Don't think of it as boring Marzie!! Think of it as fun fun fun boring diet
food! LOL!
Good to get in as many chops as possible from the start eh Shemah? U are leading here and at MPG, congrats! :)
Wohooo!! Leading?? Well, I'm just trying to hold on to my lucky streak as
long as I possibly can! LOL!
Yeah leading it seems Shemah, go TG go! :)
Im trying to make my BD as yummylicious and exciting as possible Shemah! Wantto buy lo-fat muesli bars too he he!
Hahahah makan lah savoury oats, GP!! LOL!
Savoury oats? Hmmmmm maybe I’ll lcheck it out nanti at cold storage!!! No more butterscotch bread for me too! :(
Ohhh yaa.. no more BS with coffee.. come to think of it.. no BS.. no
coffee.. just water water water..
Awesome, GP. Mana2 blog oso can yay!!
Welcome Debbs! :)
Oh no just water3….having coffee now but no sugar!
Just like the perfume book for RM100 tu Shemah, so expense how to buy? :(
Oh don feel bad, if Emila nak kasi u something, there’s no stopping her so enjoy ur lipgloss! :)
Great idea for BD reward, Shemah!
Long vacation? Maybe you'll come to NYC?
Roxy! Voting for u now, 2 more left!! Good luck!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!