we go! Better late than never, so enjoy my Friday Fill-In on a Saturday!
1. It's cold and it's rich and sweet with lots of crushed ice; that's how I like my iced coffee!

2. I remember watching the movie Fried Green tomatoes with my BFF at her house many years ago.
3. My favorite health and beauty product is the Facial Lift Emulsion from SK-II; now that's one amazing product!

4. Taking a nice long ride to nowhere in particular helps me clear my mind sometimes.
5. Well, first of all I need a pick me up before I can get back to my posting frenzy.

6. B and Benji; those were the cast of characters in a recent dream and it was one weird dream I gotta say!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to playing games on my laptop, tomorrow my plans include spring-cleaning my office and Sunday, I want to get my Music Monday selection up early!


«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 538 Newer› Newest»:* :* :*
=-O =-O =-O
I also wanna dream about B...ehhh no la Benji, I mean lol!! Just joking, Marzie lol!!
Debbs! :)
Oh my, I also want something with crushed ice right now.
U did it sweetie YAY! FC1, congrats! :)
It's ridiculously hot!
Recent blog post: Friday Fill In #3
I wish 7-Eleven is nearby, I'd buy lotsa ice, cold drinks and ice cream! 8-)
Recent blog post: Friday Fill In #3
Oh I must get my MM selections early tomorrow too. :):)
Recent blog post: Friday Fill In #3
Hello, buat jugak FFI? EHeheheh
Hahahhahahahahha so cute la Debbs oso wan to dream about Benji aka Baba aka Japanese cat meow! :)
Eh I also want to dream about B and Benji ROFLMAO, funny la you Debbs
I just want Slurpee la sekarang Debbs ehhehe
Coke with crushed ice tastes extra refreshing, too bad on BD so have to settle for diet coke! ;)
=-O =-O
=-O =-O =-O
Recent blog post: Ahhh...I am cONfused!!
at least i dont see shemah here.. huhuhu :-D
Ala no need la BD, just drink your normal coke :D
hahahah rizal, calling for Shemah it seems
Anything with crushed ice sounds good right now. :)
Marzie, playing games on your lappy? Syiok tuu, you patut bukak akaun Steam. On weekends, they always have great deals like usd9.99
Huhuhu... i ve got some games as low as usd4.99
Thinking to get myself "Plant vs Zombies" at usd9.99
cheaappp.. cheaaaappp :-D
I oso want slurpy, Bem!
Too hot for comfort, so not in the mood to drop or anything, just wan to drink iced coffee all day long! :)
Haha kalau you dream about B, pelik la Bem hehehe
Which blog today Debbs? HC?? :)
Aka Benjo meowie!
Yay yippie!!
Hola Mariuca!
hehehe, at Shemah tak dak Bem, boleh laaa buat Chicken Dance plus hula Hop! lol
True Debbs, just crushed ice sounds damn refreshing mmm...
I want Crushed Ice Lemon Tea with Ginger. Best!
Wah, Steam hero ye? ehehhe kene pakai CC?
I have a 7-E nearby Debbs! I wan lotsa cold drinks too!
Slurpee right now would be great but alas I'm still stuck in front of my PC!
Crushed Iced Coffee?
Hi Rizal! Smokey apa kaba?
Hahahah pelik? Most definitely!
Egg banjo pun sodap jugak
Plant vs Zombies sounds interesting, Rizal. :)
Congrats Debbs! FC1!
Oh my!! Flock is on Sale 50% this weekend, at only USD7.49.. lol
Bem, Rizal tak pakai CC la, pakai debit card. Al-rajhi Debit Card. lol. Sebab Maybank tak boleh buat online purchase. :(
Marzie, apa lagi, pegi la 7-E lets gooo
Good reviews for Plants Vs Zombies kan
I don wan to be bottom 3 for MM Debbs, have to prepare posts early!
It is! Played the Demo, tuu yang macam nak angkat. Even most hard-core gamers pun suka. I think kira okay laaa kalau beli, kira macam appetizers sebelum main heavy2 stuffs. CAPCOM games, biasalah kan debbs, very addictive. :)
I know, right Marzie! :):) I miss the rain.
Oh HC would be awesome, Marzie. Thank you! :)
Wah! Bem FC2!! :)
Congrats Bem! Which blog here today? :)
Betul tu Bem, how about splish splashing in the bestub with crushed ice...brrrrr
He he I kan slow n steady Bem, late FFI la late MM la ha ha!
Ada jugak 7-E yg nearby tapi I lazy wanna walk down the hill...
Slurpee so refreshing, I’ll have one too!
Smokey aka Blackie tak dak kat rumah. Bila nak makan jer baru balik. Papa Blackie pergi mengawan laaa. Weekend kan? lol
Hahaha tetiba plak egg banjo...
Thanks Bem!
Ala, Rizal lambat sikit je kalau tak dapat FC2, thanks for chopping anyway Rizal! :)
He he Shemah chop the last one edi Rizal LOL!
U tak BD today Bem?
Everyone seems so thirsty, mmg konpirm la extra hot today!
it is extra hot today.. asyik thirsty je!
Very BD today Marzie :D
Shemah menang ke?
Rizal! I muat turun je games dalam talian, but kadang2 beli jugak kat kedai murahan he he!
Oh pakai debit card ek, banyak dah beli?
Don't want bottom 3 then don't sleep Marzie ahahahhaa
Aka Benjo indeed! :)
Ohhh macam tu ke, its PC only ke? Consoles takde?
Hola Debbs! Wow now u oso tied at first place with LJ and Monica, 13 points each! Good luck ladies! :)
Wah I am FC2 it seems!
Otak3Pagi it seems :D
HAhahah DEBBS I was thinking about berendam dalam crushed ice! you read my
mind hahahahaha
MM tu late pasal catnap... slow and steady la jugak ek
Aiyooo mcm mana tu chicken dance plus hula hoop lagi tu Rizal? LOL!
I'll have two Slurpees please
Oh yalah, Dynomites pun Capcom game kan? Mesti bnyk lagi yg menarik tu...hehe
Weekend Blackie gi dating ke hahah
Egg Benji pun sodappp
I’ll have some of that ice crush ice lemon tea Rizal, but minus the ginger! ;)
Me too stuck in front of my PC dropping EC! ;)
Hahahahah semua tied ni, its the battle of the century, Debbs vs Iron-Mon
and Seksi Serigala
Nice number for Bem on my TCO!
1. bem69 (999)
2. Phatelara (844)
3. Shemah (593)
4. Monica (537)
5. Ane (146)
6. LadyJava (38)
7. Ayie (22)
8. foongpc (18)
9. Jean (18)
10. eastcoastlife (15)
Hahaha I type Smokey rupanya...Blackie la...mintak maaf ye Blackie, Smokey tu LJ punya kucing hehehe...
Crushed iced coffee is da best!
Wah Bem, semangat sungguh BD ye...
Wah, tied with the top ladies? Ye ke ni? Hard to believe sbb Mon and LJ mmg hardcore choppers. :)
Tahniah Otak3Pagi!
Wah....taknak la read Bem's mind, ntah apa2 nanti hahahaha
Smokey ke Blackie?????
I make a mean egg banjo Bem!
sama laaa jugak.. hehehe..
ada masanya, carik jugak kat kedai beli games "ehem" namanya. Marzie, Steam tuu memang pakai muat turun, tapi muat turun berbayar. kekeke
I pun ada al-rajhi card woo hoo!
He he how la to BD kalau go 7-E? Mesti nak beli tidbits gak!
Chicken Dance Plus Hula Hop tuu baik untuk kesihatan. Macam Aerobik. Lol!
It has not been raining here Debbs, hopefully tonight it rains!
YAY! HC it is, some more the badge matching with WOAFS theme here woot! :)
Oh no splish splash in bestub with crushed ice sounds too cold for me!
Hahahhahah walk down the hill pun lazy kan Debbs? Cause too hot to walk!
Hahaha...I also have nickname la Bem..
Hahahahah so cute la dia mengawan taim weekend Rizal!
Very BD today Bem? Me too! Nanti having salad je for dinner!
Shemah menang apa?
Hehehe tu la I pun tgh imagine camner chicken dance sambil hula hoop...nasib baik tak naik kuda Osim mcm Bem lol!!
Blackie, GP! I!!
Tak la Bem, sebab kalau game yang besar2 malas nak beli pakai steam. Malas nak download, cam L4d jer dekat 4GB, normally tu beli retail version dan lepas install, dia akan bind with steam.
Game yang fun2 below 1gb, rizal beli muat turun kat Steam. Syiok nyer Game steam ni, boleh pasang kat mana-mana computer, sebab dia based on account. Macam YM, boleh install kat mana2 komputer. huhu. Your games are binded to your account. So better laa dari DRM thingy.
Okay la peeps, nak bercucuk tanam jap..baru lepas upah org harvesting. :) Brb!
I will try not to MMN tomo Bem, no likey be bottom 3 for MM! So tak musical lol!
Yes u are FC2 Bem, unsangkarable!
Ok O3P it is Bem, I’ll add badge now! :)
Bem, Steam only for PC. :)
Ha ahh, tapi Dynomites agak repetitive kan? Ni setiap level berbeza. So, bila dah habis, macam tak sabar nak tunggu what's coming next.
Install Steam, and download Demo and you can play. Ada achievements untuk compared dengan semua orang satu dunia. lol.
No more cat naps for me on MM night, no way!
Kata BD tapi mintak 2 slurpees!
Oh tidak to Egg Benji! :(
LOL @ Debbs versus Iron-Mon and Seksi Serigala!
high 5, Ho Ho
That's why la panas gils...we need some rain...
Ye la, pegi nanti walk down the hill, time balik tu walk UP...tu yg payah tu..
Blackie memang cam tu, When it is time to work, blackie works hard.. when it is time to parteyyyyy, Blackie Parteeeyyyy Hard too. lol
Tu la Smokey the bear kucing LJ!
Hehe HC sama2 biru with WOAFS yay! :)
Ish miss lagi.. i went for dinner lah...
Dynomites repetitive tp addictive hehehe...menarik la Plants vs Zombies tu...nak Google la...
Yeah! Tied with the top choppers here, woo hoo! I cant wait to see who will win!
Hehheheheheh games ahem ahem mmg best kan Rizal? :)
Cute la Blackie, work amende nya? Tangkap tikus ke? Hehehe
I need to do chicken dance plus pula hoop la, exercise sikit sambil BD lol!
Happy farming Debbs!
Dah siap farming! :)
He he too many cats sampai u terkonpius Debbs!
Yeah tak larat la wan to walk uphill in this hot weather Debbs, duduk rumah je la tak yah gi 7-E!
hehehe konpius sebutan tu, hampir sama la Smokey and Blackie...Yenny's cat is Kiki...meowie!
Good for Blackie, rajin bekerja it seems lol!
Oh pi dinner ye LJ? Takpe still got posts to write later tonight, try and chop then kay? :)
Debbs and Ane jadi FB farmers LOL!
Kiki kalau tak silap oso nama kucing Emila!
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
How do you play this Friday fill-in thingy?
Recent blog post: Can You See Dead People?
Ohh ingat nama your kucing Emila
Macam best je Farm Town ni... nak join lah
LJ tak SSG ni, lambat nak chop
Blackie mengawan weekend je ke?
Oh you mean you gave the cat a new name Smokey ke? My cat dulu nama Smokey
Naik la keta Marzie, baru la boleh lazy to the max, takyah walk uphill
Games ahem ahem tu apaaa
Marzie, how come you're not in the scoreboard??
Takpe LJ, dinner tu penting
LJ ada kucing name Smokey ke, camne rupe?
Rizal, what do you mean by Blackie working hard? hahaha dia ada day job ke?
Walk uphill after that is good to lose the slurpee LOL
baru balik dari dinner, its really hot la out there...
LOL @ LOL @ Debbs versus Iron-Mon and Seksi Serigala!
Marzie, we'll see if you don't CATNAP on MM hehehe
Rizal, yeah I used steam dulu for HL2 and CS:S, but I was hoping game tu ada
on xbox, usually small games ni leh download gak.. you pay by points
Thanks for the O3P linkup Marzie :)
LOL @ unsangkarable!
but it is your nature to MMN!
but it is your nature to MMN!
Rizal, yeah dulu I use steam for game besar besar, I didn't know games kecik
kecik pun dah ada. Like now I don't play pc games much because I'm a full
time Xbox360 player. Xbox Live Arcade or XBLA is dorang nye service games
kecik2 macam steam ni la, you can download and pay with points.
Rizal, yeah dulu I use steam for game besar besar, I didn't know games kecik
kecik pun dah ada. Like now I don't play pc games much because I'm a full
time Xbox360 player. Xbox Live Arcade or XBLA is dorang nye service games
kecik2 macam steam ni la, you can download and pay with points.
Rizal, yeah dulu I use steam for game besar besar, I didn't know games kecik
kecik pun dah ada. Like now I don't play pc games much because I'm a full
time Xbox360 player. Xbox Live Arcade or XBLA is dorang nye service games
kecik2 macam steam ni la, you can download and pay with points.
Rizal, yeah dulu I use steam for game besar besar, I didn't know games kecik
kecik pun dah ada. Like now I don't play pc games much because I'm a full
time Xbox360 player. Xbox Live Arcade or XBLA is dorang nye service games
kecik2 macam steam ni la, you can download and pay with points.
Rizal, yeah dulu I use steam for game besar besar, I didn't know games kecik
kecik pun dah ada. Like now I don't play pc games much because I'm a full
time Xbox360 player. Xbox Live Arcade or XBLA is dorang nye service games
kecik2 macam steam ni la, you can download and pay with points.
Rizal, yeah dulu I use steam for game besar besar, I didn't know games kecik
kecik pun dah ada. Like now I don't play pc games much because I'm a full
time Xbox360 player. Xbox Live Arcade or XBLA is dorang nye service games
kecik2 macam steam ni la, you can download and pay with points.
Rizal, yeah dulu I use steam for game besar besar, I didn't know games kecik
kecik pun dah ada. Like now I don't play pc games much because I'm a full
time Xbox360 player. Xbox Live Arcade or XBLA is dorang nye service games
kecik2 macam steam ni la, you can download and pay with points.
Rizal, yeah dulu I use steam for game besar besar, I didn't know games kecik
kecik pun dah ada. Like now I don't play pc games much because I'm a full
time Xbox360 player. Xbox Live Arcade or XBLA is dorang nye service games
kecik2 macam steam ni la, you can download and pay with points.
Rizal, yeah dulu I use steam for game besar besar, I didn't know games kecik
kecik pun dah ada. Like now I don't play pc games much because I'm a full
time Xbox360 player. Xbox Live Arcade or XBLA is dorang nye service games
kecik2 macam steam ni la, you can download and pay with points.
Rizal, yeah dulu I use steam for game besar besar, I didn't know games kecik
kecik pun dah ada. Like now I don't play pc games much because I'm a full
time Xbox360 player. Xbox Live Arcade or XBLA is dorang nye service games
kecik2 macam steam ni la, you can download and pay with points.
Rizal, yeah dulu I use steam for game besar besar, I didn't know games kecik
kecik pun dah ada. Like now I don't play pc games much because I'm a full
time Xbox360 player. Xbox Live Arcade or XBLA is dorang nye service games
kecik2 macam steam ni la, you can download and pay with points.
Rizal, yeah dulu I use steam for game besar besar, I didn't know games kecik
kecik pun dah ada. Like now I don't play pc games much because I'm a full
time Xbox360 player. Xbox Live Arcade or XBLA is dorang nye service games
kecik2 macam steam ni la, you can download and pay with points.
apa bende chicken dance and hula hoop ni? ahhahahaha
Very BD for me tapi makan wantan mee tadi hahaha
Hahahah Debbs, what's your nickname then?
No need to walk downhill la, just roll down the hill, pastu nanti balik roll
uphill pulak
7-E Slurpee is my only anti-BD vice. Can't help it lah... tastes so good the
Sour Tangerine flavour i try semalam. Dalam panas panas memang best.
i pun ada al-rajhi card!
How do you make your own egg banjo? u need that acuan banjo kan? acuan benji
it seems
Hahahah Debbs, my mind very random thoughts oneee...
Hahahah Debbs, my mind very random thoughts oneee...
So kire you are one of the hardcore choppers also la Debbs
Have to semangat BD, if not i'll have to change my nick to roi69
Have to semangat BD, if not i'll have to change my nick to roi69
999 macam nombor nak call polis je
you just go to and fill in the blanks,
foong :)
Bukan I la nak walk uphill Bem!
Hey Foong, click on the FFI pic and you can get the questions there every Friday, have fun!
Monica! ;)
oh so u want to roll uphill instead?
So cute la acuan benji! Tak yah acuan macuan la Bem!
I had salad but my salad dressing not so nice la, new flava!
I had salad but my salad dressing not so nice la, new flava!
Welcome Bem, come chop again!
Rupa kucing Lj mcm smokey the bear hehehhehehehheheh!
Smokey the bear camne rupe?
Mcm bear yg smokey gitu Bem! ROTFLMAO!
ohh make fun ya, describe jugak how smokey the bear is cepattt
Mariuca! :* :*
omg 200 over comments in my inbox edi...all from BEM!!! =-O =-O =-O
what Iron-Mon?!
I'm having iced coffee now Mariuca :-P
Recent blog post: Hakka Noodles & Seremban Siew Pow
how you know all from me, Iron-Mon?
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!