I am late and I apologize but that doesn't mean I've forgotten about my wonderful Mariucans who have secured the top hot spots here at Wishing on a Falling Star in April. It was a hectic month for many bloggers, everybody seemed to be engrossed in their respective agenda and I was not excluded.
Thank you to everyone who visited and commented here and I am so pleased to finally crown my Top Mariucan of the Month with the Amazing Queen of April Award. Congratulations to the much loved, ultra friendly Shemah from My Sweet Escape who was also my Magical Queen of March!
I hope to see everyone and perhaps new faces here this month and I can't wait to see who will be my Majestic Queen/King of May, happy commenting!
1. Shemah - Amazing Queen of April Award + 1000 EC credits + 1 FOC Ad
2. Debbie - 500 EC credits
3. Monica - 250 EC credits
1. Shemah - Amazing Queen of April Award + 1000 EC credits + 1 FOC Ad
2. Debbie - 500 EC credits
3. Monica - 250 EC credits
Top Mariucan Overall
Debbie - 1000 EC credits + 1 FOC Ad
Top First Commenter
Monica - 1000 EC credits + 1 FOC Ad
Monica - 1000 EC credits + 1 FOC Ad
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1439 Newer› Newest»=-O =-O
WOOOHOOO!! THere i go again grabbing the top spot!
It seems I'm in the LCC again
Congrats Shem!!!
:* :*
Congrats to everyone! 8-) 8-)
Congrats Phatelara aka Debbs! LMAO!!! :* :* :*
Thanks for having me here, Marzie! :):):)
:'( :'( :'( missed it!!
Bem toppled me edi! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Congrats Queen Shemah! All hail QS!
gis me fais bem!!! LOL! FC2!! woohoooo!!
Recent blog post: Memories of New York!
Thanks for the linky loves and EC credits too. :)
Wah didn't know I was a top Mariucan.
Wah congrats Debbs!
congrats everyone!!!
Pura2 dunno izzit Bem?
hai fais hai fais isoraisss FC1 Shemah! Happy Birthday!
Looks like ladies ruling the court here LOL. i am going to see if i can get a guy in here this month LOL. ;)
Thanks Bem!! :-D
Congrats LJ! :)
where got toppled, just giving motivation for you, lepas ni I will hilang
from the scoreboards. Ala superhero has done his job like that.
Congrats Monica! :):)
Bill, I can humbly say that I am the male representative for May. We need
more kings!
Wait, I meant April!
Thanks you KB!! :-) :-)
Congrats Castaway!
Alahaaii.. being nice lah konon tuuuu.. give ppl motivasi to comment.. then
go off the radar gitu. what a touching story.. pencarian anak wayang gitu!!
LJ!!! Thank you so much!!
I agree Bem lets represent here 8-)
Hahaha we'll see if you sanggup menghilang after you're on top, Bem...Lol!!
Congrats to all the winners here. :-D :-D
Thanks Debbs!! Congrats to you tooooooooo!!
Hahahahahaahha debbs congratulate phatelara!!
Bem tu bagi motivasi tu. KONONZ!!
Go Bill!! Go Bill!
LMAO @ pencarian anak wayang!!! Hahaha Bem ada bakat jadi anak wayang wahahaha...
I'd love to see you kings try.
Shemah, biasa la, I am a drama king.
Yeah go Bill go Bill, running man time!
Oi betul la kasik motivasi ni!
Thanks Shem!! :):)
Debbs siap congratulate diri sendiri tu... hebat!
Hahaahhahha I know right debbs? it's hard to let go when you're on top!!
Hahahaha bem memang talented.. especially talented making up ampu comments!
Ridiculous ampu comments!
Congrats to you too Bill!
Oh wow, Shemah has again gave her ultimatum, for the 3rd time! And now to
the kings!
Thank you bill!!
Anak wayang? Hmm I wonder if its gonna be a hit show.
Yeahhh.. start representin' already!!
Saya sanggup menghilang demi memotivasi kawan-kawan disini. Itulah saya.
Hahahahah when bem dah guna oi tu he's in panic mode, debbs.. lol! like this
afternoon.. panic about AS!! LOL!
No la its easy for me because I'm humble
Its time for us to represent and show them. Yeehawww
Hahahahaha siapa lagi nak puji kalau bukan diri sendiri.
Hhahahaahahh . not an ultimatum laaa.. LOL!
Hahahahahahahaahha haaiii bem oh bem.. you make me laugh laaa.. "itulah
saya"?? seriously??? Hahahahahahah
Hahahah Shemah I give u new name la US - Ultimatum Shemah
Boleh puji Airport Stalker...
Thanks, I make people laugh. Itulah saya.
Ok motivation class is dismissed for today, see you guys for another great
power session later! Nite all! Congrats again to the trio!
Hahahahaha ultimatum Shemah lah pulak. hahahaa I have never received so many
nicknames in the span of a week.. tsk tsk tsk..
hmmm that sounds like a challenge Shemah LOL :-P
kodinye banyak nicknames Shemah ni hahahahahahahahahah
Hahahaha see it the way you want to see it, bill!! LOL!
Thanks for the motivasi!! LOL! Itu kamu!!
=-O =-O =-O
:* :* :*
Congrats Shemah! :)
aww...thanks for the ec credits Mariuca! :* :* :*
woo-hoooooo! 8-) 8-)
Thanks Debbs! ;) ;)
That's right, Shem! Heartpain oso if dethroned but it's all good! :)
Aiyo, Bem, ampu2 non-stop! Hehehe
Eceh ceh ceh...sanggup menghilang demi memotivasi kawan-kawan? Hehehe
Owh that "oi" is for Bem in panic mode rupanya hehehe
Pandai betul Shemah buat deductions about my oi
Menghilang untuk menyemarakkan rasa semangat di dalam kawan-kawan
Yes, I like to ampu but ampu for a greater good
Takde makna la lol!!
Ampu la if it makes you happy LMAO!!
Ampu dapat good points with Shemah hahaha
Let's see if you ampu, Shemah kasi good points for sure or not hehehe...drive safe!
Good morning Marzie!
Recent blog post: The Joys of being a KID
congrats to all winners. and thanks for the linky love. i can't believe i'm in the Top 10. :)
Recent blog post: The Joys of being a KID
Morning Debbs!!! LOL! Yeahh.. it's true.. tensi if dethroned but bukan apa2
pun kan debbs? it's all in good fun!! :-)
Hahahahahah ampu2 non stop debbs? tsk tsk tsk
Hahahahha ya bah kan debbs?? lucuuu betul that sanggup menghilang demi
memotivasi kawan2. haahhahaahahah
Hahahah yeaahhh.. oi is Bem in panic mode.. lagi his tweet to me.. oi oi
deleted already.. muahahahahahaha!! Double oi means double panic!
congrats to all!!! :* :* :* :* :* :* :*
Don be dethroned ladies! But not to worry, 2 more weeks lagi he he!
Yeah ladies, don't worry! You won't be dethroned!
Morning Bem! Mesti dah sampai opis ni! :)
Hey Emila! Happy weekend. :)
No, congrats to you Emila!
Oi is biasa la Shemah, but double oi is definitely panic!
Tak payah risau pasal tensi or fun, pasal saya akan menghilangkan diri for
kawan's sake
Who's worried?? I'm not worried.. I'm not!! Really. I ain't. Nope. Not me.
I'm not!!
I can't believe im in the top 10 either! congrats!
Lets see if I ampu Shemah she kasik good points? No need to let see, banyak
points dah tu, especially for the running man act hahaha
Ha ha u did it again Shemah, 2 taim queen edi here, kalau dapat this month hattrick woo hoo!
Congrats everybadehhhh.. Hey, anyone taking BS with coffee today?? I just taking BS plain and simple?? Bem, you want some of my BS?? LOL!
No BS for me Shemah, just black coffee without sugar pls, BD it seems lol!
Shemah, I ate some of my BS while driving tadi, but I finished my BS
already. Yeah sure, I'll take any BS you can dish out.
Wah wah dah BD dah.
Hahahahaha you really like BS, don't you?? LOL!
I say man betul lah you Marzie! Respect!! J came home from sending gollibuds
to school bearing F rice!! How????
It seems la dah BD Bem muahahhaha! Eh something wrong with EC la, yesterday I dropped 300 edi for MD and now it says 0 drops!!!!!!! Don la make me angers early2 in the morning!!!!
Mmmmmmmmmm so yum la F rice, dia nak pujuk u pasal smlm tu shemah h a ha! Ada sotong ke?
Haaa.. bem.. you bila nak start BD ni??? Btw, I had to go back to the post
and copy paste all my replies back on to the post.. LOL! Soooooooooooooooo
Oh no, I sense anger in Mariuca land. Are you sure ah, mine was 0 but I
didn't do any drops thats why.
Shemah, I'm an avid fan of BS, thank you. LOL
Why copy paste? what happened?
Alaaa!! I also angers ni marzie!! I login to technorati and says I have 0
claimed blogs!! Adaaakah patut!!
Im very sure Bem, as sure as I am that EC don wan to approve my cashout applikasi!!! Ni kena drop sekali lagi, and also my WOAFS (dah drop 50) now it says 0!!!!!
Hahahahaah no sutun lah marzieee.. he buy the F rice bungkus near our
place.. $1 but sedaaaaap..
Hahahahahah you ni kan bem.. tambah lah orang angers you mock GP's 0 drops!!
Tak patut. tak patut.. LOL!
No wonder laaa.. that's why you like to share your BS with everyone!
Wah EC is at war with you ka
tak la, tak mock dia la Shemah. No way. Sympathize is the righ word
I love sharing my BS, sharing BS is caring!
Bodohhh lah this thing.. I reply comments tadi.. tapi tak masuk the post..
went to the post.. and tgk2.. MCS!
Mmg tak patut la Bem, see me frantically dropping here padahal dah drop last night of coz la angers to da max!
Sedapnye FR seringgit sebungkus tu, tradisional mesti pakai daun pisang? :)
Marzie, takpelah, try your best dropping now. Sabar sabar.
MCS pulak? MEMANG BENGANG betul la, one after another, EC buat hal, JS buat hal, sape lagi nak buat hal hari ni? Don make me eat FR la like dis muahahahhahahha cari alasan to breakdown BD lol!!!!
Yeah, most of my comments don't go in JS kit sigh.
Same here also.. I dropped around 100 yesterday.. and 0 today.. stupid
stupid EC! Don't make me go all seasons of angen!! LOL!
You're righ bem!! TYPO!!! You're absolutely righ!!!!
Mine too Marzie.. and Jacq also complaining on twitter that hers is back to
0 as well..
Speaking about FR, check this out...
Hahha Shemah, you should sing Four Seasons of Angen, like B2M punya Four
Seasons of Loneliness
Arghhhhhhhhhh i meant to type righ!
Aiya..see I have to drop at my important blogs again now!
Eh this is BS! Why is mine back to 0 as well!
EC is just plain disgusting lah!!
Yep yep marzie!! :-) :-) Tradisional.. one enough lah!! If F rice like pilih
lauk one.. aiyoooooo.. become more F lah!!
Technorati ni buat hal marzie!!!!! It says I got 0 claimed blogs!!
See Shemah oso kena!!! ) drops kan it says?????? Angers or not now u Shemah??? Wasting our time only!!!!!
Aiyoooooooooooo wasted la my 300 drops yest for MD!!! BOO TO EC!
Tension lah like that.. when I feel like my email notification getting
slower then silent.. I check the post.. memang konpem MCS!! Urghhhh..
I oso kena! Anger!
Why cannot open the link, bem??
Hahahahahaahaahahah yeahhhh.. I'll sing that.. and then thunderstorm
hurricane kat sini.. and then I blame you ye??
Hahahahah but you DIDN'T type righ.. LOL!!! poor bem.
Yeaaahh!! My friend Jacq also kena!! Tantruming now!!L OL!
Cannot open ke, aiseh takpelah
Thanks MCS for making my day too!
Eee Shemah rubbing it in because of my typo it seems
Everyone oso kena!
Dah la just before 12pm! Its like hearing a spoiler 15 mins before
showtime!! its like hearing a spoiler while queueing at the cinema!
You mean they don't count at all?????
See Bem!!!! Now u understand how I feel right now!! Dah la habis drop 300!!! Faster drop on important blogs!
Hmm.. you can open the link is it?
Shemah, u didn get my reply on techno and the 0 claimed blogs???? Don worry, technical glitch je tu.
Yeah yeah yeah Lets’ all give angers tweet kat TF pasal MCS!!!!
I oso wan FR tradisi la now shemah hahahhaha! Hmmmmmmm……
I like FR tradisi Shemah, so harum and yum! Harum from the daun pisang smell ye, must explain myself before Bem pounces on me lol!
Yeah everyone oso kean, and for sure la ec akan mendiamkan diri sebab takde alas an munasabah untuk diberi kepada members! SERIOUS MERIOUS angers la now!!!!!!!
Hahahhahahahahaha betul betul Bem!!! Mmg spoiler maximum ni hahahhahahahha!
I dunno shemah but if it says 0, then tak count la kan?? ANGERS!
You're righ bem.. I am rubbing it in.. you're not wrong.. you're very righ..
I'm trying my best to drop now ish!
Hhahahahhahahahah macam nak sakat aku pasal spoilers je.
Can open, its a file you have to save. Flash file. Its silly anyway don't
worry hahaha
Unless kan, they changed their time? Like Daylight savings ke? 11AM now?
Wah boleh tahan jugak annoying Shemah and her righ ni. Congrats!
Go Bem Go, dah la buat FFI awal gils ha ha!
Hmmm.. I tried to drop on all my important blogs.. I hope I didn't forget
Marzie is angry but I cant seem to ignore the "alas an"
I like CFR
HAhahah mana ada sakat hahaha
FFI is the coolness!
I thought as much Bem, and I noticed that every time kalau ada ec problem like dis, the next day mesti one hour earlier dah start ec round…but then I checked stats…and it says 0 drops from me yesterday!
Nope.. I din get your reply on that techno!! MCS it seems!!
Debbs already unleashed last night her anger tweet about MCS!!
Me too, hope I didn forget MSE especially nak jaga throne!!! LATM oso, ROTP, CnS, semua kena jaga ni huhuhuhu!
Ala hhaha alasan la tu Bem bem Bem Bem!!!!
Hahahahahaha. LOL! Yesssshhh.. memang harum .. and memang sedap!!
Bem kena taip cepat sebab nak drop cepat oso, takde taim dah ni hahahahahha!
Everyone also KEAN marzie?? Kesiannnnnn!!
Come on!! Drop!! Don't forget MSE!! LOL!
Oh so ni memang blunder by EC la ni. Cekik EC! ARghhhh spoiler maksima kene
buat post macam Shemah ni. Just kiddin' ehehehe
I dah save.. but cannot open.. maybe I don't have flash player or sumfing..
HHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. yeaaaaaaaayyy!! I can stop now! Bem is FINALLY
annoyed.. phew.. that was hard.
takpe i can drop and taip cepat, terer saya ni
everyone also KEAN, I was looking for Kean, I thought ada orang nama Kean.
Typo ke tu?
Ohhh, takpe Shemah, its the most annoying thing ever anyway hahahhaha
Mmmmmg KEAn teruk la today by JS and EC hehehheheh! Adgi jugak baik, woo hoo!
He he debbs oso angers with MCS. U mean since last night ke???
Chisss, on a mission to annoy me it seems! You better don't have any typos
soon Shemah ahahahhaha
Bloody MCS la! I wrote u a nice long comment on techno shemah, anyway don worry techno having issues, so mine oso says 0 unclaimed blogs lol!
Tensi gils ni marzie!! But what about the credits? Deduct also is it?
I dropped edi at MSE!!!! Sape lagi ni? Mesti ada I lupa!
Kelakar la we three, complaining abt ec and js but still commenting and dropping hahhahahhahahha!
Typo yg disengajakan Bem just like MUAK!!
Ahhhh that one im not sure shemah!!!! Berapa credits u nak? Mai I bagi u hehehheheheh!
Go marzie!! You can do it!!
oh who typo'ed Kean?
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