It looks like rain again tonight. I can hear the rumbling thunder in the distance and am looking forward to a little breeze tonight. Rain doesn't bother me except when it's a thunderstorm with wind and heavy pitter-patter of the rain against my windows. Now that could get scary!
B is already asleep but I am still doing a little online shopping. Discovering Exspecto - shopping search engine earlier today has made online shopping so much easier and interesting for me. I now have yet another outlet to satisfy my online shopping, with over 2 million products from more than 500 webshops for my every whim and fancy! I love online shopping but don't get me wrong for I love shopping at malls just as much. But nowadays, with so much work to do and things to fend for at home, I prefer to save time and avoid the crowd in a shopping centre. Online shopping in the comforts of my own home is thus quite pleasing especially on a cold rainy night like this.
So why do I love online shopping so much? Well, why not? It's easy, it's convenient and the internet shops are open 24/7! Online bargains are also widely available and some of them can be pretty attractive, so much so that I sometimes end up buying something "unnecessary" simply because it's too cute to pass up at such a great discount.
The unmistakable smell and sound of heavy rain is finally here and I'm feeling hungrier by the minute! I doubt Mc Donald's will deliver in this heavy rain and even if they do, it will probably take more than an hour. Perhaps I should sleep away my hunger after all. Good night world!
=-O =-O
:-D :-D :-D
Right on time la u today ha ha! Congrats!
hhahahhaa... i also wanna tell u just now.. it's raining here!!!
thank dear!!! :* :* :*
Ha ha ha raining heavily here la Monica! So cold and cozy wozy!
:'( :'( :'(
Welcome sweetie, added 1 more point for u, now u are in the lead with 6 points woo hoo!!!
it's raining too here GP and Mon!!
cold nite.. syiok!!
Nite GP!!
alamak u want to order Mc D? I don't think they ll deliver :-P
and so nice to Zzzzzzzz right? lol :-D :-D
Oh no LJ in tears!! HUGS LJ! Ingat u dah lama dah zzzzzz! :)
wooooo hooooo!!! wah u SB is so long :-D :-D
It didn't rain here but last Sunday it did. It was just so perfect when I have my laundry done. :(
Anyway, good morning dear GP! :*
Recent blog post: Present!!
Also nice to sip coffee now hmmmmm….. early breakfast lol! :)
Raining in KL too LJ? Oooh best tu snuggle wuggle! How come not sleeping eh? Working late it seems LadyJava!
LJ!!! long time no see :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
ROTFLMAO!!! Dat’s why la Monica, first my mug-cake plan didn turn out, then cannot order MC D’s cause raining so might as well zzzzz muaahahaahhahaha!!!!
So long right my SB???? Dat’s why I couldn put my FCC BR underneath the SB! Ha ha!
Morning Ruby! You just woke up is it? Oh sorry to hear abt ur laundry lol, time to get a dryer Ruby! :)
i feel like eating curry puff
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
hahahhaha....go buy milk later so that u can make mug cake! :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
how come i didn't receive yr replies @ my inbox huh? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
Oh no! Curry puffs oso sounds good, esp the Ayamas ones, so nice and fluffy la! :)
Yeah la, dis LJ super busy nowadays, work work work! Come out and play LadyJava lol!
lol...yeah i saw yr FCC BR, next to it!! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
U mean replies here for this post? Check ur settings, make sure can accept emails and don forget to insert ur email add in my box here. :)
Yeah la but now no mood for mug cake edi LOL! Am gonna make B get me choc cake later, no need to make mug cake, terus buy from secret recipe ha ha ha!
Ayamas also got curry puffs? =-O
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
lol... LJ just come and chop and go :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
He he I like la my FCC BR, maybe I’ll use this widget for my other blogroll too! :)
Yeah!!! Got special curry puff and chic pie oso! U try la, am sure u will love the puffs, chicken curry puffs so yum I tell you LOL!!!
yeah replies here for this post! I insert my email add in yr box aldy.. errr..check which setting??
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
oh i love the choc cake frm SR la!! yum yum..
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
Biasa la LJ, nowadays so busy only come to chop lolz! Oh and drop ec I think he he! You done with ue EC edi or not Mon?
Check ur JS settings. Make sure tick receive email notifications.
i'm still doing my ec round.. what abt u mariuca?
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
aiyo i must go try la like that...i love curry puff!!!
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
Yum yum indeed Mon! I like the banana choc oso!
I’m done YAY! Now buying ec ads lol! Still no news on the cashback system la! Hmmmmm…..
U better ask R to get u some tomo, then later tell me YUM or not! He he! The pastry is so fluffy, which makes it so much nicer than the usual curry puff! ;)
hmmm i thought all yr BR widgets are the same?
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
i just received all yr replies mariuca!! my god so slow la >:o
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
You see at my left sidebar….can see under Mariuca’s Friends… see the drop down menu, which I oso like btw! :)
peanut butter cups memang excellent la, so glad they brought it here, and
good price too
oh don't forget to restore...hahahhahh :-D :-D
I love online shopping for one reason..
You can get things that you won't be able to find in your country/state.. ;)
Ohhhhhh so slow receipt, oka ok so long as u got the replies! Dunno la why sometimes slow to receive replies hmmmmm!
yelah no news yet!.. btw, MPG is @ TUO today! 8-) 8-)
Oh I agree!!! Finally they arrived here, been waiting or not last time selalu kena kirim ppl! :)
He he thanks sweetie, restored edi! :)
ohhhh...!! i prefer the one that u use for yr FCC BR instead of the drop down menu :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
hahahha ok i will ask him to go buy..
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
Yeah!! I noticed just now, forgot to mention woo hoo! When is WOAFS going to appear eh? Did I buy an ad recently? Forgot la!
Oh yeah!! That’s another great reason Cashmere!!! I get some of my perfumes online too, those that are hard to find here woo hoo! :)
That’s why la I’m enticed to change my other BR Mon ha ha!
i also cannot remember check first :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
that's why la.. luckily still manage to
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
eh eh chop!! not shop...hahhahhahh...
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
YAY, enjoy ur puffs tomorrow. Me too gonna get some la like dis, maybe forgo the choc cake lol!
Ha ha ok u check, sometimes hard to keep track of all my ads, I buy everywhere lol!
Ohhh ha ha chop! Of coz!!! Hey ur recent post seems to be okay here. ;) ;)
change la mariuca... that widget looks nicer!
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
lol... i want the choc cake also.. aiyo me eat non-stop...hahhahha...
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
Ha ha ha ha enticing me to change lagi!! Yeah I feel like changing, but so lazy la to put all the links again lol!!! Maybe after I wake up later! Got many links la me! :)
where is yr feedburner counter mariuca? i can't find..
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
Actually I oso wan both ROTFLMAO!!!!! We’ll see later but for sure I wan the puffs he he! Must buy early, cause always habis cepat u know!
yelah i noticed that u hv so many diff types of BR :-D :-D
There….together with my RSS dolly..can see or not?
i must start buying ads also.. coz i hardly buy la
LOL! Dat’s why lazy to change to the new BR widget, even though I like it ha ha! Wait la when I’m free then I’ll change the BR later lol! :)
yeah after i updated CL i guess!! :-D :-D
Oh must buy more ads definitely, I buy almost every day u know lol, dats why must drop like a mad woman so can get credits to buy ads! ;)
Ok Mon, I’m done with my EC shopping edi and B oso getting ready to go to work oh no! Better zzzzzz now, see u in a few hours! Nite nite sweetie, thanks for the company! :)
ohhokok i saw it! when u err how to say..move yr feed or sthing like that, did u change the counter??
ok nite nite mariuca...cya!! :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
WOAFS is going to appear @ 4/22 7:18 ;) :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
I love yr RSS dolly!! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Rock Your Body
it's raining in your place whereas here in the Philippines it's really summer... ;) good day!
Recent blog post: PERIPHERAL VISION…
It's Good Morning here :)! Your post made me hungry.
Recent blog post: Mellow Yellow Monday & Ruby Tuesday: F.U.N.
I slept my hunger away too, last night! LOL! :-D :-D :-D
Oh, I love thunderstorms Marzie! :-D and the sound of heavy rain and the whistling of the wind, it is scary, but I love the thrill! :-D
Wow, you're raking in the assignment aren't you :D I have practically nil for ages now ... siggghhh ...
Recent blog post: A Hairy Tale ...
Oh yes, shopping online in your cozy home office is definitely more enjoyable than a crowded mall. So, no McDonalds? :-P
Recent blog post: Return To Office Fashion Blouse
Ha ha you are so right Irene and thanks for visiting me again! :)
Oh no Mc Ds la, it continued to rain way into 9am and by that time I was already asleep lol!
LOL Nick!!!! Me on a pos berbayar (PB) frenzy la ha ha, might as well take while they’re handing them out. Anyway, this is a small PB only and I hope u get some soon too! Spiffy writing for Payu right? How’s that coming along eh?
Good morning Rosidah! Ha ha ye ke u got hungry reading my post, oh so cute! Wait till u see my real food posts then, with pics and everything LOL!! :)
Summer in the Philippines! How’ it like there right now Feron? So you’re busy working or just chillin’ this summer? :)
I oso love my RSS dolly la Monica, and will also get one for my cat blog later he he he! :)
Oh lama lagi eh Mon? Ok, am sure u will remind me again when WOAFS appears at TUO, thanks sweetie!
I’m back Monica, u still out? And did u get the Ayamas puffs or not? LOL!
I didn’t change the counter, u mean now got new counter is it?
Must be la, yay!
I buy online often at ebay, do you buy at ebay too Mariuca?
WIshing you a good night, gosh that conversation at 6 am was the best! ;) ;)
Recent blog post: Kirishima Shuzou - The sake
:* :* :*
mariuca i thought ve to change the counter also la >:o
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - no eye look
WOW! Monica just arrived lol!
haha sure! will remind u when WOAFS appears at TUO :-D :-D
adgi is ok now! :)
I didn't get the Ayamas puffs today coz R made pizza :-D :-D
hehe...get one RSS meow! :-D :-D :-D
Mariuca!!! I was watching MDG just now :-P :-P
Yeah ok edi, I finished dropping for adgi, you?
I just started!!! lol... today how many blogs huh?
WOW! R made pizza from scratch???
Oh how was MDG???
Mon today 50 blogs! I am dropping ec now! :)
now left 5 girls only...:-D
yeah me too dropping ec and adgi! ohhok 50 blogs!!!
I’m done with ec Mon yay!!
I watched AI la today Mon, got 7 ppl left now hah ah a!
wah so fast la u mariuca!!
oh ya today got AI huh!! :-D
Wat so fast ha ha ha slow la, baru je habis lol! But I started late oso. :)
Yeah and I caught the repeat cause went out earlier! :)
LOL no need to change counter la Monica ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha JL!!! Glad u enjoyed our 6am conversation, I actually read back my conversation with Mon and was LOL all the way la! :)
Oh I used to buy from ebay JL but it’s been ages since my last purchase. :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!