Though I'm not a hardcore Kimora fan, I do catch her reality show Life in the Fab Lane. If I happen to be in the living-room browsing through the channels and it lands on Kimora, I'd surely watch her ridiculously spoiled antics; they make for pure fun entertainment sometimes.
The dreamer that I am, I love catching glimpses into the lavish lifestyle of this iron lady; managing her business whilst maintaining her role as a devoted mom to two adorable girls. The way she runs her business or household might be questionable to some, but I think it's her harsh no-nonsense attitude that makes it work. With her team of publicists, managers, stylists, fashion designers and family to give her all the support she needs, Kimora is now the most glamorous CEO of Baby Phat, her own clothing-line!

Baby Phat by Kimora Lee Simmons has successfully positioned itself in the fashion world as the premiere female hip-hop brand. From Junior and Plus Size to Footwear and Handbag, Baby Phat is all about sassy, sexy, and stylish! Both Kimora's daughters are models for the Baby Phat kids collection and judging from the former's dedication and determination, I daresay her two young beauties are well on their way to following their mom's success; in both the looks department and business sense!
I dropped by Baby Phat online and fell in love with her Baby Phat Jacket range! And since I'm into sportswear nowadays, I could not help imagining me in this lovely black outfit! It's gotta be black of course, if you know what I mean?

«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 299 of 299 Newer› Newest»Ahhhhh finally someone who knows Kimora!! Morning Rozie!!! :)
Oh yeah I love the clothes too Rozie, now I need to be a skinny winny vegetarian like u first to look totally good in them he he he! ;)
Awwww...thanks for thinking of me when you're enjoying the corn cup, GP! :):)
I can't really join your pink buddies club, Jean. But I do make pink cards. Lol!!
That is the cutest, tak suka pink but make pink cards, thanks for catering to the pink lovers Debbs! :)
Of coz la Debbs, cakap pasal corn cup je, terus I craving and order midnight snack ha h aha, must la think of u! :)
Hehehe...thanks Marzie. Sorry for being angers here earlier lol!! I hope no one complained.
Awww...hugsy! :)
I love Kimora! And baby phat!!
I love kerang also!!
Fried Kerang? Never heard that one Mon!
me too, mon! usually i eat the one which are just boiled in normal water. More like just blanch in normal water then dip wt lime chilli. :)
Hah.. ni dia LJ
Replying to 10000000 comments in Mariuca's folder..lol!
Ahaks! Sorry LJ byk comments, delete je kalau too many LOL!
Hahha.. cannot delete mah.. otherwise don't know what you guys are yakking
about!! Lol!
wah, mon, u eat ulam? it's just raw vege, right?
Kerang is so delicious!! but must have the lime chili!!
Aiyooooo sempat tak to zzzzz ni!!!! OIAM mcm dah nak start je sat lagi Debbs!
aiyo, so bad lar yr sinus, marzie! *HUGZ* for u!
eh, kerang bakar? tak pernah makan lar me, marzie!
Lol.. eh lagi three jam!! Go and sleep lah!!
Bukan 9.30pm ke GP?
Never Jean? It’s like kerang rebus but dry of coz!
poor me lar, marzie! i think the connection at my place sux lar. When i am at my future in law's, like now, the connection is excellent. That;s why i am trying to clear my inbox now. So, you'll see me answering to the old replies here. hehe :)
Thanks Jean! Sometimes really terrible, dats why mmg no mood to do anything if I get a sinus attack! :(
9.30 pm la, I tulis apa ye????
hahahaha.. yalar, marzie! must know when to take out our secret weapon mah! hahha! :-D
You tulis 9.30pm lah.. but you say macam nak start dah.. tu yg confius tu!
Ohhhhhhhhh tenkiu for clearing dat up for me LJ, I dah merapu dah ni….sebab tak todur kan. Go GP Go! Eh eh angkat bakul again ni, who wants to cheer me on! I have sikit je lagi I to do! ;)
GP, you cakap OIAM mcm dah nak start lol!!
Go GP GO. GO GO!!!!
Lol Debbss tulah!! Confius kita kan!!
Me GP me! Go GP go!! Wah Sean Ghazi and Syafinaz sang live for the contestants lah! Woohoo!!
*HUGZ* to you, marzie! Get some sleep, k! :)
YAY! Tenkiu Debbs!!!! Eh I told B to get me the An W wrap LJ mensi just now for dinner. Apa flava ada LJ?
I hope she does her best lah tonight! So sayang lah! But they were complaining about one female contestant la...
Me no likey Syafinaz!
LJ oso cheering yay!!! Tenkiu guys, sikit je ni….ahhhh but so hard to reach the end!
Hehhee..yelah.. better buck up!!
Hiya Jean
Ohhhhh he he he blm lagi debbs, 9.30 nanti!! I kan tgh gils ni, cakap pun takbetul! Tapi pun salh2 nak cepat!
Trying to Jean, I wanna zzzzzzzz!
The end of the tunnel is near Gp. Dig GP Dig!!! Lol
I can see the light for your already!!!
Go GP go! You can do it! :) Oh I know what songs they're gonna sing tonight! Lol!!!
Taip - tapi
Salh2 - salah2
LJ so cute lah your SAYANG jadi SAYING lol!! Nanti A taknak bangun hehehe..
Wat song Amylea and Tomok singing Debbs???? Esther??
haha, trying, marzie? then what are you doing replying to my comment. You're suppose to lay down on bed now! lol! :*
Ha ha ha yeah I can see the light too!!! Ish so close!!!
Satu je ye? Ok apa inside lagi? Potatoes? Ok ok I am gonna have that tonight LJ! :)
Lah.. yeke?? Lol!!! Hehehe
No wonder lah dia tak bangun..lol!
Eh why no likey syafinaz?
Sape eh?? I tak tgk diary la!! Termiss!
Hehhehe.. GO GP GO!!!
Go towards the Light!!!
Ada kentang and chicken kot.. tak ingat lah.. alamak .. I really feel like
having that now.heheheh
Azwaj.. bangun lah SAYANG!!!!
I am finishing up my work Jean!!!! Then want to watch OIAM at 9.30, dunno got time to zzzzz or not! Ok ok shhhhhh buat kerja la, reply comments pulak me LOL!!!
Me no likey her voice..!!
And macam terror jer.. that day I saw perform on studio 1.. she sucks big
Lol GP!!
Go GP Go.. Go towards the light.. the end is near.lol!!!
This week, they're gonna sing songs by the opposite gender lah hahaha.. ;) Tomok is gonna sing a song by Melly Goeslow. Esther - Won't Go Home Without You (Maroon 5), but diorg tak show la Amylea pilih lagu apa.
Nine is gonna sing Karma lah, GP! I hope he does well. Risau ni for him!
Suspense element tu Debbs!
hahaha.. so many things to do but so little time, rite marzie! hehe... like that ar, let me make one coffee for u! Hope this will help u keeps awake! Enjoy! :)
GP sedang bertranslasi!! heheh
Lol LJ! A better bangun now hehehe...
yay!! im rooting for tomok!! :)
Lol. tulah but cian dia.. tidor lewat tadi.. but will wake him up soon :-)
Apa lah nama depa ni pelik2. what happened to names like Jean, Debbie,
Marzie, Emila.. LadyJava.. nape lah pija lah.. tomok lah. ish ish ish!
Eh eh Jean rooting for tomok it seems ha ah ahaa! Tomok not bad eh Jean?
Tomok the Momok!!! ;)
hahaha nama glamer la kot LJ! Lol!!
Go Tomok go! Go Amylea go! Go GP go! :):):)
Go GP Go
Go chocolate go
Go mayang sari go
Go Debbie Go
Go Jean Go!!
All go towards the light!! Lol!
Tak glamour pun.. tomok sounds like momok and momok kan hantu!! loL!!
You made me laugh out loud la LJ! Go chocolate go lagi! :):):)
hehe.. of coz marzie! tomok cute lar. I've heard nessa said he's not bad mah!! so tomok go tomok!! :)
hahaha.. momok sounds so girly cute lar! :-D
lol!! yay!! thanks LJ!!!
Go GP Go
Go chocolate go
Go mayang sari go
Go Debbie Go
Go Jean Go!!
aiks!!! LJ, serious lar! momok tu hantu ar?
Yelah..Jean.. momok tu hantu!!
yeah jean! I eat ulam, raw vege... i eat with sambal belacan la....
eh, mon, i dun like ulam lar. Like the raw long bean, and cabbage. ><
Sorry to say, Kimora is a self-centered idiot.
I love ulam, Jean!! High five, Mon!! :)
haha.. maybe im not used to ulam, debbs!
I can take raw veg.. but I got quota.. cannot take too much .. later ah I
puke you know!
Thanks for the cheer LJ! I love it! :)
Hi Debbs, dah watch OIAM? :)
Hope ur connection gets better Jean, when u wan to change to wimax? :)
Marzie, blm check lagi OIAM got edi or not online today hehe...afters I check ya. Hehe..
He he okies! I think my fave yest ..amylea and esther je debbs. But u watch then dikusi! ;)
Hopefully can watch soon la...hehehe...my connection pulak slow if midnight like right now, so must check later. :):):)
My connection damn slow tonight Debbs! :(
my connection is so-so, marzie! still can reply my emails. :)
Reply emails no prob Jean but dropping is crazy, so slow!
My connection is pretty fast now..it was lambat macam kura-kura (slow like tortoise) just now. :):)
ok, marzie~ im going to bed now!! Good nite!! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!