My TC widget is finally back and functioning properly again woo hoo! :)
After my previous angry post, I was all set to vent again in my next post, which would have been this one. I was going to whine about my TC widget, which had gone haywire since two weeks back. Apparently the problem stemmed from a recent Blogger update which messed up the comment feed and caused most of my current commentators to be kicked off the list and replaced with my older commentators.
I had almost given up on the widget and was about to remove it from my blog when it finally returned to normal today! That was a pleasant surprise and it made a nice ending for my blogging week. So without further ado, I am going to thank my Top 10 Mariucans right now just in case the widget decides to act up again! :)
THANK YOU very much to my Top 10 Mariucans for the month of December. As always, I had a wonderful time reading your comments. I enjoyed the love, chat, comments, complaints and EC updates we shared last month and I hope to see u again in January!
I am so sleepy right now; think I'll call it an early night. Have a good weekend everyone. :)
LadyJava (1000 EC)
Emila (500 EC)
Grandy (250 EC)
Posted at 10.09 PM
* The first person to leave a comment on any post title that ends with a star will receive a link back to his or her blog for being my first commentator!

Wah lucky TC widget ok otherwise GP throw tantrum some more..hehee...
Yeay!! me first me first and me top me!!
Hmm.. time for me to do mine also.. eh so that JSKit boleh keep track of TC lah kan.. awesome!!
Nite nite dearie... me dozing off too.. :)
Lucky your TC widget is back funtioning properly again! : )
LJ, Yeah, I think it's time you do yours too :)
Marzie, glad your TC functioning again. Last week has been a very busy week for me. I will try to monitor my TC widget this week :)
You've squashed BlogExplosion... they seem to have gone belly up today, their site is gone, their banners are gone, their stuff is gone...
Glad to see you got your TC widget back to work... I want to see if it updates every time I leave a comment now... and then I'll have lots more to say. We're supposed to be snowed in all weekend, so the blogosphere is lookin' good.
Oh, and happy weekend to you! It's my Friday night, so it's almost time for you to wake up and get some delicious brekky on Saturday morning...
Yay... I talk, it types! Your TC widget is back in business.
YAY! Congrats LJ, dah lama u tak FC here kan? He he! Enjoy ur avatar ride here woman! :):):)
LJ! Welcome back as my Top Mariucan, just in time for the new year eh? Ah so happy I got my widget back, boring tul tau takde widget TC lol!
Oh yeah! Your comment box counts the comments and also can put html links there YAY! Macam enticing me je it seems now he he he! :):):)
Nite nite LJ! I am oredi up, behaving like normal ppl lol! Hey, u wan me to put ur makeover button or ur LJL button as my TC for Dec here? Lemme know. ;)
That's right Foong, happy day for me to see my widget back in biz yeeha! :):):)
Morning Blue! I'm happy for me too he he he! Suddenly only it returned to normal yesterday, so happily did my post cepat-cepat YAY! Happy weekend. :):):)
LOL Roxy!!! Oh what happened to BE now? No more site? He he, maybe they were down then, I'll come see later lol! ;)
Roxy, I'm thrilled to get my widget back PHEW! I was gonna remove it already this weekend ha ha! Oooooh more snow for a nice snowman if ya know what I mean! ;)
Roxy, I slept before midnite yest!! Can u believe that? I was so tired and sleepy so immediately went to bed after this post. I didn't sleep the whole night the day before, so I had no choice but to visit the sleep bank yest he he! Anyway it's Sat here, MORNING! :):):)
Congratulations to all the Top 10 Mariucan droppers.
Especially to LJ, Emila and Grandy!!
And yeah, I'm so happy that my TC widget is running smoothly again! Starting this month, I'll be featuring my top commentors and droppers too!
Thanks Shemah, I am so happy to get my widget back. A great way to start my weekend. :)
Oh YAY, lucky I've been dropping my ECs at ur waaaaaatch me try to be tops there he he! :):):)
Can't believe you're up oredi (is that some sort of Mariucan lingo... oops I mean Malaysian) is about 8:30 Friday night here, girls want to watch a dog movie on the Disney channel and I'm still working with Rex... but thankfully on the couch in the family room.
Looks like we're going to get 5-8 inches of snow, but it may not be good for snowmen, too icy? We'll see. Maybe a photo opp for BEAR-iuca with a snowman?
BlogExplosion is still down... that'll teach them to mess with Mariuca!
Ohhhhh ha ha ha! Roxy, are u referring to oredi? LoL! Well, it's supposed to be already. Although oredi is not a real word he he! ;)
I am waiting for B to wake up so we can go have breakfast outside.
BEAR-iuca with a snowman??? That would be the ultimate Roxy! I'd love that! :):):)
BE is still down?? I wonder what's wrong now, but yeah..I hope the new owner is cleaning up the mess and answering all the tickets as we speak! ;)
morning marzie! yeehaa, im still one of mariucan top 10! thanks dear!! :) Happy Saturday to u & B! :)
Morning Jean! Yes you are still a Top 10 Mariucan, I'm so happy too! Congrats sweetie and happy weekend to u and M of coz. :):):)
Cngrats congrats to everyone!!
Marzie I have to be more rajin and come here more often so I can earn more EC for my new blog! Hehehe
Now I only have 20 plus! Hehehe
Jia you! Jia you!
Rozie, thanks for congratulating my winners. Hope to see u on the list for Jan he he! :):):)
Rozie! Hah? 20 plus ec credits only?? I give u some wan or not? He he! ;)
OK, BlogExplosion is back up and I'm going to bed...I was going to vote for LJ first but no one is brave enough to take her on. So let me know if they answered your ticket while they were down... I think the last time they had a big outage they updated everyone's thumbnails... and SpicyBug got someone else's thumbnail!
i hope this month i can make it to your list! :D
but seeing that so many people are up for the challenge i think i'm going to have a hard time... :P
but i can hope, can't i? :D
Marzie - OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahaha Okay, that came out wrong, like I was replying a comment at my blog pula!
Where was I again? Oh yes!
Marzie I don't believe you!!!!!!! I checked my EC just now and suddenly out of nowhere got 1000 extra?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much sweetie!!! Wow... I am just so speechless! *big bear hugs*
You are such a doll and I just don't know how to repay you.....
Is there anything I can do?
Thank you thank you and a million times more thank you!!!!!
*hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs*
I'm so glad you got your TC widget back hun and I'm still a Top 10 Mariucan! ;-) Yay!
congrats to the top 10 mariucans.
have a sizzling saturday, dear!
LJL is famous everywhere. She's like the first to comment in every blog I hop tonight. LOL
Amen to that!!.. and I'm still!!
congratulations to the top droppers! :)
Yihaaa.. GG is here today...hhehehe.. come one come all for the latest gossip!! hehehe
We are totally snowed in... London and Maddie did make it to their first basketball clinic this morning, but it has been snowing since we picked them up at the school. Maybe 3 inches on the ground so far and a promise of another 5 to 8 inches tonight.
So tonight we'll have a roaring fire in the living room and a family game of Scrabble. Tomorrow will be sledding and snowman day.
I came over your adgitize ad..heheh.. looking good!!
Eh, eh.. I am there too! Hehehe.. There seems to be bug in my firefox. Some of the pictures are showing while others not. Sigh..
Anyway, thanks for the link love GP! lovely. hehe..
i was also thinking of joining blog explosion but after i read your post the other day, i changed my mind.
Marzie it's back to work for me tomorrow! Just enjoying my final day at home hopping around. :)
Woohoo! I'm #8 already! Go go go! Fight fight fight! Hahahaha
mariuca! ive got a pleasant surprise for you! ;)
TC widget is really back! I gave it up when it acted weird.
The messy coding at Blogger is causing my other widgets to act funny too. :(
Thanks for this interesting post. I read about the TC list and I want one too!
I really like the idea of rewarding top commentators with a mention.
Congrats to your top EC winners. I don't stand a chance over here! LOL!
Oh btw, you've been tagged again by me!
*runs and hide in fear*
yay! am number 2!!! wohoo! thanks for the linky love dear!
and thanks for the ec credits yeah! love you!
I could see top mariucan of the week @ mymariuca too! ;-)
Hey Roxy, thanks for the BE update. I'm so jealous listening to u and LJ happily voting for each other on BE boo hoo! And guess what? I checked my account when I got ur comment here, but no such still waiting for approval from admin! :(
Hi Ane, I hope to see u on my TM list too for Jan, all the best sweetie! :):):)
Ane, of course there's still hope for u to get on the list, u are just too cute ha ha! It goes up and down for my commenters here and there will always be room for new commenters to enter the chart! :)
LOL Rozella!! When I first got ur OMG comment, I was panicking oso la, like what's wrong?? Ha ha ha!!! :):):)
Rozie, pls no worries abt the credits okay? I do have a lot to spare since I drop 300 daily for both blogs kan? And since u said u only have 20 credits, I was like..what?? How to go EC shopping like dat? Ha ha, enjoy them credits sweetie, have a blast! :):):)
Rozie, I expect nothing in return and here's a big HUG for you. You deserve the credits for always cheering me up with ur comments here, love ya! :):):)
LR! Thanks for congratulating my Top 10 Mariucans. Hope to see u make an appearance on the list one day, happy Tuesday! :):):)
Hi Farah! LJ is not only famous, she is also very LaJu! Love LJ! :):):)
Thanks Blanne, have a great week! :)
LJ, thank you for advertising GG here. I see she is really getting lotsa good drops daily, good job woman! :)
Roxy! Sledding and snowman time sure sounds cool. I bet u had a blast with the girls and thanks for the sad snowman LOL! ;)
LJ! U know, I have yet to see my ad on any Adgitize blogs, but I am receiving hits from them. Thanks for dropping by via Adgitize, best jugak ni, but cuma must pay for the service la. ;)
Blue! You are still on my Top 10 Mariucans list, congrats and keep them comments coming! :):):)
No worries Blue, enjoy ur linky love and thanks for all ur comment love here. Happy Tuesday. :)
Really Liza? I wish BE will approve my account soon, but fat chance so perhaps it's a good thing u decided against joining them! ;)
Rozie, I hope u are having a good work week on your end. It looks like a busy one for me, suddenly only got many jobs coming in he he! ;)
Rozie! U are number 6 today! And number 3 on my weekly list woo hoo! :):):)
Blanne! I won I won! Thanks so much sweetie, I just love being featured he he, you made my day with your comment here! :):):)
ECL, that's right! TC widget is back and working perfectly again YAY! Are u gonna put it back at your blog? :):):)
ECL, thank goodness I am not experiencing any other widget problems aside from the TC widget, which has also been solved now. Hope ur widgets start behaving soon! ;)
Hola Running Mommy, thanks and welcome to Mariuca's blog! :)
Giving my top commenters some linky love is definitely a good thing. I appreciate my commenters so much so I make sure I show them just how much every month. :):):)
Thank you Carlos, I will return your visit as well. Have a great day! :):):)
Hi Nick! Now that I have a weekly TC widget here, u surely got chance to get on the list he he!
Thanks for the tag Nick, I must balas dendam soon, if ya know what I mean? LOL! :):):)
Emila! Congrats dear, you are number 2 this month! See u back here in Jan? :):):)
Enjoy ur EC credits Emila, u deserve them after a month of hard commenting here! :)
YAY! Thanks for noticing Mon and you are also on the weekly list woo hoo! ;)
Holy Macaroni Batman!! I have no idea how I managed to still make it into your top ten.
Let alone your top 3! Woot WOOT!!
Congrats to LJ for regaining her throne.
She is one cookie commenter. :)
YAY to all the top 10 Commenters!!!
Wait...did I call LJ a cookie?
I meant to call her KOOKY. UGH...was multi-tasking.
I'm glad your Widget has been fixed, Marzie!!
Oh and BOOYAHH on this being 100th comment!!! :)
Wah, congrats to LJ, Kak Emila and Grandy! :):)
HEY Phatelara!!! We've missed you TONS!!! :)
Hey EVERYONE!! Debbs is here!! Hugs to DEBBS!!!
Hi Grandy! Thanks so much for still being on my Top 10 List, you rock woman! I hope u will remain here for the longest time, keep me company and cheery with ur funny comments! :):):)
Grandy, thank you as well for the 100th comment here! I love all ur comment love for me and I'm glad u got to say hello to Debbs at this post yay! Hugs all around! :):):)
Thanks for congratulating my winners Debbs, love ya! :)
I will need an exhibition space that will accommodate all 3 aspects of this project, obviously some sort of screen display and also a form of display for the book
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!