I finally did it YAY!! After much talking and contemplating about having my own domain, I finally got around to purchasing my very own domain name for both Wishing On A Falling Star and Mariuca's Perfume Gallery! Mind you, it was not planned or anything. As usual whenever I feel like doing something new, it would most likely stem from a spontaneous decision, which was what happened yesterday while I was talking to my buddy LJ! :)
After bouncing off a few emails to each other, my midnight buddy and me got to talking about moving my blogs to my own domain. I do this dance with LJ every few months actually! Whenever one of my friends boasts about having a new domain of their own, I'd surely shoot an email to LJ asking her how to go about doing it LOL! And again, she'd patiently explain to me what all this means and the procedures I'd need to go through in order to move my blog to my own domain. So yesterday, after really understanding the truth behind the domain move and what will happen following that, I decided to take the plunge and make that switch!
Of course, I had LJ to assist me every step of the way, and I decided to go with GoDaddy as recommended by her. I was worried the process was going to get me all confused (which it did!) but thanks to LJ who guided me step by step, the move to my new domain was done in a jiffy, upon purchasing my domain names!
So yes, my PR is now a big fat 0 and I lost all my Techno ranking and Alexa too, which saw me busy writing in to all the blog programs I'm registered under to have my URL changed to the new one. Surprisingly however, I am not too upset about that at all! What I can say for certain is that I am really excited at the idea of finally having my very own domain name and am looking forward to enjoying the greater exclusivity, credibility and mobility that come with having my own domain name. I can't wait to have my own email address too he he! I will of course work slowly towards building up my PR again and I sincerely hope everyone who is on my blogroll for both my blogs will provide me some assistance by changing my old URL to the new one, which I am so proud to present below!
Unfortunately for me, I could not get the name Mariuca or MPG as my domain names seeing that they've already been taken, so after much thinking, I purchased the best one available. Allow me now to present my new blog address for Mariuca - http://www.mymariuca.com and the new URL for MPG - http://www.mariucasperfume.com! YAY me ha ha ha! Excuse me for being excited, but I just can't help it! After countless times seeing many of my friends moving their blogspot blogs to their own domain, I too can finally join in their excitement and let me tell you, the feeling is simply awesome! :)
So PLEASE kindly change my current URL at your blogroll to the new address mentioned above, it will hopefully help me get back my PR by the time Mr. G does another round of PR update! THANK YOU so much for your time and cooperation peeps, Mariuca loves ya! :)
Posted at 3.29 PM
* The first person to leave a comment on any post title that ends with a star will receive a link back to his or her blog for being my first commentator!
* The first person to leave a comment on any post title that ends with a star will receive a link back to his or her blog for being my first commentator!

Yihaa!!! lol.. ok reading now!
Yeah.. you made the move.. you made the move.. congrats dearie!!
Let me be the first to congratulate you on your two wonderful domain names!!
I was so glad you decided to change.. dont worry your PR and techno would follow soon.. I dont doubt that for a minute..
See.. the process was not that scary right??
Hi Mariuca.
It´s a great step ahead. Congrats for your new domain names!
A good Sunday. xx
Again!! Congratulations dearie.. I brought a bouquet of lilies for you!!!
Yay! Congrats for moving to your new 'house'. :)
Oh yeah.. FYI.. I already changed my the url for BOTH your blogs ya.. and as a special tribute.. you know my TRUE BLUE bear post.. I changed the links to your new blog as WELL!!!
So peeps if you love Mariuca and I know you do.. please help her get back her PR and techno ok.. It just takes 2 minutes of your time...
Oh I've also fave you already on Techno ya :)
Congratulations on your own domain, Mariuca! You'll get your PR and other rankings back soon ;)
Hola Marzie, congrats! Now I bingung, how to tukar all your links at my blog? :P
Debbs.. let me answer for GP..hehe
what she meant is to change blogroll and stuff.. also links from now on dearie..
Like for you .. you have that badge of her Mariuca kan.. so be great if you can change that ya :)
Thanks Debbs.. I'm sure GP would appreciate that :)
hehhehe.. unofficial webmaster ni..lol!
Congrats on your own domain. Ouch on the PR. But knowing your popularity, it will climb up in no time at all!!
Have a Great Sunday!!
congrats GP!! that is really a great and big news aside from B is now OK.
anyway, your PR will surely climb up. no worries and so as the other rankings.
hugs and kisses to GP!
Congrats to you!! Wow this is great!! Oh my what would all of us do without LJ?
I have copied down your new addy and will change asap.
Couldn't sleep so I am dropping...see you at MPG..I'll always think of it that way...in just a second!!
Oh I just know that you are so excited!!I am excited for you too!!
CONGRATULATION..wooow another level towards success.
Dropping my 1st EC..today power failure for 8 hours...emmm
Have you wish happy birthday to Pak Zubli???
Hey!!! congrats for getting ur own url...now u make me gatal 2 get 1 too...LOL
Congratulations Marzie!!! So this is still blogger format redirecting to your new url?
You can salvage your links and page rank, just don't delete your original blogs, leave them in tact. I'll send you the information on how to 301 redirect all older links to your new home if you would like. It would be a good idea!
Anyway, I will change all my links!
Tahniah MyMarzie.com! Happy for ya :D
Don't forget to change your blogcat & MBL url's to your new domain! I'm sorry...I'm just really excited for you Marzie:):):)
Well, congratulations Marzie :D You've moved in the big time woman!
congrats to you :) so happy for you
Wohooo!!!! Congrats! Finally, you have your own domain!! Good for you, Marzie!
congratulations! I am in the process to get my own domain too. mymariuca sounds nice!
HI Marzie,
wow congratulations with the move :) that is an early xmas gift hehehe but I also agree with bobby, there is a way to salvage the PR from a move like this and Blogger does redirect the viewers to your new site as long as you dont delete the original blogs :) will be changing the links on my site as soon as I can deary to help out too :) xoxoxo
Congrats on your own domain...can't believe LJ already chopped us all on this post!
I will be interested to see what you'll do differently now that you have your own domain...looks like comments are still going through Google's Blogger/Blogspot...
Let me answer for GP ya...
It's still going thru google coz it is still hosted here.. both me and her are very comfortable with blogspot hence we will stay on with them.. plus it's free!! heheh
Hope that answers your question dearie :)
Oh ya kan, LJ! I can be so blur sometimes. Lol!! Looks like GP's new domain name will need some time to get used to. :):) Will change that link in a jiffy!
Thanks LJ!
Hello Mariuca,well your new home looks amazing....Congrats on your new domain,its looking great.I am sure your page rank and all will be climbing quicker than you think,you are an awesome blogger :)
yaaa hoo Mariuca
clappies to you... you have done well to change over...I'm surprised that Mariuca is taken...because it's so unusual...
though when I applied for mine a couple of years ago I had to go for laketrees1 because laketrees was taken...
I haven't changed over to it as I use it for my website ..eek..I'm a scaredy cat....
I'll be changing your links over today...have a wonderful day Miss Mariuca ... you are the domain queen now :))
Hi Marzie,
I just woke up again. I am starting to think that I've got some kind of sleeping sickness...LOL:-)
Oh my goodness I haven't even changed your links yet.
I just woke up again and I will get over there in just a few minutes and change them.
Oh no I am dropping further and further down the list!
Oh dear well I need to do something about that!
How about hug....
after hug
after hug.....
And then some really big hugs!!:-)))
lol @ Jackie :) :)
LJ is so kind
Nice new names :D
Nice new names :D
Sorry for double post*
I will change both your sites url as soon as I find you how to edit my blogroll. LOL. Thank God I could always access your blog through Entrecard. :)
Oh, and I can't wait to finish my last paper today! Yipee!~~~
Cannot keep my eyes open a moment longer...hectic week at work in NYC for meetings, will hope to find time to drop by and maintain my commenting status.
I have fallen so far behind on those other Desperate Housewives...have you been keeping up on Wisteria Lane?
Congrats to you again Mariuca ;-)
okay, I'll change the URL at my blogroll..
don't worry abt your PR hun..I'm sure you'll get it back soon!
Hola dear! changed the link in my blog!! yay! dropped ec!
LJ! Again u are my FC, congrats dearie and Mariuca loves ya! :):):)
Thanks so much LJ, I too am proud of myself for making the move, finally! Lama tu undecided he he! And I love my new names oso, mcm MPG it's practically the same as the old one, minus the blogspot je so YAY! :):):)
That's right LJ, I'm not too worried abt my PR and Techno, cause kalau tak move pun, they might just go down anyway, correct or not? So might as well move! :)
LJ, it was scary at first but once I decided to move (both some more!), there was no turning back oredi, or not for sure cannot sleep that night thinking abt it he he! I am thrilled I made this move, seriously! And I can't wait to see who else will be joining me next LOL! :):):)
Thank you Mize, I think it's a great step too and I'm so happy I finally did it YAY! :):):)
Yahoo! I get a bouquet of lilies for my new home, thanks LJ! They look so pretty here! :)
YAY! Thank you Wiehanne, nice to see u here at my new "home"! :):):)
LJ! You mmg speedy gonzalez la woo hoo! Thanks so much for being the first to fave me on Techno and for changing the links on ur blogroll and at the True Blue post too, you're da best! :):):)
Hola Sasha! Thanks sweetie, I am working towards getting my PR back, so wish me luck! :):):)
Hi Debbs! Thank you sweetie and I see LJ has explained to u what I meant by changing links YAY! :):):)
Hiya LJ! Thanks so much for answering Debbs' question for me woot! You are my unofficial webmaster and doing a great job at it too, thanks again dearie, love ya! :):):)
Oh LJ, also thanks so much for changing the menu tabs for me, so happy now! Baik la LJ itu! More HUGS for u! :):):)
Hola Karen, looooong time no see u sweetie, so thanks a million for coming over to my new home he he! Oh I hope to get back my PR by the next round of Google update, so let's hope for the best YAY! :):):)
Ruby!! This is big news for me, he he after so long of being in blogspot, it feels great to break free and be on my own YEEHA! Hugs and kisses for u too sweetie! :):):)
Hi Jackie! Thanks so much dear and yes, LJ is a lifesaver! I will always refer to her first before doing anything to both Mariuca and MPG yeeha!
Jackie, I am thrilled with my move and here's to greater things ahead! :):):)
He he tenkiu Bono! Excited ni to join u as well in this big move! At first memang skeptical, but thanks to LJ everything was done so smoothly and sekejap je terus dapat rumah baru yeeha! :):):)
Bono, thanks for the reminder on Zubli's birthday! I wished him everywhere oredi he he! ;)
Ha ha ha! Thank you Ken! I'm so happy I moved la and faster get ur own domain oso, the feeling is absolutely wonderful I tell you! :):):)
Bobby! I finally did it YAY me! And yes, I am still using blogger format, so no worries abt moving to a WP blog and what not he he!
U can send me the info of course, lemme take a look at it. I've not deleted my old blogs at Techno, but yesterday when I checked in there, the old Mariuca was gone on its own accord, dunno why! But yes, u can still email me the info okay?
And thanks so much for changing my links over at Revellian yeeha! :):):)
Thanks Nessa, I finally did it ha ha!! Eh Nessa pakai baju Santarina ke tu? :):):)
Bobby, thanks for the reminder on BCat and MBL! I've changed my url at BlogCat and they got back to me in a jiffy, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it at MBL, any idea?? :)
Dropping by to retain my TD crown ;p
He he he thanks Nick! Wah, so happy la I finally made this move, how many times oredi thinking abt it and yesterday I finally did it and it feels great I tell you! And easy oso to move u know? Yeeha! :):):)
Thank you TH! I'm so happy for myself too lol! :):):)
Emila! Tu la, I'm happy for myself too!! Finally I have my own domain, so happy ni! Now can join u oredi ha ha ha! :):):)
Farah! Thanks sweetie, I love MyMariuca too he he! Second best name next to Mariuca, but still YAY! Wah u too getting ur own domain? Excellent move Farah, I can't wait to welcome u at ur new home nanti! :):):)
Hola Metz! Thanks so much woo hoo! Wow, if there really is such a way to maintain my PR, do tell! You have my email add right? Email me the info or u can send me a msg at EC! :)
Oh thanks Metz, changing my links to the new add will def help me and my new domains yay, love and hugs for u Metz! :):):)
Roxy, thanks sweetie! Moving was quite easy actually, thanks to LJ of course! But now BE is putting me under resubmission so I can't join any BOTB or vote for anyone too. I hope they will reinstate my account soon and won't make me wait for another 2 months or so!
I am thrilled with this move and am looking forward to greater things ahead YAY! :):):)
Thank you Wing Loon and welcome to Mariuca's blog! :):):)
LJ! Thank you for answering Roxy's question he he, or not I oso not sure how to respond! Love ya woman!
Yeah I'm happy to stay at blogger cause I'm so used to it and WP just gives me a headache even thinking about it he he! ;)
Debbie!! Thank you for changing the links sweetie! Tapi kan this new name is easier to remember cause it's shorter kan? I laik la www.mymariuca.com he he!! :):):)
MEOW Jesse!! Thanks so much sweetie, I am loving my new home too and I really can't believe that I finally made that move ha ha! But it's a really great feeling once the move is done, I feel so free and excited too of coz! Love ya Jesse, it's so nice to see ur pretty avatar here today! :):):)
Ha ha ha! Domain queen Kim? I love the sound of that he he! Oh Kim, I too am happy that I made this move, cause I was stuck with blogspot for 2 years. Like u, I too am a scaredy cat u see, but something came over me that night and I just went with the flow and tada.... I have my very own domain now yay!
Kim, I was upset that Mariuca was taken but Mymariuca sounds cool too, so YAY! And thanks so much for changing the links at ur blog, love and hugs for u! :):):)
Ha ha Jackie, you are really the cutest la! I hope u had a good sleep and thanks so much for all ur comment love here. :):):)
Oh u are at number 5 today Jackie, that's awesome! Keep up the good work sweetie and have a great day! :)
Oooooops I almost forgot! BIG HUGS for u too Jackie! :):):)
Kim! Jackie is hilarious ain't she? Love Jackie! :):):)
TH! LJ is da best, she is very helpful and always tries her best to help me in every way possible, love LJ! :):):)
Thank you HaaziQ! I oso laik my new names la he he! Looking forward to having my new names at ur blog yeeha! :):):)
Good luck on ur final paper HaaziQ! Lepas ni baru blh enjoy sakan yay! :)
Roxy! I slept late yesterday, but I did get ur msg for me at EC. I have not done my rounds today, so I will reply ur msg later today okay? :):):)
Roxy! I just finished watching DH ep 7 last night and I am loving DH this season. All plots are so interesting, you should catch up on ur show soon! Bree is looking as beautiful as ever, she is still my fave character on DH! :):):)
Thank you Monica! Happy la to move to my own domain he he! Really, such an awesome feeling knowing that u have ur own name now YAY! :):):)
Thank you for changing the links at ur blog too Mon, I really appreciate it, love ya! :):):)
YAY! Tenkiu Emila itu! Baru la best when ppl change their links to my new add he he! And thanks for the EC drop. I'll do mine later and for sure I'll come by EIB too! :):):)
He he comel la Bintang! Ah drop jgn tak drop, I see u are the King here today woo hoo! :):):)
congratulations .. don't worry about technorati because it will automatically retrieve the links after 3 - 4 months. Which means you will get the same rank after that.
have a great day.
Thank you Myi4u and welcome to Mariuca's blog! :)
Oh yeah, I am not going to worry myself silly over my lost PR or Techno, that comes with the territory of having my own domain, which is so much better for my blog in the long run yes? Thanks for ur show of support YAY! :):):)
ya its a good celebration for your first domain
Here I am drop drop drop!!:-)))
Congrats, pretty woman! :)
I hope I can have my own domain too but I couldn't afford! sob sob
Oh yea Mariuca... mind to cast a vote to me at http://blognetawards.com/not-so-complicated#comments?
dropping my EC...raining and raining everyday...
visit my new baby @ All abou Riau
Wow! Got own domain and new URL! Congratulations! : )
congratulations! i've been waiting for this :D i can now read your blog at work - blogspots are not allowed in my office.
Congrats. Having your own domain is a great idea and it does give you lots of freedom and credibility. And don't worry google will automatically restore your page rank in its next update even if your friends don't update the links - the pagerank is carried over from the old links - as it happened when I bought a custom domain with blogger!
I'm so happy for you too..!! :-)
YES; Mymariuca sounds cool! I like ;-)
Congrats, Mariuca! Hope the transition goes smoothly for you and you get a lot of traffic!
Nice move! Having your own domain is a great privilege, especially if you're into paid blogging :)
hi Mariuca
dropping by with a rocky road muffin..(to go with the caramel latte) :)
congrats!!! :D
wah wah wah!!!
congrates to you, my dear!!! so semangat lar u by making this change. There are so many many things to follow up. Syabas, woman! :)
now you're making me jeles! as u know, i am also thinking to get my own domain, kan! ish..ish..
since now you've just gone through your own switching, i might just ask u how it is?
what's the benefit of getting yr own domain? and what is the process? how much per year?
ok, i need to work now, but i;ll be back to bombard u wt more questions. see ya, dear! :)
Jean, you should get your own too! it's fun to have one!
Hola marzie! dropped ec and came by to say hi!!!
Hi Marzie! All you have to do is edit the urls on your MBL account to the new ones. Nothing changes but your URL and you keep your entire community for both blogs.
It looks like your old blogspot address automatically redirects here, so you should retain your rank!
And here I am just like magic!! Good morning over here too!!
Okay I haven't even been to my own blog yet. So I am headed to try to get some work today.
that is if I can stay awake!! Lots of big hugs all the way around to everyone!!:-)
thats great you got the perfume name. my names were taken too at time :( so i just put the word blog on end!
hope i can get it when i do Gossip Avenue.
Congrats anyways mate. hope it makes your life alot better x
Thanks TH! I am still celebrating here lol! :)
Jackie, thank you for the drop drop drop! :)
Yay, Crystal is here today, thanks sweetie! I'm excited for myself he he! :):):)
Hi Kok! I'm sure ul be able to afford ur own domain sometime soon, don't give up! :):):)
Kok, I'll check out the BNet link now and cast you my vote too, good luck! :)
Hi Bono, it was raining heavily here too today. Otw to visit ur new place, greet me! ;)
Thanks Foong, I am thrilled to finally have my own domain yeeha! :):):)
Thank you very much Chorva! And it's really sweet of u to be looking forward to this move by me YAY! Enjoy Mariuca during office hours now okay? :):):)
WOW! Cats, thanks so much for ur comment. I feel even more happy after reading it and am now eagerly waiting for Mr. G's next update MEOW! Love ur avatar he he! :):):)
Thanks Monica! I am happy for me too LOL! And MyMariuca is awesome eh? YAY! :):):)
Thanks Lynda, it's looking good so far and I hope to get lotsa traffic too! :):):)
Hi Nita, thanks so much and yes, I am into paid blogging so YAY me! :):):)
YUM! Kim, rocky road muffin and caramel latte? You do spoil me Kim, thanks so much sweetie! :):):)
Thank you Aimey, have a good one! :)
Jean! Wah wah wah indeed ha ha!! Aiyo Jean, it's awesome la to have ur own domain! The whole time I was moving my blog, I was so excited and laughing away he he! :):):)
Thanks Jean, mmg bersemangat to blog even more now! I've written to all the programs I'm under and all have responded but Smorty says I have to resubmit my blogs again for approval! Don laik la Smorty like dis lol! :)
Jean, I wrote the new post for u to understand more on the whole process. If u need help, buzz buzz me okay? I'd be happy to help you so u too can join my happiness ni yeeha! :):):)
Hola Emila! Thank you for dropping EC here today, I oso dropped both ECs at EIB oredi! Happy Tuesday! :):):)
Bobby! I tried editing my URLs at MBL, but I couldn't do it directly, the box for the url won't let me type there. So I've written in to them and am still waiting for their response. I managed to change my rss feed though, so we'll wait and see yeah?
BlogCat was so speedy in changing my urls, they rock! :):):)
Morning Jackie! It's 4am here so I should be feeling sleepy soon too. Thanks for hopping over here today, enjoy the rest of ur day sweetie! :):):)
Hola Tina, thanks sweetie! I was happy to get mariucasperfume, good thing it wasn't taken eh? Oh you'd better hurry with Gossip Avenue then, good luck! :):):)
thanks for advertising with TuO today dear! ;-)
No worries Monica, thank YOU for having me at ur lovely blog! :)
There's the most scaring part to know that the blog rank & everything is back to zero. However, no worries... you are such an awesome blogger. You'll soon gain back everything in a year or so. I will check your url to the new one. Congrates on the successful move :)
i see, i see! thanks for getiing all the details in yr new post, dear! but which one you've choosen? the $9.99/ yr? im so confused la.
and you still get to write yr post the way in blogger rite? what's the differences beside yr url?
Congrats Marzie!! :) You've moved as well.. my new blog is almost done and it too has it's own domain as well!! *high five*
I feel somewhat after the change that my blog is more MINE than ever. LOL! Do you feel the same way?? Anyways, I'll change ur url soon. Just too bad that your first choice url was taken up already. Like, what are the odds that MPG was taken too.
Janice! At first I thought it would be really upsetting and what not, but seriously, after the move, even my 0 PR couldn't get me down, cause the very thought of finally having my own domain overcomes everything else, even the 0 PR he he! It's awesome Jan, hope u too will get ur own domain one day! :):):)
Aloha Jean! Got all ur questions and I've emailed u a long response to your yahoo. Easier to explain there since it's a lengthy explanasi LOL! Anything can buzz buzz me okay? :)
Yahoo! Thanks Shemah!! Actually it was after u made ur move, that I was even more bugged than usual to move oso he he! Some more u oso using Blogspot kan, so after that Bono oso moved his blogspot, so lagi la itching to get my own domain LOL! And YAY me for finally doing it, seriously happy to da max and yes, I definitely feel that Mariuca and MPG are truly mine now woo hoo! Now can join ur gang ha ha!
Wah u're coming out with another blog? Congrats sweetie and hey, I've changed ur links at both my blogs to ur new url too, yay! :):):)
marzie..congrats sbb dah berpindah ke rumah baru / domain baru for your blog...you must be so happy to decorate your new domain.
Thank you Marvic, u bila nak berpindah-randah pulak? He he! I am thrilled to finally have my own domain Marvic, sebab dah 2 years kat blogspot yeeha!! :):):)
hi mariuca! congratulations on your own domain! guess I will have to get mine then, haha!
Thank you Naomi! Having ur own domain is an awesome feeling, you MUST get yours too he he! :):):)
Wah finally u have your own domain!!! Congrats congrats and many congrats from us to u! And the URL name is so appropriate. My Mariuca! Yup, it sure is yours and only yours!! =)=)=)
Ha ha ha FINALLY I have my own domain NAFA! How abt u guys? Thinking of getting one for uself? It's actually very simple to make the move and you will feel so relieved and thrilled like me when u finally see ur URL minus the blogspot there LOL! :):):)
Congratulations! I have often thought about purchasing domain space, but I know nothing about how to do it. Like you, I'm scared of messing it up =-O
thumbs up to you for making the shift over!
Hi Vickie!! Hahaha thanks for coming by my old post sweetie and yeah!!!! It was def one of the scariest blog moves I had to make but u can do it too!!! So don worry and gather enough courage to make that move! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!