Ever since I got my own domain, my blogging journey feels even more exciting! It feels like I've moved on to bigger times and I have a feeling that this was the best step I could have possibly taken for my blog. Though it took me two whole years before finally gathering enough courage to make that move, I am really glad I did it and that's why I am encouraging all my friends who are still hosting their blogs at blogspot to join me in my glee of knowing that I made the right choice!
Of course, there are so many webhosting providers you can go to for this purpose, but since I opted for GoDaddy, I am recommending GoDaddy for all those who are keen on moving their blogs! GoDaddy.com is the world's leading domain name registrar and largest web host. With a wide variety of website hosting creation tools, e-commerce and security solutions as well as productivity and marketing tools, look no further when it comes to purchasing your own domain name!
GoDaddy is extremely user-friendly and easy to understand. Navigating my way around while making my purchase was a breeze and hassle-free. My main concern was how long would it take for the whole moving process to be completed. I was worried that my readers and EC visitors will not be able to view my blog while it was under the moving process, but surprisingly the move and forwarding of my blog to my new domain address was almost immediate! Seriously, it took less than 2 minutes for my blog to appear using its own domain address, so there was no waiting in line or any major interruptions!
Being a very new domain owner, I am yet to fully experience the advantages of having one. However, thanks to the comments I received on my last post, I know that bigger and better things are yet to come. It is a only a matter of time and lots of patience, while still maintaining the best in my blog content and marketing of course. Having my own domain translates into more credibility, mobility and exclusivity for me and my blog. Apparently most advertisers much prefer blogs with their own domain names, rather than those hosted with free webhosting providers like blogspot, which was what I was previously using. So that on its own is already a big bonus for me who sometimes writes paid advertising posts here.
Owning your own domain also translates into greater exclusivity for you and the blog you've worked so hard for in gaining readership, followers and ranking of course. When you first move your blog to your own domain, needless to say all ranking associated with your blog will diminish to zero, but do not despair! You will eventually get back that much coveted ranking as long as you persist with what you've been doing previously when you first made attempt to even secure a rank for your blog. You will also have to write in to all the blog programs you're registered under to let them know you've made that switch and you now have a new URL for your site. I've written to all the programs I'm members of and so far, they have all responded almost immediately and my URL is now pointing to my new address.
Having your own domain will also enable you to have your very own email address using your new domain name so for me, it could look something like this - marzie@mymariuca.com. How cool is that? And most of all, the advantage of owning your own domain name is that you can truly establish and maintain greater blog presence and exclusivity by having your own blog name as your domain address. Unfortunately for me, the name Mariuca was already taken up; otherwise my address could have been www.mariuca.com! But www.mymariuca.com is also very cool, so I'm very happy with my chosen name. So for my friends out there who left comments at my previous post, expressing interest in having your own domain, you can now do so with ease and speed!
Now that you know a little bit more about GoDaddy and how easy it is for you to have your own domain, why wait? If you're keen on securing a particular name for your own blog, just click on the banner below and check out GoDaddy. Don't wait any longer; otherwise the name that you've always wanted as your very own might be taken up already! Click below and soon, you too could be well on your way to owning an exclusive domain name for your site and all the other perks accompanying your very own domain! :)
Of course, there are so many webhosting providers you can go to for this purpose, but since I opted for GoDaddy, I am recommending GoDaddy for all those who are keen on moving their blogs! GoDaddy.com is the world's leading domain name registrar and largest web host. With a wide variety of website hosting creation tools, e-commerce and security solutions as well as productivity and marketing tools, look no further when it comes to purchasing your own domain name!
GoDaddy is extremely user-friendly and easy to understand. Navigating my way around while making my purchase was a breeze and hassle-free. My main concern was how long would it take for the whole moving process to be completed. I was worried that my readers and EC visitors will not be able to view my blog while it was under the moving process, but surprisingly the move and forwarding of my blog to my new domain address was almost immediate! Seriously, it took less than 2 minutes for my blog to appear using its own domain address, so there was no waiting in line or any major interruptions!
Being a very new domain owner, I am yet to fully experience the advantages of having one. However, thanks to the comments I received on my last post, I know that bigger and better things are yet to come. It is a only a matter of time and lots of patience, while still maintaining the best in my blog content and marketing of course. Having my own domain translates into more credibility, mobility and exclusivity for me and my blog. Apparently most advertisers much prefer blogs with their own domain names, rather than those hosted with free webhosting providers like blogspot, which was what I was previously using. So that on its own is already a big bonus for me who sometimes writes paid advertising posts here.
Owning your own domain also translates into greater exclusivity for you and the blog you've worked so hard for in gaining readership, followers and ranking of course. When you first move your blog to your own domain, needless to say all ranking associated with your blog will diminish to zero, but do not despair! You will eventually get back that much coveted ranking as long as you persist with what you've been doing previously when you first made attempt to even secure a rank for your blog. You will also have to write in to all the blog programs you're registered under to let them know you've made that switch and you now have a new URL for your site. I've written to all the programs I'm members of and so far, they have all responded almost immediately and my URL is now pointing to my new address.
Having your own domain will also enable you to have your very own email address using your new domain name so for me, it could look something like this - marzie@mymariuca.com. How cool is that? And most of all, the advantage of owning your own domain name is that you can truly establish and maintain greater blog presence and exclusivity by having your own blog name as your domain address. Unfortunately for me, the name Mariuca was already taken up; otherwise my address could have been www.mariuca.com! But www.mymariuca.com is also very cool, so I'm very happy with my chosen name. So for my friends out there who left comments at my previous post, expressing interest in having your own domain, you can now do so with ease and speed!
Now that you know a little bit more about GoDaddy and how easy it is for you to have your own domain, why wait? If you're keen on securing a particular name for your own blog, just click on the banner below and check out GoDaddy. Don't wait any longer; otherwise the name that you've always wanted as your very own might be taken up already! Click below and soon, you too could be well on your way to owning an exclusive domain name for your site and all the other perks accompanying your very own domain! :)
Posted at 4.44 PM
* The first person to leave a comment on any post title that ends with a star will receive a link back to his or her blog for being my first commentator!
* The first person to leave a comment on any post title that ends with a star will receive a link back to his or her blog for being my first commentator!

Yihaa!!!! heheheh..
I'm much more slower to chop!:(
By the way, mymariuca is nice too!:)
GP!! MyMariuca pun sounds awesome as in you're mymariuca..heheh... I LAIK!!
and later I teach you how to do the email bit ok!!! hehe.. you can also cc copy to your gmail account or straight pop out to your email client... best kan??
Oh my my.. Emila is creeping up on me as TC!!! tolong!!!
Eh top TC this month gets what eh??
I forgot...
oh wait.. the banner from Emila is it?? Or is that for the one at MPG?
alamak got to go read your anniversary post now..
But off to the shower first.. ttyl!!
Hi Marzie! Lady Java chopped me again! Is that a karate chop or a pork chop? LOL!
I checked some links on my older posts - like one to "My Purrfect Phoebe" on a Bobby's batch post and it redirected here purrfectly! As long as you update your Technorati url, your authority should remain the same as it was. Don't forget your Alexa listing also. Because you're redirected correctly, your pagerank should come back next update!
Yay Marzie!!!!!
hello GP! i am also curious about the chop thing. hehehe... anyway, i love it that you have your own domain. its cool and prettilicious!!
hahaha Bobby and Pinay Mommy..
Chop means I call for the first place.. as I'm sure you know, GP is giving out links to her post with star markings to her First Commenter or FC... so I "chop" the spot or "I call it"..lol!!
Play along won't you but ain't easy coz I'm always around..hehehe
Good Luck!!
Hah! LJ already chopped while I was sleeping.
Yes!! Moi badge blend well with it's ambiant..
Just a quick hello before my little girls wake up...hope you're having a great day on your side of the world.
hi marzie, having own domain is good :) feeling
how much are you going to pay for renewal of domain fee?
Hi Mariuca!
Is there anything wrong with your blog? I was trying to leave you my Ecard but it takes forever to open the right bar of your blog...
PS 1:If you need more info send me an email (email on my site) - can try to see where it stops or something.
PS 2:If you want delete this comment when read.
LOL.. So, anyone knows what is the original of word 'chop'? Hehe.. I also forgot how I start using this chop chop thing. Must be during I was a kid while playing cop and thief. Hehehe
It sure nice to have your own domain. Now, you have to work twice as hard :):)
I am not feeling well today. Must be from all the tiring packing job I did~ Good night everyone
Oh crap! I haven't done my EC round yet.. waa.. Out dropping :O
LJ you won this chop again hehehe :) marzie your move was a very heavy decision to make and am proud and happy that things are going well for your move :) hehehe I know a lot of people and friends that use godaddy as well - do tell us more about their aftersales service that is something I would like to find out if they are just as good :) what yah think?? :) xoxo
hi marzie, thanks for the explanation! i will really give this a deep thought. :)
I went with GoDaddy for both of my blogs.
getting my own domains were the best things i ever did too. it changes things dramatically doesent it!
Congrats Mariuca on YourMaricua :P
Indeed! It's so special to have your own domain name and website space too so congrates again and keep up the good work here!
Ah, Bravo LadyJava for the excellent technical support P
Yeeha! LJ is on a roll with the chopping! Congrats sweetie and ur avatar is oredi up. Thanks so much and Mariuca loves ya! :):):)
Hey Kok! You are not slow, just that LJ is LaJu he he! Oh I love MyMariuca too so yay! :):):)
LJ! Exactamundo! B oso laik MyMariuca for the very same reason so double YAY! :)
Wah that sounds awesome woman, later we do the email thingy pulak together-gether, and I like the sound of cc-ing mails to gmail sekali! Tenkiu LadyJava! ;)
LJ, kejap lemme check....wah Emila is really creeping up on you eh? Just 9 comments away but don worry, Emila just wants to be number 2 it seems he he! :)
LJ! This month's TC dapat the usual featured ad and 1000 credits lol! The banner and the extra credits (thanks to u and Emila) is for sweet MPG yay! :):):)
YAY! Thanks for checking my older links Bobby! I've updated my Techno and everything else, so am eagerly waiting to see what happens next. Hope to get back my PR soon yay! :):):)
Awwww thank you Ruby! I love the fact that I have my own domain too, it is really exciting and I'm just so glad I finally did it! Oh LJ will explain the chop thingy below, can u see her comment here? :):):)
LJ! Thank you for explaining CHOP to Bobby and Ruby lol! Well explained dearie and up, it's gonna be tough to beat LJ to the FC spot he he! :):):)
Roxy! LJ did chop while u were sleeping, I posted this pretty early for u eh? Try again next time okay? :):):)
Ha ha Bintang! Betul la, baru I notice just how nice ur avatar looks here at Mariuca. Blue and blue together-gether gitu, thanks for advertising with Mariuca today YAY! :):):)
Hello Roxy! Thanks for stopping by today, I am replying my comments first before doing some real work later. Have a great day at work sweetie! :):):)
Hi TH! Oh it is the best feeling ever, I wonder when I'll get over the excitement of having my own domain LOL! :):):)
Hmmmmm, I'm not sure how much to renew TH, cause maybe there will be a discount or something when the time comes kan? But for the 2 domain names, I paid about 16 bucks, okay right? Yeeha!! :):):)
Hello SGE! Thank you for coming by Mariuca's blog today. Oh that's too bad you could not make ur drop here today, though I can see my sidebar just fine. Hope it's just an error with EC and things will return to normal again soon. Have a great day! :):):)
HaaziQ! I oso dunno where or how CHOP came about but best kan to chop chop at people's blogs? LOL! Happy Tuesday to you. :):):)
HaaziQ! Mmg best la to have ur own domain ni, I never thought it could feel this great but it does! Come join me he he! ;)
HaaziQ, better get some rest then. Some more exam dah over so u don have to stay up to study. Packing nak pi mana tu? :)
Hey Metz! There's no stopping LJ when she is on a roll eh? ;)
Oh yeah, I thought about moving my blog so many times before, but was always afraid that I'd lose my ranking and what not, but seriously, I am sooooooo happy I moved he he! It feels great to be on my own and I will def keep u posted on the after-sales service. :):):)
Jean! I happily wrote this post after reading ur comments on the previous post he he! I hope ul join me soon Jean, then we can share our joy together-gether yeeha! :):):)
Tammy, that's awesome! Both my blogs are now with GoDaddy too YAY! :):):)
Tina, yay you are here today! Oh now I can join u and Tammy with my new domains yeeha! :):):)
Hola Hicham, it's really nice to see u back here again. Thanks so much for ur comment and yes, I am really enjoying my move so far and truly happy I finally got my own domain even if it took 2 years to decide ha ha!
Of course, LJ did a wonderful job in helping me, she rocks! :):):)
thanks for sharing this Mariuca!
it took less than 2 minutes only? whao not bad, huh?!
oh yes, mymariuca is cool! I oso like :-)
Happy to spread the word Monica, esp if it gets my seal of approval like this one! :)
Yeah la, after forwarding my blog to the new domain add, I clicked on Mariuca and my new add was live oredi, fast eh? :)
YAY! Looks like I made a great choice with Mymariuca then, thanks Mon! :)
looks like you are loving your new address and I bet you would too. now its more personal. I am excited to get mine changed too, but I will do that after my vacation! :)
You have a cool domain name. Thanks for recommending GoDaddy, will check it out when I intend to have my own domain too :)
ohhh thanks for all the info on Go Daddy Mariuca...
I'll have to have a look :)
kisses and hugs from the gang over here ...they're all still high over your "win a Pink Ted" news at MPG
have a terrific day and pink marshmallows for you for MPG Birthday!!!
Yozz Genie Princess... How is B doing? And you are still busy pampering him?
Great job on your own domain. I won't be able to handle one myself for sure.
Bedtime for Roxy, another big day in NYC tomorrow...wish me luck!
Yeey! congrats girl..
you got your own domain now..
mymariuca sounds nice..*wink
You bet Farah, it's truly awesome to have my own domain, I dunno why I was so afraid to do it before this. I can't wait for u too get ur own domain too, so u too will feel what I'm feeling now he he! :):):)
Yay! Thanks Janice, and u can always buzz buzz me later when u decide to get ur own domain. I'd be happy to assist u. :):):)
Hi Kim, no worries. I figured I'd recommend GD in a separate post since I'm really pleased with the way they handled my move, no fuss no muss! :)
Yahoo! Pink marshmallows for me! Now MPG's birthday is even more delightfu! And yup, I'm excited about the MPG Teddy Bear too, I can't wait to see who will bring her home! :):):)
Hola Karen! Thanks for checking up on B and me, we are both doing great and B is back at work this week. Taking things one day at a time. :)
Oh Karen, I beg to differ! You'd surely be able to handle ur own domain, it's really not as scary as I thought it would be, come join me he he! :):):)
Good luck Roxy! It's a busy working day for me, more copies to write so less time to blog. ;)
Thank you Twinks! I love Mymariuca too yay! :):):)
Wohoo! Go daddy! err, i mean go marzie!
aiks, how come i'm top commentator now?
hahaha, i'm top!!
lemme refresh la
haha definitely on top of lj! yehaa!
takpelah ya lj, nanti you topple balik k!
Hi Marzie,
Yayyyyy I am feeling better. I hope it last all day too!!:-)
Congrats Emila...being in top is a hard thing to do here at Mariuca's home:-)
Oh my I am having problems just staying in the top 10:-)
I am here now GP!!
May I please borrow your magic carpet for just a minute to fly over to MPG?
Oh my almost forgot to wish Roxy good luck in NY city!!
Good Luck I hope you have fun!!
Oh Marzie,
you asked about my avatar at EC. yes I keep changing. So far this latest one is getting more hits.
But, I think I might change again and use one with one of my photos...but, I don't know yet.
Okay I'm headed over to MPG's see you in a second!!
Urghh..I'm slipping to #5 now :(
Hi there! Its fine now!
ok marzie, im ready now. Where are u? couldnt see u at FB la. :(
nvm, I'll purchase a domain first. :)
Hey Marzie,
Where are you? Are you helping Jean? you are so sweet!!
I have a new game and it's called you can have it if you can find it!!
LOL...just joking. I finally got caught up with all of my awards and the post is incredibly long.
But at the bottom is a little something I made for everybody just to say thank you!!
YAY Emila! Tu la, baru 2 days ago you were number 2, but I think the new comments pushed LJ's older comments out and she dropped to number 2 oredi he he! Don be sad LJ! ;)
Thanks Emila, hopefully GD will remain good when I use it later-later! :)
Jackie! Thanks for all ur comment love here, I am drowning in them today YAY! :):):)
Jackie, it's great that you're feeling much better this week and hey, you're doing a great job of maintaining ur spot here at my TM list! Go Jackie Go! :):):)
Jackie, for u...of course u can borrow my magic carpet any time u want! Have fun flying around sweetie! :)
Bintang, today jatuh number 7, but I'm sure ul get back to number 1 soon! Dia ikut time u drop jugak kan? :)
Awesome SGE, thanks so much for checking on my blog again, have a great weekend! :)
Jean! Happy to help sweetie! Congrats u domain owner you! ;)
Jackie! I was helping out Jena, but we're all done now. Thanks so much for the special award and I too am so way behind in posting my awards! Must make a point to get it done really soon, love ya Jackie! :):):)
I actually had a little trouble with GoDaddy so I now use 1and1. Their customer service has been better and their interface is simpler if you want to have several domains.
Hi Sun, thank you very much for the tip. I shall consider ur suggestion if GD starts giving me trouble! ;)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!