When Emila came over to my place, I bet she did not expect the real life Benji to be so chubby! It was her first visit to Mariuca's place actually and as usual I tried to make my home as spic and span as possible, but that was not the case since I've been busy commuting to and fro the hospital to visit B.
Emila arrived pretty early and I had just finished checking out Zenni Optical. I've been contemplating on getting a new pair of eyeglasses for B. The pair he's currently using was a birthday present from me, and though it's still in good condition and what not, I like the idea of getting him a spare one. I figured Zenni would be a great place to shop, especially since the eyeglasses offered there are so cheap, starting at a mere $8 per pair! Zenni also offers a wide range of stylish frames including single vision lens, sunsensor lens, tinted sunglasses lens and bifocal lens. You know how glasses can be so very expensive nowadays, but Zenni makes it possible for everybody to own a cool pair at a very low price! In fact, Zenni is fast gaining recognition in the market and was recently featured in the Chicago Tribune.
Anyway, the first thing Emila did after removing her shoes was to say hello to my fluffy kids! All three were surprised to see a new face in the house and as usual, Chubbs immediately ran for cover. He is the most shy of my three cats and will run and hide whenever an unfamiliar face comes over. He ran behind the TV shelf first and later when we tried to drag him out from there, I ended up in a little game of chase with Chubbs, who ran as fast as he could, away from Emila and me! ;)

Benji on the other hand was his usual friendly and adorable self! Benji is the most affectionate of all my kids and he loves receiving guests, familiar or otherwise. Whenever someone comes over, he'd be the first to say hello, by sniffing my visitors' feet. Then he will lick and kiss their feet and finally he'd roll his fluffy fat self all over their feet! See Benji greeting Emila in the picture below?

Next it was Phoebe's turn to say hello to Aunty Emila! Phoebe isn't as shy as Chubbs but she just doesn't like to be carried and hugged by strangers. But since she is so tiny, it is so easy to catch her and bring her over to say hola to Emila LOL! Emila couldn't help but squeeze and hug my adorable baby Pheebs! She truly is irresistible, that much I can vouch for. All visitors to my home will definitely exclaim delight when they see just how tiny yet so fluffy Phoebe really is. Her flat face and snub nose just makes her all the more adorable and no one can resist grabbing Phoebe for a big fat hug MEOW! :)

Thank you for visiting us Emila, we'd love to have you back here again! :)
Posted at 4.54 PM

Wah Jeles. BIG TIME!!!!
When Emila told me she went over I was like... WHAT??!! lol..
Wah best best best.. Ahh poor Chubbs.. kinda like my late Snowy... so shy!!!
Benji!!! Pheebs!! Next time Aunt LJ pulak mai eh....boleh tak Master??? heheheh
Eh, I oso want to huggles the kids!! If I go there, I'll chase after Chubbs and give him a HUGE meowie hugs lol!!!
Emila so kind visit you all:)
Awards also for you Mariuca
Hahah! So cute!
Kak Emila is very kind to visit you and 'your kids'.. Hehe.. Pheeb's too cute for snuggling! Hahaha
I only have one paper left on Monday! Yeehaa :)
LJ! Thanks so much for being my FC here, love ur enthusiasm to always be first! HUGS! :):):)
He he, don be jeles okay? ;)
He he tu la Emila pun excited to be commenting on Mariuca, from Mariuca's workstation tu! It was so funny la that day, we laughing at her commenting from my opis ha ha! :)
MEOW MEOW Aunty LJ! Sure can come over, but first Master must spring clean the place to make sure ur visit is enjoyable yes? Hugs for u Aunty LJ! :):):)
GP!! You know me.. LaJu!! lolzz
Yelah Emila was so excited that she used your ID!! lolz!!I'm sure you guys had a hoot laughing!! hehe..
Yeah I can Pheebs... yahoo!!! heehe... ok.. you make sure you help your master spring cleaning ya..lolz!!
Hugsy Pheebs!!! and Benji!!! and Chubb!!! and I would do like what Debbs say.. I would hunt Chubbs out and hug him tight till he squeal...lolz!!
Debbs!! Ha ha ha sure or not can catch Chubbs? Fella very fast u know, sometimes cannot find him at all until my visitors leave, then only he'll come out LOL! So cute! :):):)
Hi Yoon See! Nice to see ur pretty avatar here dear! And yes, Emila came all the way from KL to visit me, she's so sweet! :):):)
Award for me YS? Thanks so much, I'll have to go collect mine at Ken's too, so that's 2 awards YAY! :):):)
hahaha LJ, short form for "laju" ke?? hahahaha..
Anyways, I'd love to meet the kids one day too.. I'd brave all allergies to go and cuddle and give them loads of hugs! LOL!
Jelesnye tgk Emila with the kids.. hahahaha..
Anyways, glad to have you back.. Hope your B is doing much much better!
Hi HaaziQ! Oh mmg cute la they all ni! And lucky Emila dapat hugsy Phoebe and Benji ha ha! Cuma Chubbs je tak dapat cause he terus melarikan diri lol! :):):)
HaaziQ, all the best for ur final paper, lepas ni blh enjoy yeeha! :)
Arhhhhh geram nyer tengok Boldie... GP!!! are you caught up or not!!! OMG!!! Stress!! As much as I want TRidge.. I can't bear to see it like this lah! OMG OMG!!
Shemah... LJ can means lots of things...lol!!!
LJ, we did la ha ha! Sekejap je actually Emila lepak at my place, cause after that we went to the hospital. But yup, I think she was so excited sampai lupa tukar ID, I thought that was so cute! ;)
MEOW Aunty LJ! You want to hug me till I squeal? Oh no! I'd better start looking for a new hiding place now MEOW! ;)
Hola Shemah! Wah, you'd brave ur allergies just to hug my fluffy kids? That is so sweet la Shemah ha ha! Thanks for coming by today sweetie and for asking about B. He is doing much better and happier now that he is back home. :):):)
Which part of Boldie u geram LJ? I just think Rick is being so silly to edit the PC video like dat.... mcm la Brooke, Eric, even Steph also dengar the bit abt Ridge, so they can easily tell Ridge that B did say those things kan? He is so bodoh and childish! And tak hensem he he! ;)
I'm DL today's ep now, also DL PB and DH yeeha! :)
Benci benci benci benci.. lah with the whiny a*s!!!! Oh today epi you tengok mesti you geram... I just finished watching.. arghh.. I want to stranggle Rick i tell you.. and Ridge.. aiyooo so stubborn.. I wonder when will someone actually watch the podcast again.. and see what whiny bastard did...
Argh!!! this is so unfair.. doesn't he know that if he breaks up his mom and Ridge this way.. forcibly..then when they do come back to each other... the bond is gonna be stronger! Bodoh lah that whiny bastard!! argh!!!
yah I reckon Emila tak lama sebab you guys nak gi visit B kan..
yes chubbs you better run.. you better take cover coz Aunt LJ would go after you ...heheh
I had a good laugh when Emila started commenting here from your place as Mariuca...thanks for taking such good care of Mariuca and her kitties, Emila!!
What is up with LadyJava and CHOP???!!
I just hope Emila didn't make away with BEAR-iuca...Maddie and I are wishing on a falling star that he will come to live with us in the Roxiticus Valley.
OK, off to my workday...get a great start to your weekend, hope it will be a relaxing one for Genie Princess.
Just dropping off my Food blog EC dearie!!
heheh Roxy.. CHOP just means I reserved my place as First commenter.. but obviously this post does not have a star.. but I CHOP anyway...lol!
Oooh...look who's on my Roxiticus Desperate Housewives EntreCard widget. Thanks for looking out for my blog, GP!
You just look out, I'm going to start chopping, too.
Is your BlogExplosion broken? I can't get to the site, and my banners aren't working.
LJ, I'm back! Let me tell u what I think is gonna happen on Boldie! So Ridge kononnya hurt by Brooke not mentioning him on the podcast, so he is most prob gonna sleep with Taylor or get married or something like dat, and by the time he finds out the truth abt Rick and his editing, it will be too late, for sure one la! He he! I am still DL today's ep, so lemme watch first before further biatching here lol! :):):)
Ooooooh I'm so scared now Aunty LJ! I must hide somewhere safe so u will never catch me MEOW! ;)
Ah tu la LJ, lepak sat then pi hospital, later we had lunch at one of the kopi tiams near my area! ;)
Hola Roxy!! Don't worry dear, your tissue box is all ready here, he he! Acccchooooo! :)
Ha ha so u too had a good laugh seeing Emila commenting from my workplace eh? LOL!
Ha ha ha ha!!! Roxy, CHOP means LJ has called her FC spot here for this post, she loves being first, star or no star! ;)
Hello London! Awwwww thank you for coming by to check on BEAR-iuca! Don't worry, BEAR-iuca is still safe and sound with me, waiting to find out who will WIN! Good luck again sweetie. :):):)
And pls tell ur mommy that I wish her a good weekend too. :)
Yeah! Thanks for dropping off LFP here LJ! Any yummy delight for me today?
Roxy! I'm at RDH today? Mariuca or MPG eh? Yay, I shall visit u soon Roxy, have not started my EC rounds yet, so hang on! :):):)
What? Roxy is gonna start chopping too? Ha ha ha! Just like Jackie, she is happily chopping too now ha ha! :):):)
Roxy, I think BE is down. I too can't seem to log in and I am in a BOTB mood tonight, if ya know what I mean? ;)
HI. You got a nice cozy home with 3 lovely cats.
Just drop by to say hi as I've been busy with my own work ;)
you take care.
Awwww thanks Ken! Dah la hensem, some more so sweet to come visit me and my 3 cats even though you're busy he he! Thanks Ken, I will drop by ur place too, have a great weekend! :):):)
meow... looks like your cats get lots of attention
your kids are so friendly with Emila, which is great. I have to be frank, I am really scared of cats and I meant it from the bottom of my heart! LOL I could run and jump if I saw one approaching me. Geli. hahahahah I think, Daryn is braver than me, she loves cats.
GP!! funnylah you.. yeah but you are probably right.. coz now T is so gonna be rubbing it in and probably conspire with S not to tell Ridge the real truth... but have you seen today's epi yet.. sakit hati lah!!
eh is EC down or what.. all the widgets not showing lah!! :(
heheh yeah Chubbs.. better start looking now...hehehe!
ah ok lah tu.. a little socialising to get the stressfullness out.. kan..
Aww now if only we were in the same country I'd bring Mr. Tiger to come and play too hehehe :) They are so cute hehehe Good for you Emila being able to see them live and in person and more so to their Master :) hehehe xoxoxo
MEOW TH! Of coz my kids get lotsa attention, they're too adorable and fluffy, how to resist? He he! :):):)
Farah! My kids are very friendly, no need to be afraid of them he he! But I know how u feel, cause my older sister is also afraid of cats, even of little Pheebs here lol! :):):)
LOL! Wait and see la LJ, for sure something like dat will happen and then konon-kononnya B and R again missed their opportunity at destiny....blah! ;)
Oh no! Aunty LJ is serious abt chasing me down and hugging me MEOW! Help me Master! ;)
LJ, EC is okay on my end! Cuma connection slow sikit je. But I am still on MPG's round, Mariuca blm start lagi ni. ;)
Hi Metz! Nice to see ur cute avatar here today he he! Oh yeah Mr. Tiger and Benji will get along just fine I bet MEOW! :):):)
GP!! You are so right about destiny.. they did mention it today.. aiyah woman hurry up and dl already lah..lol!!
eheheh Run Chubbs Run!!!
yeah it was probably the connection at A's office.. it's ok now..!
Oh my what wonderful pictures!!
Wow it's so nice that the three of you are able to visit each other!!
And your babies are so beautiful!!
And Emila is absolutely beautiful also!!
Congrats to LJ for her first chop!! she's a quick one!!
Wow your Neo earth is lit up like a Christmas tree. It's flashing like crazy as I sit here and watch!!
Everybody loves our GP!!
Thanks Jackie.. Chop-ing must be fast... you know my nick LaJu.. as in FaSt....lolz!!
Wow Lj,
How did you get in there? you clever thing you!!
hehehe Jackie.. I'm always around.. lol!!.. keeping watch over everything.. don't believe me.. ask Roxy!!
Okie dokie I am going to crash in front of the t.v. for a while and then I will make my rounds!!
Love and hugs to all!!:-)))
Actually what is CHOP...heeeee...
LJ..I'm sure you monitor Mariuca 24 hours...
Your kids are so cutie cutie cute!!! i so want to squeeze them..hehehe...
LJ! I watched Boldie oredi, ok la tu he he...I knew R was not gonna listen to B and I knew B konon-konon confuse with why R is angers he he! So wait and see if my theory comes true eh? Oh can't wait for tomo's ep now! :)
Hi Jackie, thanks for stopping by. I'm glad u enjoyed the pics, I only snapped a few so I'm happy they turned out great YAY! :):):)
hehe..she was having so much fun with your fluffy kids!
MEOW Aunty Jackie! Thank you for the compliment, we do love getting them, esp from you! :)
Jackie! My Neo earth is lighting up like a Christmas tree?? YAY ha ha ha thanks for letting me know, I do love to see the red lights everywhere! :)
OMG! Cats Cats Cats then Prrr ;)
LJ, I'm glad u are always around, thanks sweetie! HUGS! :)
esp Phoebe..so nice to hug :-D
eee benci kan with Rick!! so whiny and showing his tantrum like that.. geram I... and I know that you are rooting for TRidge but it's cruel lah for Rick to be able to see his mother cry like that kan??
Bono! Chop tu mcm booking first place here la he he! Instead of saying First, it's so much more fun to say CHOP! He he! :):):)
Good la I have LJ to keep an eye on Mariuca 24/7, senang sikit hati lol! :)
hahah Bono.. I do I do!! lolz
GP! I installed the Neo Earth on LJL as well but how come mine is so ugly and only in black and white.. is it coz you paid for the premium one?
YAY! Thank you Twinks, I do love my cute kids, feel free to hug and squeeze them whenever u visit me okay? :):):)
Hi Monica! You too can tell how happy Emila was playing with my kids eh? Oh yeah, it's so hard to resist Phoebe, she is so cute and small he he! :):):)
MEOW Hicham, thanks for coming by today! Enjoy the pics! :):):)
Eh LJ tak tidur lagi! Yeah of course I hate Rick la, from day 1 lagi! But why couldn't Brooke just say that she did mensi Ridge instead of speaking in riddles like dat? Fight for ur man la wei, just like how she kicked him out of the house to jaga hati Rick it seems! :(
Ohhhhhh installed oredi at LJL? Wah best tu! Yeah la woman, this one paid versi, so got extra features I guess! Best kan Neo? :)
Itu lah I geram GP.. she keeps saying "for the one I love" cakap lah nama kan... gerams!!!! and bodoh lah she.. i also cant wait for today's epi.. dah nak tidor lah ni..lolz!
Ah tu la, then feeling sorry for herself. I mean any sane person will terus defend herself and say I did mensi ur name Ridge, but she went on and on referring to R as that, be clear la! :(
lol!! I feel like shaking her and telling her to just SAY IT!! lol!! stress tengok tadi..lol.. in another few hours can watch again on utube.. yihaa!!
eh skg ni mesti Katie panic kalau tau R and B might break up kan.. like the other day pun she was worried..hehe..padan muka dia!
Ha ha ha LJ!!! Katie mmg padan muka whatever she does lol! I really don like her la, dah la perasan lawa and then she thinks N loves her! MALU la sikit! :(
hahah..mmg.. perasan lah woman.. remember the love scene.. ceh.. i tell you any time Brooke snaps her fingers, N would drop anything and go to her..
LJ! Love scene mah ass la! So takde emosi or chemistry, podah la K!!Konon-konon cute la main basketball ...whatever!! :(
Eh LJ, how to get the code for the related website thingy on ask2link ah? Can't seem to find it.
mmg pun.. cute mah ass!! lol.. tak funny langsung.... dia jer yg nampak happy N tak pun..
The link? Go to Publisher>>My Sites>>
the you should see your registered sites there.. click on "install text ad code". then choose blogger from the drop down menu.. copy the code in the box.. go to your element and choose "feed"..
Should be ok.. try it and let me know ok.. but before that.. set all your pricing and all ya :)
Ha ha ha tu la LJ!!! Tak funny and so fake! Forcing ppl to love her u know? I'm just so embarrassed for her! :(
Yahoo, got the related websites thingy back, I used html instead of feed element, now dah betul, thanks woman! :)
hehe.. me too..lol!!
oh good.. lets hope for some kaching ya... but nothing for LJL yet..only CT jer.. hehe
He he, good to be back biatching abt Boldie eh? Ok LJ, I will add the link to MPG tomo, I think it's time to zzzzz oredi, raining here u know, so cozy wozy to sleep. Nite nite dearie, see ya in a couple of hours! :):):)
Feelss soooooooooo good...lol!!
Okies. it stop raining here but still so cold.. nite nite dearie!!
Sweet dreams :)
OK, ladies...I want everyone to come over and chop at my place!
great photos of Emila and the kids Mariuca!!!
how lovely to have a visit IRL...
do you live far from each other?
your place looks pretty spic and span to me ;)
$8 specs...wow that's inexpensive :)
good luck with your drops and have a lovely weekend with B and the kids :)
That´s Emila!
It looks like she´s a catlover too.
I can´t find anything more imaginative to say: Your furfriends are so beatiful!
Feels like squeezing, lol.
A good weekend. Cheers.
meow... the cats are so cute :)
will be going to my daily routine check blogs soon :)
Dropping my 1st EC today.
I like your kitty..emm cute deh!!
Here raining almost everyday
hi dear, come join me for a glass of lemonade! ;-)
Marzieee, I want to see Benji!!! He is so gumuk... oopss!! Errr, I mean so healthy!! :D He looks almost as big as Emila in the pic!! @_@
Phoebe is so sweet and Chubbs pula betul2 malu2 kucing... hehe
Have a great weekend!
Happy Saturday to you, Mariuca!
It is monsooning here in the Roxiticus Valley, so Rex and the girls and I are staying safe and warm inside. We'll have to go out later to get my mom settled into rehab for her broken pelvis, hopefully the rain will let up by then.
All of the comments I thought I left here yesterday seem to have vanished...maybe I left them on a different post??
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that BlogExplosion is back up and running and I just joined a new Battle of the Blogs with a new post about witches in the blogosphere!
Uwaa! When did you post this out? I missed it big time! It's 123 comments oredi!
Lol, thank you guys! I had a blast!!
LJ and Roxy, I was too excited commenting from Marzie's lappie that I forgot to change the ID! Hahaha!
LJ, jeles jangan tak jeles!
Vote, vote, vote...good luck! Mister Scott is a tough competitor!
Vote vote vote!!! good luck dearie!!
hahah Emila.. mmg jeles... lolz!!
Wow, when you wake up you really wake up...thanks for stopping by with all the comment luv, and for your BOTB vote...just lost a close one 8-7 and started a new one. You have two votes left, good luck!
Traveling the blogosphere via Firefox today...much faster, including the EntreBar.
Vote vote vote again!! good luck dearie!
Like LJ said, vote vote vote...for sure you will win this time!
Hola Mariuca...we both won our BOTB, yay us!
Now here's a question that I'll try out on you and LJ...any guesses on why my top commenters widget only shows the top 9 commenters instead of 10? I know there are more commenters who have at least 5 comments...
Marzie, just what do you feed that cat? LOL!
Besar and chubby nyer the fellow :D Man, it must be great being cats in your house, sure get food yang syiok-syiok ... hehehe ...
Wakey wakey...it is just before 9 o'clock on Saturday night in the Roxiticus Valley, I think that means it is 10am Sunday morning for you. I just put up a new post about my 50,000th visitor and accepting your Uber Amazing Blog Award...and I've joined a big new Battle of the Blogs. Hope you can drop by before it's over!
Hola dear! was here today! Sorry I slept early last night, saw you having chit-chat with Ken.
Wow $8 spec! that is unbelievable.
I believed Emila really enjoyed her time with you and your kids.
One last visit before bedtime...hope you're having a nice relaxing Sunday on your side of the world.
Hi Marzie & Emila! I'm so jealous...I want to pet Phoebe too!!!
Both of you have a wonderful Sunday:)
so the kids here = cats .. alright.. ;)
hey Marzie.. this is a tag for ya
Sweet dreams LJ, I'm up oredi, baru nak reply comments ni. Happy Monday! :)
Morning Roxy! I will surely come chop at ur place whenever I can he he! ;)
Thank you Kim! I'm glad u enjoyed the pics, there weren't many, but the ones here are cool eh? Oh he he, my house was pretty messy the day Emila came over, but I did manage to mop the floor at least lol! :)
Emila and I used to work together so we do see one another whenever possible, this was a great visit for us YAY! :):):)
Mize, thanks for coming by today sweetie! Emila was all over my furry friends he he and I was proud to show them off to her as well LOL! :):):)
MEOW TH! Thanks dear, my cats love getting compliments! :):):)
Nice to see u too Ken, have a great Monday! :)
YAY! Thank you for making me ur 1st EC drop Bono and thanks for the cat compliment MEOW! Sini tak hujan lagi for the day, maybe later in the evening. :)
Monica! Thanks so much for that very refreshing lemonade YAY! :):):)
Nessaaaa!!! He he he cute kan my kitty cats? And yes, Benji aka Baba mmg chubbs, Emila oso surprised when she carried him ha ha! Some more so cute and fluffy, I laik la Benji! :):):)
Pheebs and Chubbs say hello to u too MEOW! :)
Hi Roxy! How is ur mom doing now? I hope she is comfortably resting in rehab now. :)
Oh I got all ur comments sweetie, don't worry, they're just in several diff posts, maybe that's why u don't see them all here! :)
Roxy, looks like I'll be out of the BOTB scene for a while! I just checked my status at BE and it's still waiting for approval! :(
Ha ha finally our guest of honour is here, Hola Emila! Thanks again for coming all the way from KL to visit B, me and the kids. We had a blast that day kan? Must plan another outing with the geng soon, love ya! :):):)
LJ and Roxy, thanks for voting for me at BOTB, I won the second one YAY! I can't wait for BE to approve my blog again so I can join u ladies for more fun at BOTB. Group hug ladies! :):):)
Ha ha ha tenkiu Nick! I feed them Royal Canin only lol! Benji is fat since young, and he is getting fluffier and chubbier by the day too, I love! :):):)
Hi Emila, no worries! Dah biasa dah to cakap sorang diri at EIB he he! Happy Monday! ;)
Hola ECL! Cheap right the glasses??? And yes, Emila and I had a blast that day, we spent the whole day together YAY! :):):)
Bobby! You're jealous too? He he, Emila did have a great time hanging out with my kids MEOW! :):):)
Faizal, long time no see u, thanks for stopping by! And yup, these are my "kids", cute tak? :)
Thanks for the tag, I'll come check it out! :):):)
I'm glad you love the lemonade..LOL! :-D
We definitely had great time! Must go Pak Li again and try other food! Hehe! The coffee there is good! I like Ipoh Kopi!!
Hello Benji, pheebs and chubbs!
I love the Lemonade award Monica, reminds me of lemonade tycoon stand he he, thanks again! :)
Meow meow Aunty Emila! Master likes Pak Li too, next time u must try the nasi lemak sambal sotong, Master says it's YUM! :):):)
Wow, I wouldn't dare to do the same like what Emila did to Benji!! I will only watch the kids from a distance. hehehehehe ;p
Your kids are really huge. They are really wel taken care of !! Good Job Master :)
Ha ha ha thank you Janice!! Benji is sooooo harmless, really! Just that he's big like a doggie he he!
I'm sure u won't be afraid of Phoebe cause she's really tiny! :):):)
Benjie is so adorable!
Thank you DDay! Benji is cute and naughty too sometimes LOL! :):):)
the cutest cat ever!
Hola El, thanks so much MEOW MEOW! :):):)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!