Hello everyone! It’s finally time to announce the winner for my second contest! Are you guys excited? Well, I am but before I announce who’ll be celebrating Aidilfitri with Mariuca, allow me to say thanks to everyone who participated in my contest. As usual, you guys were awesome and I loved reading every single one of your comment on my 2nd Contest post. Some of you made me laugh, some made me swoon, and some made me want to have a duplicate Mariuca Raya Mug so I could have 2 winners instead of just 1!
Once again, my adorable assistant Phoebe, will be presenting the Mariuca Mug to this contest winner so without further ado, I am pleased to announce that the winner for my 2nd Mariuca Mug Contest is .... the one and only NAFASg from Singapore!!! Nafa was the 3rd commenter for my 2nd Contest post and they were randomly picked as the winner to celebrate Aidilfitri with Mariuca! I can’t wait to “meet” the NAFA gang because they are so cool and I’m such a big fan. It'll be great to be in the company of such wonderful writers and friends that form the NAFA Network! Congratulations NAFA!!! Now, GP will always be with you so you can enjoy more good luck and love!
Before I sign off, I'd like to express my sincere gratitude once more to everyone who took part in my contest. Your participation means a whole lot to me. If you didn’t win this contest, fret not as I’ll be having another contest really soon, so look out for that one!
Bobby Champdog NAFA Genie King Emila Melody Tish Reda Nihal Sue Rolando Jackie Mark Nessa Nick Parisukat Uncle Sam Jean LadyJava Ed Karen Colin Healthfreak Mommy Janice Kimfei Vanidosa Kev Christy Mike Juliana Hin Man Jacques Pierre Sandman Mixterr Rita Adria Diamonds Darlene Jay Muszasha Kirby PurpleFrogCat Sweet Girl Jamilla Jesse Zubli & Lesha
PS. A very special thank you to Emila, Christy, Bobby and Jamilla for giving mention to my 2nd Contest on their blogs! Thanks guys!

Im not sure whether im the first commenter or not. But then im be the one view that this post is still 0 comment!!! So I assume that Im the 1st one!!
CONGRA NAFA!!!! I feel that NAFA deserve to get this RAYA MUG so that they can celebrate hari raya adilfitri with marzie too even though few of u guys said the mug will give it to me without random.org.
But for sure if for Chinese New Year, IT WILL BE MINE!!!!! Bcos Im Chinese. Announcement, Im not Malay as most of u guys wll get confused with my race. Malay one is JaMiLah ...Mine is JaMiLLa ...its a nickname that I found in the book of library. GOt meaning but I forget. *Lousy mind*
Anyway, NAFA, take away home with MARZIE RAYA MUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Then I will take away the coming contest that Marzie mentioned! MUaaaahhhha Muaaahhhhhaahhhhh! Advance booking contest!!!
I love that pic. Phoebe so serious beside the mug lah.
Congrates to Nafa for winning the mug. So lucky !! :D
Janice Ng
Congratulations to NAFA!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was really nervous when I 1st looked at this post. I waited a few minutes before I scrolled down. My heart was pounding and I looked to see Nafa win!!!
I am soooo happy for my favourite blog team! Go Nafa!
Wow Marzie, your contests are so cool and suspenseful. Everyone is dying for a Mariuca Mug!
Anyway, it's been so fun being part of this. You are definetly cool and a GREAT FRIEND!!!!:):):):):):)
*sob sob* ..... *sob*... *sob*....
i am so sry, i just cant stop crying! i want the mug so bad!!! :(
anyway, i am happy for NAFASG. I wonder how are they gonna split teh mug among themselves. Maybe they can go by schedule. Mon, Wed, Fri for Ladies NAFA and other days for teh guys. LOL!
marzie, thanks for hosting this contest. I am looking forward to your 3rd one!! Hopefully it's christmas mug!! :)
Am I the first commenter! YAY Now to read your post LOL
Genie King
CONGRATS TO NAFA!!! You guys really deserve the mug! :):):)
I'm gonna wait for the next great contest now to get my Mariuca Mug! LOL Don't take too long Marzie! :)
Genie King
Congrats on your win NAFA, but I must say I'm totally jealous of you ... LOL!
didn't win this one. there's always another chance. when is the next contest? please let me know, marzi.
thanks a lot. take care..
Perfect! Congrats NAFA!! and thanks Mariuca for putting this wonderful contest together.
Ouch .. Sobs .. Hope I have better luck next time.
Nafa, Congrats!!
Oh by the way Marz, here's wishing a Selamat Hari Raya to you, your hubby and your entire family :) Have fun and send some rendang and ketupat my way, k? LOL!
Hi Marzie!
Yay! NAFA won! Congrats NAFA!
Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir batin to you and B! Have a great one!
Hi Jamy, yes you are my first commenter! GP hug for u!
Thanks for joining my contest dearie, don't worry k...I'll be having more contests ... can't disappoint my other readers who didn't win this one now can I?
Have a great day Jamy!
Hi Jan, I took this pic last night... some more didn't sleep one whole night, now cleaning up da house! Everything is in a mess and I'm running out of time to do all the chores by myself :(
Thanks for joining my contest Jan, look out for the next one k? Hugs and love for u!
Bobby, thanks for being a part of my contest, this one and the one before! I'm glad u had a good time and I'll be having more good stuff for my readers, so stay tuned! I'm happy that NAFA won too, they're so cool! Yay for NAFA! :):):)
Hi Jean! I can't tell u what's next but I'm pretty sure ul like it too! Thanks so much for joining my contest again and don worry k, u might just win the next contest! And it'll be just as special as this one! Love ya! :):):)
GK, thanks for coming by! I'm so glad that you joined this contest as well, it made everything more fun to have Genie King here. Try again next time k, I love having contests, they're so much FUN! :):):) And of course YAY for NAFA!!
Hey Nick, thanks so much for joining my 2nd contest, please don't forget to join the next one, which is coming up really soon!!! :):):)
Hi Juliana! Sorry u didn't win this Mariuca Mug, but don't give up! I'll let u know when I have my next one and u must join k? Hugs for u dear! :):):)
Rolando! It was my pleasure to run this contest. I hope u had fun and will be back for more contests and fun at Mariuca's blog! :):):)
Karen!!! Thanks to u too for making this contest a success! I hope ul join my next one too, and yes...better luck next time k! Hugs for u Karen! :):):)
Nick! Thanks for the Raya greetings... I'll be here for Raya since my kampung is here. Am so looking forward to the ketupat and rendang now, will be thinking of u when I devour the yummy goodies LOL! :):):)
Emila!!! Yeah NAFA won!! Isn't that great?! I can't wait to go to Singapore and check out the display case they're gonna put "me" in!!
Selamat Hari Raya to u, Zaim and Yassin too. Drive safely and have a ball eating all the good stuff!! Love ya!! :):):)
Congrats to the winner, NAFA Team from Singapore. I will have to wait for the next contest to try my luck again. I will keep try till I win one day.
Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslim Friends celebrating the Hari Raya.
Have a wonderful time and enjoy you long holidays. :)
Genie Princess words cannot describe how grateful we are to u. FINALLY! We got the mug!!
Thank u so so much GP for making our Raya the best Raya that we will ever have. We can't wait to 'meet' u too dear! U ARE THE BEST! *huggies*
Hmm..now how are we gonna split this mug among our team? Hehe!
Thank u so much Marzie. NAFASG LOVES MARZIE! =)To the rest of u, pls look out for more of her contests ok? If we can win this, u can too. =)
And to u GP and all our Muslim friends here in the blogosphere, we would like to wish all of u Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Dan Batin. =)
Hi Uncle Sam! Thanks so much for joining my 2nd contest,try again next time k!!
And thanks for the well wishes. My leave actually starts today! I hope u have a nice Raya holiday too! :):):)
Woo hoooo the WINNER is finally here!!!! CONGRATS NAFA!!!! GP loves NAFA too and am so happy that u guys won this contest!!!!
I hope ul enjoy this Mariuca Mug and I can't wait to see my "new home" in Singapore!! YAY for NAFA again!! :):):)
And Happy Hari Raya to u and everyone there too!
Yay Genie Princess responded!
Sorry lah respond lambat, coz we were busy preparing for Raya as usual. Hehe! And now our Raya would be so much more glittery and bright, all thanks to the specially designed Mariuca Mug that we have managed to clinch.
We will surely show off the mug to our friends back in Singapore when they come for Raya visits. We will tell them that we have a very sweet and beautiful friend named Marzie who had awarded us the mug! Yippee!! =)
Oh yes! We must also tell our friends back in Singapore that we were personally awarded the mug by a cute and cuddly cat named Phoebe. Yay! =)This is the first time ever in our lives that we are awarded by a kitty cat. Must tell everyone abt this! =D
Congrats, congrats to NafaSG :-)
Too bad did not win.. really needed a few wishes to come true..heheh..
Anyway GP, thanks for such a great contest and look forward to your next one :-)
Warm regards
Pstt.. Selamat Hari Raya to all!
Oh no, not me?? :*(
Oh well, better luck next time...BTW will there be a Mariuca Deepavali mug??
Congrats NafaSG Team!
Hi Marzie! In case I don't get a chance -
from our family to your family! :):):)
Genie King
PS I guess now that I didn't win the mug I won't be getting my rendang! LOL
NAFA!!! You are so cute! Was that Lady Nafa responding to my comment? Sounds like her, so adorable he he he...
Yay, show me off to ur friends k, I'm so excited too! And Phoebe too!! Was so hard to get her to stay in one position so I could capture her pic giving you the mug, he he he!!
Have fun NAFA and Happy Hari Raya again! Love you guys! :):):)
LJ!! I managed to curi some time and prepare this post. Was a busy day today, had to clean the place, the cats were grumbling away cause they had to stay in their condo while their master swept, vacuumed and made the house spic and span!
Happy Hari Raya to u dear and once again, thanks for joining my contest. Be sure to enter my next one too k! Hugs and love for u! :):):)
Nessa, yeah la, sorry u didn't win this mug too, but there's always next time! Thanks for joining this contest yeah and my next theme for my Mariuca Mug will be a surprise...wait and see! ;)
Enjoy your Raya holiday dear! :):):)
GK!!! I was so busy today, didn't have time to answer my comments until now only. Thanks so much for the Raya wish, I hope u and family will have a good break too.
I don't think I'll be cooking la GK, so tired oredi and Raya isn't even here yet he he he... but we'll see... I'm fickle after all, might just change my mind and make that yummy rendang I've been telling u about ha ha ha...:):):)
Hi Marzie,
I'm really so happy for NafaSG, they are so lucky to win this wonderful gift from you :)
I will eagerly await the next contest with great anticipation.
PS : To you and B, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin, dan semoga bahagia selalu, from your friend, Nihal and family :)
Marzie, is it my imagination or is Phoebe getting cuter? She is so beautiful, I wish I could pet her!!!
Nihal!!! Thanks for joining my contest, I had loads of FUN and hopefully so did you! Look out for my next contest, coming soon!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri & Maaf Zahir Batin to you and your family. Drive safely balik kampung, and I'll see you soon k!
Bobby! Your mind isn't playing tricks on you, Phoebe is getting cuter by the day! And fluffier, really need to send her for grooming la.. :):):)
Heheh.. yes I can hear them all the way here..hehehe..
eh curi curi post, dah prepare for the big meal ke??
Actually, I'm the same as Bobby. I duno why but my heart was pounding so fast. I was hoping that its me leh.... I saw Singapore but that will mean got Karen, Nafa, MT mah.... haha :D
Anyway, congrates to Nafa again. I will pray harder next time. :D
Janice Ng
LJ! I thought yesterday was a busy day for me, but today is even more so! I might even have to go shopping for some last minute Raya deco! ;)
Am still contemplating on whether to make my rendang and kuah kacang. But if I do, I'll only be cooking next weekend cause this weekend I'll be doing a lot of visiting so won't be around. :):):) Good thing my kampung is here, I hate travelling long distance by car! Tiring mah!
Genie Princess
Awww Jan, ur so cute! I hope u win my next Mariuca Mug too.. sorry you didn't win this contest! Better luck next time k! :):):)
Genie Princess
:( :( :( :(
Ooooooohaaaaaaaaa!!! OOooohhaaaaaaaaa!!!! oooohaaaaaaa!!
My dreams fell apart!! My precious!!! oh my precious!! come back to me my precious!! Hahahaha!!
NAFA, I'll buy the mug from you! Hahaha.. How much you want? 1million dollars?? hahha lol..
Congratulation NAFA! You deserve it! Take care of the mug.. :D
Marzie, congrats for the successful contest! I Hope to see more contest from you in the future.. I will surely join!
Take care!
Congratulations NAFASG, on winning the mug!! You deserve it totally, and now you and me are both Mug winners, just imagine, how cool is that!
How come Phoebe remains such a cute fluffball ! She just gets cuter as time goes by!
Enjoy your lovely Mug,team :)
Jay, thanks so much for joining my contest. I had so much fun with you and everyone else! And I'm looking forward to having u join my next contest.
Study hard, take care and it's so nice to see u here! :):):)
Genie Princess
Meow Jesse! Yay, we have the winner for my first contest in da house, welcome!! I just love giving away these Mariuca Mugs cause I have so much fun every time, hope to see u at my next contest!
PS. Am sending Phoebe for grooming really soon, she's so fluffy now and has made my pillow her official sleeping place for the past month, so cute!!
Genie Princess
I wanted that mug so bad, uh anyway, theres always next year, congrats NAFA (inserts jealous face).
Hi Mike, you can always try again! And u don't have to wait till next year! ;)
IKs34F Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
Another mug that I DIDN"T WIN....hehe...
Congrats to NAFA!!
i love to link to you marzie!!
Congrats to the winner!
Hola Phoebe, I like your pose here lah..hehe
me too.
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!