Here's wishing all my Muslim friends in Malaysia and all over the world a very Happy Hari Raya! Especially to DD & Helmy, Elina, Yasmin & Shariz, Zue & MG, Sher, TSZ, Comel, Hans, Zeff, Zubli, Emila, Izali, Mixterr, Reda, LadyJava, NAFA, Joezul, Forumer, Nihal, Jacques Pierre Alan Zain & Yasmin. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri & Maaf Zahir Batin. Have a blessed Aidilfitri with your family and friends. Enjoy the Raya goodies, have loads of fun and we'll meet here again soon! Oh and drive safely to your Raya destination!
Ramadan dan Syawal bersilih ganti,
Beramal ibadat mohon pembersihan,
Ketulusan sanubari seikhlas hati,
Daripada Mariuca bersemi ingatan.

Selamat Hari Raya GP and everyone!
Kalau ada salah silap sepanjang mana persahabatan kita, I pohon ampun dan maaf yek.
This include sapa2 yg kenal kat i in this cyberworld of ours lah :)
Cheerio :-)
LJ! Thanks for coming by. Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin. I hope u have a good time with your hubby and ur kitties of course! You'll be sending them for boarding masa balik kampung I suppose? Drive carefully yeah... Love and hugs! :):):)
No lah.. no kampung.. my IL all here..easy easy...hehe..
Oh.. first commentator.. yey!! hehee
Selamat Hari Raya!!!!
Pls hop over my place to get ur dozen of ROSES to celebrate ur HARI RAYA!!!
Marzie, Selamat Hari Raya !! :)
Have an enjoyable long weekend with B.
Have lots & lots of fun & laughter on this merry day :)
Janice Ng
Marzie and family.
Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir Batin.
Wishing you a joyous festival and enjoy yourself to the max. Makan banyak banyak, Put on a few kilo pun tak apa. heheheh.
Safe and pleasant journey home if you balik kampung.
Remember post some nice Raya pictures. :)
Marzie! I left you a message yesterday but I don't see it here so I'm gonna wish you again..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
from my family to your family! :):):)
Genie King
I know I don't know anything about this celebration but I can say God bless you Marzie!!!! Selamat Hari Raya:)
I hope you have a great year Genie Princess:)
Hello GP and friends...
The NAFA gang would like to wish our dearest friend and sister, the one and only Genie Princess Marzie...and all our Muslim friends in the blogosphere...
Please forgive us for anything that we had done wrong. After all, we are humans and we make mistakes. May this festive season bring peace, joy and love among us all, and may all of u have a blissful Raya with all your friends and loved ones. Enjoy!
With Love,
Hi LJ! Yes u are my first commenter for this post, yay!
How's the sambal goreng coming along? You know, I couldn't get the thought of that yummy dish out of my head now that you told me ur making it for Raya, looking forward to the pic. Gambar pun jadi la! :):):)
Genie Princess
Hi Jamilla, thanks sweetie! I'll be by to smell the roses! Have a good holiday to you. :):):)
Genie Princess
Hi Janice! Thanks for the lovely wish dear. I'll be having fun for sure, eating all the yummy goodies he he he... You enjoy ur Raya weekend too ok? Love and hugs! :):):)
Genie Princess
Thank you Uncle Sam! My kampung is here only, so no long distance travelling for me! Happy Raya weekend to you, I hope ul get to enjoy some ketupat and rendang too when u visit ur Muslim friends this festive season. See you soon Uncle Sam! :):):)
Genie Princess
GK, you are so cute! You left a Raya msg on my contest announcement post lla, not this one! Have a good Raya weekend to u and family too. Love and Hugs for GK! :):):)
Genie Princess
Thank you Bobby, I will definitely have a good holiday. And I hope u enjoy ur weekend too, see you soon! :):):)
Genie Princess
Hi NAFA! Thanks so much for your lovely Raya wish here. I too would like to wish my fave team a Happy Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin. May we continue to be friends forever and let's have a wonderful and blessed Raya this year! Love ya! :):):)
Genie Princess
I want to wish you and your family well during this happy time,have fun relax and dont over-do it....come back safe and sound from all cellebrations.And Blessings to all... :)
Woot..GP.. it's 10pm and both my sambal goreng and rendang all done and successfully I might add..yummy sedaps hubby said...later when i upload the pictures i post ok...free smell ;-)
Happy Eid-ul Fitr from India :)
Pssst... just remember to watch those marzieful curves. Don't over-eat :)
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri - Maaf Zahir Batin!
hey you know what.. kalau you craving sgt, mai lah rumah i, raya mah, makan rendang dan sambal with nasi empit. Ketupat tak buat lah tahun ni..
Sila sila...
Jesse, thanks so much for coming by with your lovely wishes, I appreciate it! Phoebe hugs for you! :):):)
Genie Princess
LJ!! You are so sweet, inviting me to ur house to makan! I will be enjoying my rendang and ketupat from my end and have ur sambal goreng pic as eye candy! It's almost 3am and I still have lotsa stuff to do! ;)
Genie Princess
Sandman, thanks for the lovely wish all the way from India, that's totally cool! :):):)
Genie Princess
Helmy!! Thanks for coming by neighbour! Selamat Hari Raya to U, DD and Ali! Maaf zahir batin and come home safely! :):):)
Marzie,wishing you selamat hari raya..and enjoy the holiday ya...hehe
Selamat Hari Raya Marzie!!
hi GP,
happy Hari Raya
enjoy and have fun
Happy Eid, Marzie! Please accept my apologies if I offended you in the past. I still have you in my blogroll. ;)
Selamat Hari Raya! Hope you enjoy the holiday.
btw, I've another tag for u.
Eid greetings! In Arabic it is called as Eid Mubarak :)
Hi Kim fei, as u can see I'm still busy celebrating, hence the late response! Thanks for coming by. I hope u're enjoying ur break! :):):)
Nessa! Thanks for coming by too, enjoy ur long weekend k! :):):)
Sweet Girl, always nice to see u here, thanks for the wish and yes, I'm having lotsa FUN! :):):)
Hi Jacelyn, thanks dear! I am having a very good Raya and I will check out the tag soon yeah? :):):)
Hi Joel, thanks for stopping by? I'm having a very nice Eid Mubarak! ;)
I miss you SOOOOO much! Hurry back Marzie:)
Marzie, Selamat Hari Raya! How was Raya Celebration? Any raya pics? oh, did u make the sambal?
Miss Yummy-licious
Marzie, bet you have taken lots of pretty pictures of you & B in Black? You mentioned that your costume this year is black I peeped somewhere... LOL :)
How's everything going.
Miss you lah !! :)
Janice Ng
marzie, i've commented on your post 2 days ago. I cant find my comment here! :(
Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya to you & B! :)
Very sweet. I love the contest Mariuca. I never win anything. Ooops. Negative thinking. ERase that. Power of positive thinking....I will win...I will win....I will win...your cup one day so I can look at your lovely face on my desk! Hula!
Hi Bobby, thanks for missing me he he he... be back soon, take care! :):):)
Jean, so cute la u woman! Sorry, I was not at home most of the time, couldn't check in my blog. Things are less hectic now but I'm still in the Raya mood and been spending time with B. Thanks for all ur lovely wishes and I'll come by ur blog real soon k? :):):)
Yay Janice misses me! Sorry dear for being MIA these past few days! Been busy visiting and stuff, hope all is okay with u. Hugs and love for my cuties in Sing! :):):)
Hi Ev, so nice to see u again! Hey, look out for my upcoming contest, you can't miss that one! ;)
Selamat Hari Raya to my dearest friend, Marzie :)
Maklumlah, kami tengah sibuk visiting everyone in the whole family tree, it kinda took me a while to get here with my greetings.
My house is always open, if you and B wanna come by, there's still loads of spicy rendang and ketupat for all :)
Once again, maaf zahir dan batin and have a great holiday, ya :)
Nihal! Selamat Hari Raya friend! Oh me too busy visiting and stuffing myself silly ha ha ha, thanks for ur invitasi, that's very nice of you. I hope u and ur family had a good Raya holiday too! :):):)
Thanks for the wishes and linklove dear! Happy Hari Raya to you too!
Hi Emila, Selamat Hari Raya to u too, I'm sure u had a great one! :):):)
Hey Marzie. Selamat Hari Raya to you & Family too! Sorry, I was away since last Friday. Raya was great & now having stomach cramps due to over-eating! :(
Btw, I luv the Raya poem ! :))
Hi Niz, thanks for ur wish. I know what u mean abt those stomach cramps LOL! Happy Hari Raya, hope u had a great one! :):):)
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri!
Sorry for the delayed wishes.
I was out of station for a very long time & reached home before 2 days!
Take care u all!
Jumpa Esok!
Hi Raghav! Thanks for ur wish here, very thoughtful of you! I hope u had a nice Raya break as well, see u soon! :):):)
eh eh.. lagi tiga hari Raya!!
Selamat Hari Raya GP!!!
selamat hari raya, marzie!
One more day!!!
Wow, today in history. Raya rupanya tahun lepas. :):)
selamat hari raya, marzie!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!