Mike just tagged me with this very simple meme. All u have to do is give 4 answers for each question. It's so easy that I just have to do it now!
4 jobs I’ve had
Library Assistant
Magazine Feature Writer
Advertisement Executive
Assistant Manager Corporate Communications
4 films I could watch over and over
Love Affair
White Chicks
American Pie
4 Places I have lived
Taman Megah, PJ
Damansara Jaya, PJ
Subang Jaya, PJ
Bandar Sri Damansara, KL
4 Favorite TV shows
Bold & Beautiful (proudly making it my number 1!)
Desperate Housewives
Grey's Anatomy
4 Favorite Foods
TGIF's Buffalo Wings
Nasi Lemak
Anything chocolate
4 Websites I visit everyday (of course I visit more than 4!)
A Great Pleasure
This Is A Miracle
First Time Dad
4 Places I would love to be
LA since B is there now
LA since B is there now
France - perfume capital of the world
Crown Casino, Melbourne
4 Favorite Colors
4 Names I love but would/could not use for my children
Now, here are my tag picks: Brown Baron, Make Traffic, Karen and Joe! Have fun peeps! :)
Marzie, so coincident that I'm working on some meme on my backlogs too. I would love to do this one... but you din tag me leh !! hehe ;p
just kidding...
I was wondering why the 4 names cannot be use for your children?
Janice!! I was thinking of tagging u but I figured u oredi have too many tags like me lor! But hey, you can still do it if u want to dear! :):):)
Jan, I will email u on the names he he he...
Hi Marzie,
It is MakeTraffic...hehe. Not Market traffic although it sound nice also...Thanks for the tag. Done it. Cheers!
MT!!! Ha ha ha, so sorry dear, I've corrected it! *blush*
But Market Traffic oso nice right? So feel like changing names or not? LOL! :)
I need to think about my answers hehehe
Ha ha, sure BB...ponder on it all u want, just let me know when you're done thinking he he he...
Marzie : LOL!! MT tagged me liao...I sure sure know he will tagged me cos I tagged him too.
Here's your tag on mine.
Looks like its the TAGGING DAY huh :)
Jan, I know!! I just came from his site, yay.. u get to do the simple meme now! :)
You tagged me? Ha ha ha, ok am off to see what's in store for me now! :):):)
Hi Marzie,
Ha ha ha :)) White Chicks, that's definitely a totally hilarious movie. I simply love the Wayan Brothers too. And, Crown Casino is d place to be I tell you...(tapi kalah banyak, so don't want to go anymore) he he he :)
Marzie! tsk tsk tsk...Titanic and Bold & the Beautiful (#1 even)! Ho hum...one man's meat is anothers poison LOL
You seriously love the Bold & Beautiful, huh? I've just got to go and watch that show again one day and see if I missed something ... LOL!
Haha Marz!
This is a case of Double Tag!
I got tagged by Jan for the same meme!
All the more I should quickly do it! Thanks for tagging me!
Nihal!!! Next time,we must go to Crown together, so can drown our sorrows from losing together! Ha ha ha.. And yeah, white chicks is def hilarious! Never get bored watching it, damn funny la! :):)
Adrian, actually Titanic not so much...just that I happened to watch it thrice (follow ppl mah), but I do like it.
B&B - tsk tsk tsk... of course this is on my list Adrian, how can it not?!! I LOVE B&B! :):):)
Ha ha ha ... oh Nick, u must give it another shot (I know u won't la!).. Been a fan since day 1 (imagine how long ago that was), so that's why I'm hooked. It's the only soap I watch actually! And the ppl there are gorgeous, so why not?! :):):)
Hi Karen, thanks for the "urgency" in doing the tag! Gimme a buzz when it's up k? :):)
Marzie : I think Karen got it wrong. Your meme & mine same meh? She kenna tagged until blur liao !! I better go tell her :) :)
Is it Jan? Better hurry, since Karen is rushing out her tags now LOL! :)
Ok la Marzie, I think I can spare some money from my measly 1 million and get you the entire episodes ever released of the B&B series (video cassette can ah? cheaper I think ... LOL!)
Ha ha ha, that's all Nick? You won even arrange a personal meet the B&B crew session for me? Ok ok, video cassette also can la, besides I don't think they have the episodes on vcd/dvd! Thanks Nick, ur so cool LOL! :):):)
I've put the meme up. Well, I just copied your post up there, and paste it up. Hmm.. is it okay?
Of course, I changed the my fav. movie. Can't stand Titanic after watching it twice... :lol:
I've watched B&B a few times...hmmm gorgeous ladies.... :D
err..better shut up now, yes...
Joe! Thanks for doing the tag! Yeah, Titanic was in then, so I watched it 3x (follow friends watch!) but I'm happy to hear u've watched B&B a few times!! Ha ha ha, yay!! Gorgeous right the ladies?! I love Taylor, she's beautiful! Will be by to check out ur meme :):):)
Hi there Marzie... Hi there guys..
hmmm.. Can someone explaine to me what is that tagging thing? lol...
Sorry for acting like a noob.. But I'm still confused at increasing traffics...
Thank you.. Take care all!
I <3 Heroes :D Can't wait for the new season :)
Hi Jay, it's nice to see u again!
Tags are actually quite simple to do (well most of them!) and they're pretty fun too.
When someone tags you, you're expected to do the given tag and pass it on to other bloggers to keep the tag alive. So like this one, it's a very simple tag, which requires me to name 4 things for each of the 4 questions. Once I'm done, I get to tag others who will then do this same tag on their respective blogs. This way, you'll get to know ur blog buddies a lil bit more and you get to share more of you with them. I'll keep u in mind for my next tag if u like! :):):)
Mike! Me too, it's taking so long to come back on air! My fav character is Hiro, he's so cute and funny! :):):)
I see Rashad's name is there!
Emila! He he he, yeah la, TSZ is so lucky to have twin boys, handsome and with this very nice name that I like! But of coz can't name my future son the same name :):):)
Hiro is cool! :D
I like the cheerleader as well ;) hehe
Mike, I like Claire too!! I think her healing power is totally cool! ;)
thanks for the mention marzie! you've lived in subang before! which part?
Jean! Subang is my second home! I've stayed in USJ2, USJ 5 and USJ 17!! And I still visit my parents there every weekend :) I love Subang actually, just hate the traffic jam in that area ;)
wow, marzie! we were ex.neighbour, haha! :)
That's why Jean! I bet we'll bump into eac hother in Subang one day! Don forget to say hello if u see me walking around in USJ with Benji! :):):)
I was a librarian too in junior college..
I LOVE White Chicks and American Pie!!
Prison Break followed by Boldie..hehe
Why can't you use Nina on your kids?? I love the name though if I have kids can't use it either.. identity conflict with Nina Sardina..lolz!!
nina sardina you guna kat cat tales kan lj?
Yeah.. it's Nina's full name.. Nina Sardina binte Mek Macintosh..hhehe
wahahah panjangnya nama tu...muat ke dalam ic?
marzie, thank you for visiting me everyday!!! love ya!
I love White Chicks too, the Wayan brothers are so hilarious! :)
Tapi I paling suka Forrest Gump, I can memorise the script by heart. :)
Life is like a box of chocolate.. you'll never know what you're gonna get.. Run Forest Run!! heheh
I LOVE white chicks.. especially when the black guy sing that song.. and his head left and right...heheheh
Wahhh..tak sangka u suka gak, LJ! :) Every time dengar lagu tu mesti teringat that part la.
I just love Tom Hanks. Semua movie dia mmg best! Am not sure if I've missed any, though.
My fave colours are blue, black, white and brown. Lol! And sometimes purple and maroon.
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!