The scaredy cat Nick (yes, I'm a scaredy cat as well!) has tagged me on a new meme! I actually like the idea of this meme as it serves to stir up some memories of your older posts by picking 5 posts that relate to the 5 things listed below, which is why I decided to do this meme almost immediately.
Here are the rules for this meme:
1. Post 5 links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 key words given below.
2. Tag 5 other friends to do this meme. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances (if not, your current blog buddies will do) so that you get to know them each a little bit better.
3. Don't forget to read the archived post and leave comments.
Such simple rules to follow right? So here are my 5 links:
Link 1 must be about FAMILY
Link 2 must be about FRIENDS
Link 3 must be about YOURSELF, who you are, what you’re all about
Link 4 must be about something YOU LOVE
Link 5 can be ANYTHING you choose
Now... who shall I pick to do this meme? Let's go with these 5 bloggers:
The adorable Polliwog
The ambitious Zubli
The helpful Bobby

Marzie: 1st to comment. Tks for the tag. Look interesting, I shall do it by this weekend. :)
Yay! Again u are my first commenter Uncle Sam! Must give u present la like this! Looking forward to ur post, have fun doing it yeah?! :):):)
Phuawuuwee! Marzie! Marzie!! Marzie!!! This meme send me digging to lovely postings I have archived for years since 1945. Whose brilliant idea is this. Kiss him on the forehead on my behalf please. So smart. Marzie, thanks for remembering me on this meme. It has been so memenizationnessly interesting. Errr Mug dah tak dapat, South Apriqa perginyer. Tuala Mariuca bila nak bagi? Tak kan I mandi pakai sapu tangan jer!! Sian lah I. Emila design ler lekaih!!!
Zubli!! I thought u might be interested, so quickly tagged u before someone else gets to u, he he he...
I didn't know u've been blogging since 1945 Zubli LOL! Pasal tuala tu, I have something better in mind la Zubli, patience my friend! All good things come to those who wait remember? :):):)
No! I do not remember such a wait in all my previous postings at all the blogs I author and organize. Does this means sapu tangan continuously? Tak per lah, what goodness you have in mind and you shall share, I pakai yang itulah bila I mandi!!! Mean while I shall be *patient* my friend. All good things, one gone to South Apriqa olleti. Nak buat camaner Pheobe oii. Sabor jer ler...
Zubli! This "goodness I have in mind" u takleh pakai mandi!! Ha ha ha...Phoebe cakap sabar Uncle Zubli, meow! Macam tu la!
You know, I'm looking at this meme and wonder why the instructions don't say to move each persons 5 chosen posts to the bottom so everyone gets links to 5 posts from all who participate. It would be a posts train. Oh no, am I being greedy? All that recent talk about a million Dollars has given me a temporary case of "gold fever". I'll be fine in a few weeks LOL:)
Ha ha ha, yeah Bobby.. sure sounds like u got the greedy bug from the million dollar meme! I guess we could do the post train once we get this meme in action, just make sure u have ur 5 links up first! LOL :):):)
great list. it will be a pleasure to read it all again...
Thank u Joe. U always make me smile when u come for a visit, happy reading! :):):)
Hi Marzie,
Alamak, you caught me again... now let me see if I have those 5 links in my closet???
Anyway, it sure does sound fun to do. Give me a couple of days to work it out :)
Are you serious? You would turn this innocent meme into one of those trains? Count me in, ha ha ha...I shall keep my ticket handy. Also, I have read these posts of yours previously and they are all great. I will go read them again because I love everything you write:):):)
Hi Nihal, I bet u can use ur creative mind to come up with 5 old posts for this meme. And because it's YOU, I'll give u one whole week to have this meme up! LOL ... :):):)
Bobby, don't let this meme fool you, it's not as innocent as it seems ha ha ha... Thanks for your enthusiasm, am happy that u seem to like what I write! :):):)
I've got this meme too & twice. But the first meme don't have the keywords. That means I am free to choose from my old posts.
Good one that bring us back to some great posts of yours, Marzie :)
Okay this is definitely a better name the the scardey cat gave us! LOL Was fun reading your old posts! Cheers!
Hi Jan, sure combine the two and come up with ur 5 posts. Am wondering if there is any post of urs that I have not read yet! ;)
Hello Adrian! He he he, I have to agree with u there, just kidding Nick! Thanks for reading my old posts, loking forward to ur meme on this! :)
Marz, nice to see the tag up so fast, if it was me, it would still be somewhere in the closet gathering dust ... LOL!
Adrian - Yeah, it's a nicer title buddy, that's cos she's copywriter and I'm in client service, fool of a boy! LOL!
Hi Nick!!! Thank you for being the only one so far to read AND leave comments on all 5 posts! You are a good meme follower :):):)
Yeah, this is the first meme that I did immediately after getting tagged, I enjoyed doing this one, thanks again for tagging me!
Marzie my meme on this will take a while unfortunately!
Nick! Yes! I can attest to your tags gathering dust, being the sender of many of those! Like the face behind the blog one where you promised to have your pic up! TSK TSK TSK Fool of a boy eh...okay watch your six Slick...cause Pain is in da house LOL
Adrian! A while? How come?? Ha ha ha...sure.. I understand how hard it is to find time to do all these tags, I have a couple more tags to do too!
Yeah Nick! Are u ever gonna reveal ur handsome face or what???
Marz! Work lah...besides next week will be away too :)
Yeah Nick where is that handsome mug of yours...don't tell me you're shy? When? When? When? Muahahahahahhaha
I understand Adrian! Just cause I'm a bit "free" from work, doesn't mean morning ppl like u are free too right? Ha ha ha..
Uh oh, here we go again...NICK!! PICTURE POR FAVOR!! :):):)
Oh man, and here I thought everyone forgot about my photo already ... LOL! Sabar, sabar, it will be out soon ... LOL!
Nick, we will NEVER forget about ur missing pic, still waiting eagerly here... whenever ur ready! ;)
Hey there Marzie! I caught up on some of your posts! I hope you have a great weekend! :)
Hola Barrett! It's always nice to see you here. I'm having a pretty good weekend, hope ur doing ok on ur end too and thanks for reading! :):):)
marzie, all great posts! :) im glad for this meme, if not i wouldn't hv known so much more about u. take care!
Thanks Jean! You too left comments on all 5 posts, you are the best sweetie! HUGS :):):)
I am now done! It seems the "easy" factor played a role in doing this tag before some of my others, LOL!
I knew this meme was not innocent:)
Hi Bobby, yay! I'll come by to check out your post ;)
Love all your post so far dearie.. and believe me.. I've been digging..lolzz!!
me too, lj.
still digging in Emila..
me too, lj...dah banyak kali u-turn ni...nak kena jawab you punya komen hehe
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!