So how was your Raya Aidilfitri celebration? To those who did not celebrate, how did you spend your long weekend and holiday? Aidilfitri Day 1 as always, was a little hectic and tiring for B and me. In fact, so tired and distracted was I that I did not manage to snap a shot of me with B by my side. Nor did I take as many photos as I did last year. I was too hot and sweaty from running around preparing food for guests and entertaining them.

I gotta say, my Mom outdid herself this year. She cooked up a storm in the kitchen with sis Intan's help and she baked all sorts of goodies two nights before. The house was beautifully decorated and everything looked great so much thanks and love to her for making Aidilfitri extra festive and yummy this year!

By the time we arrived home late evening, B and I were truly exhausted. I did not sleep the previous night so the moment we were safe and sound at home, I walked right to our bedroom, fell right on top of my bed and immediately fell asleep… still clad in my Raya outfit!

B was exhausted too and after hours of sleep and rest, we got up late the next day, ready to enjoy the rest of the holiday. What to do for the next three days? Make that two since B had to go back to work on Wednesday.
Two days leave is of course not enough to see us flying off to Europe for a vacation and stay in beautiful vacation apartments in Lisbon, that’s for sure. We still had a lot of food leftover from the previous day so I didn’t feel like going away either. I did not want to waste food, which I knew I’d end up doing if we went away so we decided to stay put and enjoy our new 50-inch TV while watching Raya TV programmes on TV and eating Raya food.

Not the busy festive holiday some of you may have enjoyed, but definitely a much-needed rest and quiet time we both have been looking forward to. Perhaps next Raya, we will plan something awesome like a trip and stay in awesome vacation apartments in Lisbon. This year however, we’re staying put.

I am leaving you with a few Raya pictures from my Aidilfitri 2012 album. Like I said earlier, I came home with less than 60 photos all in, half of them blurry so some is still better than none yes? Until my next post, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Maaf Zahir Batin from our family to yours.

Preparing Raya money packets
Don't you just love the new RM20 note?
One and only photo of me on Raya morning
Make that two! Me with Joanna and sister Mel .
Mel's Raya guests
Nasi Minyak
Stuffed oven-roasted chicken
Spicy Pajeri Nenas (Pineapple)
Vegetable Acar
Chicken Serunding
Spicy Beef Rendang
Peanut Sauce
Homemade Cakes
Cakes Galore
Pineapple Tarts
Sis Intan entertaining the neighbourhood kids
Issy and Uncle B
Issy and Ross
Ritz in Play Land!

-FCC Scoreboard point for my FIRST commenter-