If you’re following me @MariucaMPG on Twitter, you may have caught my disappointed tweet when I arrived in Johor Bahru (JB) last weekend only to discover that I’ve forgotten to pack a bottle of perfume for the trip. That was so unlike me because I’d usually bring at least 3 different scents when travelling, no matter the distance.

I guess I took for granted that a 4-hour drive to JB won’t require much planning or packing. Domestic road trips seem less stressful so I figured it wouldn't matter if I started packing a mere two hours before leaving. I chucked some necessary clothing, toiletries, my VAIO, my HDD Movie Box (for entertainment) inside my small suitcase and totally overlooked my perfumes!

Not only that, I also forgot to pack my new bath products from Lush, which I’ve been dying to use! I had placed the box inside the fridge to keep my bath products cool and completely forgot to pop the box inside my suitcase before leaving home!
So what’s the moral of the story? Never ever pack for any trip at the very last minute, which is something I’m prone to doing. Somehow packing is always the last thing on my list when preparing for a trip. First thing of importance is booking our hotel or accommodation of course. Whether it’s a local hotel in JB or some fancy apartments in Venice I ensure our accommodation is taken care of first.
Only when our accommodation is secured will I start thinking of my personal budget for a particular trip. I usually need some cash in hand and then it’s deciding which of my credit cards to bring along.

Then, it’s time to tidy up our condo. I try to leave our home spotless so when we return, we won’t be greeted with a mess. The cats come next and they too need to be sent for boarding while we’re away. Of course, the Pet Hotel we send them to is nothing like the beautiful Venice apartments you see online but it’s a great place to make sure our kids are safe and taken care of during our absence.
After all the above has been fulfilled, only then will I start packing! With so many things to do before the actual act of packing, it’s no wonder I forgot to pack my perfume right?

Anyway, here are some pictures of our hotel in JB. I was too upset about forgetting my perfume and Lush stuff to take photos, so I only snapped a few!

:* :* :*
oh no.. you forgot your Lush product? alamak so how.. what did you use?
how was the carnival dearie?
hmmmm dun mad, later 3 line on forehead hahha :)
I pack things last minute too sweetie.. But what I usually do is few days before the trip, I would list down the things I want to bring on a piece of paper and paste in near my mirror. So when I'm doing my last minute packing (usually about 1-2 hours before leaving), I'll just check from the list I wrote one-by-one.. :-) That way, you can pack real fast and not forget anything too! ;-)
well, in my case i used to forgot either 2 or 3 of my things after leaving a place and then i will only realized it once I reached the house...
:* :* :* LJ FC!!
so cute of that Upin and Upin mascots... so are you going to share some pics from that carnival soon???
love your room... so neat ;) ;)
happy Thursday Marzie
Tu la pasal, I packed edi inside the plastic bag then tertinggal dalam fridge, sampai JB baru ingat aiyoooo! But I did bring one bubble bath from Bath & Body Works tapi tak sehappening Lush, but still okay la, janji swim2! :* :* :* :*
The carnival was successful LJ, thanks for asking! I took lotsa pics and will def post them later! :* :* :* :*
Not angry, frustrated only Edmend ha ha! :-D :-D :-D
Sometimes tulis list jugak Bella but sebab ni kat JB je I took it for granted that I won't have to pack much kan? Boo hoo to me and my forgetful ways, oh no... old edi more boo hoo!!! :'( :'( :'( :'(
Bella FC2!
And BD FC3! 8-) 8-)
Thanks for the chop peeps, Happy Thursday! :* :*
Ha ha ha I will give a once-over before leaving any hotel room but yes, sometimes you do tend to leave things behind too and then it's too late.. I've left behind a couple of items too at hotels before this! =-X :-E :-E :-E
Yay thanks for noticing the Upin Ipin mascots!! Yeah def will post pics, haven't edited them actually hence the delay he he... =-X :-P :-D :-D
Thanks BD< it was neat cause I just arrived, after that.... hahahahaah! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
:* :* :* :*
yeah u forgot ur perfumes and Lush, sweetie!! :-E oh well..i've no system for packing.. i oso always pack last minute! :-E :-E
so cute la the giant Upin and Ipin! :) :)
btw..i m going to write a new post and u'll know why i went to sony's office the other day..hahha :-D :-D
:* :* :* :* Monica!
Cute giler and so many ppl took pics with them, crowded! :* :* :*
I think I'm just getting forgetful la Mon, dah la gonna turn a year older in a month or so huhuhuhuhuhuhu! :-E :-E :-E :-E
Saw ur post edi hahah oh now i know, yahoooo! :-D :-D :-D
wooohoooo!!!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D
i can see yr comment box, marzie!!! yay!!!! :-D :-D :-D
:* :* :* :* :* :* :*
Aloha marzie!!! :* :* :-D
wah, that is a big statue of upin & ipin! :)
hahaha.. me too! i always pack last minute! it's always true that we tend to take our local trips lightly. Once i forgot to take my contact lense solution to my PD trip due to the extremely last minute packing. :P
I would not prepare too much as well if it is traveling in own country especially to another city. :* :* :*
but after that trip, i always rem to take my contact lense case and solution. That is the two top items in my list. :)
Those I forget to bring, I would just get those in the nearest convenient store which I assume will be one nearby. =-X =-X
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D Jean!!!!!!!!
Aloha Jean! :-D :-D
Ha ha ha 2 giant Upin Ipin inflatable, mmg comel la Jean! :-D :-D :-D
LOL @ extremely last minute packing Jean ha ha, tu lah if dekat2 only what for want to pack so early kan? Ahahhahahaahaha dats why la tertinggal barang oh no! =-X =-X :-D :-D :-D
Once beaten twice shy right? Good for u woman, don't be forgetful like me ha ha! :-[ :-[ :-P
SO happy la u can view my comment box at looooooooong last Jean!!! :* :* :* :*
Thanks for always trying to comment and finally succeeding sweetie, love n hugs! :* :* :* :*
Ditto! Always take it lightly he he! :-D :-D :-D
Ha ha if toothpaste or something like that, def can buy fr the nearest convenience store, but this was my perfume and 'special' bath products, can't find in convenience store huhuhu! :-E :-E :'( :-D :-D
Hehehe.. Where got old edy la.. Still young and awesome what!!! :-) Hehe so next time cant take for granted dy.. :-P Hope you weren't too frust when you were in JB
Yippeeee! Wah I think first time got FC at your blog.. Hahaha :-D :-D :-D
Hi Marzie Thought i would pop in been a while. I am a last minute packer also. Always seems like i forget something LOL. Pics look great glad you had a great time. :*
Hey Bill, it’s great to see u here today, hi-five on last-min packing mi Virgo amigo hehehehe!
And I think u got a chop at MD or MPG also this month Bella, thanks a mill! :D
I was Bella, I just couldn’t believe I forgot my Lush stuff especially, that was the whole purpose of ‘swim2’ in the bestub LMAO! :D:D
Hello Marzie! Oh. That's kinda troubling... forgetting something you are used to having with you all the time.
I pack my things two/three days before travelling. I panic a lot, you know :)
In a couple of weeks, I will be visiting London with Bebe. We'll be staying there for a week. Shopping and picture-picture!!! I can hardly wait!
By the way, those photos are really great. Sad that you weren't on the mood to take loads of pics. But a few is better than none. Hugs from me to you!
wow. I never been to this hotel before. Quite famous in JB right? Hehe. I hate packing and to left something back is just plain frustrating =-O
Sorry to hear about your disappointment Mariuca. it must have been frustrating to leave your favourite things behind.
I understand the last minute packing thingy...but I'm always trying to avoid that.
I'm using the excitement of the upcoming trip as a motivation to pack and repack but i've to confess i hate the unpacking process.
believe it or not, i haven't set foot in JB. looks like a fun city to explore. and i like your choice of hotel, very inviting and cosy.
I hate packing last minute too, but usually end up doing things last minute :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!