I never did thank B here in my blog for my Secret Surprise Gift, which turned out to be a brand new VAIO ... in my favourite shade of lime green by the way! Thanks Love, I adore my gift and though it's no secret surprise trip to send me scurrying off in search of Apartments in Florence or another exotic city as such, it is an equally awesome gift!

I was so busy last month when he gave me my gift so it took me a few days before finally unwrapping it! Even then, I couldn't do much with my new laptop because all my work stuff is stored inside my Pinky Dell. I didn't want to waste time transferring files and what not so I didn't touch my gift for three days after unwrapping it!

In case you're wondering, this month is hectic for me as well, work wise that is. It is Annual Report (AR) season, which usually sees yours truly lost in translation for weeks on end. I am pressed to meet the ridiculous deadlines my agencies impose on me when it comes to AR so I've been busy working. Hence the lack of update here lately. The good thing however is that AR is where the big bucks are and if I play my cards right and work really hard these next few weeks, I might just be able to save enough for another dream vacation!
Perhaps it won't be enough to take me to Italy to enjoy a few nights in exotic Florence Apartments or hotels but it would be sufficient to send us away on a local trip. I'm currently thinking Penang because believe it or not, I have never been there! But then again Singapore with the new casino is also calling out to us, so we'll see. Either way, we hope to get away soon. Until then, have a lovely Thursday and I for one, am definitely looking forward to the weekend!
Perhaps it won't be enough to take me to Italy to enjoy a few nights in exotic Florence Apartments or hotels but it would be sufficient to send us away on a local trip. I'm currently thinking Penang because believe it or not, I have never been there! But then again Singapore with the new casino is also calling out to us, so we'll see. Either way, we hope to get away soon. Until then, have a lovely Thursday and I for one, am definitely looking forward to the weekend!

:* :* :*
i love the color of ur vaio! 8-) 8-)
:* :*
i can't believe u've never been to penang before.. O:-) O:-)
yeah go Penang or Sing..relax taxi and jln2 cari makan! 8-) 8-)
wah bestnya secret surprise.. awesome to the max for sure kan? so now you working off two lappies ke GP?
i've not been to the new casino in SG either.. :(
whatever it is.. kaching kaching and vacation here comes GP and B!!!
:'( :'( :'(
yeah go Penang or Sing..relaxi taxi and jln2 cari makan! :) ;)
it's been a while that I haven't been here GP! am still suffering much from stomach ache.. :( but good enough i still can manage to drop by here today!
ohhh!ur vaio is sooooo goodie! i sooo lurve the color! :* :* :* :* u know, i love lime green!
it's been a while that I haven't been here GP! am still suffering much from stomach ache.. :( but good enough i still can manage to drop by here today!
ohhh!ur vaio is sooooo goodie! i sooo lurve the color! :* :* :* :* u know, i love lime green!
it's been a while that I haven't been here GP! am still suffering much from stomach ache.. :( but good enough i still can manage to drop by here today!
ohhh!ur vaio is sooooo goodie! i sooo lurve the color! :* :* :* :* u know, i love lime green!
it's been a while that I haven't been here GP! am still suffering much from stomach ache.. :( but good enough i still can manage to drop by here today!
ohhh!ur vaio is sooooo goodie! i sooo lurve the color! :* :* :* :* u know, i love lime green!
it's been a while that I haven't been here GP! am still suffering much from stomach ache.. :( but good enough i still can manage to drop by here today!
ohhh!ur vaio is sooooo goodie! i sooo lurve the color! :* :* :* :* u know, i love lime green!
happy Thursday sweetie! we're looking forward to the weekend too hehe! :-P :-P
it's been a while that I haven't been here GP! am still suffering much from stomach ache.. :( but good enough i still can manage to drop by here today!
ohhh!ur vaio is sooooo goodie! i sooo lurve the color! :* :* :* :* u know, i love lime green!
it's been a while that I haven't been here GP! am still suffering much from stomach ache.. :( but good enough i still can manage to drop by here today!
ohhh!ur vaio is sooooo goodie! i sooo lurve the color! :* :* :* :* u know, i love lime green!
GP! sorry for the duplication of my comments..my connection here is not stable..at first it says not posted but when i refreshed, it has posted many times..oh oh! my bad!!! so sorry for this! :(
Hi Mariuca! :* :* :*
B once again comes through with another wonderful gift for you! I like the lime green look of it, too!
I definitely understand the work going on away from the blogs. It's happened more than enough times for me. I hope you can have enough money to go on another much deserved dream vacation. ;) :)
See ya later my friend! :)
oh so lucky of you to have him.... what a wonderful new gadget you have there
err same here... a busy busy week...
happy blogging Marzie
:* :* :*
good morning lovely! 8-) 8-)
B is certainly a loving n romatic person! :-D :-D :-D and I know u're such a sweetheart wifey to him too!! ;) ;) ;)
ahh no wonder so long never see u on twitterville. :( miss u!!! =-X =-X =-X
actually i also quite busy and dealing with training schedule n so on. sigh. >:o >:o
Work hard on ur work dearie! and of course not too hard kay. get some spare time for rest too! :-D :-D
Hopefully u got a wonderful vacation after that kay! :* :*
:* :* :*
Busy busy, me too :)
Remember to rest in between :)
Come to Singapore for vacation! 2 IRs and Universal studio! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Btw, nice Vaio, congrats! :-D
:* :* :* Monica FC1!
:* :* LJ FC2!
:'( :'( :'( And GG FC3!
Thanks for the chop ladies, TGIF! 8-) 8-)
Oh me too me too Mon... muahahahahah, at last dapat jugak lime green VAIO!! =-O =-O =-X =-X :* :* :* :*
Ha ha ha tell me abt it, aiyoooooo ketinggalan la me Penang oso tak pernah pi!! =-X =-X =-X =-X
That sounds perfect Mon, JJCM in a a strange city, can't wait to get away and leave my worries behind... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
TGIF Monica, enjoy ur weekend with R too! TGIF! :* :*
Hey LJ, I am mostly on my VAIO at the mo cause still tak transfer everything..planning to use Dell for work and VAIO for FUN... but still tak settle ha ha... yeah love my pressie ohsem! :* :*
I hear the BJ table is min 25 Sing$ so that's quite expensive.. kena main slots je la kalau gi casino! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-$ :-$
It's okay GG, I thought so and have deleted the duplicate comments, hugs and thanks for coming by.. hope ur feeling better! :* :* :*
Hi David! :* :* :*
Tell me abt it, I was thrilled to find a brand new VAIO waiting for me.. and in my fave shade too, truly an awesome gift!!
Thanks for understanding David, still busy and this week, more new jobs came in so it looks like another working weekend for me.... definitely working toward that vacation... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :* :*
Thanks BD, I love my new gadget yeeeeeha! :* :* :*
Busy week for us now BD, hopefully a great vacation later, yay! :-P :-P :-D :-D
Thanks for stopping by BD, have a good one! 8-) 8-)
:* :* :* Caroline!
B is da best, sayang B he he... thanks Caroline! :* :* :*
Miss you too Caroline, big hugs! This weekend oso working boo hoo! :-E :-E :-E
Eh when is your training again? I think u mentioned it was postponed or something kan? Work is tough, hang in there cutie! :-$ :-$ :-$
Thanks sweetie, I will relax by watching DVDs tonight woo hoo! :* :* :*
I hope so too, how abt u? When is ur next vakasi? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Dah la working in Reliance Travel summore lol!!! :-$ *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
:* :* :* Michael!
Keeping busy for now Michael, hi-five! :* :*
Will do, and the same goes for u ha ha! :-P :-P
LMAO so cute la Michael trying to sway me to Singapore!! Hahahah yeah I wanna go US and casino! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-$ :-$ :-D :-D :-D :-D
Thanks for dropping by Michael, love my VAIO too yay! :* :*
i want one too.. *looking for BB to ask him for a laptop* LOL! That's a nice color, I prefer green to the pink la sweetie.. :-) But both colors are cute juga.. It's ok, work is priority coz then you'll get more kaching kaching! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Oh I so want to go SG too! Gonna teman my aunt n mom to SG on 7th May coz their undi time.. We get to stay at service apartment coz Singaporeans outside Singapore that comes back for voting get free stay.. Since $$ for lodging is outta the way, we can use it to go casino then!!!
Oh wait, actually only I can go lah.. Singaporeans tidak dialu2kan masuk casino.. They charge while non-Singaporeans can masuk free.. :-P :-P :-P
WOw....a VAIO? Wow....speechless. :p
Haha :D You have never been to Penang? Why? :p
Wow! Congrats! What a beautiful gift.
Hello Marzie! Busy busy Marzie! I am back to blogging after being sick for weeks. :)
Oh my. That is a pretty laptop. Welcome to the VAIO world! I, too received a VAIO from my BEBE for Valentine's Day 2010. It's more than a year old and it's still so pretty... like new :)
Hope you get to have a great weekend so you can relax a little.
Have a great day and hope to see you around. Hugs!
wah green vaio!!!! bestnya!!!!!!! :* :*
Tenkiu dear, happily using my LG VAIO now! :* :*
Hi sweetie! Now I have 2 in my fave shades of pink and lime green, sure la happy ha ha ha, go find BB cepat... so that's iphone, BB and now a laptop on BB's list? Ahahahahaahahah! :* :* :-$ :-$ =-X =-X
Oh yeah Singaporeans have to pay entrance fee so B and I are good to go, come on slots... wait for us! Hahahahah oooops.... anyway have a great trip to Singapore and eat lotsa yummy stuff for me! :* :* :*
A VAIO, which I've always wanted Tekkaus, thanks so much to B! :) :* :* :* :* :*
Never Tekkaus, tak berkesempatan reach Penang yet... or Perlis but what's in Perlis right? So I do wanna go to Penang... and JJCM! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Thanks for dropping by Abie and welcome to Mariuca's blog! :* :*
Oh no what happened Maxi??? Sick for weeks? Poor thing I hope u are feeling better now!! :* :* :* :*
Ha ha ha thanks sweetie and yes I remember your Bebe's gift for u last year, truly awesome!! :* :*
I've been sleeping all weekend so tonight is back to work no more playing around! Ha ha hope urs was good as well, hugs! :-D :-D :-D
Lovely gift! Lime green is one of my favourite colours too.
I have seen the latest Vaio notebooks, they are so cool.
Are you coming to SG!? We try to meet up, ok?
Marina Bay Sands Hotel is nice. But if you want to go for more outdoor activities, book into Genting Sentosa.
that's a perfect gift and a lovely colour. i love anything green. your hubby is such a darling.
i can't believe you haven't been to Penang. but trust me, you'll love this place. you should take a break from work and unwind.
Singapore is another awesome choice. i haven't been there for over a decade and there must be lots of rapid changes going on in the city.
can't wait for the weekend to begin too.
Good nice to be here in this blog i learn a lot with this blog more good niche to come.nice as online game
So lucky you! :) B always comes up with great surprises kan? hehehehe if me cannot tahan 1 hour pun if I know there's something wrapped up for me! LOL! apakan lagi nak tunggu 3 days!! Did you even have an inkling that it would be a lime green vaio?? :)
Yeah, me too trying to work hard towards a vacation. Kalau no moolah, how to travel? No point also free flight tix if no money for transport, accommodation, sight seeing, shopping, etc.. hehehe
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!