The weather is unbecomingly hot lately here in Malaysia especially in my area of PJ. And when I say hot, I mean scorching heat that penetrates right into your home; making you sweat even though you're sitting still and your ceiling fan is on at full blast!
We have four ceiling fans at home but none powerful enough to overcome the heat and keep things cool and breezy. Perhaps now is the best time for me to upgrade to something cooler and Find out who makes the Best Ceiling Fans here!

Apparently, Hansen Wholesale Ceiling Fans are some of the best in the market today. Having been in the industry for 15 years, Hansen was also the pioneer in bringing ceiling fans decor to the Internet. How about the price you say? Well, that you have to check out yourself. There are just too many items available for me to list them down one by one but I can assure you that the good people at Hansen will extend only the best customer service, product knowledge and of course the very best prices to their esteemed customers. So check them out if you're in the market for new ceiling fans okay?

As for me, I am sticking to icy-cold fruity mocktails...
... and delicious ice-cream desserts to pass through this heat wave! 

Do enjoy your Tuesday and feel free to cool down with a drink or dessert here. Thanks for reading and here's hoping for another romantic rainy afternoon! 

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:* :* :* :* :*
oh no!! Marzie tempting me with yummy dessert... :-E :-E :-E
yalor, so hot la nowadays but thank god rained for da past 3 days in the evening at my place... :-D :-D :-D :-D
:* :* :*
heya dearie!! ;) ;)
>:o >:o >:o i wan the icy-cold fruity mocktails!!
i prefer aircond more! :-P :-P :-P
gheeeh the best way to freshen up is just simply great cold drinks
i love eating some sweets and some foods that are cold
well its just normal i guess for a guy who lives in a tropical hot country
have a great day 8-)
Hie Mau. yeah! it is really hot huh nowadays. :D
The best way is to go out there and sweat it out :D
=-O =-O =-O =-O
:* :* :* :*
i just came home...yeah so hot la outside!! >:o >:o >:o
wahh i want the icy-cold fruity mocktails and ice-cream too! :-P :-P
i just came home...yeah so hot la outside!! >:o >:o >:o
oohhh.. that mocktail looks sooo good GP!! i want
cute! singing in the rain by the pole! :* :*
Marzie! The weather here is quite the opposite!
It is cold and rainy here! I haven't seen the sun in such a loong time!
Give us some sun and we'll give you some rain, yeah?! :-D
got home yesterday, tonnes to catch up on.. then slept late and woke up at 3pm..heheheh
Hm... maybe cleaning up the top of your fan would help? It collect dust over time.
Fan circulate air. If you let hot air from the outside in, no matter how expensive a fan is, it wont cool you down. Just an idea.
Looking at these photos make me drool....and craving for them ....I could eat if from your photo.....hehehe :-D
yeah, the heat is unbearable these days.
i wish we had 4 seasons to experience here instead of summer all year round. the mocktails and ice-cream are great to quench my thirst.
have a wonderful Wednesday.
Oh I would love to have the ice cream. It is really tempting :-P :-P
But I hardly see the sun lately... except maybe for a few hours in the morning. After that the weather is cold, windy and rain pouring hard from the sky... brrr
Will save the ice cream for later then ;) ;)
:* :* :* :* Nessa FC1!
Caroline FC2! :* :* :*
And woot Prince u are my FC3! 8-) 8-)
Thanks for the chop everybody, have a great day! :-D :-D
we're having a hot and cold autumn...kinda weird actually but somehow loving the warm sunny days, I get to be out and about with baby
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!