Whether you are moving to PHX or simply looking for moving companies in Tucson, it is best to get professional movers to help manage your move, especially if it's a major one.
Personally, I have never engaged the service of professional movers. I've always been under the impression that they are plain costly and unnecessary. And I'm referring to the all-inclusive service of having movers come over to my home to assess and insure my items, pack my belongings into boxes, seal and load the boxes into a UHaul truck before delivering them to my new location, safe and sound.
If you look hard enough however, you will find many movers out there that not only get your neatly-packed belongings to your new home safely but also ensure you with savings when you move. And these are the type of movers I would like to engage.
Before you decide on just any moving company, here are some tips to help you and me SAVE on our next move.
* Get price quotations or estimates from several different companies. Prices vary from one company to the next so look hard and look smart for savings.
* When sorting out things to pack, don't cling on to items you simply have no use for. Use the general 2-yr rule; if you have not used an item for 2 years, you may never use it. Leave those items behind.
* Have a garage sale to get rid of unwanted but saleable items. You can use the cash received to help finance your move.
Last but not least...relax! Do not panic unnecessarily and start your moving budget and checklist early so you won't be flustered should things get a little crazy. Moving is tiring; it costs money and it can be overwhelming. But imagine the relief and pleasure you'll enjoy when the move is over and the unpacking done. All's left to do is bask in the comfort and warmth of your brand new home as you begin another exciting adventure in your new location!
Personally, I have never engaged the service of professional movers. I've always been under the impression that they are plain costly and unnecessary. And I'm referring to the all-inclusive service of having movers come over to my home to assess and insure my items, pack my belongings into boxes, seal and load the boxes into a UHaul truck before delivering them to my new location, safe and sound.

If you look hard enough however, you will find many movers out there that not only get your neatly-packed belongings to your new home safely but also ensure you with savings when you move. And these are the type of movers I would like to engage.
Before you decide on just any moving company, here are some tips to help you and me SAVE on our next move.
* Get price quotations or estimates from several different companies. Prices vary from one company to the next so look hard and look smart for savings.
* When sorting out things to pack, don't cling on to items you simply have no use for. Use the general 2-yr rule; if you have not used an item for 2 years, you may never use it. Leave those items behind.

* Have a garage sale to get rid of unwanted but saleable items. You can use the cash received to help finance your move.
Last but not least...relax! Do not panic unnecessarily and start your moving budget and checklist early so you won't be flustered should things get a little crazy. Moving is tiring; it costs money and it can be overwhelming. But imagine the relief and pleasure you'll enjoy when the move is over and the unpacking done. All's left to do is bask in the comfort and warmth of your brand new home as you begin another exciting adventure in your new location!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

8-) 8-) 8-)
Great tips GP.. I'd remember them when i move next..lol!
Hi Mariuca! :* :* :*
Great tips that I agree with as we both have moved around a lot before. In fact, I know I will be doing so again and maybe within the next year, too.
Have a great week my dear friend! ;) :)
:* :* :*
morning Mariuca! :)
haha eh SR DPB kan this one? great tips!! :* :* ;) ;)
Moving to a new house is always a joy right? :p
Hello Marzie... Happy Monday! :) ;) :)
We always get a month of body pain everytime we move because we do it on our own instead of hiring a movers. This time we learn from that experiences and we will definitely get a movers if ever we move again, thanksfor the tips ms. M :*
Hey Marzie! :)
Yay to more kaching from PB's! :)
Great tips Marzie! :) Certainly something that will help a lot of people.. :)
When I moved in with B, it was such a nightmare! The 2 year rule is indeed a great tip I could have used that then, it would have saved me a lot of space.. :-P
No MM yet Marzie? *DONT_KNOW*
I can't wait for your MM Marzie!:) I just know it will be awesome.. :-D
I'm not very fond of engaging the service of pro movers too. hiring movers is always very expensive and i don't think i can afford it.
i don't like moving house. it is never fun and easy and the job of packing is a big headache.
Happy Monday! :)
Thanks for the tips Marzie.. But i totally hate moving.. Ugh! But since I don't have much things I can't quite use the 2-yr rule la.. Sayang.. :-P
Lets see what do i want to do movie to PHX or Tucson. I think i will stay in Mesa i have been to both PHX and Tucson LOL. I agree though these are great tips Marzie :*.
Hi Marzie!
I hate packing and moving! Argh. I wish somehow I can skip all the tiresome works and just wake up in the new place with everything in tack. Haha
Happy Wednesday Marzie! Hugs!
Good tips! I need a mover to move my piano whenever I move house! : )
by the way... i've grabbed ur badge...the smaller one...fits perfectly well on my badge bar design ehehehe..see for you self here...http://chronorook.blogspot.com/
hi marzie!!
:* :*
having a garage sale is a great idea
nytnyt sweetie from here!!
:* :* :* :* :*
i am mighty glad i have my own house! :-D :-D :-D :-D
i dont have to move a lot now and suffer the hassles of movings :-D :-D :-D :-D
but i have experience how tiring moving is way back in college. Its so tiring to drag or carry all those boxes >:o >:o >:o
not to mention the packing and unpacking >:o >:o >:o
sorry for my late visit, dearie! i just got busy here :) :) :) :)
i hope you're doing great! :* :* :* :*
8-) 8-) 8-) LJ FC1!
David FC2! :* :*
:* :* :* And Monica FC3!
Thanks for the chop peeps and sorry for the delay in updating my FCSB, on it right now! ;) ;)
Sure dearie, and good luck on ur next move, sure lama lagi kan? 8-) 8-)
Oh really David? Ur planning to move within ur current state or elsewhere?? Happy weekend to u too! :-D :-D
Morning Monica! :* :*
Thanks sweetie and yeah SR DPB! I got 2 more from SR but haven done woot! =-X =-X :-$ :-$ :-$
It is bittersweet I think Tekkaus, cause u gotta say goodbye to ur old home but ur also excited to start fresh someplace new! :-D :-D
Hi Feron, thanks for visiting, happy Sunday to you! :* :* :*
I hear u Shydub!! The last time we moved on our own, I too broke down and cried cause I was exhausted!!! Hahahhaa! =-O =-O =-X =-X :-D :-D :-D :-D
Hi Ane! :)
And hoping for even more Pbs to give me more ka-ching, woot! :-$ :-$ O:-) O:-) O:-)
Ha ha late MM last week Ane, we'll see if I'm SSG this week ha haa..... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-D :-D
Yup, I agree cause not to say I am hoarder but I do keep certain things for years despite not using them, time to put that 2-yr rule into use...for my next move of coz! :* :* :*
You are the best Music Sister but still no song as of right now... he he... I need to be inspired, come to me MM song! 8-) 8-) 8-)
I hear u LR but I am sure we can find one reasonably-priced mover, should we look hard enuff he he... :-D :-D :-D
I hate packing cause it'll be so dusty and that will trigger off my sinus but I do get more excited as the moving day dawns nearer! 8-) 8-)
Thanks LR, have a good Sunday! :* :*
I have plenty of things Bella, everywhere I look right now I see things and more things hahahah! Thanks for reading sweetie.. :* :*
Thanks Bill and you can keep them in mind for ur next move, whenever that will be! :-D :-D
Hey Haaziq! :* :*
And u just moved into ur new home here kan Haaziq? Damn tiring right? But once ur done, it's all good.... :* :* :*
Thanks for da hugs Haaziq, selamat berbuka today! :* :*
Oh yeah!!! Ur piano sure requires mover Foong! Must be careful also with items like piano right? :* :*
Hi Andy, hmmmm my cat blog badge is it? He he he thanks so much and I hope to see u back here as well! :* :* :*
Hi Ayie!! :* :* :* :*
:* :* :* :* HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweetie!!!! I wish u a wonderful today with hubs and baby, love and hugs!!! :* :* :*
HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweetie!!!! I wish u a wonderful day today with hubs and baby, love and hugs!!! :* :* :*
Thanks Ayie, I think so too... get rid of old items while getting some cash too, awesome! :-$ :-$
Thanks for dropping by Ayie, love ya! :* :* :*
:* :* :* :* Elai!
We are currently living in our own home too Ayie but still looking around for a bigger better one woot! :-D :-D :-D
I think we'll def be moving again, just a matter of time... hmmmm.... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Hah? Ur last move was back in college days Ayie? wow! =-O =-O
Hah? Ur last move was back in college days Elai? wow! =-O =-O =-O
I unpacked all our boxes within one weekend when we moved here Elai hahahhaah talk abt being SSG lol!! =-O =-O :-D :-D :-D
Busy with new lappy he he! ;) ;)
I am doing a-okay sweetie, thanks for coming by too of coz! :* :*
Thanks Ane, hope my readers can put these tips into use when needed then, happy moving peeps! :-D :-D
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!