Feeling totally blue and down with everything online and offline, this week especially. Hence the back-to-back Music Monday posts here, which I've never done before. And hence the late Music Monday entry. This is the song I am feeling right now. I will be listening to it all night, in hopes it will make my blues disappear, just for a moment....
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the actual post link here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.
PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

:* :*
oh dearie.. I feel you.. hope all is well with you ya.. hugs
it's ok dearie.. me also sometimes back to back FF mah..
Cheer up :D Things like these happen now and then. It will get better as the week goes by :D Besides the weekend is just 4 days away :D
:-[ :-[ :-[
This is a nice song. I haven't heard this yet :) Thanks for sharing GP. Keep your head up and be strong dearie!
Happy MM to you! ;)
Marziiiieee!! I miss listening to this song!! I dulu had this P.M Dawn album.. and listened to this song all the time.. Set A Drift on Memory Bliss is also an all time fave of P.M. Dawn's.. Great choice marzie! :* :* :*
oh so sad to hear that.. hope you're feeling okay now...
happy Tuesday Night marzie ^_^
Nice song! Why are you feeling the blues?
Hope you will get out of the blues soon! One way is to get off line and go to sleep! Or go out for shopping if it's daytime! LOL!
:* :* :* :*
wat's up sweetie? i hope you are feeling better now.. sending hugs your way!
great pick..and happy MM :)
Take it easy, Sweetie! I hope things are getting better for you today.
Hugs from me!
Sorry to here that your feeling blue dear friend. i hope that gerk person is still not bothering you. I dont think i have heard this song before. Hope you get feeling better real soon my dear virgo buddy :*
mr blue, go away.. shoo-shoo!!
Bonamana is my favourite now... love the MV, you should check it out :-P :-P :-P
:* :* :*
hi marzie!
i am here dear!
Hi Marzie,
This is a b e a u t i f u l song! Love it immediately the minute I started listening to it.
I posted mine today and you know what this week MM is dedicated to you and LJ for being my supportive blogger friends.
Love you guys, hug ... :) ;) 8-) :-D :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :*
Why are you feeling so blue dear? Hope by now you are in high spirit and fine. You can tell if you like and cry on my shoulders. Just think of something good coming dear, I am planning to treat you and LJ a beautiful dinner when I am settled and find time to meet to you, perhaps, this will make you happy!
Come on Marzie, cheer up! as for me now I have hundred of things to do, the guy who promised to look after my declined and now do not want to do it before even I could train him. I think it's better he tell me now, in fact, God sends me a better person, a trusworthy woman who work in the Beach House and from what I heard she is an honest lady and she promised to send another son who is a police to do the round sometimes at night in front of my house. The backup will be her 18 years old son. See... there is always a bonus from God in a matter of time if we do good!
So please cheer up my friend ok? Love you, muah! :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :*
You must be feeling very down right now huh! Hopefully everything is ok now for you.
hi marzie.. just visiting you here
have a great day and happy blogging
hey marzie!
:* :* :* :*
:* :* LJ FC1!
And wowie Nick FC2! =-O =-O
Thanks for chopping peeps and sorry for the late response, depresi mah dat time hahahaha! =-X =-X =-X
Hugs LJ and thanks, I got ur email... :* :* :* :*
LOL but I never back to back anything LJ, now dah tak perfect lol... :-E :-E :-E
Hah?? Weekend 4 days away when u wrote this Nick? Hahahhaha u are right though, it took the weekend to cheer me up, thanks Nick, ur da best! :* :* :*
:-[ :-[ :-[ Haaziq!
You've never heard dis song Haaziq? Oh this is one of my faves and I'm glad u like it too, thanks for ur kind comment here as well yay! :-D :-D :-D
Happy MM Haaziq! 8-) 8-)
Shemah!!!! I adore Set Adrift on Memory Bliss, mah song with B la dat one and I featured it at MD dis MM yahloooo! Happy MM sweetie! :* :* :* :*
Thank you BD, feeling better not that the weekend is here! :-D :-D
Have a good one BD! :* :* :*
Nice song right Foong? Love love dis song! Thanks for ur comment as well and I'm feeling better edi... :-D :-D :-D
I went offline Foong, malas wan to be online and it did make me forget my worries for a while yay! :* :* :*
:* :* :* :* Monica!
Thanks for ur hugs and thanks for listening Monica, love ya! :* :* :*
Thanks Lainy, just going through some issues at the mo, hope things will get better soon though.. *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :)
I don't wanna talk abt u know who Bill and thank you very much for comin over to cheer me up, u are a great Virgo Buddy, big hugs!! :* :* :*
He he I wish Mr Blues would go away Nessa, thanks for making me smile with ur cute comment, yay! :* :* :*
Michael! Happy MM to u, I think somebody featured that one dis week! :) :) :) :)
:* :* :* Ayie!
Hi sweetie!
I see u Ayie and thanks! I'll come by ur place tonight, happy weekend! 8-) 8-)
Yahoooo I love this number Lil and I'm happy u enjoyed it at first listen, thanks and Happy MM! Oh thank you for the dedikasi as well, so sweet of you... hugs! :* :* :*
Thanks Lil, saja tak nak komplen kat sini.. nanti ada org cakap I whine and moan aje... cis bedebah punya mat salleh.. anyway just going through some stuff offline and it's taking its toll on me.. so terpaksa handle my more pressing personal matters first for now. Thank you for ur kind comment and I sent u a message on FB, dapat tak? I hope u get a good helper nanti, so u tak payah worry2 bila dah pindah, good luck and more hugs! :* :* :* :*
I was totally down in the dumps Tekkaus, no mood to even play my PC games and u know how those always cheer me up ha ha... anyway thanks so much for stopping by and Happy Birthday again! :* :* :*
Thanks for visiting me again BD yay! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Hey Elai!
:* :* :* Happy MM!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!