I'll be starting a fresh Adgitize payment series for this year so this post serves to kick things off; aptly named Payment 1. I did not receive email notification for last month's earning so I was unaware that I was already paid on the 7th. As always Adgitize paid on time and when I checked my PayPal today, I was happy to see my earnings safe and sound inside my account.

Due to server problems, January was a pretty chaotic month for Adgitize; members found ourselves having issues with missing article points, inability to record click points and basically logging into our accounts. However the good people at Adgitize have already taken steps to rectify the issues mentioned and points have been restored and earnings updated.

My payment for Jan 2010 is further proof that Adgitize Works and Adgitize Pays so what are you still waiting for? Become part of a network of publishers and advertisers who are enjoying both increased traffic and a little side income for Blog Page Views, Adgitize Ad Views, Writing Articles and Visiting other Member Blogs. Don't miss out on the hottest blog advertising network today and get your monthly ad in the system for only US$14 with just one click! 
PS. If you want to read more on how Adgi Works and Adgi Pays you can read my other posts here and here.

PS. If you want to read more on how Adgi Works and Adgi Pays you can read my other posts here and here.

:* :* :* :*
Mariuca! :)
Hi Mariuca! :* :* :*
Congrats on your January payment from Adgi! I had my first one from January, too. :) :)
hahahha.. dapat dapat, saya dapat... finali!! *hands in air*
congrats on the earnings sweetie woot!! ;) ;)
:* :* :* :* Monica FC1!
Monica! U came home edi from shopping?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-$ :-$ :-$
LOL yay Nessa FC2!! :* :* :*
i just came back fm SS2...so hot la! >:o
congrats Marzie!! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
i dunno nothing bout Adgitize... don wan to put anymore ads la in my blog :( :(
Thanks for chopping my Adgi post ladies, badges coming right up woo hoo! 8-) 8-) 8-)
I hate going out in the hot sun... spoil my mood only... >:o >:o >:o
Hey David, thanks! And congrats to you too then, so besides Ane and GG you too got ur first payout, awesome peeps! :-$ :-$ :-$
some more so crowded cos CNY kan ...
Finali Nessa and * post too so mumblings is here today yay! :* :* :*
;) ;) ;) Thanks Monica, I hope to do better this month cause last month not so many refs advertised... O:-) O:-) O:-)
Tenkiu sweetie.. :-$ :-$ :-$
I love la Adgi Nessa, they keep me on my toes so I publish daily at any of my three blogs and I make some moolah plus the traffic I get...what's not to love? Join la later if u terbuka heart lol! ;) ;) :* :* :*
tq Marzie. so nice to see my beautiful badge here... hahaha (angkat bakul ni)
Aiyoooo I can imagine....I hope ppl start balik kampung soon so I can do some last-min shopping without jam or crowd, tomo or Fri! O:-) O:-) :-P :-P
You're welcome Nessa and mmg pretty pun ur badge, I like the very! :* :* :* :*
yalor so jam so many ppl so hot omg almost pengsan there!!!
Nessa, is dat u in the pic?? woot!! ;) ;) ;)
Wat were u looking for in SS2 eh? Dat place sure crowded this hour, makan time...hard to find parking oso.. :-E :-E :-E
LOL Nessa and her rambut rebonding in this pic! Correct or nooooot Nessa? =-X =-X ;) ;)
:-[ :-[ :-[ rebonding masa balik kampung.. duduk stil for 3 hours... sampai cant feel my a$$ :-E :-E :-E
i need to buy bakkwa and bird nest for my mom... cannot find parking at all
la! :-E :-E :-E
3 hours only Nessa, not so bad but yeah mmg sakit a$$!!! :(
If tak menjadi the hair, sure tensi right after all that sitting? Grrrr…..
ohhhhh wats bakkwa?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* bird nest I know....
bakkwa = barbecued oink-oink or dried oink-oink :-D
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-X =-X =-X =-X LOL!!!! Hahahaha ok ok now I know... lao sai and bakkwa!! ;) ;) ;)
Congrates Mau. I'm not on Adgitize too. :p
I sign up for adgitize but have not bothered to check my account. i don't think I can earn much. :)
Congratulations to your earnings Mariuca!
I was very lazy in January :) because ad was paid by Adgitize, so didn't matter that i just break even.
And i think i got more fake clicks as my points never reached anymore 470 only between 430 - 450.
You're lucky now with the free ads for several blogs you can get more points daily for one week *lol*
:* :*
Chop!!! hahhaahha.. I just woke up.. I slept at noon just now... :-[ :-[
wah banyak tu.. congrats dearie!!
I've been with adgitize for quite sometime now and have no idea at all how it works ... LOL!
One day I must really go and read and see how it functions but I so malas la ...
Congrats on your adgi payment :D How much more do you need to collect before you can buy me my Kancil, ah? LOL!
Now I know it really works! cause I got my first ever payment from Adgi too! :-D WooHoo! :-D
I want to increase my potential earnings so I will click more often and post everyday if I can! :)
I'm with Adgitize thanks to your recommendation but never really bother to try to earn money with me! maybe too much work and I'm too busy! So how often you get paid?
I mean earn money with it. Haha.
Ha ha yeah Tekkaus, ur not on Adgi or EC, so which program are u on actually now eh? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
I click on ur Adgi too ECL whenever I see it he he.. if u rajin post every day, and advertise with them and visit only 51 blogs a day, you too can earn more and enjoy increased traffic, maybe when ur free can try okay? :-D :-D :-D
Yay thanks Martin! My earnings dropped a little compared to the previous month but it's all good especially with the additional days I am receiving for my ads this month woo hoo! :* :* :* :*
:* :* LJ!
THanks LJ, hope u did well too... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-$ :-$
Morning LJ, today we woke up early eh? Time to click Adgi shortly...after I reply my comments here... :* :* :*
Aiyooo still no idea how it works Nick? Read la my posts here, and here! :* :* :*
You must Nick, some more u got 4 blogs, sure can post daily to get more points! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Ha ha ha ur Kancil will only come when I am a jutawan, now sure not enuff to buy, maybe toy Kancil can la LOL! =-O =-O :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
LOL of coz it really works Ane, congrats on ur first-ever payment from Adgi and here's to more! :-D :-D :-$ :-$
That's the spirit Ane, work a little harder with ur posting and visiting, and I know u will see better response too, good luck! :* :* :*
Hey Foong! I get paid every month, how cool is that? Yay, love Adgi but it will only work for u if u play by their simple rules, so make sure to post daily and what not! :* :* :* :*
LOL I was not thinking of something else he he he.. =-X =-X :-D :-D :-D
Wow! I'm inspired. I really don't know yet how adgitize works.. I'll head over to your other post. Thanks! :)
Yay, glad I inspired u to learn more about Adgi, and feel free to ask me more if u have to, have fun AC! :* :* :*
Congrats! Always a good earning.
True, it was a chaotic month. Funny thing is during the server-down days the earnings were actually higher than average. I even got $1.1 on one of those days.
Anyway, glad they could resolve it, plus some additional free ad days :-D
Good luck for this month!
hi mon!
hi marzie!
:* :* :* :*
thanks for the greetings too! me, hubs and baby are all doing good. still adjusting but happy with all the hard changes =)
Congrats Marzie,
You´re doing very well with Adgitize!
So far, I only received one payment from them.
Thanks for visiting, advertising in my blogs and your support.
Hugs from us xx
hello dear!!!! :* :* :* :*
your earnings makes me green with envy :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
ada je nak mintak bende free ni hahahaha
>:o >:o >:o >:o
why dafak cant be FC here? >:o
syabas GP to yer pay outs!i hav just received mine too!yayks! ;)
hello friend! That's a very inspiring article... :)
ohh somebody is getting big bucks..... :-D :-D :-D :-D
great marzi......hope you get more rolling in....
Thanks EM, I’m still loving Adgi and still advertising monthly woo hoo! :)
Hi Ayie!
I understand Ayie, baby is most important for now, have fun! :)
THanks Ayie, how are u doing with Adgi?
I love Adgi Mize and will continue advertising with them! Maybe u can try placing an ad too… hugs!
Hellllo Elai!
Ha ha!! Thanks sweetie, guess I’ll take that as a compliment!
Sape nak mintak benda free Bem??
Terima kasih GG and syabas to u too then!
LOl @ dafak GG!
Hey Dondi! How is Adgi coming along for u then? :)
LOL hi Hitesh! Not so big, just a reasonable amount he he thanks!!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!