Advertisement Executive in the well-known New Straits Times Press or Public Relations Executive in a fairly new but promising PR Agency? There was a third job offer as a Junior Copywriter in a very small advertising agency but I was more interested in the first two. Naturally fickle, I was in turmoil pondering my next move in accepting the best offer; which would also be my very first job after graduating from university.
I've always dreamed of working in a huge Press company so NST was topmost on my list. It did not matter that I'd come in as an Advertisement Exec as opposed to the Journalist position I truly wanted. I figured the best thing to do was to get into the company first before gradually working my way into the Editorial side.
However, the PR Executive offer was mighty interesting too. When I went for the interview, my interviewer made it clear that I'd be in for one hectic ride should I decide to accept their offer. A PR Agency offers expertise in key areas of communication such as Media Relations, Brand Consultancy, Online PR, Stunts, Guerilla Marketing, Broadcast Consultancy, Crisis Management, Celebrity Endorsement, Events and Personal PR.
I was told that my job scope entailed assisting the PR Managers in the Creative Department to help clients get noticed in their respective industry through both online and offline activities. With an ultimate mission of building and upholding the reputation of companies, products and services in order to generate new and continuous business; working in a PR Agency would mean long working hours for me and plenty of entertaining on the side. I was enticed but after talking it over with my Dad, I decided to go with NST.
And that's how I ended up working in the oldest and largest newspaper publisher in Malaysia, which was also the best 4 years of my working life. I learned a lot about the industry and I made plenty of contact with Advertising and PR companies. Some of them remain as my loyal clients today when I eventually ventured into my own copywriting and translation business.
I have no regrets choosing a publishing company over the said PR Agency but sometimes I do wonder how my career path would have taken had I accepted their offer. Would I still end up pursuing my main interest in writing like I am right now or would I be some high-flying PR Consultant caught up in the glitz and glam of the hectic on-the-go lifestyle that comes with working in a PR Agency?
Okay enough of walking down memory lane! It's time to get back to the new translation job I received today. It's only Wednesday and I'm already looking forward to our 3-day weekend. B will be on leave next week so it's more like a 5-day weekend for me. Merry Christmas everyone!

I've always dreamed of working in a huge Press company so NST was topmost on my list. It did not matter that I'd come in as an Advertisement Exec as opposed to the Journalist position I truly wanted. I figured the best thing to do was to get into the company first before gradually working my way into the Editorial side.
However, the PR Executive offer was mighty interesting too. When I went for the interview, my interviewer made it clear that I'd be in for one hectic ride should I decide to accept their offer. A PR Agency offers expertise in key areas of communication such as Media Relations, Brand Consultancy, Online PR, Stunts, Guerilla Marketing, Broadcast Consultancy, Crisis Management, Celebrity Endorsement, Events and Personal PR.
I was told that my job scope entailed assisting the PR Managers in the Creative Department to help clients get noticed in their respective industry through both online and offline activities. With an ultimate mission of building and upholding the reputation of companies, products and services in order to generate new and continuous business; working in a PR Agency would mean long working hours for me and plenty of entertaining on the side. I was enticed but after talking it over with my Dad, I decided to go with NST.
And that's how I ended up working in the oldest and largest newspaper publisher in Malaysia, which was also the best 4 years of my working life. I learned a lot about the industry and I made plenty of contact with Advertising and PR companies. Some of them remain as my loyal clients today when I eventually ventured into my own copywriting and translation business.

I have no regrets choosing a publishing company over the said PR Agency but sometimes I do wonder how my career path would have taken had I accepted their offer. Would I still end up pursuing my main interest in writing like I am right now or would I be some high-flying PR Consultant caught up in the glitz and glam of the hectic on-the-go lifestyle that comes with working in a PR Agency?

Okay enough of walking down memory lane! It's time to get back to the new translation job I received today. It's only Wednesday and I'm already looking forward to our 3-day weekend. B will be on leave next week so it's more like a 5-day weekend for me. Merry Christmas everyone!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

Crossroads indeed. What? No mention of your new BWE career? LOL!
Nice trip down memory lane Mariuca! :* :)
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
hhaha. yup!!! why no mention of being a member of BWE? hehe.. :) :) :)
weee!!! vacation for you? You deserve it Marz! enjoy it! my vacation started yesterday and i making the most out of it.
take care and see you around! mwahugs! ;) ;) ;)
Wow it sounds like you had a very interesting career. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas my friend and have loads of fun with B on your vacation. :) :)
Yeah were is the BWE career *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* LOL
interesting job Mariuca but going freelance is the best route eh?! :) ;)
wow B on leave next week...enjoy your holidays sweetie! :* :* :*
Merry Christmas Mariuca! even though you don't celebrate Christmas :-P :-P
Morning David FC1! :* :* :*
Maxi FC2 sweetie! :* :* :*
And Bill FC3! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Thanks for the chop peeps, have a lovely Wed! :* :* :*
I love my freelancing life sweetie, see can stay up until god knows what time then sleep all day muahahahahahah! Kidding, of coz sometimes I have to be up during the day oso if there's work to do.... :-D :-D :-D :-D
LOL David!!! My BWE career is brand new, it still needs some getting used to he he! Thanks for joining me in my walk down memory lane... :* :* :* :*
:-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
LOL Bill also asking abt BWE career hehehehe!!!
A mini vacation if u will Maxi, still not sure what we're gonna do. I hope ur having a relaxing one with ur BF, he on vacay as well? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :* :* :*
Thanks so much Bill, I hope u have a wonderful time this Christmas with ur pretty wife and son. Ho ho ho! :* :* :* :*
Yeah B cuti panjang ...hopefully la.. woo hoo!!! R cuti or not? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
He he thanks sweetie, Merry Christmas to you too... u got ur Christmas tree edi Mon? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :* :*
break for B? great!! you can enjoy a nice long holiday break together!
:* :* :* :*
merry christmas mon!! :* :*
goodnight ladies!!
May you and yours have a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Big hug. :)
i think you may be a scorpion cause scorpions are so fickle in nature..........BTW.....good news you getting 5 day weekend and that's really long weekend.......
enjoy the Christmas mood.......Merry Christmas.....\,,,/
:* :* :* :* :*
Am at my mama's place GP... spending nights here but thank god for MF and P1.. i am able to be online here and get on with my business :)
Yeah to long weekend!!
:* :* :* Merry Christmas Ayie! So what did u get hubs?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Thanks sweetie, feeling a little under the weather today but will def make the most of my holiday with B! :* :* :*
:* :* :* :* Ayie!
Goodnight Ayie, thanks for coming by today, hugs! :* :* :*
Thanks so much Sandee, I wish u the best Christmas ever with your family and friends too. :* :* :* :* :*
He he he me scorpion? Ho ho ho!!! I am fickle Hitesh, can never make up my mind but that's cause the choices are always so enticing, makes it hard for me to choose just one he he! =-X =-X :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
Yeah I'm happy to have 5 whole days with B, thanks Hitesh.. enjoy ur holiday too! :* :* :* :*
:* :* :* :* :* LJ!
Miss u dearie, hope u are keeping well at MIL's... good thing ada connection or not sure stress even more, take care and hugs! :* :* :* :*
Yeay indeed! Just wanna relaxi taxi altho my clients just gave me more work for the holiday it seems... :-E :-E :-E
I wanna be a freelance with a stable income too...but I'm not that good yet. :p
What do u wanna freelance in Tekkaus? :)
Hey Marzie, congrats on your new career path. I guess you work normal hours now?
Hey Bem, I guess u did not get my post or maybe u didn’t read the whole thing? Mana ada career path baru, ni walk down memory lane la like years ago! Working normal hours it seems, where got? ROTFLMAO! :)
Ha but thanks for congratulating me on my so-called new career! ;)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!