Everyone has a favourite board game and mine happens to be Scrabble, which is why I love this Blogthings quiz for defining my love to perfection! Do you have a special board game that you still play till today? Think about your answer first before taking the quiz and share your results with me here.
You Are Scrabble |
![]() You are incredibly clever and witty. You can talk your way out of (and into) situations easily. I can be pretty convincing at times! You are an excellent decision maker. You are good at weighing the options in front of you. I think I make better decisions for others than for me. ![]() You're the type of person who can make something out of nothing. You are very resourceful. True, I make do with what I have or don't to accomplish my missions! You know a lot of things. Most importantly, you know when people are wrong - even when they won't admit it. ![]() |
I made B take this quiz as well and he got Checkers, how cute!

You Are Checkers |
![]() You are very logical and rational. You are able to understand what is and isn't a factor. You're able to compartmentalize and focus on the essentials. You appreciate simplicity. You can see the layers of complexity and beauty in anything. You are also playful and good natured. You don't take life too seriously! |

:'( :'( :'( :'(
clever and witty GP! :* :* :* :*
:* :* :* :* :* :*
i love boggle more GP!
:'( :'( :'( :'(
Morning Mariuca :* :*
Recent blog:=- My Top 5 Treat List
LOL with Tito B!!! you do it lah? :-P
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
i love Checkers!!!!!!!
Recent blog:=- My Top 5 Treat List
morning te mon!
Recent blog:=- New Sem, New Hair
and yes i still play till today!! :)
Recent blog:=- My Top 5 Treat List
Woo hoo GG so fast lah!! FC! :)
He he take la this test then share ur result with me GG! Which blog here today? :)
Morning GG!
:* :* :* :* wohoooooooooooooo!
ill do this later GP! ill post lah result too! maybe after exam this morning! ;) ;) ;) ;)
wooooooooh! i made a chop! can i have latest buzz here GP? thankie!
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
morning GP!
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
I like Boggle too GG, long time no play! :)
:* :* :* :* :* me too! no time lah playin' now GP neither study! just blogging! LOL!
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
omg i took the quiz and my result:
You Are Checkers
You are very logical and rational. You are able to understand what is and isn't a factor.
You're able to compartmentalize and focus on the essentials.
You appreciate simplicity. You can see the layers of complexity and beauty in anything.
You are also playful and good natured. You don't take life too seriously!
Recent blog:=- My Top 5 Treat List
morning Gagay! ;)
Monica!! GG too fast for u tonight Mon he he! :)
Blogthings in da house GG< have fun!
Morning Mon, haven zzzzz yet? :)
Ohhhhhhhh Tito is for guys eh GG? I like la Tito B hahahaha!
Checkers so easy right? He he long time no play checkers too! :)
morning te mon! ;)
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
thankie GP! ;)
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
Yay, is that ur fave Mon? I haven played for so long!
yep GP! TITO for guys and TITA for ladies!!! ;)
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
Mariuca! yalor GG so fast :-D
Wohooooo indeed, thanks for chopping GG!
im gonna zzzz soon Mariuca! ;)
Ok sweetie, I’ll come see ur result later and good luck on the exam! :)
welcome GP! get to be back study now! >:o >:o >:o >:o
thankie GP!
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Latest buzz got badge edi GG? Can gimme link again pls.. he he…
R and i always play checkers!
Rise and shine GG, ready for school edi?
yes that's my fave Mariuca! ;)
GG no play no study, blog only LOL!
YAY!!! U got ur fave game Monica, like me hahahahah! And same result like B woo hoo!!
thankie GP! ;)
U don’t take life too seriously, that is good Mon…not so stressed at every little thing like me! ;)
not yet! need lah study 2 exams !LOL!
Welcome GG! Come chop again after ur exam he he…
The Latest Buzz ;) ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
:* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
I like la Tito, sounds adorable! :)
GG unstoppable tonight!!
sure lah! ;)
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
yeah i got my fave game!! woo-hoo high five B! LOL!!
Ok Mon, I’m gonna prepare breakfast for B first before I zzzz! :)
:* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
Happy studying GG, hope u do well in the exam. :)
:-P :-P :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- New Sem, New Hair
i think it's quite true lah ...i don't take life too seriously! :-D
We don have checker board at home but we have deluxe scrabble! :) U can play chess or not Mon?
Wah so cool right ur fave game then result oso fave game, I love Blogthings!
Ok GG< cominover to ur blog now!
GG, so now got how many blogs edi??
So cute ur badge GG, buzz2! :)
2 exams later today? wahhhhhh ok ok go study!
Thanks for the link GG< got it!
He he let’s see if GG gets her fave game later..Boggle! :)
Oh good to know, this one also fits B nicely… playful indeed he he he! :)
;) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
4 GP! ;)
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
:* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
4 papers tomo??? YOWZAAAAA! Better study GG!!
hi marzie!!
:* :* :* :*
hi mon!!
Morning Marzie!
I'm not very good with Scrabble.. but I'm pretty awesome with Boggle. Dulu menang contest lagi! tapi tu kat kampung je... :-[ :-[ :-P :-P
I am Checkers la... I was hoping I'd be Boggle or maybe Monopoly..
Have a hapi Thursday dear :) :)
done with the exam GP! wohoooooooooooo! :-P :-P :-P :-P
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
done with those GP~ ;)
oh no! lemme post lah blogthing later.. ;)
2nd EC drop here GP! :-P
Hey email filtering, thanks for dropping by!
Thanks for the ec drop GG! :)
Posted edi or not GG? :)
Yay done with exam edi? Can relax now GG!
Hi TH!
Hope u do well GG!
Good morning Nessa! I love Scrabble and Boggle oso I laik!! I got both at home but lama tak main! Wah menang contest lagi jaguh kampung it seems Nessa, syabas! Oooooh Monopoly would be cool eh, I wonder who will get monopoly! :)
Ayie ur here! :)
Morning Ayie!! :)
Hi 5 Mon.
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
Oh no!
katanya : I am a
You Are Chess
You are brilliant and shrewd. You can often predict what people will do in the future.
You thrive in complex situations. You deal with contradictions well.
You can have many streams of though going on at your mind at once. You keep track of things well.
You are very patient. You have lots of endurance, even when your energy dwindles
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
I used to like chess when i was small.
Dulu siap boleh check mate dalam beberapa langkah. Seronok jer tunggu nak ngap orang.
Sekarang main, dah berlangkah-langkah, Incik RnR pulak kena ngap. Hahaha. :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
I remember playing
Game of life (with my rich jiran beli dari UK, lol - semua ala-ala sad puppy face nak kawan dengan dia teruja nak main Game of Life - adoi phatetic gila masa tu bayangkan. Budak-budak biasa la. haha)
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
Aha, yer main scrabble, monopoly,
lepas tu tukar ker edisi BM - sahibba dan saidina.
Kalau bukan "board game" , main Uno.
Kalau main pakai kertas kira main guna minda..
Main "nama, negeri, buah , benda , binatang, pelakon.. start stop a,b,c,d,e,f,g," LoL - main tak marzie?
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
Hahahhahah u mean country game Rizal? Yg start stop tu? Sure la main, abaden!!!! Eh hari tu baru je I main UNO after YEARS of not playing, forgot how to play edi oso!!
ehh country game ke? ha ah la kot, yang kalau stop dekat A, lepas tuu semua
kena isi nama negara mula dari A - Amerika lah angolia lahh (owh nama yang
susah kalau angolia.. haha). and pernah main dengan adik sorang kawan,
berhenti di F -
jadik untuk nama buah dia letak "Fruit nut" sebab teringat kat cokelat kan
ada fruit nut. Lepas tuu marah kami baling kertas sebab kami kata tak dak
buah nama fruit nut, dia balik rumah ngagis. Dia darjah 2 kami darjah 4-6.
Kena la ikut senior kan. hahaha
Ah country game la tu yg start stop tu lama tak main, dulu I paksa B main ngan I hahahahhaha! Dia boleh tukar category kan, fruit, animal, country etc lol! LOL ada ke letak fruit nut hahahaha!
I tak pernah main game of life Rizal, best ke??
aha kira best jugak la. , kira game dasarkan kehidupan. Kaya ker miskin
ker. Naik kereta ada putar2 kat tgh macam wheel of fortune. lol
Hah? Mcm wheel of fortune??? Pebret I tu Rizal hahahahaha!
I oso like chess, mula2 susah nak tangkap but once dah pandai rules, senang je kan?
YAY Rizal, finally we have a chess playa in da house woo hoo! You are very patient, tul ke Rizal? So far Nampak mcm betul cause hardly Nampak u marah kat RnR lol!
buzz2 Mariuca!;)
Hi Ayie!! :* :*
Thanks for the buzz2 sweetie, woot! :)
:* :*
:* :*
I am a checkers. LOL :D
I thing I should get one scrabble too Mau. :)
Recent blog:=- Top 10 Most Embarrassing Moment!
Anyway have a great weekend with your B Mau. :D
Recent blog:=- Top 10 Most Embarrassing Moment!
Weekend almost over Tekkaus, I need another day!
Yay, u oso like B checkers! And like Mon too, Tekkaus! Nobody got monopoly though… :)
Morning Ayie, I am at ur blog now!
Oh yes I saw your comments in my email alert. thanks for coming by :* :* :*
You’re welcome sweetie, it’s raining heavily here now! Brrrrr!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!