Today is going to be a busy day for me, work-wise. I have a pile of new jobs waiting for me and all of them are due ASAP. Before I get cracking on my new jobs however, I'd like to thank my Top 10 Mariucans in September for your funny and entertaining comments for me and my blog. I had a wonderful time reading and replying your comments and I hope to enjoy your continued support and love!

Monica - 1000 EC credits + 1 FOC Ad
LadyJava - 500 EC credits
LR - 250 EC credits
Top Mariucan Overall
Monica - 1000 EC credits + 1 FOC Ad


:* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Happy Birthday Wish *
Second place eh.. not bad.. heheh.. will have to comment more ni.. hahah
Recent blog:=- I Love Free Stuff
Right now Ayie leading eh? kamon LJ!!
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - To Be With You (Mr Big) **
:* :* :* LJ!
Recent blog:=- Blog Birthday Soon!
Chop indeed LJ * post some more, good one! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Blog Birthday Soon!
Which blog LJ? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- MM - I Tried by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony ft Akon **
Thanks for all ur comment love LJ...happy commenting dearie! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- 8th Adgitize Payment! **
The other day I replied my old comments LJ, tu yg terkeluar carta semua lol so now it's easy to get on da list, woo hoo! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- Berry Berry Sweet! *
Yeay.. wah I got the one star post!! yihaaa
Can I have today please..hehehe. she needs traffic..hehe
Blogger cats please.. thank you dearie!!
Comment and comment and comment. whenever I can GP!!
Ooohh.. patutlah.. ok so now is the time to comment away eh.. hahaha
Morning LJ! EH I send the credits later when I drop for WOAFS yeah? $$$
Congratulasi LJ, once in a while sure must have one star post lol..:)
LOL!!! I had a feeling u would like to have ur new cat blog here LJ…wait seminit I take ur code first eh….
BC is up LJ pestaim here, meow! :)
Thanks for mengomen-ing here whenever u can dearie, you’re da best! ;)
Yeah I think I replied 200 comments kut dat day yowzaaaa….
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- One-of-a-kind photo Christmas cards
huhuhuhu i just came back Mariuca! :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- One-of-a-kind photo Christmas cards
YAy me! yr TCM hohohohohoho!! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- One-of-a-kind photo Christmas cards
congrats to ALL :)
Recent blog:=- One-of-a-kind photo Christmas cards
Hola Monica! ;)
so u're not gonna drop 900 today? :-P
Recent blog:=- One-of-a-kind photo Christmas cards
Mariuca! :)
Monica! U went out dinner/supper is it? ;)
LOL congrats Monica! TCM and TCO woo hoo! I’ll send u ur 2000 credits tonight, enjoy! :)
Thanks for all ur comment love here Mon, hugsy! :)
I have to drop 900 la …abaden…hahahhah dropping for MPG now it seems, lucky connection not dat slow.. :)
Hey Mon! How was dinner?
i went out supper!! :-P
woo-hoo TCM and TCO!!! hehe thanks for the credits ;)
Hugsy Mariuca!! ;)
hahahah ok me too start dropping now! :-D
Thanks GP.. meoweee!!!
Heheh.. abaden!!
Yelah.. feel so!
Eh no need to send.. I think I still owe you 300 kan.. hahah.. send me the
balance jer lah..hahah
So nice, what u had la? Dim sum again? :)
Welcome Mon, thanks for chatting ur way to the top here last month lol…
And for the hugsy too!
I am almost done with MPG, then gonna drop for meows! :)
Meow meow LJ, dah ada badge now can promosi BC! :)
LOL yeah la addicted mah…sure can’t sleep if tak drop dulu LJ he he he…
Yup ur badge only one here today LJ, BC in da limelight! :)
haha no dim sum lah :-D i had tandoori!
lol hope i can make it this mth :-P
wahhhhh so fast done with MPG???
LOL sure LJ, will send u the balance then ha ha ha!
Tandoori!! I dunno where to find nice tandoori in my area…
Go Mon Go! Go LJ Go! :)
I am SSG today Mon hahahhaha, yeah less than 10 to drop then can start on meows… i took a durian break just now ha ha…
Thanks dearie :-) meow meow!!
I think I need to drop for BC lah..
Yihaa!!! Thanks dearie!
Loving the look of the 5 kitties dearie!! Yihaa!!
GO LJ GO!!! hehe
I just sent u the credits LJ, meow meow!
Drop for any one of ur many blogs LJ, dapat 300 credits daily pun puas hati..
Welcome LJ! :)
5 kitty cats in da house, all fluffy-fluff, meow! ;)
Thanks LJ, happy commenting! ;)
Thanks GP.. I have received them.. thanks dearie!
Tulah.. I think that is what I would do.. at least one blog kan?
Hehhehe.. fluffy meows!!
i think KD oso got nice tandoori but i don know which one :-D
wow durian! i love durian ;)
Happy EC shopping dearie.. :)
Yeah…btw LJ, we can still advertise at 14 bucks for Adgi before Nov yes.…so that’s what I’m going to do… no need to pay 24 bucks yet yeeeha!
Fluffy meows are the best!
I wan to go to d’tandoor….so yum….
Yeah we bought 3 packets for 20, buy 1 FREE 2 it seems lol!
Yeap.. I should think so.. coz the price hike is only in Nov right?
Yeah! So Im going to advertise meows kut… Oct 30th hehehhehe….wait till the very last day! ;)
cheap huh 3 packets for 20... so nice lah buy 1 FREE 2!
i've never been to d�tandoor lah..
I oso shocked buy 1 free 2 hahahhah, so bought la of coz!
So nice la d’tandoor yummers! I like the seafood briyani, so tasty and the green sauce (they serve with tandoori) is so sedap…eat with huge papadam… :)
hehehe i'll buy oso if buy 1 free 2 :-D
wahh sounds so yummy lah seafood briyani...
Yummy I tell u, now I feel like going there this weekend aiyo!
i'm having cheesecake now .. i m hungry again :(
Wahhh at least u got cheesecake! Plain cheesecake or got flava?
yeah secret recipe's marble cheesecake ;)
Dat day I had the choc cake from SR… so big and rich, couldn finish oso!
i like lah big and rich choc cake :-D their raspberry cheese and blueberry
cheese oso not bad..
Oh Im allergic to blueberry! I like raspberry tho…:)
allergic to blueberry?? :(
Yeah ha ha allergic it seems! Oso allergic to aspirin!
wah allergic to aspirin oso! I don't know what I'm allergic to :-P
LOL oh allergic to ibuprofen oso…I took it once and then my eyes immediately bengkak until I looked like alien…within the hour! Had to take jab but eyes swollen for 2 whole days! :(
aiyooooo so kesian lah bengkak until looked like..... alien??? :-D
Yup I took pic as evidence hahahhahahah…
hahhahha where is the pic? in yr blog?
Of coz not at my blog hahahhahahha dat time don have digital camera lol..I was still working in NST dat time, ages ago lol…
Ahahha.. sounds like a plan.. so only one ad?
LJ! Not sleeping yet it seems… yeah la one ad only…u???
ohhhhh ages ago! :-D
Ags agooooo was having lunch with fren and b at TGIF then it happened…alien attack! ;)
Not sure lah..
Not allegic to anything.. heheh
LOL @ alien attack!
Good to not be allergic to anything LJ… keep healthy!
Yup one bug-eyed alien dat day….huhuhuhu
Haha.. no allegies BUT got asthma. how ah like that.. lol!
Asthma got inhaler to help, u got ah LJ?
Yeah I got asthma.. but since I moved here.. don't take medicine or
inhaler.. in fact no attack at all!
You’re all praises for ur new area LJ, good for u, sounds like it was a good move! ;)
Well apart from the monkey that is.. haha.. the area is great GP. and got
kitty room lagi.. so syiok lah..hehe
Kitty room ada window ke???
Ada.. one overlooking the outside where they can see the trees and monkeys
and another one facing one of the bedroom where we can peep at them.. lol!
But u open the window or what? They don jump out??
Nolah the window got grill and got mosquito netting.. so although it's
opened.. the kitties cannot jump out..
Here must have mosquito netting.. if not.. everything and anything can come
Oh then it sounds perfect dearie, I wan kitty kat room oso!
Haahha.. the good thing about this apartment is that I has 4 bedroom. plus
one utility room.. the fourth bedroom we use as store.. the utitlity room as
kitty room and laundry.. awesome eh?
So big ur apt LJ ada 4 rooms?? Yeah…. Nice to have kitty room, some more got window…
Not big.. but long.. I pun heran got 4 room when we came in but extra room
is always nice.. now when my mom comes visting.. her room no boxes
already..haha.. our spare room used to be our guest room .. now no more..
and yes nice kitty room with window!!
I wish for 2 more extra rooms here, so only one solusi….pindah! ;)
Tulah.. susah kan when not enuff room.
How I wish I have a real kitty room that is bigger than Awan can run
Wei not sleeping or what you? I am still doing my translasi here…
Dah nak tidor ni.. tengah optimatizing my blog lah..heheh
Eh any offer from TLA yet? I got one for LJC edi
Wah u got edi fuyooooo nothing for me LJ, congrats LJL!!! Eh maybe u can check ur referral see if I joined under u, cause Im not sure who I joined under oso…
Not LJL.. LJC.. PR4 mah.. heheh..i don't think you join under me.. coz got 0
ref for me.. perhaps you join under Emila??
I don think so I joined under Emila either…apparently I joined last year edi….
So you probably join without a ref lah..
Eh new post at SG dearie!
Congratulations to your top droppers.. I hope I could make it next time ;)
Bagi sket new jobs tu Marzie... :-D :-D ;) I got one only but too lazy to do 2day, can wait til tomoro... hehe
Congrats to all your top 10 Mariucans!
Recent blog:=- Seeing Owls
Morning Mariuca! hohohohoh :-D
Yeehah! :) :) :)
Recent blog:=- Keep Spirits High
I'm one of the Mariucans!
Recent blog:=- Keep Spirits High
Thanks for the mention sweetie. :)
Recent blog:=- Keep Spirits High
Yay! I managed to make the list again! :D
Recent blog:=- I Can Cook Too
I cannot open yr site lah Mariuca :(
Thanks Tekkaus, and happy commenting this month! :)
Mon, got outage it seems earlier! Now can see right? I couldn drop oso just now couldn open lots of blogger blogs…
yeah now ok edi! hehe ...u just got back Mariuca?
I finally went to the bank to settle my loan LOL! $$$
ohhh ok ;) i zzzz for 12 hours and didnt drop yesd huhuhuu
12 hours zzzz? Fuyoooooo sure fresh to da max now! I dropped 900 yest yay! :)
i need my beauty zzzzz lah :-D
I couldn sleep cause scared cannot wake up on time to go to the bank just now he he…
hehe after this u can zzzz edi nice weather some more!
Yeah looking forward to sleeping in nice rainy weather… mmmmm :)
wee I'm still on the list! I know I haven't visited much lately =(
Thanks for visiting whenever u can Ayie, love and hugs!
Enjoy ur linky Liza!
You definitely are a true Mariucan Liza, big hugs!
Yeeeehah! :)
I got no PBs nowadays Nessa!!! :(
Thanks Beth, hope to see u on my list one day too!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!