Check out the casino B visited in Monte Carlo! Doesn't it look inviting and oh so grand? A huge mighty eagle beckons you to enter and one can't help but stop in awe at this amazing art fixture.

There is an entrance fee of 10 Euros per person and the minimum bet for Blackjack here is 25 Euros. Of course I can't help but feel envious when I saw B's casino pictures and now more than ever, I too want to check out this huge casino and WIN like B!

There is an entrance fee of 10 Euros per person and the minimum bet for Blackjack here is 25 Euros. Of course I can't help but feel envious when I saw B's casino pictures and now more than ever, I too want to check out this huge casino and WIN like B!

The beautiful 4-star Hotel de Paris is located nearby; conveniently connecting you to the Monte Carlo Casino with a simple flight of steps. My dream would be to stay in this majestic hotel, with the casino right next door! Is that too much to ask? 

I know that waiting for the right time and money to go for a fantastic casino vacation seems a little far-fetched right now. So maybe I should settle for virtual casino online; one that I can visit immediately without even having to pack!

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-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
:* :* :* :*
Wah love the pictures lah GP... and that statue is really awesome!!!
Recent blog:=- Happy Birthday Minnie!! **
WOW!!!! B went to the coolest casino 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Yay Monica FC1! :)
Yay LJ FC2! :)
i wanna go there too!!! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog:=- Shop and Save
see lah didnt tick on follow so not getting reponses.. aiyahhh
Yay thanks LJ, me too love the pics. All so lawa and make me jelesi but still so beautiful la this place…can see myself happily on vakasi here! :)
Da coolest casino indeed Mon, for real okay not like me only in my PBs LOL!!! :)
Yelah.. the place is so pretty.
Buzz dearie.. LJL!
Maybe one fine day we can go there Mon and happily play slots together-gether yeeeha!
Tsk tsk tsk how come eh LJ u have to keep on ticking over and over again, make me angers thinking abt it! :(
So pretty and looks like so cool the weather, fresh air gitu! Kaming!!!
oh yes Mariuca! i hope we can go there play slots together-gether!!!!!!!!!!;)
That's why lah.. not sure also.. how to pay like that kan? Nanti lagi angers
I was cooking magee for B, chic flava lol… If I get to vakasi here, sure I’ll be in the casino whole night he he he! $$$
Yeah lor and before this ok je kan ur JS dearie, only recently this ticking nonsense! :( I oso won pay that 12 bucks….lebih baik bayar domain he he…
:* :* :* :*
hi ladies!
Recent blog:=- My First Diwali Dinner Experience
who knows maybe next time around it's you and B going to that casino and staying to that hotel ;)
Recent blog:=- My First Diwali Dinner Experience
for now online casino will do, right? :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- My First Diwali Dinner Experience
Yay Ayie FC3! :)
Thank u for chopping ladies, happy playing slots he he! :)
Good morning Ayie! :)
Awwwww that’s so sweet Ayie, I hope that will happen one fine day,woo hoo! :)
For now Ayie…for now he he not to mention my PC games! :)
i made it? =-O =-O =-O :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- My First Diwali Dinner Experience
g'mrning marzie! :* :*
Recent blog:=- My First Diwali Dinner Experience
it will just like your other trips ;)
Recent blog:=- My First Diwali Dinner Experience
U made it sweetie woot!
Morning Ayie! Wats 4 breakfast? :)
Hehehhe I’m loving that vacation image Ayie! How abt u and hubs??
Yeah, sure looks nice..
Up slope too? Just like Genting.
Hey Cashmere, glad u enjoyed the pics…not sure if it’s upslope like Genting tho…have a good day! :)
The place does look cool alright! What's with the eagle? Is it a guard too? :p
Recent blog:=- Pay Your Sleep Debt
Anyway good Morning Mau!
Recent blog:=- Pay Your Sleep Debt
it's lunchtime already...but had brown rice and smoked fish and fresh tomato =) ;)
Recent blog:=- My First Diwali Dinner Experience
looks like no vacay for a while, just short trips since i'll be due this feb
Recent blog:=- My First Diwali Dinner Experience
the addicting games ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- My First Diwali Dinner Experience
good morning Marzie!
the place sure looks inviting and grand. and the mighty eagle looks amazing in every sense of the word.
Paris is one of my fave cities of destination. there's so much to see and i love the architecture. simply divine.
enjoy your wednesday dear.
Fuyoooh!! dis is a casino??? Macam istana kayangan la!! =-O =-O
Dat eagle looks scary.. macam nak tangkap orang je! :-E :-E
Recent blog:=- Desperately Seeking A Kitchen Makeover!
Wow that would be so cool to go there. I bet B had a lot of fun going there. I bet it is nice to be able to go to all the nice places.Maybe one day i can go there also but for now i stay in the states :)
Recent blog:=- Wanted Dead Or Alive
now that is some casino. you cant even tell such activity goes on from the outside wink wink!
Tina from
Mummy Diaries
Game FreakZ
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack
Hey Tekkaus, u no likey Mr. Eagle?? He entices ppl to enter and play mah… ;)
Morning Tekkaus, having my coffee now. U have a good day. :)
Uwahhhh brown rice and smoked fish sounds really yummy and healthy Ayie! Did u cook that urself? :)
Wow due in Feb Ayie, that’s coming soon!! U must be excited!
Addictive but oh so FUN lol…
Good morning LR, it’s raining here right now. :)
Thanks for dropping by LR. I so agree with u on the casino looking inviting, it’s calling out to me he he he! ;)
I’ve yet to go to Paris LR, ur so lucky to have visited the beautiful city of love! :)
Aiyo Wed edi, so fast!! Thanks sweetie, u too! :)
Fuyooooh indeed Nessa! How not to be jelesi like dat right? Hahahhaha istana kayangan so cute! U scared of the mighty eagle Nessa? He brings u luck as u enter to play and WIN! ;)
Hi Bill, thanks so much for the RT, I saw it this morning but I was too sleepy to reply then. :) Of coz it’s nice to be travelling the world right Bill? U and ur wife should go for more vacations like ur recent wild2 west getaway and share more pics with us YAY! :)
Hi Tina!! Hahaha the casino looks really great right? I love the architecture and I wish I could see the inside but you know…no pics inside the casino. $$$
buzz2 Mariuca;)
Hahha.. tulah.. better pay for domain.. eh remember to use the code at SG
tau when you renew your domain.. savings tu!
Definitely Im going to use the code LJ!! Thanks so much!
Good good.. I only paid 15+ for two years for BC and LJL and GGB and!!
GGB? I need to renew WOAFS and MPG so dat means I pay 15+ each for 2 years right?
Hm.. I think not yet for GGB kot.. that time tak cukup wang.. and LLP don't
qualify coz dot org.. :-(
Yeap.. 15+ for two years for each of your domain.. hurry lah.. takut coupon
But mine blm expire lagi….can renew now??
Can. I am now renewing my GGB which is actually expiring in 2010..hahahha
And guess what I just check.. its actually on 14.84! not even 15+..hehhe
Def I will renew as soon as habis my kerja …soon!
GGB is what again LJ???
Oh no GP... I just check and tak dapat lah discount lagi using that code..
Now I am looking for new code.. I will let u know ok!
Hahha.. GET GREAT BUY lah.. same as Shopping Galore mah!!
Alamak…ok ok…lemme know later..thanks LJ!
Ohhhh SG lol shopping galore!
Ok got new code edi.. am writing post at GGB or SG.. ok.. come chop in a
Yelah.. SG also can mean Singapore mah!!
Buzz buzz me LJ..
Buzz buzz at SG!!
yup i always cook here =)
baby also flutters a lot and moves too much, i get a lot of kicks now... we're getting more and more excited by the days... :-[ :-[ :-[
I always love visiting London in the summer... hehe
I hope to visit London in summer too one day, thanks PS3! :)
Am excited for u too Ayie!
I bet u don cook much nowadays with baby coming right? :)
Thanks for da buzz2 LJ!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!