I'm so clumsy and careless sometimes it amazes me how I get through every day! I remember once I went out for lunch with my friend Shyam, in TTDI. We had a nice meal at one of the restaurants there where she gave me a really pretty silver charm bracelet that she got me from her recent vacation in Australia.

I immediately put it on, all the while ooooh-ing and ahhhhh-ing at how pretty it was. It was something like this one here and I loved it so much as it would perfectly match my many silver necklaces.

So there we were discussing her vacation over lunch and bitching about work and the things we used to do in school. We had a wonderful lunch and then we went our separate ways. It was then that I realized my silver bracelet was gone! I don't know what happened or where I dropped it, but my beautiful silver bracelet, which Shyam just only presented me, was missing!

I was horrified at my clumsiness and we retraced our steps from the restaurant back to her office, which was our meeting point, but the lovely silver bracelet was truly gone. I was miserable and I think Shyam felt bad for me too but I have no one or nothing to blame but my carelessness. Maybe that's why she's never given me another piece of silver jewelry after that!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
not to mention my silver ring lost when we hang out last week! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
whew! so lah excited with MM now! ;) ;) ;) ;)
but no post yet! LOL! :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
:* :* :* :* :* :*
surely your friend just understand you GP.. ;) ;) ;) ;)
so i C-H-O-P again!!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
weeeeeeeeeeeeeho!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
:* :* :* :* :* :*
LOL GG FC1! :)
I was having dinner just now GG…
Hahhahahah really GG? Ur silver ring oso lost? So that’s one missing ring and one broken digicam over the week for u, hugs! :)
Oh no u got ur song GG? So fast!!! Me still 0! ;)
I wan to chop ur MM GG, if I don fall asleep! :)
Thanks for chopping here too GG!
He he but I still feel bad for being so careless! :(
Hey Marzie! Oh no!! That's too bad.. I hate it when I lose/misplace my stuff. Especially those that were given to me.
Recent blog:=- What's Your Deal?
U did sweetie, come chop MM later! ;)
Aiyaaa, what a loss. I'm always careful about my stuff and will look around quite a while before leaving a shop :D
Recent blog:=- Reset Your Head la P1 WiMax!
Weeeeeeeeeho indeed GG hahahaha!
:* :* :*
OMG! sorry for you dearie. so tak jumpa betul eh? so sad lah like that..
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - Song Bird (Kenny G) **
That's why! :p How asked you to be so clumsy huh?
Recent blog:=- Our Expensive Indulgence At Yuzu!
Just kidding. Perhaps B can get you a new one? :D
Recent blog:=- Our Expensive Indulgence At Yuzu!
That's a pretty bracelet. I'll be sad if I lost it too.
I have some jewellery that was stolen by two maids. It was heartache. :(
Recent blog:=- Launch of Katong CC Gourmet Club
Have a great week ahead Marzie!
Recent blog:=- Launch of Katong CC Gourmet Club
Hi LJ! :)
Thanks LJ, I felt bad that whole week thinking abt it cause tak sampai 2 hours dah hilang, what is wrong with me?? I think tercicir but I totally tak perasan huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu! :(
Dat’s why la Tekkaus…dunno what to say for myself la dat time!!! :(
Ha ha it’s okay…I wanted dat one cause it was a gift from my bes fren, that’s why I remember this story, heartpain thinking abt it ha ha! :)
Tell me abt it ECL, huhuhuhuhuhu! :(
Wah what happened ECL??? Did u get ur stuff back? :(
Thanks sweetie, u have a good one too! :)
Hola GG! :)
U missed this one GG lol, sleeping dat time I think..
Yay Shemah FC2! :)
That’s why Shemah, heartpain cause baru dapat terus hilang, so it was not meant to be for me I guess huhuhu… :(
Woo hoo Nick, FC3! :)
Tu la, I should have taken one last look before leaving but I didn’t expect to lose it so soon after receiving it. Should have never worn it in the first place! :(
Ooh! Sorry to hear about losing your necklace! Did you cry? I'm sure you would have if you bought it yourself, right? :)
Recent blog:=- Lost In Xingping (Part 1)
Oops! Error. It's bracelet not necklace! :)
Recent blog:=- Lost In Xingping (Part 1)
How did it slip off? Maybe someone very skillful took it without even you knowing!
Recent blog:=- Lost In Xingping (Part 1)
sometimes we really lose something accidentally, don't feel too bad
Recent blog:=- Third Doctor Visit
i know it's precious since it's a gift from a dear friend but at least you both tried to find it, just too bad it's really gone
Recent blog:=- Third Doctor Visit
sometimes i am quite forgetful but luckily i haven't really lost or misplaced anything
Recent blog:=- Third Doctor Visit
I’ve lost plenty of stuff Ayie! :(
Yeah dat’s true…. Thanks sweetie!
Hahahah I think I didn’t put the clasp on properly Foong, my bad… :(
Yup bracelet!
Ha ha I didn’t cry la but I felt bad the whole day! :(
It was really an accident sigh…but I still felt bad when it happened…
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!