I should meet up with my friend Shyam more often! Every time we meet, I'd go home feeling relaxed after an afternoon of venting and catching up on what's been going on in our respective lives. It's been ages since we last saw each other, and she's been pretty busy too with the opening of Cake Connection, her new baking and cake decorating shop. So last weekend, on the way back from our hotel stay, B and I decided to pop into her store to say hello!

It was my first visit to her store and I was so impressed by the whole set-up. I was already wowed by the fact that a close friend of mine actually owns a store but to actually be inside her cake shop and soak up reality, was truly something else!
Shyam and I have been friends since we were 13, which makes her my longest-standing friend! After leaving school, we went our separate ways; she pursued her studies in Australia, while I was in the US. Even then, we kept in touch via letters and I don't mean emails, I'm talking about the traditional air mail, where I actually had to write and not type, the letter myself! ;)
She's also the one friend I can truly depend on. She has a good head on her shoulders, which she is not afraid to use, especially when it comes to reprimanding me whenever she feels I'm going overboard with anything in my life. And now that she has finally taken the big step to open up her own business, I'm just so happy and excited for her! After years of working for others, she finally gets to be her own boss, doing something that she truly loves with the opening of Cake Connection in July this year.
I was very impressed by the variety and quality of the premier cake decorations available in Cake Connection, which is located in Jaya One, PJ by the way. It felt like being in a cosy candy store, surrounded by all the adorable and colourful decorations in the store. Unlike your usual cake decorating store, Cake Connection goes a step beyond to ensure not only the highest quality products, but a wider range of variety in its unique imported cake decorations and accessories. With more than 500 products available, you will definitely find all your baking and cake decorating needs right here at Cake Connection. From Royal Icing Decorations and Exquisite Sugarpaste Flowers to Assorted Candles and unique Cake Boards & Boxes, Cake Connection is your friendly one-stop baking & cake decorating speciality store, run by two good friends, Shyamala & Nancy.
When I arrived at the store, Nancy was busy attending to customers so Shyam gave me the grand tour! Aside from selling imported baking and cake decorating accessories, Cake Connection also offers baking and cake decorating courses in a friendly & cosy setting.
Courses offered include Cupcake Fun 101, Icing on the Cake, Junior Cupcake Fun, Exploring Wedding Cake Decorating and Chocolate Indulgence. Hmmm, I love the sound of the last one! Currently, there is a special Hari Raya class for those interested in making this lovely 'Basket of Roses' cake, which would make a beautiful Raya centrepiece or as a gift for your friends and family. Click here for more details.

'Basket of Roses' Cake
Whether you're a novice or professional baker or simply a blogger like me who loves to bake a Chocolate Mug Cake every once in a while, do stop by Cake Connection and see what the fuss is all about. As a special gift for Mariuca's readers, visitors who spend minimum RM30 in a single receipt at Cake Connection will receive this adorable Fairy Birthday Candles FREE! Limited to the first 30 Mariucans so drop by today and say hello to Shyamala & Nancy. Don't forget to let them know Mariuca sent you in order to receive your FREE gift! :)
Before I sign off, I'd like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Shyamala & Nancy once again and wish them the best of luck and success in their new venture! And hey, it's already Friday peeps, so have a great weekend and I'll see you next week! :)

I want cake, I want cake!!! The chocolate one please! ;o)
Wow!! What a beautiful 3 tier cake GP!!! I love it!!
So did you sign up for the course??
Congrats to your friends too.. it really is a great achievement.. can't imagine me owning any business lahh...
Wow, great shop! Will try to drop there if I'm in the PJ area! Congrats Syam & Nancy!
Wow, I didn't know there was a cake shop like this in Jaya One, in fact I haven't been there yet. Must check it out, maybe this weekend.
Wifey would freak out when she sees this place cos she's so into this stuff :D
Can we quote your name when we go there ... hahaha ... just kidding :D Happy weekend to you.
hello Mariuca
lovely photos of you and with your friend too...
ohhh I love the bunny wedding cake and the basket of roses...
I could go on forever..
what a shame your friend isn't in Australia...
I would be buying cakes all the time...
it looks like the shop will be a huge success :):)
enjoy your day !!!
I love cake shop!! A cake decorating shop some more. I'm definitely going to her shop one day to get my supplies... ni mesti nak jual your name to get some discounts... hehe
The baking and decorating courses sound interesting.. maybe I'll sign up one day :D
Err, can only get the Fairy candles if buy today ah? If I buy next week, cannot??
Congrats to your friend!
Reading your posting, it really inspire me. Work hard + creativity = success
omg! this store is awesome!! i'll check out their website first! comment later, ya! ;)
Ha ha! Thanks for being my first commenter here Tammy! For that, u get the whole choc cake lol, enjoy! :):):)
Hola LJ! Beautiful kan? There were several others, but this pic turned out the best.
Oh me, no time to take baking course la he he, some more got no oven at home. Perhaps later, when we finally do get one, then can consider joining. I like the idea of Junior Cupcake Fun, cause u can send ur kids there, but for us, tak kan la nak hantar our meowies? He he he! :):):)
Yay, thanks Emila! S & N did an awesome job to make the shop as cosy as possible, and it shows! It's really great la, and I'm so impressed with everything there! If only I'm a regular baker, for sure I'll make this my only cake shop! :):):)
Hi Nick! Oh that was my first visit to Jaya One too, which is quite happening btw! Got so many eating outlets there, so it made a nice change from our usual side of PJ.
Of course u should go there with wifey, make her happy for the day, being surrounded by the delicious and pretty accessories! Spend RM30 and mention "Mariuca" to get ur free candles okay? :):):)
Thanks so much Kim! I'm just so proud and pleased for my friend! It has always been her dream to open up her own cake store, so this is like perfection for her. Glad u enjoyed the pics, I love them too, esp the pink and white cupcakes! :):):)
Nessa!! Oh u must visit Cake Connection, I'm sure you'll be very pleased at what u can find there! Some stuff I never knew existed and they're all so funky and cute. Plus so many choices too! Some more it's in PJ, as in our area he he! ;)
Hey, maybe u can check out the Raya course, cause that Basket of Roses cake sure looks pretty kan?
The candles are free for the first 30 Mariucans who visit CC. Just spend RM30, and mention Mariuca for ur free candles, hurry! :):):)
Exactly Bono! Work hard added with some creativity, will spell success, one way or another! Good luck to S and N again! You ladies rock! :):):)
Yay, thanks for checking out CC's website Jean! Some more you are Miss Yummylicious, for sure you'll love this store, have fun sweetie! :):):)
hey marz bar
thanks for the shout-out! glad you liked CC. owe you another batch of brownies :)
take care
Yeeha! The owner of CC is here! No worries abt the shout-out, of coz must support CC however I can he he!
Oh yeah, make me more yummy brownies la, I tried looking for the pics to put here, but couldn't find them in my PC, dunno where they are! Anyway, congrats to you and Nancy again! Love and hugs! :):):)
WOW...i should make a trip to Cake Connection very soon. It looks awesome...Marzie, thanks for the introduction...
Yummy yummy cake heheh. Marking that in my calendar just in case i decide to pop into malaysia this upcoming 2009 heheh. love the shop layout. so zen. :) mmmmmmmmmmmmm You are always making me so hungry marzie hehehe and now am gaining weight just looking hehehe
yeey! i love cakes!
I hope I could bake one..with icing on it.
Have a nice weekend :]
Wow, what tasty and amazing looking cakes...I want some! Just dropping by quickly during my work day on Friday...Lynette, Tom & the twins are coming over for a swim and dinner tonight. Should be fun!
Have a great weekend!
marzie, you are right!! i hv so mcuh fun exploring CC! There are courses somemore. how cool! :) And everything looks so sweet!!
Yay!! now i have more varieties to choose from for our wedding cake. :)) Shall contact yr friend then.
yippee!! i am now an official mariucan!! see Ms.Y avatar at yr follower widget anot! :))
Congrats to Shyamala and Nancy on their business venture!
The birthday candles so cute. Wish I was in KL to grab them!
It's nice to have a friend like you too, Mariuca.
I lost my blog award. Sorry.
Waahhh now am Uber hungry hehehe having chocolates before heading to sleep :) Will have to be up early coze tom is a wedding planning convention. WIll be documenting them for yah girls over on empty streets just for you :) heheh in case you might want to get something a little more special or simply want to renew vows hehehe till tonight. Happy weekend. :)
heheh.. send the meowies to baking clases.. tunggang langgang sat ni..lolzz!!!
They all nanti yg kena bake..heheh...
Eh where are you dearie.. need to biatch ni... D is such a slut lah!!!
Happy Friday!!
Wow that is so cool... somehow a tiny part of me has always wanted to have my own food related bizz. Congrats to your pals. :)
Sorry I have been MIA. It's just been a crazy week...
YAY Marvic is here, thanks sweetie!
Oh yeah, you should Marvic! If u love baking, this is the only place u need to be. Have fun dearie! :):):)
Ha ha ha, thanks for such a delightful comment Metz! So nice of u to be thinking of dropping by my friend's store on ur next trip here, have u ever been to Malaysia before?
Oh yeah, I agree! CC has such a relaxing ambience to it, it makes u wanna hang out there all day LOL! :):):)
Hi Twinks, nice to see u again! I love cakes too, eating them that is he he he! Happy weekend! :):):)
Roxy! Have fun with Tom and Lynette, that Tom is such a hottie he he! :)
And grab some cake for ur party! :):):)
YAY, thanks Jean and happy to hear u had fun exploring CC! This recommendation is perfect for Miss Yummylicious for her next baking session! ;)
Oh yeah, I see AGP here oredi, congrats for being an official Mariucan, love ya! :):):)
Thank you ECL! It was great to have this post out for CC, hope they receive some exposure. :)
And thanks for noticing the candles, they're so cute I feel like getting them even though I'm not planning any baking anytime soon LOL!
Sorry abt ur loss sweetie, there's always next year and we'll be sure to vote for u then too! *Hugs*
oh I love cupcakes! They offer baking and cake decorating courses too? wow! I might go check it out ;-)
I've a tag for you here...have a nice weekend Mariuca!!!
WOW that sounds cool Metz! Have fun and come back with a great post for us. Good to see u're keeping busy and that connection is holding up well for u. Have a great weekend! :):):)
Morning LJ! Imagine Pheebs pakai chef hat, for sure cute gila! :)
Of coz I'm angry to da max with D, but what do u think abt K la? Confidently pushing N to tell B abt the baby, and calling him again that night to make sure! Padan muka kena slap, I actually clapped out loud ha ha!
I'm so lega that S caught D and O doin stuff!! How many times oredi she made out with O, then pushed him away cause "she can't do it" it seems... still betrayal enuff right? I hate her and my only concern is that E might just forgive her, know what I mean?! :(:(:(
So you would be trying out more recipes and maybe attending their courses? You might need to start a food blog then. hehe...
And LadyJava has another place to get her ingredients for baking. :)
hahaha... definitely cute giler...lolzz
OMG! Did you see the smile on K face when she told BK (Brooke) about how happy she was the baby is in the third semester?? I would have slapped her then AGAIN! How can they be so confident BR (bridget) would accept this baby..dah lah raising J who is also her brother.. now they want her to help raise the baby who would be her anak sedara.. crazy or what??
And Oh YEAH... S caught them all right.. if I were S I would have confronted her there and then.. and she how she defends herself.. and O.. OMG.. "Eric loves you.. he wont want you to be lonely" I want to curse I tell you right about now... nasib baik tak boleh..lolzz
What kind of rationale is that.. kasi lah org tu mati dulu kalau ye pun..ish.. geram ni.. but gtg now... talk to you 2nite ya :)
Lega sikit dah biatch..lolz
GP, I am impressed with the pretty cake shop too, but this one is no ordinary cake shop. From the pictures, they look more like 'customised, personalised' and the ones Kimora Lee Simmons would love. LOL Bet she would make gorgeous ones for weddings and special functions. It's great to have old friends like this right- I mean, you share a lot of things together, to me, they are like siblings.
oh yeah, those days when you have to write (mostly using airmail- those envelopeless letters) LOL, and sometimes, letters take more time to reach than they should. :)
ps: I've been wanting to say this since the last entry about your birthday- you look so cute and pretty! :) commercial look tu! :)
Nice to see u here Bono, happy Sat to you! :)
Hi Rozella, I think this is so cool too! Some more my friend loves to bake, so this was like a dream come true for her YAY! :):):)
hello lovely, am here to drop off AGP! :) ok now, back to my makeover! hehe
Enjoy yr evening!
Hey Monica, thanks for coming by. I love cupcakes too and the ones here look yummy yeah? Have fun checking out CC and thanks for the tag sweetie! :):):)
ECL! Me baking? Start a food blog some more? He he he!! One fine day perhaps, for now I'm just happy baking my mug cake once in a while and managing 2 blogs LOL! :)
LJ LJ!! Of coz I was angry to da max to see her smug expression, and I still can't believe how tak malu she is! Konon-konon she is sacrificing her life la, it's ok if she dies so long as she brings N's baby into the world!
D is gonna use the excuse that she was vulnerable, and just got attacked by Pam, so scared and lonely, that's why "it" happened! I hope Eric will go back to S yeeha! It's abt time the Forresters reunite he he! :):):)
Tulah. sacrifice konon.. what if the baby kluar defect or something kan? kan kecian.. coz she's on so many medication right.. and the part when she said..."we gonna bring a baby into this world" like as it the world needs her baby like that...podah!!
And OMG, Nick would break the news to B right after their love session? How cruel is that?? Someone ought to lock him up somewhere and throw away the keys lah!!
Pity Eric lah.. the first name he called out was D kan? He for sure wont be able to take it.. and D.. vulnerable konon.. i never knew s*x can be cure for loneliness.. really lah she is a s*x addict kot..heheh
Hi Farah! As always u have a very sharp eye, and yes, this is a speciality store, everything is so posh and nice, but they're reasonably priced too. Cool kan to own a store like this?
Of coz dearie, Shyam is like my oldest friend, we've gone through many bittersweet moments together so it's really cool to see her taking this step. Wish her all the luck in her new biz! :)
PS. Awwww thanks sweetie *blush*! It must be the month of August, told ya I love it! :):):)
Hi Jean, thanks for dropping AGP here! You have a nice weekend too and I can't wait to see ur new look woo hoo! :)
LJ, notice how she always says we we we, so N got no choice but to get on track with HER freaking decision, bossy and selfish and again I have to say this, tak lawa he he he! ;)
I pity Steph, cause when E woke up he called out D but it was her instead, come on Steph, bring the Forresters back together!
Eh, oso wan to ask u how did Sucre and Bilek (not sure spelling) get out of prison again on PB???
Three cheers for S and E...
K tu now suddenly all decked up in makeup and new hair do kan?? but still tak lawa..lolz.. alah N wanted her to end the pregnancy but she yg degil.. selfish.. that's all i can say..
Belleck and Sucre escaped because the prisoners started a riot causing a fire to break out so everyone escaped as well it seems...best lah Sara masih hidup!! cian kan dia.. kena pukul and all :(
Dat's why LJ!! Menyampah, konon-konon it's the seri from her pregnancy la, podah! :(
N oso so stupid, suddenly he 's not the usual tough guy he is, why must follow everything K says, freaker la she I tell you! Eh, today's ep not yet out right? I can't wait to see S tell the kids and E what she saw woo hoo!
I see, so Belleck and Sucre are still fugitives la right? Wonder what's gonna happen to Gretchen. I don like the new black guy, he looks so mean and bengis tak bertempat he he! ;)
Yeah.. suddenly N is all wimpy and all obedient with K.. pelik kan..
Eh yesterday 5th no epi lah.. dun know why but that is what the lady that owns the channel is telling all the viewers.. same like last monday also no epi kan? so now got to wait till tuesday lah...:(
Yeap.. even Mahone and Michael also still fugitive kan? only Linc and LJ jer your totally exonerated..
Grenchen is very hardy lady.. and that black guy.. mmg scary.. i mean I wud not want to see what he did to Mahone's family... seram!
see your here again with the cakes! ok then ill have the roses in baskets cake please. or maybe i can take a bite from all of them and put them back rofl
Aiya, was waiting the whole day! But nevermind, I'm gonna watch SATC movie tonight on DVD, finally! Have u seen it yet? :)
Linc is still panas baran, sikit-sikit defensive, Michael is soooooo much better he he! But I like the new cop guy lol! :)
SATC? Am blur!! lolzz
Yeah.. linc is the same.. saja jer.. everything he leaves to Michael.. its like " i hope you have a plan Michael"... hehe.. blur lah he..the new cop?? hehe.. he looks blur to me too..hehe..
Michael is the best.. did you see how he withstand the pain during the removal of his tattoo... but oh no.. what's that nose bleed about ... so worried for him lahh...
Oooops sorry, Sex and the City!!! Finally got the DVD, supposedly clear, so gonna watch tonite woo hoo! ;)
I love the new cop when he played Phoebe's BF in Friends, and he was oso in Boston Public, now he's in PB, cool la dia! :)
Yeah, why did he not want to take the jab for the tattoo removal, sakit tu! But he's still a cutie lolz! ;)
oh SATC..lol.. yeah I watched it already.. and I loved it!!! you'll enjoy it too...
Oh no wonder lah he looks so familiar.. he's ok lah.. just not my type...lolzz
Michael kan hero.. mana main bius2...lolzz!!! cutie pie.. tetap!!!
Ha ha, more cakes for u to enjoy then Tina! I really like the basket of roses cake, it looks so sweet and real. :):):)
I'm so glad SATC came out with a movie kan? Can't wait to watch later! :)
Of coz, Michael kena maintain macho and he's doing a good job at it too!
Alex still looks like he's on drugs but glad he's still around. :)
Alex.. yeah.. poor thing kan.. he went back to be with his wife and kid only to find that they were murdered already...sigh...
Eh see the thing you request me to do.. ok or not??
Yeah pity Alex, why can't Linc just leave him alone? Wan to settle stuff later it seems! :(
Ok, checking ur email now! ;)
Marzie, when you are free just check http://www.viralblogads.com/ref.php?u=137 ..new and not bad
Thanks Bono, am checking it out now and it looks way cool! :)
Marzie, you updating your blog ka?? few of your sidebar not ok deh!!
I nampak your VB deh!!
is that her cake shop? wow, thats cool!!!
Happy Sunday. Your sidebar background color is blue so some words not so clear
Yuhuu... here with LJL dearie.. how's your day so far??
Hi Mariuca!
Just dropping by on Sunday before church. I don't know if I mentioned that we have a cake lady nearby in Far Hills, New Jersey...she made an amazing multi-layer cake for Rex's birthday party a few years back and she always does something special for London and Maddie's birthdays.
Wow so cool! Thanks for the review! I will definitely stop by her store as I am in a baking phase right now, especially cupcakes. Yup, i've jumped in the bandwagon. I'm excited to hear that finally there is a decent store that sells good decorating stuff.
BTW Happy Belated Birthday!
Mug cake is all you can bake!? haha... ok. *waits for Mariuca's mug cake*
Oh! mariuca,
ini adalah satu penderaan kepada nafu lapar kepada kek..
wah, itu cake semua nampak begitu memukau-mukau bagaikan dipanggil-panggil oleh laungan nyanyian merdu ikan duyung.. "aaaa.aa.a.aaaaa.aaa.a.aa"
bila ketagihan kek, i would normally just run to Secret recipes.. hehehe.. nasib baik rumah dekat dengan kedai lebih dekat dari masa setanak nasi.. huhu
happy sunday yerr..
Look better! Your sifu Mantap deh
Thanks you already my follower. MANTAP
OMG! What a beautiful cake store!! Definitely if I'm in KL I'll make sure I'll order a cake from them.. maybe I should just make up an occasion just so I can order a cake! from them! LOL!
and DOUBLE OMG!! I was having a field day just reading you and LJ going back and forth on B&B!!! LOL! I haven't caught it in a while and you know starworld is hopeless! I'm still so frustrated that they cut it to half an hour instead of an hour!! LOL!
I have to say, I hate all the Logans!! Well, not BK's children but just the siblings. BLERGH!! And yeah, D is so easy! Yuck!
hi maurica, saya telah posting ilustrasi dan infografis di blog saya. silakan berkunjung
salam kreatif!!
Hi Bono! Thanks for all ur comments here. Yeah, apparently there was something wrong with my template, but it's all fixed now thanks to LJ.
Good to hear my avatar is finally showing up at ur Follower widget woo hoo! And thanks for being a Mariucan here! :):):)
Thanks Faizal, it is cool isn't it? It's a baking n cake decorating store actually. Nice to see u today Faizal, had a good weekend? :)
Hi LJ! Thanks for dropping by today dear, busy with PC probs and hey, thanks for ur help with my sidebar! *Hugs*
Hi Roxy! That's awesome, maybe you'll share some pics of the girls' b'day cakes at ur blog! Would love to see the something special she has in mind for M n L! :)
Hi Baby Mits! Thanks for the belated b'day wish and happy to hear u're into baking now! How abt ur other "biz", how is that going?
Do pay a visit to CC, it's really cool! I'm sure ul find everything u need and MORE there, best! Regards to hubby! :):):)
ECL!! Eh, I can make brownies and lasagna oso he he! Happy Monday!! :)
Ha ha ha ikan duyung? Funny lar u Rizal! ;)
I'm getting sick of Secret Recipe oredi actually, but my fave cake there is the Choc Banana! I agree, all these cakes here look divine and yummy, hope to get a taste when my friend decides to bake me one he he! :):):)
LOL! That's so nice and cute of u Shemah! The store is really impressive, I was wowed! Hope u get to visit KL soon then. ;)
Oh we don bother with SW Boldie anymore, cause it's lambat kan? Easier to watch it online or DL! ;)
Eh, BK's kids oso irritating nowadays...like Rick being "in love" with Taylor and Bridget trying to be the martyr all the time! Wah so happy la can discuss with you now woo hoo!!! Better catch up with me and LJ before we do a full-blown discussion on Boldie ha ha ha!! :):):)
Hi Antown! I like ur Salam Kreatif, so cool! ;)
I'll be right over, wonder what new stuff u have out for us now! :)
morning marzie, am here to drop off AGP! Happy Monday! :)
i am re-doing AGP at my test blog. Now, i am gonna make sure that the error msg does not appear. So far everything has been doing good. I just need to make sure i've install everything (ie; socialspark itk, nuffnang ad, etc). So, if you see me mengomen'ing less, then you'll know what am i up do! :)
I'm sourcing for cake for Zac at the moment. Those looked really terrific & your good friend is the owner. How cool. I love the look of the shop. So neat with those sweet looking candles & display :)
Alakazam! Boy do I wish I were a real Genie sometimes LOL!!
GP, You friend's cake shop looks pretty interesting! Wifey wants to learn how to bake after we finish our studies so this will be a good place for her to go to get started!
I like the mouse cake, reminds me of an old storybook I once read when I was very very young...Katie the Country Mouse LOL
Cheers GP!
So sorry to hear about your computer...I've just ordered two backup drives to make sure that next time this happens to me (and it will, it is just a question of when), I'll be in better shape.
Hope you're back on track soon.
Night Night!
I haven't upgraded my ram yet so watching online is totally out. And my older bro is d/l ing complete seasons of his shows that my shows take a backseat. He'll freak if he sees me d/l-ing B&B! LOL!
I just read the archive episodes if I wanna keep up! hahaha..
OMG! I can't wait for Bridget to crack!! Is Ridge still engaged to Brooke or are they married?? OR has he left her for whats-her-name perfume maker?? LOL!
Happy monday... dropping my EC
Marzie, Selamat Berbuka Puasa! Here's potato puff for you! Come & grab it! :)
Dropping by to say hi :) and I see that the yummy cakes are still around mmmmmm I really got me a sweet tooth :)
The treats look delicious, and I'm pretty sure they are. Too bad I'm not from Malaysia, I would have been a regular customer! I'm a sucker for anything sweet. Thanks for sharing this though. It's nice of you to offer a treat for your readers at Cake Connection. Congratulations to your friend Shyam for this wonderful business venture!
Here with LJL dearie.. but will stop to eat ...heheh.. me having serawak laksa today...
I love chocolate cakes!
BTW kindly update my url pls. from Pinaymommydreamer it's now-- STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART --- http://www.mommyelvz.com
thanks so much! :)
Wah Shemah.. another Boldie fan..yihaaa.. yelah me and GP have been at it since we met..lol.. eh youtube also you can't watch?? otherwise I can give you the channel that I normally use.. hot off the press... like they say..hehe
D is slut!!!! tunggu lah org tua tu hit the bucket kalau ye pun kan??
I'm H. and I work in a company interested in blog advertising. I found your blog engaging and I'm contacting you to ask if you are interested in blog post sponsorship.
If you are interested, kindly mail back at k5ino@bigstring.com, indicating your blog for reference, and I'll send you back pricing details, guidelines and processes. Looking forward to doing business with you.
Hi Jean, thanks for dropping your EC here today! Okay, good luck with ur makeover sweetie, it's gonna be tough and perhaps frustrating now, but the end result should be worthwhile yeah? :):):)
Happy cake searching Janice, hope u find another good one for Zac, like last year!
And thanks for 'visiting' CC here, maybe u get to visit for real on your next trip to M'sia! :):):)
YAY, GK is finally here, we've missed u tons over here, so happy to see u today! *Genie Hugz*
Oh good for wifey, I'm sure you guys will be pleased with CC. From service to products, you will def go home feeling all fuzzy inside he he!
Have fun at school GK, and thanks for coming by today! :):):)
Roxy! Ha ha I know what u mean, I am bracing myself for another restore session, it's only a matter of time! ;)
I got most of my stuff back up and work is a bit relaxed today, so that gave me more time to work on my PC. Am almost back to normal. Happy Tuesday Roxy! :)
Ha ha ha Shemah!! Every Tues-Sat, I'll be happily DL Boldie, but I have my own PC and B has his own with a separate ISP, so DL is no prob for me!
I used to eat the archives, but of coz watching the real thing is so much better! R is still with B and the perfume-maker (Ashley) has been pretty quiet lately. I prefer R to be with A, B is so yesterday's news LOL! ;)
I see you here Bono, thank you for dropping ur EC today! :)
Jean!!! Thank you for the potato puffs, they look so yummy and I can't wait to try making some myself. Hopefully menjadi! ;)
Hola Metz! Enjoy the yummy cakes while they're still around. I have a new post out for u to feast your eyes upon now! ;)
Hi Faery and welcome to Mariuca's blog! :)
Oh I love sweet stuff too, and the cupcakes here look really YUM! It was also my pleasure to feature my good friend's cake store here, am so proud of her! Congrats to Shyam and Nancy again! :):):)
Hi Mommy Elvz, thanks for dropping by and I'll look into your url change. Have a good one! :)
LJ!!! You watched PB oredi ka? It's not out yet on Mini!
Hah, come discuss with us Shemah, we just love biatching abt Boldie, every once in a while he he! ;)
Wah Sarawak laksa masak sendiri or beli? :)
Hi there H and welcome to Mariuca's blog! Thanks so much for your interest im my blog and I'll get in touch with u via email, have a good day! :)
PB belum kluar lagi lah GP.. now only 1pm their side.. so got to wait till 2mrw kot..
Laksa Serawak beli..there's this stall at pasar juadah at Bandar Baru Ampang.. Sedaps!!! esok confirm beli lagi... i want to try the Kolok!!
Oh he he... happily checked so many times for PB today! Tomorrow it is then, together with Boldie! Oh sorry, kolok tu ape? :)
heheh.. i pun baru belajar from the stall.. Kolok tu another serawak dish.. yummy gak.. kinda like wantan noodle but nicer i tell you.. this stall has a restaurant over at Dagang Jaya.. am so gonna check it out after puasa... 2mrw i'll take picture of the stall and the food ok ;)
Oh I don know where is this Dagang Jaya, u know la I'm not familiar with KL, can get lost one for sure! Yipee, looking forward to the pics then, come to me kolok! ;)
hehe... same lah us.. I don't know where Ikano is.. or some of the places you mentioned before...
Ok.. Kolok satu!! hehe
He he, seems so weird you dunno IKANO, but of coz, u KL ppl mah! ;)
Ok thanks for the kolok, tak pernah try ni! ;)
That's why lah...lolzz.. same2 jer..
wah so many post ni tomorrow...hehe
Ala, biasa la LJ so many posts he he! How many are we talking about? 3?? ;)
lol.. at least ;)
WOW byk tu and more ka-ching power for u dearie! Happy posting! :)
Marzie, if Grandma C and Mama lived in Malaysia, they'll never look anywhere else for baking and cake decorating needs. This is the perfect place,congrats to your friends who did an amazing job of putting this shop together and all it has to offer the cake lovers.
Wonderful artwork, and I've seen Mama and Grandma struggle with the icing! Great pictures of you and the cakes, all look lovely together!
Cake shop is such a happy places. With colourful cakes, decorations and thoughtful people around getting the thoughtful cake for their special someone, what's not to love?!
HEllo, first time visiting your blog. :)
That's great to hear Sushi, thanks for ur vote of confidence in CC and my pal! She loves to bake herself, so this was a very appropriate biz venture for her. I think I'm like mama and Grandma C, or even worse cause I've never done any icing stuff before he he!
Hi CC, thanks and welcome to Mariuca's blog! :)
I love checking out new cake stores and this one is extra special for so many reasons. Hope u enjoyed ur tour of Cake Connection and have a good one! :)
Marzie, I think I want to order for Yassin's birthday in December!! And will surely buy all those cute cute candies!!!! Mesti Yassin suka!!!
Those cuppycakes pun best kan? Maybe I can buy from Syam the plain ones and let the kids decorate!!
Hi Emila, that's a great idea! Currently, they only take small orders but I'm sure they'll be better equipped in Dec! Have fun Yassin! :):):)
I've signed up for the Cupcake Fun 101 oready! Class is this Saturday. Can't wait! I must remember to mention your blog so I can get those free candles! :)
friends like that are gems! and hmmm I don't think it's August, I think you look pretty all year round! *wink**
Yes aa? Hopefully they take big orders by Dec!
That's great Baby Mits! Don't forget to say hello to Shyam and Nancy for me and have fun okay? :):):)
He he he, GP blushing even more la now Farah! Love and hugs for u and happy weekend! :):):)
Ah some more Christmas month, I'm sure CC will be having a special cake promo then, wait for it Emila! :D
u know what mariuca...these kind of shops boleh buat saya pusing...pusing...dalam kedai walaupun x berniat beli apa2. some sort of trapped or lost, hehe. i use the time wandering around to find ideas about anything. when somebody come and ask "can I help you?"...then only i can see the exit and quickly take a flee. haha! well, that usually happens.
LOL! I know what u mean Manggis, usually I pusing-pusing without buying anything in pharmacies, love them! So many cool stuff u can find that I usually end up buying stuff that I got no use for just yet he he! :):):)
I really love the art candles! Awesome :)
Hi Faisal, thanks for visiting CC! Me love the candles too! :)
WOW! I'm sure your friend's store will become a hit in town! Lovely cakes and looks so YUM!
And oh by the way dear, it's my first time to have a glimpse of the famouse MARIUCA, hehe! More pics of you, please! wink!
YAY! Thanks Lainy! I have a feeling CC will take off and be successful too, cause knowing my friend, she's really serious about baking and her new store and I know she's been working really hard to promote CC.
Oh first glimpse is it? He he, u can see more of Mariuca in my older posts actually, thanks so much for checking out my older posts like this one, have a great day! :):):)
Everytime I see and read this post, I feel like having a birthday every day. Cantik2 kek Syam!
He he so cute la u Emila, some more ur birthday is coming up! My friend went for the Cupcake Lesson oredi, so cool! :)
really!! cool! sempat tak i beli cupcakes come my birthday nanti?
Order cepat lah Emila!!
eh tunggu lah masuk oktober dulu hehe
ah ah eh...lol
tapi sekarang pun boleh kot
Boleh kot.. skg pun dah nak masuk oct dah!
ok, will order now hehe!
Wah so now Emila got 2 opsis, to order from CC or wondermilk eh? Let us know which one u decide on, and don forget to take pics! :)
tulah dah knpius nak order kat mana!
heheh.. Emila.. order all!! lolz
haha ok!
yums today!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!