we go!
1. So are we going to become millionaires or not?
2. Christmas is what's up ahead.
3. I love to collect miniature perfumes and play with my cats.
4. Caramel-glazed cricket is a delicacy of some sort.
5. I walk a thousand miles and many more if that is what it takes to get me to B.
6. Without doubt, love is the true elixir of life!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleeping, tomorrow my plans include shopping and Sunday, I want to cook a nice weekend meal!
1. So are we going to become millionaires or not?

2. Christmas is what's up ahead.

3. I love to collect miniature perfumes and play with my cats.
4. Caramel-glazed cricket is a delicacy of some sort.

5. I walk a thousand miles and many more if that is what it takes to get me to B.
6. Without doubt, love is the true elixir of life!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleeping, tomorrow my plans include shopping and Sunday, I want to cook a nice weekend meal!


8-) 8-) 8-)
So you dont forget me when you become a millonaire LOL :-P :-P
Yay Bill, FC1! Which blog today Bill? :)
:* :* :* :*
He he I will be a generous millionaire Bill! Wanna come on my private jet and travel to Europe? Woo hoo!!! $$$$$$
May i have hollywood please. Thanks Marzie now i can go see sandman LOL :)
Hola Elai :)
Yay Elai!! FC2! Woo hoo!
Thanks for chopping Bill and Elai…TGIF peeps! :)
sure thing travel any where you want to go. 8-) 8-)
Sure Hollywood coming up Bill and sweet dreams, see ya later tonight! :)
Oh say hello to Mr. Sandman for me okay? Zzzzzzzzzzz
TGIF Marzie :* :*
wohooo! chop!
Yay, I wanna go to theme parks all over the world woo hoo!
Thanks Bill, enjoy ur weekend yeah? :)
ZZZZZZZ Bill, don let the bed bugs bite! :)
U did it Elai and ur badge is already up yeeeeeha!
hello bil!!!
Recent blog:=- My Pregnancy: 27 weeks
Recent blog:=- My Pregnancy: 27 weeks
Happy weekend sweetie, any special plans?
me too! don't forget me! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- My Pregnancy: 27 weeks
YAY Elai oso wan to come on my private jet, hop on sweetie, let’s go to Paris! :)
bye bill! take care and have an enjoyable weekend! :* :* :* :*
wow! paris! that's the first place i want to go!
Recent blog:=-
Oh me too me too! Have never been to Paris Elai, have u?
nor do i, marzie! never been out of the country! :( :( :(
Recent blog:=- My Pregnancy: 27 weeks
Ohhhh then it’s about time u go for a great vacation someplace exotic Elai woo hoo! Maybe after ur baby comes he he… :)
nah, i think that will never happen marzie! i dont have :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog:=- My Pregnancy: 27 weeks
Oh no don say that Elai, must have faith in urself that ul get to see the world one day, hugs! :)
i'll get to see it if u'll let me with you on your private plane! ;) ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- My Pregnancy: 27 weeks
He he sure thing Elai, wish me luck on my millionaire quest then lol!
:* :* :* :* :* :*
I wnat to be millionaire also...
Recent blog:=-
wah so romantic.. walk a thousand me to be with B.. me too but to be with A lah... hahah!
Recent blog:=- I Want A New Phone *
Hiya LJ!
Actually I wanna be billionaire tamak haloba! $$$$$$
He he sure la sayang my baby, u planning to do FFI this week LJ? :)
TGIF!!!!!!! :)
Recent blog:=- Blue in Green
I wan to be billionaire oso! :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Blue in Green
enjoy yr weekend wz B, Mariuca! :* :*
Recent blog:=- Blue in Green
TGIF Monica!!! :)
Ha ha straight to the point, come to us billion bucks! $$$$$$$$
Thanks sweetie, gonna make it a lazy weekend for me… all rest and no work he he! Happy weekend to u and R too of coz..
Yeah! We will! We will! :p I wanna be a millionaire too.
Recent blog:=- Had Charbroiled Burger At Carl's Jr
Yeeeeha Tekkaus, I can’t wait for us to be OKB!!!
Yeap.. do already..i think you chop also kan? Lupa lah ..haha
Hahaha.. tamak tamak!
Yeah I chopped!! :)
Tamak is fun LJ, muahahhahahahaha!
oh i wish i can go back home for a visit... :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- test under special care
Will u be going home anytime soon sweetie? :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!