Did I tell you that I'm looking for a new cell phone? The last phone B got me as a gift is no longer functioning. I dropped my pretty pink Nokia several times; all times unintentional and due to my clumsiness. So the last drop was the last straw and the screen went completely blank. I tried reviving my phone to no avail and now, I am back to using my old phone, Nokia 7270.
It works fine but not perfect and the battery is reaching the end of its usable life already so a new cell phone sounds pretty reasonable to me. I did a little window shopping online last night and I have my heart set on this beautiful new N97! Isn't it gorgeous?
The Nokia N97 comes in black and white and I'm definitely gearing towards the latter even though black tends to remain looking new for much longer. Designed for the Internet-savvy consumers, the Nokia N97 combines a large 3.5" touch display with a full QWERTY keyboard. With this new phone by my side, I'd be able to experience the full power of the internet with fast WLAN and HSDPA connections. I can easily set up my email and connect via Gmail. The full keyboard makes typing messages easier and faster so it all looks good to me so far.
Of course, a new phone calls for new wireless phone accessories. I've already purchased some really cool Disney charms while vacationing in DisneySea but I am also looking for a nice leather case. So I visited this really amazing site that offers all the best wireless accessories for cell phones and chanced upon this very elegant pink leather case made especially for a Nokia N97. It also comes in white, black and brown but pink is definitely my choice!
Of course, a new phone calls for new wireless phone accessories. I've already purchased some really cool Disney charms while vacationing in DisneySea but I am also looking for a nice leather case. So I visited this really amazing site that offers all the best wireless accessories for cell phones and chanced upon this very elegant pink leather case made especially for a Nokia N97. It also comes in white, black and brown but pink is definitely my choice!
I already have the phone model in mind and the right accessories to go with my new phone. The only thing missing right now is the phone itself. Recommended retail price for the N97 is RM2480 so it's not exactly a cheap mobile phone but the heart wants what it wants and all I can think of right now is this shiny new phone!
Looks like I have to work even harder than I already am to make sure this shiny new phone and all the beautiful accessories that come with it belong to me by the end of the year. Wish me luck!
Looks like I have to work even harder than I already am to make sure this shiny new phone and all the beautiful accessories that come with it belong to me by the end of the year. Wish me luck!
-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-
=-O =-O =-O =-O
OMG! I love this kinda of phone.. the type that opens up with the keyboard like that.. though no likey the communicator.. I was eyeing the LG one as seen on Gossip Girl but this one is gorgeous!
Did I by any chance get to chop?
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I'm more of an iPhone touch screen kinda person unfortunately I can't afford and iPhone ... siggghhh ...
Recent blog:=- 21 Jump Street ...
LJ FC1! Morning dearie! :)
Yay, me too dearie!!!! Cause can use like a tiny lappy like dat, type away on the keyboard! But expense kan 2480…sigh…..
Oh my! Nick FC2??? So unsangkarable, awesome! :)
Tulah.. have to wait for the price to drop first lah.. hehe.. eh got wifi or
not this one??
chop chop in kl before heading to kch... :)
Recent blog:=- Seeing Through My Eyes 3 *
Eh this one oso touch screen it seems Nick! Anyway I also can’t afford this expensive phone right now, that’s why must do more PBs so can save for my new phone yay! :)
i had this love at first sight on this Nokia N97 way before it hits in the market..still in my list but now i am eyeing for iphone 3Gs..kekeke...but very expensive :(
Recent blog:=- Seeing Through My Eyes 3 *
Woo hoo!!!! Marvic dapat jugak akhirnya!! FC3! :)
Thanks for chopping peeps, will add points now! :)
yay yay!!! ;)
Recent blog:=- Seeing Through My Eyes 3 *
Will the price drop or not, that is the question! This one got 32 GB memory and wifi too dearie, perfect! :)
thanks marzie :*
Recent blog:=- Seeing Through My Eyes 3 *
Haha nak pi Kuching today ke Marvic? Have a safe flight okay? :)
How much is the iphone Marvic? More expensive than this one ke? I really like this one la…. :)
Hugsy Marvic, 11 points edi, kamon Marvic! :)
Welcome sweetie, enjoy ur Kuching trip, don work too hard. :)
Wah that is awesome lah!! I Loves
It is awesome LJ! I wish I win the lottery or something, sure go buy tonight itself! :)
I just got the tweet! :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- Random Tuesday Thoughts: What a Find**
Marzie!! come September I am going to buy a new phone and I am torn between the N95 N96 and N97!! :-D
Recent blog:=- Random Tuesday Thoughts: What a Find**
Just got the tweet Ane??????? Oh my so slow!!! Wonder why!! :(
I haven't decided yet but they all look so good and all have great specs I am torn!!
Recent blog:=- Random Tuesday Thoughts: What a Find**
:-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ more kaching for you sweetie! :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Random Tuesday Thoughts: What a Find**
Do they have that case in red?? :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Random Tuesday Thoughts: What a Find**
September Ane?????? Is it a birthday pressie for you? YAY!!!! Ooooooh they are all excellent phones Ane but I think the N97 is the best, go for it! What colour Ane? He he! :)
Luck to both of us Marzie!:-D I'm hoping to get a new phone on my birthday, and that is soon! :-D
Recent blog:=- Random Tuesday Thoughts: What a Find**
I know Ane, I checked out the models u mentioned here too last night and yes, they all have awesome features! But I still have my heart set on N97!! :)
Thanks dear, this is a LW PB, yay for LW PBs! :)
No Ane, this case doesn’t come in red although there are other cases available. Am sure u can find one in red. This one here comes in white, pink, black and brown and it’s abt 20 bucks after discount! :)
Yay for our birthdays coming up soon Ane he he he!!! Will B be getting the phone for u as a birthday pressie? :)
sorry about your phone.
Recent blog:=- Wordless Wednesday - Dragon fruit buds
that phone is a gorgeous looking device with many built in features. it's seriously too sexy! I want it but it's too expensive to even consider. :'( :(
Recent blog:=- Wordless Wednesday - Dragon fruit buds
have a wonderful wednesday Marzie!
Recent blog:=- Wordless Wednesday - Dragon fruit buds
Ha ha thanks LR, my fault la for dropping it! ;)
He he too sexy for u LR? Oh I loooooooooooove this phone la, I so want to get it but I so need to save money first! ;)
Thanks sweetie, enjoy ur day too, hugs! :)
this phone is gorgeous!!! :)
Recent blog:=- Fraser's Pine Resort
hehe pink is yr choice Mariuca? :* :*
Recent blog:=- Fraser's Pine Resort
Yay! I love this phone Mon, must find money to buy!
Abaden! Sure la pink is my choice, although….I do like the white case too!
Ouh...so you are intending to buy a new phone? So am I...but I wonder if I'm willing to fork out my money. LOL :P
Hello aren't phones a pain in the butt...they're made to irritate us so we keep purchasing new ones....
Dorothy from grammology
Recent blog:=- Alpaca Paradise Photos
that phone is very nice! funny that US doesn't have much cp models unlike asia. Hope you'll get to have your new cp soon ;)
Recent blog:=- Wordless Wednesday: Rail Road Crossing
nothing's free tekkaus! hehe :-D
Recent blog:=- Wordless Wednesday: Rail Road Crossing
hi mariuca!! i'm having trouble accessing monica's blog...it just won't load for the commenting... :'(
Recent blog:=- Wordless Wednesday: Rail Road Crossing
got your greetings so I just want to say hi too!
Recent blog:=- Wordless Wednesday: Rail Road Crossing
Really Ayie? I just commented there and it was working fine. Are u viewing using FF? :)
Ha ha that’s so sweet of you Ayie, hola! :)
yeah, i'm using FF
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Perhaps it’s just a glitch, try refreshing again later. :)
been refreshing it, it will be ok after a while
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Okay dearie. :)
ohhh sorry to hear that Ayie!! :'( :'( :'(
Hear hear! ;)
Really Ayie? Not many models to choose from there? I really like this one, hope to get it soon, need $$$$! ;)
Ha ha! That is a good spin to wanting a new cell phone Dorothy! Have a great day. :)
I am la Tekkaus but no money how la to buy now? LOL!
yup mostly just blackberries and all those smartphones. Asia has way too much varieties of models. You'll have it soon, you are hard working I believe so ;)
Goodnight! need to retire now. I just came to check again :*
hei August buddy,
is this is a hint? hahaha. Gulp!
DD my Virgo buddy!!! Hahahahha no la where got hint but now I gotta think of a pressie for ur besday! Happy birthday DD! :)
Thanks sweetie, will work hard towards making this cell phone my very own, I love it! :)
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to
say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
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Hi Margaret, thanks so much and welcome to Mariuca’s blog. I’m glad u’ve enjoyed my stories and I hope to see u back, have a great day! :)
It's almost February 2010 and I haven't gotten that new phone just because I can't make up my mind about what phone to get! There's a new version of this one Marzie, the N97 Mini, have you seen it, it's nice too... I am so confused! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Nice phone marzie! last nite at dinner, the couple beside me was using this phone. The girlfriend punya is different, but jenis slide to the side like this, but the bf was using exactly this one. Macam best tgk.. but masa hari tu got nokia showcase at klcc.. macam not too fond of the keypads.. but definitely a gorgeous phone.
Apalagas? get la!!! :)
I finally got my phone Ane, LOL! :)
Ha ha I just got my phone Shemah woo hooo! Tak yah spend so much to enjoy all the great features too so it’s all good here yahoo!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!