I am feeling the heat. Old memories are back to haunt me and it's taking me back to when I was feeling a little depressed earlier this year. My blogs acting up simply adds fuel to the fire while Michael Jackson's memorial last week did nothing to lighten the already dark sombre mood.
I feel lazy but I feel the exhaustion even more. I am looking for a change and I want to forget. I need a little inspiration to make me believe once again. Let's start with this song this bleak Monday morning...
anyways, my connection is acting up or what but it took ages to load every page today!! maybe it's the haze! LOL! blaming the haze it seems!! but yalah!! the haze is really really bad today!!
Somebody open air burning again Shemah?? But you know, for me, my internet connection sucks if the rain is too hard or the wind is too strong, so maybe the haze does have something to do with your suckish internet connection, after all, it is in the air waves, right? Unless you have DSL which runs on cable then I guess it can't be the haze..
Yay indeed! It feels so good to chop! what a great way to start a good week! I am being optimistic this week, since my "bad mood" wore off Saturday night.. :) Yay! :)
I’m glad ur over ur bad mood Ane, need to cheer up so the moody blues will go away! I wan to buy something to perk my day too later when we go out he he!
=-O =-O =-O =-O
Yay! I made it! Woot woot! doing the dance! 8-) 8-)
AND it's a GGD song! I love GGD!!! :-D WooHoo!!! 8-) 8-)
Ane! FC1! :)
Ane so SSG! He he, which blog here today sweetie? :)
=-O =-O =-O
Yay! for the first time in a LOOOOOOOOOONG time! FC1 at last! WooHoo!! :-D
stupid JS!! they cut me off like 4 times!
*Dances with Ane* congrats Ane!
anyways, my connection is acting up or what but it took ages to load every page today!! maybe it's the haze! LOL! blaming the haze it seems!! but yalah!! the haze is really really bad today!!
Yay, how can we not love GGD right Ane? Hugs! :)
I want ANE here today please! yay! Woohoo!! :-D
Shemah! FC2! :)
Which blog today Shemah? :)
But hey!! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Goo Goo Dolls!! It makes up for the beginning of a stressful day! Luckily I'm still in a good mood!
Recent blog post: MM: Breathe - Taylor Swift ft. Colbie Caillat**
Yeah Ane, it’s been ages since u chopped here YAY!
Oh no STUPID JS then Shemah! Cut u off while commenting??? :(:(:(
No worries Shem, I think you made it! :)
Yay! Thanks for dancing with me Marzie! :)
LOL blame it on whatever u have to Shemah, my connection is okay so far, let’s hope it remains dat way when I drop later! ;)
ANE coming up Ane! And 3 points for u already!
Somebody open air burning again Shemah?? But you know, for me, my internet
connection sucks if the rain is too hard or the wind is too strong, so maybe
the haze does have something to do with your suckish internet connection,
after all, it is in the air waves, right? Unless you have DSL which runs on
cable then I guess it can't be the haze..
Yay for GGD, I too need a little John Rzeznik to brighten up my Monday! :)
GGD is awesome Marzie! I love them! ALL of their songs! They are one of my
fave bands EVER!! :-D
Recent blog post: Seeing Through My Eyes *
got FC3 or not? kekeke
Recent blog post: Seeing Through My Eyes *
Yay indeed! It feels so good to chop! what a great way to start a good week!
I am being optimistic this week, since my "bad mood" wore off Saturday
night.. :) Yay! :)
Welcome Ane, need to dance my blues away, hugs! :)
Playing your song now Marzie! :) This is one of my absolute faves! then
again, I love ALL their songs! :-D
LOl ANe! And u know la my little crush on JR hehehehehehhehehehehhehe, oh it does make feel better having GGD here! :)
I haven't dropped since Saturday I think.. LOL :-P hope I don't forget! :-D
LOl!!! Marvic terlambat lagi!!! Hugs! :)
Marvic, sat lagi nak post kat MPG pulak he he! Stalk me!
Yay! I love love love love this song Marzie!! :-D Lucas likes it too! :-D
I’m glad ur over ur bad mood Ane, need to cheer up so the moody blues will go away! I wan to buy something to perk my day too later when we go out he he!
Oh I HEART this song Ane, it just inspires me!!!!! I love GGD!!!! :)
I’ve been dropping yay! Wanna try to get back into the game this month Ane!
Oh yay for Lucas!!! This is Aunty Marzie’s inspire-me song, Lucas! HUGS!!!! :)
Yaaayyy!!!!! Can I have MSE today pls??? :)
yeahh.. everytime i comment, it came out one word one word.. had to delete everything and start again!!!
I LOVE GGD too!! They're super awesome!! I won their CD last year!! and it was sooooooooo super duper awesome!! :)
yay~!! I made it!!! :) :) but JS still sucks for cutting off every word that i type!!
Recent blog post: MM: Breathe - Taylor Swift ft. Colbie Caillat**
Oh No, feeling blue Marzie, HUGS for you sweetie!
hahahaha i haven't been dropping for a month i think!! LOL! just when i come to visit your blogs then i drop.. but nothing more than 20 drops! LOL!
Recent blog post: MM: Breathe - Taylor Swift ft. Colbie Caillat**
uhuu..tapi x pe...just trying my luck...kekeke
Recent blog post: Seeing Through My Eyes *
Hugs Shemah! Boo JS! :(
I have GGD in my CD koleksi too Shemah, just love them, love the songs and the lyrics to all my faves! :)
More hugs for Shemah, thanks for chopping sweetie! Come chop at MPG next he he! ;)
Thanks for the hug Ane, I think it’s also dat time of the month, so feeling a little blue since last night huhu! :(
Hahahahahahah haven been dropping for a month Shemah? Sure I restless kalau tak drop for a month! ;)
Thanks for chopping Marvic, try again next time okay? :)
You big fan of the Goo Goo Dolls ya? Already a couple of times you featured themr ite? Hehehe
Great pick Marzie! happy a great week!
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Truth Can Hurt*
And oh yeah don't worry, I'm having a lazy Monday myself. 8-) :-[ *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Truth Can Hurt*
Already so many people commented here huh! Anyway Happy Monday Mau! ;)
Goo goo dolls's Gone used to be one of my fav songs...but that was a long, long time ago. LOL :-D
oh mate i hope things brighten up for you. try to stay positive x
p.s Unfortunately i havent got the time to maintain the Drop Stars blogroll anymore, so i am removing it from my website.
If you could remove your badge too i would be grateful.
ps. if you could do for mpg as well sweetie. thanks! x
Recent blog post: ANTENATAL VISIT - What To Expect
happy monday mariuca!!! yey another goo goo dolls song! ;) :-D
Recent blog post: Air Show, Vintage Display & Air Museum - 2
I love that song! Haha.. Honestly, I love everything from Goo Goo Dolls :)
Recent blog post: Batik Production
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!