As much as I love cats, I am however afraid of dogs. No matter how small or harmless they seem, I'd run a mile if I see one nearby. This brings me back to when fifteen year old Mariuca was unfortunately chased by a stray dog. Mind you I did not provoke the dog at all but I guess he sensed my fear and chased after me. I escaped with a scratch on the leg but ever since that day, my fear of dogs intensified and I could never feel comfortable with a dog around. Even now when I have to take my cats to the vet and I see our doctor's small fluffy dog running loose inside, I refuse to enter until the little guy is taken into another room.
I do love seeing adorable pictures of dogs however. The fluffier they are, the cuter they seem and that's as far as I go with dogs; mere admiration from a safe distance. By the way, this is my friend Sushi. Isn't he adorable? He's also a Virgo like me and I think he's one of the fluffiest, smartest dogs online!
I also love grizzly-looking dogs like this brown one. He's just so adorable and fluffy that I feel like hugging him and that's saying a lot for the dog-fearing me! If I were his Master, I'd make sure to pamper this fluffy cutie with the best dog beds available so he'd love me even more!
-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-
O:-) O:-)
:* :*
Monica! :)
I am afraid of cats and dogs :-[ :-[ :-[
Mariuca! :* :*
Awwww Bem! ;)
FC1 Mon yay! :)
the brown one looks very cute lah! :) :-P
:-$ :-$ :-$
Yay thanks Mariuca! ;)
so cute la the dog!! :)
He he he how about these doggies Mon? Me too afraid that’s why like to see pics only.. ;)
Mon! U still up he he..I just finished dropping 900 yay!
3p PB this one Mon! :) $$
Welcome Monica and shhhhh lol! ;)
wahhh so still doing my ec round :(
i like the brown one Mariuca! :-)
Hola Emila, yay FC3! :)
Cute kan? So fluffy-fluff! :)
i've no PB fm RM yet....
hahahahahah LOL@ shhhhh!
u finished adgi edi Mariuca? ;-)
I started since afternoon finally done, now buying ec ads…
Ha ha ha the brown one it seems! That was a doggie at my groomer, like a fluffy bear right? I oso love! :)
MY TCM is disappearing, gonna reset soon I guess..
1. Shemah <> (13)
2. bem69 <> (13)
3. Monica <> (10)
4. LadyJava <> (4)
5. eastcoastlife <> (2)
:* :* :*
huh? 5 only in yr TCM??
did I make FC3.. lol! i love those small small dogs like Sushi GP...
am still packing ni.. wah so tired.. want to crash already.. tomorrow lorry arrving early at my new apt to bring out the other furniture..aiyoo.. and then more kemas-ing...
so nighy dearie!
I got few PBs from RM Mon, did edi and 1 more from BV! :)
Adgi was the first one I finished Mon, u? :)
i just got 1 fm RM Mariuca! :-D
Hi LJ glad to see you here congrats on FC3 :)
Recent blog post: David Carradine dies at 72
i don't understand lah says here Total Advertisers Available to
Click: 104
and I clicked all edi but still Total Publisher Clicks Earned Today: 101
those dogs look so cute Marzie. BTW were did you get the code 4 your TCM i would like to put that on my sites? :)
Recent blog post: David Carradine dies at 72
Oh no LJ! Termiss my chop! Hugsy.. :)
That’s Sushi in the picture LJ, lil cop! :)
Happy moving LJ, of coz la tiring so hang in there. Good exercise tu moving abt whole day. Sweet dreams LJ! :)
Disappearing act Mon, I think it will return to normal, all fresh, in a day or 2.. :)
Hey Bill! :)
You can click all the Total Advertisers, but only 100 will count as points Mon. So no need to click all. :)
He he cute indeed Bill! I can email you the code if u want Bill, leave me ur add pls, thanks! :)
meaning i just need to click 100 only?
Yeah if more than 100 advertisers, then u can click 100 only if u wan, cause u click all oso no points. ;)
ohhh ic....ok thanks sweetie....adgi done! lol :-D
No worries Monica, adgi done, how abt ec? ;)
ec almost done....i'm at Awesome! now :-D
Ok, me too finishing up some stuff here, sleepy edi…
me sleepy and hungry!
Have a cherry tomato Mon! :)
hahahahah yeah m having cherry tomatoessssss now Mariuca! :-D
He he enjoy Mon, and happy dropping… ;)
I love dogs but also afraid when i see strays or pets just running loose in a room. Same like you, I'm so afraid to move an inch to get in. I'd love to have big dogs like husky, st bernard, g retriever or chow2x ;)
Recent blog post: Sneaking to the apple tree...
Those dogs are cute! I can't resist to hug em too :-D
Recent blog post: Sneaking to the apple tree...
Your TCM can disappear? how does it work?
Aawwwww its ok dapat point jugak yayyyy
Recent blog post: MM - George Benson & Carlos Santana - Breezin'
Yay!Fluffy me here featured @ Mariuca, how great is that? Thanks so much Marzie! Woof! What a compliment, I'm so happy! Mama was also scared, actually petrified by dogs,any dog, then I came into her life when I was still a puppy, and everything changed... She's still afraid of the bigger woofies though... X
Recent blog post: End of Spring/Beginning of Summer in Troy,MI
wakey2 sweetie...dropping ec! :-D :-D
Monica! U are here! MCS la Mon! I checked my dashboard for the last 3 posts, comments on dashboard is different from comments on the blog page! Argh!!! :(
Woofies, Sushi in da house! Hey cutie, thanks so much for letting me curi (steal) your fluffy pic he he, I loved the one on u at the PC too but in this one here u look so mischievous he he! Ohhhh Mama too was afraid of doggies eh? Of coz la Sushi, how can she resist you, so cute and fluffy and huggable LOL! Love and hugs! :)
MCS is quite a problem nowadays ya... what's happening to JS-Kit? Overload
of users ka?
no wonder yr TCM is not working Mariuca! :(
Mesti la ok dapat point Bem, that one last night brought u to number 2 on my FCSB yeeha!
Yeah it will disappear once a month, that means tgh reset la tu Bem, which usually happens on the first week of the month. :)
Aiya dunno la Bem, I noticed since yesterday but tot don wan to mensi, hoping it will be okay then see2 ada lagi MCS in aksi! :(
My TCM is working Mon, just that some of my comments are not shown on my dashboard, so those are not included in the TCM…see like this post, it says 64 comments on my blog page, but on my dashboard it says 49! :(:(:( So not all being picked up, stupid MCS!!!!!!!!
Oh tengah reset, bagus la it goes monthly, I have no idea how to incorporate
that to Disqus comments, how does the TCM stat link up to your JS-Kit
Heeeee MCS tak abis... ni yang nak GALM ni
hahahahaha pestaim dapat number 2 walaupun seketika hahaha
U don wan to change to JS ke Bem? I know la now is not a good time to promote JS with the MCS and all, but it’s still cool…. We have to restore our blogs at JS, best is after every new post. Usually that works fine and all comments will be in synch but lately ni ada problem!
Tu la, early in the “morning” wan to make me GALM is it JS? ;)
Stick around Bem, working on new post now as per my tweet! ;)
now yr TCM only got 4 ppl Mariuca....i haven't checked my dashboard yet..
btw, u restore edi?
Ok, so far it’s picking up all my comments today, let’s hope this will last the whole day, no likey la MCS!
Yeah Mon, my TCM is resetting, so it will be back to 10 peeps after the reset yeah? I restored again this morning, I mean when I woke up and so far it’s picking up your new comments here, phew!
He he, hug away then Ayie, both are so fluffy and adorable! :)
Oh yeah Ayie? I’m afraid the doggies will bite me Ayie! :(
The thing is I'm pretty particular about the change of look, I like
standardisation of the blog design. Disqus has that option and worst come to
worst I might actually go back to blogger standard je... I wish JS-kit had
the option to customise the colours...
I think dia ada opsi to customize colors Bem, but kena pakai code….
Try la, for one of ur blogs, see if u like it.
Oh ye ke, i need to research this js-kit then heheh thanks Marzie
Yeah Bem, just register then research away, u kan pandai all this html stuff, then can customize away!
ehhhh sejak bile i pandai html stuff, itu ladyjava ura ura la hahaha
U tak pandai html ke Bem, how can u tak pandai html, u kan King! :)
The king doesn't need to know about html, his followers does the work for
him haahhaahha
King got many followers ye? Eh ur blog got follow me widget ke Bem and have I followed you?
Not many followers, in fact none who help me with html hahaha. Got, but I
think you haven't followed yet
Sure or not I haven followed u Bem? Which blog ada widget? Ill follow u now jugak!
both blogs pun ada widget :) blogger followers tu kan?
Yeah lemme check now Bem!
have a great weekend! enjoy!! 8-)
Recent blog post: One fine day...
Was never bitten by dogs so I'm scared too :(
Recent blog post: Just for fun
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!