Could it be that my not so secret wish to wear eyeglasses is finally coming true?
Since I was a little girl, I've always wanted to wear glasses. Whenever I pass by an optical store and see the Wide Selection of Eyeglasses on display, I can't help wanting to go inside and try on a few pairs, just for fun. In school, I was envious of other girls who were "blessed" with poor vision that called for glasses. I loved to see the way they the glasses back up on their noses. It fascinated eight year old Mariuca to see those "lucky" four-eyed girls taking off their glasses. They would then proceed to wipe their glasses using a small piece of soft-looking cloth kept in a really cool-looking case. All this made me wondered what it felt like donning glasses and would I feel extra special wearing them!

Now that I'm older and wiser, I am beginning to appreciate the true blessing bestowed upon me with my good vision. When I see B groping for things, blind as a bat without his trusty eyeglasses; I am thankful for my perfect eyesight. I asked him why he doesn't like wearing glasses and he said it's basically an extra part of him that's always in the way, poor baby!

Lately I find myself squinting slightly to read smaller text especially when staring at my laptop screen. I am beginning to get worried that my perfect vision days are over. I can feel the difference and it scares me a little thinking that all the while I've been yearning for glasses, did it make me unappreciative of my good eyesight? Did I bring misery upon myself by hoping and wishing that one day I'd have to wear glasses? I did not truly appreciate my perfect eyesight then and now, what if I really have to wear glasses? Forget about the way I'd look in glasses but would I feel any different from what I'm accustomed to and come to love over the years? Ironically, the one thing I've been wanting all these years is the one thing I am afraid of right now.

PS. FC Scoreboard points await my first three commenters, go for it!

:-[ :* :-D
oh oh... is it long or short sighted GP.. A also have perfect vision once until he hit his 30's and now he wears this "old" man specs at the tip of his nose when he reads and even to SMS.. lol!
but it's ok.. can still look pretty even with specs mah.. ;)
:) LJ!
Morning dearie, how come not sleeping yet?
LOL, thanks LJ! Hopefully it’s just lack of sleep that’s making me see things less clearly nowadays!
Just finished watching supernatural.. nak tidor dah ni..u?
yeah.. hopefully it's just the lack of sleep lah.. take more carrot too GP!
nite nite!
Oh supernatural! I tak tidur kut LJ, cause woke up just now pun dah almost 3am, will drop and post some more!
Yeah! I will add more carrots in my salad, konon nak BD so been eating salad lol!
Muahssss! Thanks LJ, for the email especially, love ya! :)
:* :* :*
Morning Mariuca! 8-) 8-)
:) Monica!
oh must protect your perfect eyesight Mariuca! :) ;)
Morning Mon! Done with ur PB edi eh? Me too! :)
yeah 6 more PBs Mariuca...but I wanna go zzz
Now only I wan to jaga my eyes properly Mon, before this never care but now scared if have to wear glasses lol! U oso perfect vision right?
Good morning Marzie!!
Don wori Marzie, makan carrot banyak2... hehe
Happy weekend! :-D
Morning Nessa, yay you are my FC3, thanks!
Will eat more carrots Nessa, not my fave vege but don mind carrots! :)
I'm literally blind without my glasses too :(
Recent blog post: Mummy loves me this I know ... ...
I just got a new pair & it cost me S$300+ for just the multicoated & high index lens. With the frame, it cost S$400 *bang head* :(
Recent blog post: Mummy loves me this I know ... ...
Ala I'm late yet again, *stares at Nessa*
Hey Marzie,I just got my bifocals eye glasses today.. yes I am so old now ;)
I was like you too Marzie, until I did wear glasses and found out how sucky it was, thank God it was only corrective eye glasses.. :)
Recent blog post: Friday Frustrations: Arrogant Collection Representative*
I don't wear my glasses anymore, or contacts, it's just uncomfortable..
Recent blog post: Friday Frustrations: Arrogant Collection Representative*
Although my eyesight isn't 20/20 anymore, I don't wear my glasses and at least it's not that bad.. :)
I look like a dork in glasses Marzie, not at all a hot nerd.. :-D
Recent blog post: Friday Frustrations: Arrogant Collection Representative*
Morning Marzie!! Same here!! I used to be envious of others with eyeglasses. I wanted to get one just for fun.. I don't know.. It was just something that I really wanted. LOL! I guess it was just my inner geek that was screaming to rear it's dorky head.
Recent blog post: Friday Fill-ins #3*
I'm wearing glasses too. What I can say about it is it's really good to have perfect eyesight. I take out my glasses cannot even see the typing in the screen although it's less than a metre away. Wish I had perfect eyesight again and any glasses I wear are only sunglasses like this 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Friday - updates, pics
Morning JL! Oh trust me, since my little scare with the blurry text, am beginning to appreciate my perfect eyesight even more now! I can’t live without my shades though when I go out! :)
U too Shemah? So it’s not weird after all to be jelesi of ppl wearing glasses lol! I think I have an inner geek too lol!
Oh let’s see pics of u in glasses Ane! :)
I did not know u wear glasses, Ane! I hope to keep my perfect vision for years to come, will take better care of my eyes now! :)
B hates wearing contacts so he doesn’t. I’ve tried the powerless coloured lenses and it felt uncomfortable too!
LOL Beth! Don’t feel old, I bet u still look cute in your bifocals! :)
You too Ane? I have a feeling it’s gonna be sucky wearing glasses all the time, so more carrots for me please! :)
Why la jeling kat Nessa, Bem? LOL! Enjoy ur weekend. :)
Oh no poor Janice! Quite expense eh? But you need it right, so consider it a good long-term investment, hugs! :)
I’ve never seen u in glasses Janice, not that I can remember, show me la! :)
LOL! Bem, kat sini pun I kene you punya garbage men stare!! *Lariiii*
Yay!! Hurrahhh... :) *Shake bon bon*
Kat mana lagi u kena garbage men stare from Bem2, Nessa? ;)
YAY, congrats Nessa! Chop some more! :)
Jeling friendly tu, you to enjoy your weekend!
LOL to jeling friendly….gonna watch AF tonight, football for B later! ;)
I used to have perfect vision, had really taken it for granted, but in the last year or two I can feel it starting to decline. I don't know if I need glasses yet but I will be making an appointment with the eye doctor.
Recent blog post: Wordless Weekend: Happy Mother's Day
Hurry, GP... must take shower and head out for our day!! 8-)
Hahah JL
Me too.. blind as a bat without my glasses.. boo hoo!!
Sometimes get out from aircon car.. and the specs blur.. like have to stop
first tau.. kalau tidak cannot see at thing!
Specs are very expensive in SG right Janice..
Mine used to cost SOOO much too.. but now in Msia.. much cheaper..heheh
I'm equally as blind Janice!!
Oh good luck Roxy, I hope u don’t have to wear glasses and your version remains perfect for much longer. :)
You got the chop Roxy, congrats! :)
LOL so cute la u describing ur misty glasses LJ! Cannot see a thing ye? Oh hugs! :)
I got ur email LJ, thanks! Was sleeping la just now. Situasi still same dearie! :’(
Janice should shop for glasses here then, lucky I don have to spend for glasses yet, mahal eh?
B, Jan and LJ blind asa a bat. Mmg tak Nampak is it if u all don wear glasses or is it just very blurry??
How I wish I have my perfect vision back, had to wear glasses since 4th or 5th grade...can't really remember.
I suggest you get a special computer glasses since it looks like you spend most time facing the monitor. Bad for the eyes! Usually they are referred to as multi-coated. It's such a blessing to have good eyesight, take care of it as early as possible.
You'll look pretty for sure la if you wear spectacles, GP! But hopefully you won't have to! :)
I wish I'll get more $$$ so that can go for Lasik and "repair" my eyes! Lol!! I don't really know why I have both short and long-sightedness but the doctor said sejak lahir. I can never go anywhere without my glasses. Blind as a bat is an understatement la for me hehehee...
I wan lime green glasses kalau ada Debbs ROTFLMAO!
So when did u actually start wearing glasses Debbs? Cant imagine la going anywhere without glasses, hugsy debbs. My fren wen for the surgery and she is happily without glasses now Debbs!
You mean lime green frames, GP? For sure ada lol!!!
Hugsy GP! Since 9 years old dah pakai glasses boohoo! I couldn't finish copying from the blackboard in class, so selalu tak siap homework. My parents tak tau I rabun, until my teacher met my father and told him lol!!!
Oh ya ka, I since 8 years old. I win I win!
You wear glasses ke Marzie?
LMAO Bem! Pakai specs oso want to bertanding izzit? Lol!!!
Yeah lime green frames, woo hoo! I laik!
Oh blind as a bat la ni, B started wearing glasses in form 1 it seems! None of my siblings wear glasses except for my brother. :)
Me no wear glasses Bem! But teringin to wear it seems ahaks!
Hahahahhahahahaah Bem bertanding pakai specs hahahah u know how funny that sounds Debbs? ROTFLMAO!
Lol I miss doing Zenni posts. :)
Tapi I think B lagi choms pakai glasses than tak pakai..ahaks!
Now that you mention it, GP...ROTFLMAO!!! Sakit jantung i gelak kuat2 dalam hati lol!!!
I pun lama takde zenni posts Debbs! 3p oso don have. :(
Of coz la B lagi choms wearing glasses abaden lol!
Ha ha ha ha tu la! I baca pasal Bem nak bertanding pakai specs terus tergelak kuat!!!
3P kedekut la kan? $5 for PR4, gils ke apa.
With white!!!
5 bucks for PR4???? So ambisi la that advertiser!!!
He he he he that’s right debbs, gold rimmed glasses wit white shirt oh no!
LMAO! King Bem ni betul ke pakai specs, I oso dunno. :)
So ambisi and iritasi if u ask me. Kasila PR0 oso ish!
Hehehehe...dah beli ke the bling bling tie clip for B? Lol!!! Or the bling bling fountain pen? hehehe
Tu la never see his pics wearing specs, ala spock ada la!
Maybe ala Spock but wearing contacts kot lol!!
Takde org yg accept that stupid PB tu, if I pr4 blog oso pandang sebelah mata je cause insulted!
He he he don wan la debbs! But must buy new specs for b! and new shades for me!
Ohhhhh pakai contacts ye bem? Lagi wan to bertanding pakai specs with debbs lol!!
Dunno lah GP, dunno when la merasa PR4, PR1 oso so susah I wanna get. Hehe
Hehehe I thought you baru buy new shades lol!
Lol!!! Tu la, want to bertanding pakai specs lagi hehehe...
Tu la trying to get pr for MPG, but very hard oso, dah dunno what else to do edi ni to get pr kan?
Mana ada, cause got 2 pairs now but need a spare he he!
Ha ha ha ha kelakar si Bem Bem ni! Macho tapi specs pun nak bertanding hahahahhahah!!!
I oso dunno la Marzie. Nasib baik WOAFS is going on strong. :):)
Oh okay, go la shopping for new shades hehehe...
So far so good la WOAFS, good girl! Now must try my best to get pr for the other 2!!
I think MD for sure can get good PR. :)
U think so Debbs? I hope so la for my meow meows’ sake! Yay for MD, come to me PR!
Yup, because you already have fans and so do your kitties. Plus you straight away bought your own domain. :):)
YAY to me straight away buying own domain ha ha! Yeah, cause later wan to move to own domain leceh, so straight away bought woo hoo!! And yay to my kitty fans MEOW! :)
Mmg leceh kan? :) Lucky MD! Lepas ni bleh do PBs at MD plak. Yay!!
Actually I was planning not to do PB for MD and just put PW there, but PW rejeksi MD edi! :’(
Alamak, I think must have 30 posts kan baru approve on PW??
30 posts ke? Ohhhh they didn mensi oso but I will try again nanti for MD, hopefully approve! :)
Yup, you can read it on the first page after you log in, GP. I copied the text for you.
Please note that if you are applying with a blog or comic, we ask that you have at least 30 quality posts before you apply, so that we can examine your site properly. If
appropriate, please supply us with a link to your archive. If we can't
find your archived posts we'll have to judge based on what we can find
on the front page, and that's often not enough content to fully inform
a decision. Finally, we can't accept sites that haven't launched yet -
but please do apply when you launch!
Ohhhhhhhhh I cari dat day under faq and they said new sites can join but must be updated, thanks so much Debbs! Now I know why rejeksi! Nanti I will try again later yay! :)
Welcome, GP! :)
You bought domain for MD ke?
Hahahah specs kene la bertanding, saya kan kompetitif
Debbs aim for PR5 la, sure lagi famous
Ya lor, have to pakai contacts, kalau tak, tak Spocky la, more Specky
Spock got contacts true true! i'm quite blind without glasses
Ada la pics wearing specs, banyak kat blog hahah
Betul la pakai specs, dari darjah dua :(
Bertanding pasal pakai specs also you can gelak kuat ya Marzie hahahahaha
Kompetitif la tu Bem!!
I nak PR70 lol!!
Eeee specky is cuter than Spocky! Lol!!
Iyer Bem mempromosi blog hahaha
My nephew, dari tadika dah pakai specs. Poor boy, tp mcm his degrees are getting lower la. :)
Stupid lah mr.G lose NES's PR!! So kesian!!
Hahahah but Spock is damn cute lahh. I mean quinto not bem! LOL!
My brother pun dulu pakai spec since he was young.. but he refuse to use..
now he doesn't use specs anymore.. macam nampak saja dia tu! LOL!
Oh Quinto is cute, not Bem! Why am I having deja vu now?
Actually kalau tidak pakai specs, the eyes can be back to normal bah kan? But mine cannot la, both eyes have different degrees.
Hahahahaha alaaa bem.. keciaaann dia not cute konon..
Yaaa.. but if you don't wear specs, ndak kah headache! Sebab last time my
brother punya degree was quite high lah if I'm not mistaken. Cuma dia yang
Yeahh!! :-) :-) I love all.. burritos, pizzas and burgers!! LOL!
Headache if you strain your eyes la, trying to look at things. I need new specs la pulak. All comes when I don't have the money ish!
LMAO you remind me of that time when you contemplated to eat J's burger lol!!
That always happens lah debbs!! And when I have money kan.. suddenly ada
pulak other stuff that I need it for. So frustrating sometimes.
Hahahahahah yaaaa.. nasib baik I didn't eat his burger!! LMAO!
Yup! This year, I have to save more for July and DC Kuching trips la. :( Which reminds me, I need to shop on Ebay! That's the closest I can get to retail therapy.
Hahahaha I have to avoid eBay! Before I had my al-rajhi card.. I was
spending like nobody's business! Sebab I didn't want to keep funds so much
on my paypal.. so just shop lah! LOL!
I only shop for Crafty Heart, and sell the items for at least 30% profit yay! Shhhh
Yayyy!! Bah begitulah bah bisnes!! Ndak kan lah bisnes nada untung kan?
Yalah bah, mesti la mau ada untung. :) Mgm Bem The Pimp King, bnyk untung tu lol!! Can buy gold blings lagi! Lol!!
Hahahahahaha yeahh!! Gold blingg!!
Yes Bem, MD has her own domain meow! :)
MD has her own domain? Wahh ni reply tahun bile nye comment ni? hahahahha
2 minggu lepas punya comment Bem, baru clear comment inbox finally! :)
hahahahah terer betul sampai ke 2 minggu backlog. Now that's dedication on
kuda Osim it seems
I dunno I just play from one island to the next, and then stuck there cause kenot build workshop. Takpe I will try again nanti! Thanks Debbs!
Janji reply, walaupun lambat Bem! :)
Oh I think it's the island yg ada hermit tu ke? The one where you need to collect machinery parts tu?
Yeah dats the one Debbs!!
You're having problem finding all the machinery parts ke? I had to redo that level twice, baru dapat. :D Some ppl cheat a bit by changing the item colour in the game folder to make the machinery part looks clearer.
Ok ok will redo that level tonight Debbs! :)
How do you find totem tribe, Marzie? Best tak?
Ok la better than my tribe yes?
For me, totem tribe is better than my tribe, Marzie. :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!