LOL! It has come to my attention that I currently have 4 bloggers tied for the Top First Commenter spot at my blog with 13 points each! Apparently Debbs, Shemah, LJ and Monica are all tied for first place so I've decided to have one final tie-breaker post here at Wishing on a Falling Star. This will also be a single * post, meaning there will only be ONE FC winner for this post okay?
Good luck to the final four mentioned above. Don't forget my Top FC for the month will receive 1 FOC Ad in my sidebar + 1000 EC credits. Second and third place winners will be featured in my sidebar as well, albeit on a smaller but equally valuable scale. So due to the four-way tie between Mariuca's 4 loyal readers here, my Top First Commenter and the Top 3 for May will be decided on who makes it for this final chop post, so hurry and CHOP away!
:* :* :*
=-X =-X =-X
>:o >:o >:o >:o so slow lah to load JS.. >:o >:o >:o
heloo I'm late Chuck Norris!
congrats Mon!!
Monica! Congrats! You are the top FC!
:* :* :* Monica!
Recent blog post: Another Makeover? *
Thanks LJ! :*
Iron-Mon is the Iron Lady of May!
Ha ha ha so fast la you Monica, I berdebar2 here to see who will win ha ha!!! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Another Makeover? *
Yay Bem...thanks! :-D :-D
Hugsy LJ! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Another Makeover? *
Congrats Monica! 2 months running u are my FCSB winner! He he no need to change the ad in my sidebar lol! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Boys of Summer by Don Henley ***
LJ! Congrats, u are my TFC number 2 yay! Oso no need to change my ad there he he! :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Boys of Summer by Don Henley ***
Tu la slo mosi JS ni selalu potong stim LJ! >:o >:o
Recent blog post: MM - Boys of Summer by Don Henley ***
Yay Mon, u got the most important chop of all! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Boys of Summer by Don Henley ***
:* :* :* :* Bem Bem aka HH!
Recent blog post: MM - Boys of Summer by Don Henley ***
hahaha I oso berdebar2 here Mariuca! coz slow lah to load JS :-D
Recent blog post: Hakka Noodles & Seremban Siew Pow
Nasib baik i tak FC, if not, TIED! ahhahaha
Yay thanks Mariuca! :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Hakka Noodles & Seremban Siew Pow
TUO oso no need to change the ad coz u're my winner...confirm! lol ;)
Recent blog post: Hakka Noodles & Seremban Siew Pow
i'm not Iron-Mon lah!
Recent blog post: Hakka Noodles & Seremban Siew Pow
Congrats LJ!
Recent blog post: Hakka Noodles & Seremban Siew Pow
who is yr TFC number 3 Mariuca? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Hakka Noodles & Seremban Siew Pow
How to confirm?
The Iron Lady strikes again!
Congrats Ladyjava ura ura!
LOL Iron-Mon it seems!
confirm lah....hahahahha!
Slo mosi load tonight Mon, but lucky u got the chop. Dah la dat day u got to chop at LJ’s MM without internet ROTFLMAO! :)
Yayyy me so happy lah Mariuca! :* :* :* :*
He he tu la pasal, but now waiting to see who will comment here first bet Debbs and Shemah, come on TFC3! :)
Welcome Monica! Hugs! :)
ROTFLMAO! chop at LJ’s MM without internet O:-) O:-)
Mon is a chopping MON-ster la, she can chop without internet... crazyyyy
Hahahhahah yeeeha!!!! 2 months running oso WOAFS is ur TFC right?
come on Debbs and Shemah! :)
Recent blog post: Hakka Noodles & Seremban Siew Pow
Dats why la this HH happily calling u Iron-Mon hahahahhahaha!
It’s bet Debbs and Shemah Mon, whoever comments here first will be my TFC 3! ;) If it’s Shemah, then no need to change ad oso hehehhehe!
How to confirm what Bem?
Me too happy now that it’s confirmed WOAFS won at TUO hahahaha!!!! Hugs all around! :)
fair la, Iron-Mon, i get the worst name... Humble Huy....
Tu la so lucky la u dat day chop at LJL with no internet hahahahahahhahaha! :)
How to confirm the theory of relativity?
I think Shemah is out while Debbs is busy farming LOL!!
Potong stim .. betul tu. Lol!
Yay for WOAFS winning at TUO. Its like a I scratch your back, you scratch my
back routine. Hoorrayyy.
That's why lah Mon.. hehe.. potong stim kan?
Ura ura?? Lol!!
Java aura lah. lol!!
u called me MON-ster? thanks for the nicknamessssssssssssssssssss!!!!!
Recent blog post: Hakka Noodles & Seremban Siew Pow
Haah tulah.. how on earth did you do that Mon.. no internet connection also
can chop. Must be your Jamaican roots kan?? ahahha
yes WOAFS is my TFC for 2mths!!!
Recent blog post: Hakka Noodles & Seremban Siew Pow
LOL @ Must be your Jamaican roots kan?? AHHAHAHAHAHA
Hahahhahahahah ok apa Humble Huy hahhaah, I gelak baca ur comment Bem!! Ala kesiannya hahahaha!
A chopping MON-ster laaa, you should be flattered hahahaha
HAHAHAHAH I always read it as ura ura java ura hahahahahah
haha LJ remember yr MM post also came out late that day???? so i managed to chop when my line is up :-D :-D
yelah LJ really potong stim lah! >:o
Recent blog post: Hakka Noodles & Seremban Siew Pow
OMG hahahhahaha kesiannya Mon but clever la LJ to insert the Jamaican roots in her comment so nicely ROTFLMAO!!!!!! :):):)
Hahahah gelak ye Marzie... ishhhhh
Hahahaha tu la kelakarnya LJ mlm ni! Apa relasi Jamaican roots dengan chop without internet hahahahahahahah!!!
Explaining herself it seems Mon h ah ha!
Yay for WOAFS and TUO together-gether TFC 2 months running ha ha ha!!
clever LJ! hahahaha :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Hakka Noodles & Seremban Siew Pow
Thanks Bem! Nak chop at Mon’s kena la sentiasa stalk, she doesn have twitter h ehe!
Of course la she can insert that Jamaican roots thing easily, because LJ is
part Jamaican too hahaha
lol...have to explain lah Mariuca...coz i oso don't know how to chop if no internet..hahhahahah!
Recent blog post: Hakka Noodles & Seremban Siew Pow
Oh Mon doesn't have twitter, so kire terer betul la you Marzie...
MARZIE!!! :'( :'( :'( :'(
Hugsy Mariuca! :* :* :*
Bem! Humble Huy baru la unique, u kan nak nama unique hahahahahhaha!
Uwah!!! Shemah is here, congrats Shemah!! U are my TFC3, tak yah tukar ad kat sidebar ha ha ah! YAY! :)
woohoo!!! It seems we have a KING on TCM and TCO!!! WOOOT WOOOT!!
Yay for no need to change the ad...hahhahahah! :-D
Congrats Shemah! ;-)
I just got back home ni marzie!!! so sad posting without me!! uwaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! :'( :'( :'(
Ha ha yeah la lazy wan to change ad oso hahahahha! Congrats Mon, LJ and Shemah! Thanks for all the chops this month! :)
I terpaksa post shemah! Cause need tiebreaker huhuhuhu!
Semua tak yah tukar ad kat sidebar ni hahahaha
No no I prefer Typo Police! Kamonnnnn
Kamon Bem, HH so much cooler!
Jahatnye Marzie ni terpaksa post it seems...
Oh is it?? I made it to TFC3?? Wowweee!! YIPPIEEEE!!!
No problemo marzie!! Congrats Monica and LJ!!! And congrats to Debbs also!!!
:-) :-)
Betul la terpaksa post without shemah around cause today last day! Bem saja wan to be stone fire! ;)
For that, mmg konpirm la Bem is Humble Huy h hahahah! ;)
Huhuhuhuhuhuuuuu.. it's okay.. TFC3 pun TFC3 lah. at least I got something
since I lost my title to King Bem Bem already!! LOL!
Congrats to you too Mon!!! :-) :-)
HAhahah sekali sekala stonefire hahahaha
oh no Shemah u lost yr title to King Bem?!
Hahahaha I lost my title a long time ago. let bem take lahhh.. nemermine..
already got 2 months running.. LOL! *konon lah bagi chance*
HAhaha takpe Shemah, next month it will be all queens
King Bem? hahahah dah la I am watching The Other Boleyn Girl skang hahah
King Bem!! Nemermine Shemah, u wan me to change ur ad from NES to MSE tak, for the FCSB? :)
So King Bem nanti ada ur main blog SI and O3P here starting tomo! ;)
Ohhh. it's okay bem. next month if king also nevermind. just take.. Take..
taaaaaaaaaaake!!! LOL!
Ooohhh I love citer The Other Boleyn Girl tu!! LOL!
Can also marzie!! Give MSE some lovin'!! Poor MSE has flowers on it and Mr.
G doesn't like flowers coz he's a lonely old bugger!! (Ane's Theory)
LOL hahhaha sure, of coz must feature ur main blog right? Some more MPG’s geng unloved by Mr. G! :)
Hahahaha kesiannn unloved.. nevermind.. as long as we love them kan?? But
still KAMONNNN Mr G. give chance lah!! LOL!
Yeah la KAMONNNNN Mr. G, what else do u wan? :)
Hahahaha maybe Mr. G wants his name big big on our header!! Or his logo!!
Tough competition! :P
Recent blog post: Mensa Singapore Monthly Board Games - WS
Dropping my EC and dropping my love too. :D
Recent blog post: Mensa Singapore Monthly Board Games - WS
Yeayyyy King Bem ada main blog SI and O3P it seems! But just bem la, I'm not
a king
Congrats Mon!
I went to sleep pastu my internet won't connect!! :'( :'( :'( :'(
Debbs!!!! no wonder you were missing.. memang I agak you went to sleep
because you woke up at 2.30 am yesterday!!
Hello Marzie! Thanks for dropping by and congrats to the top 4. :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday - I Won’t Last A Day Without You
Another Marzie? Wow!
LOL!!! Sure or not another Marzie??!!!!
Hey Maria! My MM is not up yet, happy MM to you! :)
Maria la Bem! ;)
Tengok la bebetul Marzie-pan, tengok her name comes out as what
I dah tgk dah la and dah visit her blog, mah fren Maria, tersalah tulis tu HH! Hahahhaha!
No, I mean see the JS-Kit comment lahhh aiyoyo ammaaa, see the email
notification, aiyoyo amma u must be rolling uphill it seems hahaha
I saw edi the email notifikasi, it says Marzie, but that’s a typo Bem, aiks u kan typo cop! ROTFLMAO!!!!
Thanks Debbs ;-)!
Hahah I just saw and I thought Marzie is Maria's nickname, maybe kot. Didn't
think it was a typo. Poor me, kene typo cop again it seems. Cool what got
two Marzies hehehe.
Bem, mana ada two Marzies he e hehhe, Najeeb tu ada 2! He he jgn marah…King Bem! :)
Hahahahaha amboi bukan main lagi 1st June the typo cop dah start on duty ni
marzie!! gotta be careful!! :-)
Okay all, I am zzzzzzzzzz nite Marzie, Mon, Debbs, Shemah, Ane and LJ and
Tbag? hahahahhha!
Eh so am I TCO?
Bem yg tersalah decipher ni Shemah ha ha!
Tak laaa no intention at alll la Shemahhhh iskk
Alamak so early going to zzzzz Bem? Ok nite nite, sweet dreams. :)
Hahaha gnite.. dari mana lah dtg Tbag ni?? LOL! scary lah tbag..
LOL @ Najeeb tu ada 2!! Hahahahaha ciaaan ciaaann..
Bem! You are TCM and TCO, congratulasi King Bem Bem! :)
Hehehehehhehehe oh Jeeb….dah tidur ke tu? ;)
Bem is TCM and TCO? wahhh congrats King! :-D
Hahahaha.. LMAO @ no intention.. Hahahhahaahh that's the funniest thing I've
heard today.
Yeah pestaim KING!!!!
Funniest thing I've heard today too!! ROTFLMAOM @ Hahahaha.. LMAO @ no intention.. Hahahhahaahh that's the funniest thing I've
heard today.
Congrats King Bem Bem!
Don't forget a special post for Marzie, Shemah, Monica, Ane and me, Bem for if there's no us, you won't be King at WOAFS! Lol!!! Oh and free sushi on you for a month yeehah!
Haha I laik T-Bag la, Shem!! he's got character lol
LMAO @ Tak laaa no intention at alll la Shemahhhh iskk
WOAFL also made it here.
Since typo cop dah menang two crowns and thrones, better resign la ish!
Congrats sweetie!
See yah. :)
Ha ha T-Bag kind hearted sebenarnye!
Liza! Yay me, thanks so much sweetie! I am finally on your list yeeha! :)
Thanks Liza, will continue dropping at ur blogs he he!
Yay for special post for Marzie, Shemah, Monica, Ane and Debbs! Kamon King Bem! :)
Shem!!! Dah nasib I bukan TCO here nemore huhuhu...but it's ok, let Bem suck it up and embrace his *ahem* unintentionally-snatched throne. :)
Hugsy Debbs, u were a wonderful TCO Queen! :)
I like T-bag too.. but damn creepy lah.. until there was once he made an
appearance on the red carpet and I was like. nah.. mati lah semua orang di
pi bunuh ni.. LOL!
Hahahahah unintentionally snatched throne indeed!! LOL! hahahaahah
hahahahha i agree Debbs! if there's no us, he won't be King :-D
T-bag was just messed up as a kid.. kesiaaan dia.. but very smart.. and the
woman he loved just made him that way kan? Kesian t-bag.. LOL!
Eh not sleeping shemah?
Ye la even though T-Bag is a perv, he's kind kan hehehe
Hahahah baru lepas tgk DVD.. now going to sleep already.. just finishing up
some stuff.. :-)
Awww...hugsy Marzie...thanks!! Bem deserves it and he's a great entertainer lol!!
He DOES look creepy kan, Shem? I think he's an awesome actor hehe...
Yeah Mon! Kamon Bem, we want a special post!
Tu la kesian T-Bag, some more anak hasil hubungan incest kan, poor thing!
Kamon Bem!!! :-D
oh memang awesome actor!! LOL! pernah he play a role on CSI and he was
awesome there too!!
We wan special post, we wan special post! :)
T-Bag on CSI? Awesome!
LOL! Yeah la, T-Bag pun a victim in his own way kan? :)
Debbs... No intentionnnn to TCO laa no intentionnnnn
Jangan la resign Debbs, i'll vaporise bulan ni hahah
Wah wah all request special post ni, pandai je Debbs ni..... but thanks la
to you ladies, if I didn't have people to typo police i couldn't have won.
Without you ladies, there won't be world peace. Sekian, terima kasih.
Thanks Debbs!
Don't care, how does it feel to be able to sit on TCO and TCM thrones but only having one butt? LMAO!!!
Bukan I la nak resign, I suruh you resign from your job as a TP sbb dah jadi KK lol! So now, no more HHTP but HHKK! LOL!!
Boring nya, world peace speech plak. Kamon, no Missy Universe speech, okay? King Kong manada speech camtu? Hehehe
LMAO hahahaha I combined the two thrones lahh ahahah
Hahaha mana boleh, thrones ada arm rests, takleh duduk dua2 sekali at the same time...wahahaha
congratulations to your top choppers Mariuca ...they're all too quick for me lol 8-)
Hi Marzie, congrats to your top choppers.
I tagged you in my blog so if you have time please check out how it works. I'm sure you will have fun doing it. Just don't forget to tell me once you have posted your results. ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog post: A Personality Test That Blew Me Away
Hi Marzie
Dropping by via Entrecard to drop my card and to also wish yah a great week ahead :) xoxo
Congratulation to Monica and LJ hehehe you both deserve a round of applause yayyy :) xoxo
Recent blog post: Music Monday on Empty Streets: My Chemical Romance
have a great Tuesday Mariuca :) :)
Recent blog post: Win a Free Mini Portrait
Hi Metz, it’s always nice to see u popping in, have a great week too! :)
Happy Tuesday Kim! :)
Hi Bing, thanks dear and hey I stopped by your site to check out the tag yesterday. You can count me in, it’s a good one! :)
Hmmmmm what is HHKK….Humble Huy King Kong is it?? If it is, ROTFLMAO! :)
Thank you Kim, would love to see u win at least 1 chop here this month, good luck! :)
LOL! Debbs, u’re catching up for June, happy commenting! :)
Abaden, mesti la nak special post Bem, to remember the month that u tertopple all the Queens here, KAMON Bem! :)
LOL to No intensi to TCO!
I have to say Bem is a great entertainer, some more he’s the only thorn among the roses, cayalah Bem!
Oh My! I can't hardly believe it! I haven't made any chops in May!!! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!