My poor pink laptop is overworked and overheated! I have been busier than usual this week. Aside from my usual jobs and assignments from my regular clients, I've been working hard on my blogs. I now have three blogs by the way. The successful launch of Meow Diaries yesterday officially made me a proud owner of three blogs now! I don't exactly know just how well I'd be able to handle three different blogs, but I am raring to find out. For now, I am still basking in the glory of my recent launch, which is somewhat amazing and a little unexpected coming from me who did not know head or tail about blogging when I first opened this blog to the world two years ago. So if you have not visited the lovely new home I've set up for my fluffy cats, do drop by. Benji is already waiting there for you to say hello!

Since I've been doing quite a bit of work and blogging on my faithful Dell laptop over the week, I do believe it's high time for me to do some laptop cleaning and tuning as well. First and foremost, I need to get one of those USB mini cooling fans for my laptop. This purchase is way overdue and as much as I'd like to continue procrastinating, I do need to get that fan ASAP. I seriously feel that my laptop is overheating, thanks to all the EC dropping, blogging, surfing and typing I do on a daily basis. In fact, I can feel the heat right now as I write this post. So buying a cooling fan is definitely number one on my agenda this week!

But right now, I need to perform a free registry scan on my laptop. You should too if you're having file extension problems. If you're like me who am not too well versed in PC related issues, you may not realize that the majority of File Extension plights stem from problems or errors with registry. For instance, say you recently installed a new software which becomes the default editor for a file format on your laptop or PC. Did you know that uninstalling that particular software does not change your default editor back to the previous software you were using? Consequently, you might not be able to open certain files or you will receive error messages when you try opening them. It's a good thing I found out about this FREE registry scan for me to test my laptop then! I can finally fix those unwanted File Extension problems once and for all, so my work or blogging needs need not be interrupted anymore. See you in a bit!

PS. I am giving away FC Scoreboard points to the first three commenters, go for it!

=-O =-O
:-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ GP!!
oh yes!! I need a cooling pad/fan too marzie! kesian my GG.. she is on all the time!! LOL!
WOW! Stalking is it Shemah? So fast la TG today woo hoo!!! :)
8-) 8-) 8-)
Shemah, next I suggest you stalk MD pulak he he he! ;)
Yay! am second! :-D
Thanks for chopping Shemah! Ni last minute chop for FCSB points woot! :)
$$$$$ Shemah he he! ;)
hahahaha!! stalker alert! LOL! oh MD next?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* buddy comes out of school soon! :)
Recent blog post: LED Jellyfish Mood Lamps!
:) :) :)
yay ane!!! :) if mon was around, i don't think i would've gotten it! she's one speedy lady! LOL!
Recent blog post: LED Jellyfish Mood Lamps!
not as fast still hahaha
hehehe you know, I use my PS2 cooling fan on my laptop and it works just fine for me.. 8-) 8-)
trying to solve my avatar + small S and capital S commenting problem!! eeeeeee
Recent blog post: LED Jellyfish Mood Lamps!
and since the weather is cold here now, my lappie rarely over heats.. :-D
3 blogs and counting...
Recent blog post: Transport Strike in Davao April 29
Ha ha you too Shemah? I am so going to get my fan this week, Friday cuti kan? Woo hoo! Kalau boleh nak beli 2 ha hah! Cause seriously my lappy ni panas semacam lately! :(
Oh, is Mon not here today? *DONT_KNOW*
yay for us then Shemah! :)
YAY! Ane, thanks sweetie, another cool easy point for u on my SB! :)
Olla.. as usual, terlepas lagi.. kekeke :-D
Wow, u r indeed working hard. Berdebuk-debuk post baru keluar. Kesian itu pinky lappy. Marzie, i think you should get yourself labtop cooler. Dont get those usb mini fans, better get a decent labtop cooler. Though opinion on using coolers does vary. I am using one right now. Lappy ni kan manja sket.. so kena jaga. huhu. In fact i am using a cooler plus standing fan next to me, jadik kira cam breezy la bila kerja2 menaip dan juga gaming. :-D
Speaking of registry, I love cc cleaner. Oh, btw, you may want to install cpu "n" gpu temp program. Senang tgk kalau temperature agak panas.
Recent blog post: Finally...
You are Ane, now look out for my next post at MD! ;)
Wah cepatnye balik sekolah Buddy!! Ok hopefully u get the chop there, tengah edit ni!
Woo hoo Tere!! Congrats sweetie! :)
Mon oredi in dreamland I think ha ha! Wakey wakey Mon!
First three FCs here Tere, u did it! :)
Oh I remember u telling me this Ane. I didn even know PS2 uses a cooling fan lol! I need one too Ane, my poor pink laptop! :(
Apa tu small S and capital S commenting problem Shemah? ;)
Ane, imagine the weather here being extra hot and me without a cooling fan! :(
Ha ha h Tere!!! Just 3 blogs for me please, that’s about all I can handle sweetie! :)
my PC froze up so i miss this one :( :(
O well life goes on LOL :)
I have to have a fan for my laptop to because it gets so hot that it shuts down.
Oh no I thought Mon sleeping already but she’s still up and about LOL!
Oh.. Friday cuti is it?? Oh!! Labor day!! Yay!! No school for gollibuds!!
Yay for us!! :-)
Oh no Bill, that’s what I’m worried abt!! Hence the urgency in buying a cooling fan for my lappy! Bill, another post coming out soon, try and chop that one! :)
Ha hah aha no school for the gollibuds Shemah and u can relaxi taxi tak yah get ready Buddy for school!!
oh your poor pink lappie.. must get that cooling fan..
YAY for all my choppers! Happy Wed ladies! :)
My name in your TC got small s and capital S padahal that bende JS is auto
Ha ha Rizal, I sekarang ni posting frenzy, every day ada post baru it seems!! Rizal, get ready, kejap lagi ada lagi satu new post, nanti I tweet LOL!!! Eh Rizal, laptop cooler tu mcm mana? I only know the fan!!! Cuba explain sikit and how much u tahu tak? Aiyoooo amende tu cpu n gpu temp program Rizal? :(
on stalking mode! but oh no, must change Lucas poop filled diaper! =-O =-O
Ane, u are now tied with Debbs for third place on my SB, good job! :)
I must Ane and I wanna get me a new hard disk drive too, to store all my DLs he he! ;)
In my TC?? TCM u mean Shemah???
Oh hurry go change Lucas, am posting at MD soon sweetie! :)
ohh lala.. labtop cooler.. yang letak kat bawah lappy.. so it will suck out the hot air or blow air to your lappy, thus boleh reduce 1-5C untuk cpu or gpu temp. Tapi ada yang tak percaya mende ni berfaedah. But for me, it works. Sempoi punyer, cost dalam rm20-rm30. Branded ones like coolermaster(CM) - running from rm80-rm150. Zalman lagi la rm100+. I have three actually, yang cikai, rm30, CM notepal B2 dan CM NotePal Infinite. Using Infinite now. Since my room, tak da air cond, faham2 jer la tghari boleh jadik tersangat panas. Especially kat palm rest area. But it does lower my temp. Ni pautan contoh -
You can get all these kat lowyat, macam2 bentuk n style ada.
since ur lappy ada dedicated grph card, better letak cpu or gpu program. so bila running boleh tgk temp cpu n gpu (graphics proc.unit). These temp indicators just cam bagitau how s your lappy is doing. As for me, when gaming, i ll make sure my gpu tak rise above 85C. Idle or normal surfings - my gpu around 63-67C n CPU on 45C. Speedfan salah satu contohnya, just type speedfan kat pakchik gugle.
Hope these help. Just hola kalau nak tanya lagi yer. :)
Recent blog post: Finally...
Oh wow, this is awesome Rizal, thank so much! Nak beli laptop cooler la lmcm ni, tak la mahal sangat kan? Laptop cooler and laptop fan, dua2 I nak beli la Rizal, but maybe not at LowYatt, cause it’s too far from my place. Shopping around here je. Wah wah pandai jugak u ye pasal pc pc ni Rizal, thanks again for ur very useful information and kalau still tak paham, nanti I kacau u lagi ahaks! :)
Wow!! Thanks rizal for the cooling pad info!! :-)
Very detailed kan Rizal punya info? Now I oso feel like buying that cooling pad Shemah! :)
Haaa tu lah.. I dapat one very buruk one marzie, came free when I bought my
lappy.. but I let syura use it because hers betul2 crash if overheated
alamak, terlupa nak padam email. yer la marzie, you ni kan power @ celebrity blogger.. tak sampai beberapa minit penuh my inbox. lol.
Anyway, glad that you find the info useful. Sebab info useful tak dak extra points ka.. lol.. gurau. I recomment infinite la kalau cm. Kalau amik yang b2, pastikan ikut design lappy, sebab takut depan lappy ada headphone, mic jack tuu semua. So pilih.
usb fan pun ada, tak pakai.. beli rm10 jer kekeke. bunyi kuat siap ada bling2 lampu neon biru lagi. keke. mcm ufo pulak.
sila kacau jgn segan2 silu. lol
Recent blog post: Finally...
sama-sama. your are welcome. huhu :-D
Recent blog post: Finally...
for me, kalau dah beli lappy ni, wajib la beli cooler. kira tok jaga kesihatan baby lappy kita. yer laa lappy dah ribu-ribu, apa lahh sangat ngan harge cooler kan? Nak jimat, tapi our cpu n gpu under constant stress tuu.. baby lappy pun penat.. Dia pun nak breezy sket. lol :-D
Recent blog post: Finally...
Alamak Rizal kena comment avalanche haha,takpe sekali sekala welcome back comments gitu lol! Oh yeah the info mmg useful sebab now I nak beli dua2 haha! Okay, I will check out your rekomendasi nanti, jani kena ada penyejuk for my laptop ni, kalau tak mcm mana nak drop ec like there’s no tomorrow LOL!!! Thanks Rizal, bestnye Rizal kembali beraksi dalam blogworld! :)
Oh mesti tu Rizal!!! Betul cakap u, dah beribu2 harga laptop takkan la tak beli cooler! Friday ni nanti I check, cause cuti so blh la bershopping! :)
It's raining, Marzie! Yay!! So breezy here.
Recent blog post: Saturday Outing At Central Market
Worried la my lappy will crash ni, tu yg kena jugak beli both cooling pad and fan, don care! Can never be too careful!
I can imagine how overwhelming it must have been to jaga your work & 3 blogs now =-O
Recent blog post: WW : My little Mr Cool ... ...
Poor Marzie, need more cafe 21 liao !! :-P
Recent blog post: WW : My little Mr Cool ... ...
Here's 2 packets for you, dearie.... :*
Recent blog post: WW : My little Mr Cool ... ...
Wish you all the best for your blogs and laptop Mariuca. As for me I just managed to solve my problem on JS :)
Recent blog post: JS-Kit Comments and my blog
Marzie, here is mine with cooler n that cheap fan. But best of all kan, Floor Fan kat tepi will do the job. I tak dak ceiling fan kat bilik, tu fasalnya. lol. CM infinite ada 3 type of fan speed. :)
Recent blog post: Finally...
:'( :'( :'( missed it!!
oohhhh a cooling pad is definitely a MUST have GP.. and invest in a external keyboard too.. keeps the lappy keyboard tahan lama skit :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday - A Tribute to Mufasa (One Sweet Day)
Shemah! I see what u mean abt the S and s now, see my TCM below. TCO oso same thing got Shemah and shemah!
1. Phatelara <> (80)
2. Shemah <> (62)
3. Ane <> (62)
4. shemah <> (47)
5. Monica <> (25)
6. bem69 <> (23)
7. Rizal <> (12)
8. Janice <> Ng (5)
9. emila <> (4)
10. Twinks <> (4)
Waaah! Shemah is hogging the TCM and TCO with S and s! :-D LOL
LOL! Apparently Ane, she was trying to fix the problem earlier but only now I know what she’s talking abt lol!
LOL Debbs already called her attention to this last month, I thought she
fixed it already then.. LOL
Really? Yay! :)
Ooh, a couple of weeks ago, it was unbearably hot here too Marzie!
hi marzie how you doing?
Hi TH! I am overworked and overheated, just like my laptop ha ha! So nice to see u here today dearie! :)
:* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Beat the heat
:-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog post: Beat the heat
oh u don't ve the mini cooling fans Mariuca?
Recent blog post: Beat the heat
LOL @ shemah and Ane!!
Recent blog post: Beat the heat
:) Monica!
$$$$ YAY!
I don have mini cooling fan Mon, can u beat that? Ha ha, u have is it?
oh ok...yeah I ve coz cannot tahan mah the
the other day I got one fr 3p but i didn't do it coz too sleepy after that...LOL!!!
Recent blog post: Beat the heat
I wan to buy the cooling pad Rizal recommended oso, sounds good! :)
am going out for dim sum later, hungry la me! lol.. 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Beat the heat
Oh how much the one from 3p Mon? 5 bucks? Long time don have 10 bucks PB at 3p!
What time u going for dim sum Mon??? Me too hungry as usual at this hour LOL!
i'm thinking of buying a bigger cooling pad also Mariuca!
I'm back frm dim sum Mariuca! lol...u makan aldy?
Where u had the dim sum btw? :)
in damansara jaya! a lot of ppl there :-D
Wah, so many nightowls up eating dim sum with you Mon! :)
Ohhh so u edi using cooling pad eh? I cant wait la to buy one for my Pinky! :)
yeah my cooling pad got blue lights when it's on :-D
Woo hoo so happening ur cooling pad Mon lol!
lol...i got it fm low yat Mariuca! :-D
LJ loves Low Yatt! Cheapo stuff there eh?
I don't think they are nightowls, Mariuca coz those uncles aunties are above 50...hahahahahhahahha!!!!
yeah cheapo stuff there, Mariuca but i don't like la low yat! lol
Hahahha Mon, OLD nightowls mah!!
LY is too far for me la Mon he he!
LOL! OLD nightowls!!! no la they wake up early go jogging! lol...
same here but I like bukit bintang :-D
Hi Mon! :)
Morning Ane! ;-)
LOL @ old night owls!
I'm so hungry lah marzie!! Tak makan lagi lunch ni!! :-(
I pun tak makan lunch or brekkie ni, just coffee! BD konon-konon la katakana LOL!
Hahahahaa night owls love dim sum .. or maybe that's the earliest breakfast
they can find?
I don't use anything.. kalau panas.. tiup lah sendiri your laptop!! LOL!
Ha ha ha tiup sendiri? I nak beli la the fan and cooling pad Shemah!
Oh yeahhh! J loves Low Yatt too!! :-)
Yaaa.. I saw this gel cooling pad but 100 plus.. so cool though! :-)
Hahaha BD ke, tunggu meatballs ni marzie??
Go lah buy! Takut pulak if dibiar.. hangus pulak.. *touch wood*
Marzie really got lotsa $$$$$$ this month with all her PB postings frenzy!!
I hope to be on another PB posting frenzy this month as well Shemah!
External keyboard LJ? Anyway Im happy with my cooler, mmg menyejukkan hati to know it’s cooling fown Pinky while I’m dropping ec. :)
Good to hear that JL, happy weekend!
Thanks Janice!
Ha ha I feel like a café 21 now Janice, good morning!
True Janice, but will do my best to maintain everything well, thanks!
Your info came in very handy Rizal, thanks so much!
Yay to PB posting frenzy! :)
I have 3 more PBs to do Ane yay!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!