You would think that the perfume lover in me would be glad to hear that Metro Jaya @ The Curve is having a massive sale of up to 70% for perfumes. I should be jumping up and down at the thought of perfume shopping @ The Curve, which is also near our place. However when my friend Shemah told me about the Discount Perfumes just waiting for me to bring them home, I could only moan in regret for just last weekend, B purchased a 200ml bottle of Davidoff Cool Water! Can you imagine the discount he would have enjoyed had we known a sale was just around the corner?
Aptly named Cool Water, this classic scent is for the man who seeks and enjoys a life of exhilaration, invigoration and refreshment. With notes of orange blossom, mint, rosemary, sandalwood and musk, Cool Water rejuvenates with a fresh and masculine scent throughout the day.
Like I told Shemah, I am the most unlucky shopper! Many a time, I have splurged on something expensive only to discover that it was on sale the very next day or week. My office chair is a good example. Immediately after I bought the chair for a whopping RM199, the very next week it went on sale for almost half the price!
Oh well, I am still happy that B finally got himself a new bottle of perfume. I've been bugging him to get a new bottle ever since he sprayed the last drop of his favourite Hugo Boss perfume months ago. He simply could not make up his mind on what scent he wanted so finally last weekend saw him purchasing Cool Water, which is a classic favourite and smells heavenly on him! Yours truly on the other hand, reluctantly went home empty-handed since the Mariah Carey scent I wanted was unavailable.
Have a good weekend everyone!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 238 Newer› Newest»:-P :-P
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:-P :-P :-P
missing comments ke ni??
:) :) :)
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
=-X =-X =-X =-X =-X
:* :* :*
did I make it? my first comment got lost. :'(
Recent blog post: Exit Signs
:-[ :-[ :-[
:-[ :-[ :-[
>:o >:o >:o ;) ;) ;)
:* :*
A love cool water and I love buying it for him!
nice perfume. maybe next time you'll be lucky to get the discount. :)
=-O =-O =-O MCS???
Recent blog post: Celebrities on Twitter
8-) 8-) 8-)
My comment missing or what Marzie???? Dari tadi I try to chop. :'( :'( :'(
MCS is it peeps? Oh NO!!!!! Me no likey!!! >:o >:o >:o >:o
When I was here, takde comment, GP! Takpe, kasi la LJ the point hehe. :* :* :* :* :*
Cool Water mcm tak ngam for C. Hehe...
Recent blog post: Celebrities on Twitter
well.. it seems MCS no more! can finally see everyone's frustrated smileys!! LOL!
ooohhh i love davidoff cool water!! it's sooo best smelling!! LOL!
That's why I try not to look at other prices, when I already have bought something new ;). Still, it's really a 'cool' water 8-)! Have a great weekend, Marzie
Recent blog post: Window Views 1: Welcome
Cool water is also one of my B's perfumes, but I'd have to say that my fave scent for my B would have to be Black by Kenneth Cole.. Has your B tried this one Marzie? Oh he must, it just smells heavenly.. :)
Recent blog post: Celebrities, Gossip and Photos
I am missing chops here and over at MPG like nobody's business Marzie! :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Celebrities, Gossip and Photos
and I have been pushed farther down the list for TCM too! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Celebrities, Gossip and Photos
must not sleep and eat and must get myself that portable loo! >:o >:o
Recent blog post: Celebrities, Gossip and Photos
Dropping my EC!
Recent blog post: Learn Martial Arts for Protection - PH
I have a male student who loves Davidoff. I kinda like the smell too. :)
Recent blog post: Learn Martial Arts for Protection - PH
Happy weekend, Mariuca!
Recent blog post: Learn Martial Arts for Protection - PH
:-( :-( too bad I'm allergic.. when J is already spritzing, I just have to
stay away from him until the scent wears off a bit..
I hardly ever get a chop over at MPG, ane!
Sorry about that, ane!! Bem and I got carried away chatting over here at
WOAFS and seemed to push everyone below on the TCM. :-[ :-[
Hahahaha must not sleep I can understand.. must not eat. umm.. I cannot!!
Okay, let's cry together Shemah, for not being able to chop at MPG.. :'(
LOL Shemah, I can understand that, it's fun to just yak yak away.. :-D
Hahahah let's drown MPG with our tears and wash away everyone's points! LOL!
that's sooo mean! LOL!
Love that Cool Water! Been my fav since college
Recent blog post: Wealth are to be shared (especially among friends)
Yay to Cool Water :D It happens to be one of my favorite perfume scent :D
Recent blog post: Scorching! Blistering! Blazing!
my DH loves the scent too. it's one of he's sentimental fave. :)
Recent blog post: PhotoHunt - Protect(ion)
doing my EC rounds. happy weekend. :)
Recent blog post: PhotoHunt - Protect(ion)
I bookmarked the website, will refer to it next time. Happy weekend evening Mariuca ;) :) :)
Recent blog post: Kirishima Shuzou - Shochu
Hi marzie! done yr tag and also I used to smoke Davidorff tobacco!!!!! haha!
Lol @ must not eat! I cannot do that too! Lol!!
I chopped at MPG once, I think!
I enjoyed reading your conversation with Bem Bem, Shem!
Ha ha ha ye ke u chop at MPg once Debbs? :)
Hey Bokjae, thanks for coming by today, I will drop by ur BnW post of course, had fun with the tag? :)
Oh Davidoff tobacco sounds classy Bokjae ha ha!
Hey JL, good for you! Bookmark the site and do a little perfume shopping yeah? I hope u’re enjoying ur weekend. :)
Happy weekend LR, I dropped ec at your site edi! ;)
Yeah LR? I like this one too, it smells good on B, so refreshing mmmmmmm! :)
YAY! Me too Nick, this is one of my all-time faves, you can’t go wrong with this scent yeah? Happy weekend. :)
Hey Kruel, yeah this one is a classic favourite and it never runs out of style, I love it too! Teringat zaman college! ;)
Ha ha ha funnynye Shemah nak drown out other commenters at MPG lol!
Happy yakking ladies, when I get in the mood, I too will be yakking away, I think it depends on the topic at hand. The more interesting the topic, the more I yak lol!
So cute la u ladies, come chop later for my MM post at MPG ha ha! :)
Shemah, try to chop for MM at MPG nanti, I’ll make it a ** post, kasi chance for more chops okay? ;)
Hmmmmmmmmm must not eat to mcm misi impossible je eh Shemah? ;)
Oh yeah la Shemah, too bad ur allergic kan? So what’s J’s fave scent? :)
ECL! Happy weekend to you too! :)
This is a popular scent and brand among the men eh ECL? I find it very refreshing, love it on my B! :)
Thanks dear, I dropped both cards at ur site edi! :)
Ane and her portable loo he he!
Ane! Try to make it to my Top 3 TCM at least! ;)
Ane, I have been missing chops at LATM like nobody’s business too! Lucky I got the chop yest though YAY! Will stalk more! :)
Morning Ane! B has not tried Kenneth Cole, he’s pretty fussy when it comes to scents, but I will surely recommend it to him the next time we go perfume shopping. Smells heavenly eh? :)
Ha ha yeah la Rosidah, but sometimes can’t help but feel oh no for buying something too early! But yeah, Cool water was a good buy for B, so at least he’s not complaining! Nice weekend to you too sweetie. :)
YAY, me too Shemah. Ramai org pakai this scent actually, but B loves it so we got him CW! :)
Good riddance to MCS! :(
Tak ngam for C, Debbs? Tak best when he wears it? So what’s his fave eh?
Thanks for chopping Debbs, boo to MCS!
:) Debbs aka Phatelara!
Thank you Tere! I hope the next discount I enjoy will be for MY perfume he he! :)
Yay for A and B then LJ, same taste gitu! :)
:) LJ!
Hmmm byknye smileys here, semua MCS ke?
:) Tere!
I see u here Ruby! LJ got the first chop in dearie, try again next post yeah? :)
Thanks for chopping Tere! :)
LJ, thank you for all ur smileys here, you’re my FC here sweetie! :)
:) Ruby!
Oh C smells really good in Drakkar Noir. Hehehe...
MCS kut LJ, bila nak fix once and for all ni? Come on JS! ;)
MCS also stands for middle child syndrome, GP! Which is not good either! :( Boo to MCS!
You mean aka phat-woman? hahaha
Try again next post cutie! :)
LOL!!!! Ooopsie aka pahtwoman, although I still laik aka phatelara ha ha!
Debbs, I agree! Boo to middle child syndrome, but u the first one kan?
Ohhhhhhh C ni betul betul old skool la, I laik! Drakkar mmg hot dulu dan sekarang, for me at least! :)
Oh of course la, dowan ppl to call me phatwoman lol.
Yup I am the first one. My sis la got MCS, until now, I think. She's doing a lot better though, thanks God.
Pahtwoman pulak!!! Hahahhahaha!
LMAO @ C being old skool! Wahahaha...he kan sangat old skool, he'd ask me why Blair wears yellow and purple in Gossip Girl lol!!
He he coms jugak phatwoman, mcm catwoman gitu, but I think I will continue calling u Debbs aka phatelara! :)
Ohhhh but I understand MCS Debbs, glad to hear ur sis is doing better. MCS need a lot of attensi. :)
Does this mean he watches GG with u Debbs? Best apa old skool, you go C! ;)
Ahaha I laik phatelara better :):):)
same here mommy my first post got lost too! hehehe
better luck next time for both of us :)
Recent blog post: ABS-CBN’s ONLY YOU Philippine Version with Angel Locsin, Sam Milby & Diether Ocampo Premiere’s April 27
I oso like phatelara, mcm phat tengah dalam duka lara gitu, sentimental! :)
Hello!!! I tried to chop first but hahaha my comments must have gotten somewhere else! Will try to be faster next time eh! hahaha! :)
Recent blog post: ABS-CBN’s ONLY YOU Philippine Version with Angel Locsin, Sam Milby & Diether Ocampo Premiere’s April 27
Tere, come comment at my latest post, giving out points there dearie!
Yup, I am happy for her, but nervous too! She's training to be a nurse tu, right now she's doing practical in Sarawak GH. :) I hope she'll learn a lot more about life as she goes through the training.
Yes, Marzie. C watches everything with me, GG, PB, OTH, Supernatural. Ye la we don't have tv so my pc is our precious entertainment source lol!! :)
JS was experiencing missing comment syndrome yest Tere! Should be okay today, hugs! :)
Wahhhh nurse gitu! How old is she Debbs?
B watched GG with me season 1, but he’s not so into it. Maybe that’s why I tak habis lagi S1, cause tak best to watch alone! :)
Hehe oh ye ke you associate phatelara with duka lara lol!! :) Duka lara but still phat. ;)
Duka lara in a sentimental love way Debbs, which is good! Of coz still phat!
She's gonna be 24 this year. :)
Oh I thought dah habis you watch GG S1. :) Now S2 pun dah nak abis. :) Ye la tak syok watch alone kan? B watch Boldie with you or not?
I laik la duka lara in sentimental way...hehe
I have like 2 more eps of GG S1, tak tertgk. S2 blm DL lagi pun! Yeah, B n me watch Boldie, sometimes dia pulak yang more angers than me at Brooke etc LOL!
Oh 24, your geng la! ;)
Cute la B, angers at Boldie characters lagi hehehehe
Aiyo, ya la my geng lol!!
Ah tu la, best duka lara in sentimental way!
Tu la and sometimes dia pulak Tanya bila nak tgk Boldie, boleh? LOL!
How do you pronounce phatelara? :):) It's phat-elara. ;)
Hehehe once dah start tengok, mmg nak kena tgk continuously kan baru best? :):) Jarang guys get excited watching soap hehehe
Mmg I pronounce it as phat – elara pun Debbs! :)
Yeah but nowadays he’s so busy so the last 2 times I watched Boldie, it was just me… :)
Hehe yay to phatelara...I wonder where everyone else is, senyap sunyi my TF hehe...
But you always update him kan about Boldie. I read about Boldie on wiki, I was amazed at how long it has been around! So pemes it seems! :)
Ha!! Tu la! Mmg pemes Boldie, and I’ve been watching since day 1, so obviously cannot stop watching! Yeah I’ll update b of coz, and then we discuss! Hahahaha!
U using TF or TW Debbs? I think everyone is too hot to be blogging ni! Some more hungers la me. :(
Yeah, I think can use as reference in case want to buy perfume. Can compare prices hehe.
Have a good weekend too Mariuca :)
Oh wow!! Boldie every day kan? Tula berjuta-juta their fans all over the world. How many generations dah the family in Boldie ya?
Of coz! So what’s ur fave la JL? :)
Go la makan something, or order home delivery. :):) I am using TF now, TW too slow la. Oh ya, come chop at rotp now! :)
3 generasi I believe! And yeah berjuta2 fans worldwide and I’m one of them YAY! :)
I made a peanut butter sandwich edi, munching away while chopping at ROTP woot! :)
LOL @ drowning MPG with our tears and wash away everyone's points.. LOL
Oh 3 generasi, about time la they have 4th generation, yes? :):):)
I still tak dapat notifikasi for comments la. Js-kit ppl haven't contacted me back. :'(
I like Hugo Boss actually but after browsing through some of the items I don't think I'd use Hugo Boss only from now on. The Gucci one is quite affordable and seems better lol. Wait gotta wait till I have some kaching $$$ to splurge B)
Yeah so far takde fourth generasi yet, now the third generasi buat hal lak! So irritating! ;)
Ohhh no notifikasi eh? U dah email Alex?
JL! I like Dunhill oso la, another classic fave of mine for guys mmmmmmm! I oso got to wait for some kaching before splurging lol! ;)
Oh, 3rd generasi got teens ke, GP? Of course must have irritating characters kan in soap? Kalau tak, bukan soap namanya.
Dah ada notifikasi, GP! Slow mellow sikit today lol!! :)
Hi Phatelara, I'm currently gettting replies from JS-kit, using yahoo. I find it's better to use yahoo for JS-kit as their email uploads fast and you don't need to open the email in a new page to see it. :)
Irritating cause bodoh, childish, and tak CUTE! Im actually talking abt Rick Forrester heheheheh! ;)
Hahaha whenever I watched boldie dulu on starworld.. my mom is like.. these
people haven't died yet?? They're so ancient!!
My MIL that day asked me la if I watch Boldie and happily I told her yes and terus update her, boleh? LOL!
I hate rick forrester!!
Hi JL! I used to use yahoo but now I'm using gmail, and I find that gmail is faster. My gmail is forwarded to my yahoo, though. I just moved to a new domain, that's why I'm still configuring js-kit. :):):) Everything is fine now, I think. Thanks for the tips! :):)
I think I saw Rick's picture, mmg tak cute!!! LMAO!
Shem, your mom is so funny! :):):)
Bloody idiot Rick Forrester and again I have to emphasize that he’s not cute, dunno why la the girls like him konon in the show! :(
Hahahahah your MIL pun watch boldie eh?? My mom said.. she last time gila
general hospital.. LOL! Sanggup rush from classes to watch that! LOL!
Hehe so syok can share Boldie-craze with MIL! hehehe
YAY! Tu the new Rick tau Debbs? Dulu punya very different, stumpy lagi! ;)
I use my gmail through outlook.. like recommended by LJ!
Memang tak cute Debbs!! Biut ada lah!! LOL!
I cant follow la GH! But last time Nick was in GH kan? ;)
Hahahaha she can't stand boldie.. LOL!
Ha ha tu la, my MIL at first saje Tanya ingatkan I don watch, alih2 expert LOL!!!
Hahahahaha my MIL tu AF je and OIAM but I don't watch both! LOL! So I let
her update me instead.
OMG!! I prefer the "old" rick! He was waaay better looking kan Marzie???
Cuma tu lah.. the old rick was so short.. then they made him tall.. ntah
what they were thinking. but the stumpy rick was waaayyy better looking than
the new rick.. I can't stand the new rick!!!
Oh is it?? no wonder my mother knows Nick! LOL!
:-) :-) :-)
Hahaahhahah yeahh.. I don't know that many experts besides you and LJ! But
my kid sister suka boldie tau.. if she's around.. memang best tgk!! LOL!
Ugh! I can't stand the new Rick too! I want to run him over with my car!!!
I agree with Shemah! the old Rick looked so much better, even if he was a
bit stumpy.. LOL
Group MEOW HUG Marzie! :)
I can't use outlook cause I don't know how! LOL I tried but it's all so
complicated! :-D
Oh why la got new Rick? Change actor ke? Hmmm...tak syok isn't it like that?
The girls on the show like him cause the director says they have to like
him! LOL Stupid Rick Forrester must die!!
Hahahahah I don't drive.. but if I could, I'd run him over too!! LOL!
Hahahahaha omg.. do you remember amber?? LOL! I miss her!! LOL! rick's
wife.. I missed the whole season after that.. what happened actually to
amber and their son???
Hahaha lmao @ biut Rick. Kasian!!
Group meow hugs!!
Sapa follow GH?
It's complicated with yahoo free mail.. have to use ypops and all that. But
converting gmail to outlook was pretty easy for me..
Yes, clich� but comforting, Shem!! I agree with GP. :)
Hahahahahahah that sounds like John Tucker must die. Rick Forrester must
die!! LOL! I can't believe he killed phoebe. Accidentally.. and now going
for whatsername..
I know I love Amber! I told LJ and Marzie tbefore that I want her back!! :)
whatever happened to little Eric right? I bet he's not so little anymore..
:) probably like Thomas' age, right? I missed the whole episode after that
Best tu can chat about Boldie with your MIL, Marzie. :):)
Wah so cool Shem, your MIL watches AF and OIAM. :):)
Yeahh.. they changed him. prolly old rick got sick of boldie.. he
practically grew up on boldie!!
Stupid whiny Steffy that's her name Shemah!! I know and how stupid of Steffy
to even want to be with him!! after he's slept with their mother and her
sister who died because of him! Ugh! it just makes me want to slap her
True debbs!! he is biut!! LOL!
My mom follow GH! LOL!
Hahahahaah yeahhh.. she watches reality shows and a lot of malay dramas.. so
if I come during that time, memang I cannot talk to her.. she needs to
concentrate!! LOL!
Me too!! I think amber was the only fiery character worth watching. I saw
her being in love with Thomas then totally missed out on it!! LOL! did
little eric die or something??
I hate Rick Forrester more Shemah! :-D LOL
I saw that episode with her and Thomas too, I don't know what happened to
little Eric, with Deacon perhaps?
Lol why is this Rick so irritating? Is it because the character is a jerk or what?
Ah's weird isn't it, watching the same character played by different person.
yes the character is an a-hole big time Debbs! and the actor is soo good at
playing an a-hole, i hate him in real life too! LOL
It is weird Debbs, but after a while you get used to it.. :)
B&B is such an old soap right Shem.. :) Sally died already though, in real
Hehehe my mom watches Indonesian sinetron! Lol!!!
Lol!!! I remember C mentioned a character in another series who's like that too! The actor even had tomatoes thrown at him when he was out! :-P
Waah, so lucky C watches with you Debbs, B doesn't watch my soaps with me,
he can't stand all the complications and what not... LOL but we do watch
movies together, just not soaps and tv series.. except CSI, CSI NY, CSI
Miami and shows like that.. :-D
Ane, C just loves anything on tv! He is a visual person, not that he can draw or anything. :):):) He just loves movies!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!