YAY! Mariuca is featured once again and this time is over at the up and coming Slog Bite! Oh this definitely makes up for the Mariuca blues I was feeling yesterday over the EC situation at my other blog, thanks so much Mel! :)
Fancy seeing your blog featured at Slog Bite one day? Fancy enjoying increased exposure, traffic, readership along with a whole lot of fun and games in an increasingly influential community? Join me at SB today! Get your sites listed before the official launch and don't forget to let Mel know that Mariuca sent you! :)

«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 567 of 567 Newer› Newest»Ha? Someone searching for your EX? Wahhhh sensasi tu, Shem! Lol!!
a'ahh.. i don't see the point.. but i'm enjoying it so far.. my cousin duluuu.. hahaha so hooked on mafia.. time raya sempat lagi tu check duit dia.. LOL!
Debbs! I dah berbulan tak main FB games, remember my craze last time? Every day selling dope and then fight2 send gangster all ha ha ahahahaha!!!
or maybe he was searching for himself.. tengok if i ever mention him or not! LOL!
i have been away from FB for soooo long .. jarang sangat login until my sis said, I need a singer!! LOL! so i just joined to support their band! LOL!
Ha ha sounds like a fun game Shemah! Serious dah lama gila tak hang out at FB! ;) Eh Shemah, u added me at Fb oredi ke?
Mafia was addictive lah. I like DopeWars but you must have active team members and play every day for a month! I sampai blajar the strategies tau lol!!!
GP! I remember lah! I missed dealing dope! Lol!!
hehehe belum marzie.. i baru je add Ane last night and baru approve LJ.. dah lama dah LJ tunggu.. bad shemah! never login to FB! haahha
I punya Triumph pun sikit lagi nak meanng dah tu, but stopped he he! Eh lama gils tak main tu, forgot oredi how to kut? ;)
Tu la he he he! Dealing dope la we all ni LOL!
Oh like that ke? Each player has different role? Mcm best jer...oh no!!
I got hooked on FB because of the vampires and slayers! :) lol!
Oh no that was my first FB game Ane!!
hehe Marzie! :)
best debbs! come on lah join!! hahaha
still Zzzz is it?
I had a long deep zzzzz and it's abt to start my day! =-X :-P
Who la still zzzzz Mon? I slept 2 hrs only la this morn, you???
Wah I think I will zzzzz at 4pm later today. Now got to prepare quote for my client mah!
Hehehe nowadays I only play Parking Wars lol!!
Mariuca you slept 2 hrs only?! I slept 10 hours!!!! lol
wowww.. bestnya mon sleep so long!!
I'm replying comments now.. still haven't done MM yet :-D
Hi Shemah!! u also didn't zzzzzzzz??
Dats why la Mon, I terwake up early today then I tried to force myself to go back to sleep but cannot, so here I am LOL!!!!
slept at 5.15am then woke up to get my son ready for school at 7.30am... then go back to sleep for awhile.. then my lil girl oredi wake up.. so still pretty sleeeepyyyy...
ehhh.. GP haven't fly to lunch with B yeT?
haha! don't force yourself...make sure you get some Zzzzz later ;-)
aiyaaa.. i tot of catching some zzzs but kiri kanan people doing renovation. Drilling here and there.. so bising!! even my allie cannot sleep!! Grrrr...
oh I can imagine that Shemah! I also can't stand those drilling sounds!
kalau only one nemermine.. ini i think, orang tepi and orang atas/bawah yang drilling.. bila lah agaknya they want to stop for lunch.. since morning lagi tau!
Aiyo, sabar jer la. But why la atas bawah kiri kanan drilling? Your place baru lagi or they're doing extra renovation? Kesian your Allie, nanti cranky pulak, not enough sleep.
it's a new place debbs! :) Alot of empty units still when we moved in.. but now, dah ramai... people kiri kanan buat reno.. URgggh!! I want to battle out on rock legend pun nak kena tunggu my energy naik dulu!!
Owh okay...no wonder lah...poor thing also Allie kan, how to sleep like that? Let her lie down, have milk and watch tv lah, Sure can tersleep nanti...
ahahahah she still okay lagi lah.. can tidur afternoon one.. my buddy ah.. since baby never sleep afternoon.. hyper saja!
Oh ye ke? Then at night sure Buddy tidur awal kan? :):)
buddy??? sleep early????!?!?! unheard of!! even if i close the lights at 9-10pm and pura2 sleep.. i end up falling asleep then at midnight he's still blinking in the dark. i dunno lah how..
Then have to read bedtime story lah to make Budyd sleep? Oh I can't wait to have my own rugrats lah!! huhuhu
bedtime story neverending.. i think i should read him the neverending story.. hahaha! hopefully you will get your own soon!! :) :)
Hehehe...hopefully la Shem! ;)
Whew! it looks better than ever Marzie! :)
I thinks she shouldn't call me ate too, because I think she's older than I
am... :) lol! :)
hahahah really Ane? Gagay is older than you? maybe she is also older than me.. hmmm... LOL!
I agree with Marzie, Shemah... you're blog is one of my faves also! :)
I don't like apples too! blech!
oh i'm so touched that my blog is one of your faves ane!!! so so touched! :* :* sayang ane!! heheheheheh
UGH! I don't feel like reading bed time stories tonight, it's just the same
old story and somehow my kids aren't tired of it... but I am.
Eh I tot Gagay is like 22 only?
oh gagay 22 eh? we're practically the same age.. no need for the ate! heeheheheheheheh kan kak GP?
Congrats on being featured on Slogbite 8-)
Recent blog post: Neroli Oil
Hehehhe.. buddy like A.ehheheeh!!
I think she's older Shemah, I was born 83... :)
:) It is one of my faves Shemah, before I was a silent reader... :)
What's sayang mean?
awesome!! so we are not ATE?? LOL!
sayang = love/adore!! sayang ane!! :) :)
Oh I see! :) Sayang in tagalog means wasted... or it can also mean tsk
tsk... depends on how its used... :) lol! :) your meaning is better! :)
We are soo not ATEs Shemah! :) lol!
Ane, you're born 1983? that makes me older than
we use sayang in that manner too ane!! :) we use it both ways.. the malay way and also the tagalog way..
hahahahaha YAHOOOO!! we are not ATEs!! LOL!
we're younger than you twinks! ;)
we're younger than you twinks! ;)
lol Twinks, so no reason to call me ate!!! :)
Yahoo indeed!!! :)
from now on, no more ATEs! :)
Yay! I know now another way to use sayang! ...hehehehe
I'm the ATE! huhuhuhu.....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
yeah Shem..that makes me the ATE! hahahaha....huhuhuu....
you girls don't call me Ate....pleeeeezzzzzzzzz!! hahahaha
now I feel so old Shem...hahaha...coz you guys are younger than me..
Gagay calls me ate though...hahaha...
I didn't call you ate Ane...or did I? hahaha..
but don't call me Ate Ane! hahaha
hahaha... you better tell Gagay about that.. lol! :):)
I'm not sure Twinks... don't worry, I won't call you ate... :)
hahahahah Saaayang twinks!! :)
oops! sorry.. SAaaaayang ate twinks! LOL
hehehe.. HUGS! ANE! :*:*
yeah! Shem! saaayaaang! to all pinky buddies and FCC members! :*:*:*
oppp! no sayang for you SHem! you called me ATE! huhu...lol!!
Hi Twinks! Wah you how how to use the word sayang now? Hehehe
Hi te Debbs,
Yeah Shem told me the meaning of sayang...hehehe..
Sayang te Debbs! :*:*:* hehehe..
Twinks, I think you're not supposed to call me Ate lol!! ;) Sayang Twinks!!
ummm twinks.. umm... sorry.. but debbs was born in 1981.. hehehe
Lol Shem, poor thing Twinks. Sayangggg Twinks! :):)
Morning ladies, I am just glad that Gagay is no longer calling me ate, she was the only one who called me ate he he heheh hheeheh! Forever young woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aiya jelesi la u all born in the 80s!!! Anyone here born in the 70s? Come join me!!!!
twinks is a 70s baby marzie!
Twinks!!!! Mah fren mah sista!!!! 70s baby hugs!!!! :)
oppss! sorry Debbs!...hehehe...Sayang Debbs! no more ate from now on!
woot! woot! we all are still young...hehehe.....
Lol!! It's okay Twinks. I am so used to be called Ate or Sis or Kakak. :):)
what? Debbs was born in 1981?
Sayang Debbs...
I'm older than you? huhuhuhu....
I'm older than Gagay, Ane and Shem...and now You?
Marzie she calls me ate too...now I really feel old...I just discovered
that I'm older than Ane, Shem and Debbs as well... huhuhu...
yeah I'm a 70s baby...just one year more and i'll be 80s baby....hahahaha...
you 70s baby too Marzie? yaay!! wohooo...HUGS TO YOU!!!
I'm not alone!!! lol...:):)
not gonna call you ate from now on Debbs..i'm older than you...kinda
weird.. hahahaha... :):)
Lol Twinks! It's okay...hehehe
that's okay Twinks, you don't feel old and that's what matters! :)
twinks looks like my age!! :) :)
pinky lovers never grow old! always young at heart Ane! hahahaha :*:*
awww....I so sayang you Shem!! HUGS! HUGS! HUGS! :*:*:*
Go LJ Go!!! Lol!
Aiks.. you tak der PW eh Shemah?
Hahaha.. SSG Hyno power!!
Debbs.. belum payout from PW?
Debbs.. chose 1x1 nyer slot.. that way semua different price..hehheh
When LJL was a PR3.. banyak kaching.. that time 3P dapat puluh! Best!
Now. sigh!!
Betul tu Shemah
PB lebih penting!!
Podah.. LJL and LLP also no PR!
Debbs.. use your Homepage friends. got kaching mah!!
Leave google for second choice :-)
I love Earl Grey
If don't have, buat sendin lah
Tried Masalah Tea before?
I love hot tea!!
Sorry ah sampuk
Ada 800 over comments to go through ni..
Lucky got outlook!
Tak lah GP..
Aggie post tu PB .kaching!!!
Oohhhh itu citer nya.
Emak dia marah..
Oh well.
Hahahahahahah. OLD IS GOLD..lol.. though I want to be DIAMOND!!
LJ is da bomb!! Lol!! H ehheh
No need to remove Twinks.. just the code only.. I've done mine.. have you??
Mid march already you know!
Oohhh sister ke auntie..lol?
I also no like papaya
My fav is mango!!
LJL also lots of nonsense..lol!
LLP lagi terok!!
Lol GP..
Eh dulu kan masa I kat SG. Kita tak der panggil kak kak.. tau.. tapi I guess
sebab I tak banyak campur org melayu kot.. kat sini.. semua org nak panggil
I kakak.. ada tu dah kerepot pun panggil I kak.. A said hormat.. I kata
tengok lah muka tu dulu..panggil lah adik.. dah ada cucu pun nak panggil
kita kak.. mender entak :-(
Tengok TV Ke??
Hehe.. all of you older than me.. you all know or not?? Lol!!!
Sapa nak kena panggil ADIK! Lol!!
Meh LJ panggil Adik!! lol
Was born in late 60! Uwah.. anyone call me TE. I no saying!
Hehehe kena tgu the PW slot free la LJ! Hehehe...
hahahaha yeaahhh... i understand LJ! just because i have children, the makcik2 call me kak.. why oh why??? hahahaah
Mak siapa marah siapa ni LJ! *lost*
Lol!!! Ish ada tu dah nenek tau.. still nak call akak.. geli!
Hehe.. entah.. blur also dah!!
I just answered 800 comments..lol!!!
i like mango too LJ, especiall the indian mango with shrimp paste! yum!!! :)
Hi LJ, Ane!
I love pear!! ;)
one more thing we have in common other than our good taste in music, pears!
pears Marzie! :) lol!
Excellent taste in music Ane lol!! Ooooh I love pears, esp the soft ones! Mmmmm such a distinct fruit taste! :)
Done with mine too LJ...yeah its mid March already.. :):)
Morning LJ! mwah! mwah!
Hehehe LJ panggil Marzie Kak GP! Hehehe
Hehehe jgn la marah...hehehe ok la we call u LJ, no more Kak ok? Hehehe
I know Marzie! :) Pears are the best! :)
YAY YOU!! This is fan-flippin-tastic!!! I've often wondered what SlogBite is. I'll have to do more research on that. :)
Recent blog post: WTF Wednesday Returns
Come join us at SB Grandy, it’s a new up and coming site for u to promote ur blogs and ur posts too! :)
Tu le pasal, dah la tgh sneezy then kena call K lagi yikes!!!
Morning LJ! Mlm ni for sure tgk TV cause ada concert AF!
Papaya mcm tak best gitu the taste eh? I like mango too, ikut mood. :)
LJ, I hope MPG dapat PR this round, mcm takde perubahan je…hmmmm!
ooohh mangoes i love!! :) :) whatever mood pun i love mangoes!
i don't know lah what was wrong with my PR.. i had PR1 in january pun they want to take bake.. kedekut lah Big G ni!
What’s ur alexa ranking like Shemah?
my alexa ranking tu teruk lagi.. hahahaha.. it's still in the half million! LOL!
I love mangoes too, Shem! And yes in whatever mood lol!!
You know Marzie, Lucas can finish 2 ripe mangoes in one sitting, and he's
only 1 year old.. I think it's his fave fruit also! :)
hmmm feel like eating mangoes lah noww... DEBBS!! MARZIE!! ANE!! my mom is here and ruined my BD!!!! LOL!
Shemah! At least u try jugak go on BD!! ME???? NADA!!! Nothing! Buat dunno lagi! ROTFLMAO!!!!
I love mangoes, but don like peeling them ha ha… I also love the really sweet ones and now Lucas and u are making me crave for some!! ;)
Hehehe Shem! Takyah BD la when mom's around ok? :):)
haha Marzie! I also hate peeling them, what I do is just cut the mango close
to the seed and eat the cheek from the skin, Lucas loved it, I barely had
some Marzie! :) lol!
Oh those mangoes are lovely Ane!!
I no really like pear.. but I eat them :-)
Hello Kak GP!!
Lol Debbs!
Heheh ok no more of this kak business..lol!
I no like papaya.
No thanks!
Yeah.. my blogs pun tak affected.. but better not affected then zero lah!
Hi LJ! :):)
Lol!! I no more call you kak, LJ! :)
Lol Debbss!!
Hi Debbs!
Replying to comments ni!! Banyak!!!
Tu la, you kept your comments so long. My GSL emails pun dah 620 ni. Must clear them asap! Hehehe
Hehhee.. hah clear clear!!lol!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!