YAY! Mariuca is featured once again and this time is over at the up and coming Slog Bite! Oh this definitely makes up for the Mariuca blues I was feeling yesterday over the EC situation at my other blog, thanks so much Mel! :)
Fancy seeing your blog featured at Slog Bite one day? Fancy enjoying increased exposure, traffic, readership along with a whole lot of fun and games in an increasingly influential community? Join me at SB today! Get your sites listed before the official launch and don't forget to let Mel know that Mariuca sent you! :)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 567 Newer› Newest»:* :* :*
LJ's on a roll!! yihaa!! yg lain mesti tidor ni esp that tumbler woman!! SSG SSG!! lol!!!
Recent blog post: Fab Queen of Feb *
Please feature CT ok dearie.. Aggie Aggie Aggie!! lol!
Recent blog post: Fab Queen of Feb *
Uwah u are on a roll LJ! Lucky u got home just in time to do a double chop woo hoo!!! SSG is back!! :)
LJ, thanks so much for the card! Love it and so thoughtful of you, now it’s ur turn to check ur email! HUGS! :)
Congrats on being featured dearie.. you so deserved it!!! Chase those blues away!!!
We love slogbite!!!
Recent blog post: Fab Queen of Feb *
Aggie in da house MEOW! :)
Thank you LadyJava! Mcm Mel tau2 je I tgh depressi LOL! YAY for Mariuca and yay for SlogBite! :)
Hi Marzie.
That´s cool! I signed up already but didn´t use the widget yet. Maybe I´m missing...
Good Sunday xx
Congratulations to you for being Slogbite's featured site! Well deserved...
Recent blog post: EPA’s TV Recycling Challenge
Hola Marzie! :) Going to watch movie today yeehah! Happy Sunday! :* :* :*
Congrats LJ! :):):)
Recent blog post: STUPIDITY can KILL me
wow! so great te marzie! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: STUPIDITY can KILL me
congrats LJ!
Recent blog post: SLIPPERS Everywhere!
am gonna join yah later if am not busy at blogbite! great te marzie!
Recent blog post: SLIPPERS Everywhere!
happy sunday te debbs! ;)
Recent blog post: Not Enough EC Credits
ill be back here so soooooooon! ;) ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog post: BLOGGERS Collide
Happy Sunday Gagay! :):)
congrats LJ!! woot! woot! 8-) 8-)
HOOOORAY Mariuca !!!!!
Hello Te Debbs! :) :) Happy Sunday
You deserve it. Enjoy the limelight.
Recent blog post: Constructionism
woot! woot! COngrats Marzie! you deserve it!! 8-) 8-) :) :) kudos to you!!
have a great sunday marzie and to all!! :* :* :-D :-D
Wow, Marzie is HOT lah !! Been appearing everywhere & now on SB !! :):)
I see that you installed the LW widget too. Its so cool right? ;)
Recent blog post: Zac is on MC for 10 days ... ...
I saw it over at my friend's site & totally impressed with it :)
Recent blog post: Zac is on MC for 10 days ... ...
Hello Twinks! Happy Sunday! :):)
Congrats Mariuca :) :) :)
Morning Debbs! :*
Hi Mize, thanks so much sweetie! Hey hurry and get ur widget up at your blog! I am feeling a little under the weather today Mize but it's good to see u here. Hugs. :* :* :*
Hi Gagay! :* :*
Hola Twinks! :* :*
Hi Linda! I've been clicking on ur Adgitize ad dear, thanks so much for coming over with ur well wishes today! :* :*
What movie Debbs? Have fun with C yeah? :* :*
Recent blog post: Mariuca in New York!
:* :* Gagay!
Recent blog post: Mariuca in New York!
Thanks for all ur love and support too Gagay, love and hugs! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Mariuca in New York!
YAY! Eric is here, thanks Speedy, love ya!! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Mariuca in New York!
Woo hoo! This really made my day Mel, thanks so much! I grabbed the SB featured award too awesome!! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Mariuca in New York!
YAY! Hurry join SB Gagay, it's really so much fun! See ya there! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Mariuca in New York!
Thank you Twinks! Love and hugs. :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Mariuca in New York!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend Twinks, I need to catch up on my zzzz I think. ;) *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* O:-)
Recent blog post: Mariuca in New York!
Ha ha ha thanks a million Janice! Your love and support means the world to me, have a great weekend. :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Mariuca in New York!
It is cool Jan! I actually first noticed it at your blog, and then at AGP and then at LJL and now it's here at WOAFS YAY! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: My Birthday Prediction *
Me too Jan, I love seeing the icons, so cute eh? *DONT_KNOW* :*
Recent blog post: Contemplating a New Makeover!
Thank you Bill, have a good one! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Mariuca in New York!
:'( :'( :'( i need to get a point up for WOAFS.. but congrats on getting featured on SB!!! :) :) So happy for you.. 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: What Makes You Happy??
hope you're feeling better today Marzie! big hug from me!!:*:*
you're always welcome Marzie! :):):):*:*:*
Don't work too hard Marzie.... have plenty of rest :):):) zzzzzz away
Marzie! sweet dreams :)
Morning Marzie! :)
Watched Street Fighter:The Legend of Chun-Li...it was cheesy and corny..lol!
ola debbs!!! :) :) Good morning.. just woke up eh?
Aloha Shem...baru balik from Midvalley..watched movie and went for grocery-shopping. :):)
i don't even want to bother with chun li. Don't even like kristin kreuk much. hahahaha..
wuaahhh bestnya pegi midvalley.... :) :) this weekend stay at home lah debbs.. every time go out use money.. so better stay at home and try to make more kaching! LOL!
Itu si C wanted to watch it so much..so watch just to make him happy la..I almost fell asleep, seriously!
I’m with Shemah, don wan to bother with chun li lol!!!
Ye la, stressful la go out during weekends. I usually won't go out hujung mgu, but today terpaksa go.
There was one movie that I walked out halfway coz so boring, apa ye? Alamak nak kena google again ke? LOL!
hahahahaha C likes miss lana lang is it??? ;) ;) i cannot layan lah that story..
You actually walked out of the cinema cuz the movie was boring, GP? I've never done that! Lol!!
hahahahaha.. boycott chun li!! LOL!
Konon2 la mcm best sbb the trailer best. I read the reviews edi so I didn't fell like watching. :P
I oso terpaksa go out ni but still not feeling great, still crampy huhuhu!
i think i want to go bring the kids go minging today.. unless its doesnt rain..
I did Debbs! Halfway, some more it was me yg nak sgt watch that movie ha ha! My bad!!!
The things you do for love Debbs, C should be smiling now! ;)
my sister got a couple of movies she walked out of. I think spiderman 3 was sooo boring. i almost fell asleep. and we watched it on my birthday lagi tu..
Drink hot tea, Marzie. Sure won't feel crampy! :)
yalah.. the reviews pun bagi like a C- ke or a D+ ke hari tu..
just stay at home la.. i got a couple of dvds still haven't watched yet.. :) :) so maybe after i bring the children go swimming.. i go and watch..
I’ve never watched a movie on my besday hmmmmm….
I don have tea at home la Debbs, just coffee. Need to buy some today. Best la hot tea! :)
Wah C- review lagi? Konpirm la don wan to watch lol!
Lol!! Google la, movie apa? Sapa blakon? Come I google lol!!
Yeah, he said he enjoyed the movie lol!
hahahaahahaha that's funny! you yg want to watch, but you yg tak tahan..
my eldest brother yang ajak me watch on my besdey!!! :) :) so sweet of him kan?? hahahahaha..
ohh my late grandma swears by tea.. especially those english tea.. like earl gray.. and chamomile and what nots.. that's the medicine for any ailment you've got.. sikit tak sihat.. minum tea! LOL!
Marzie, you drink tak herbal infused tea? Those are good..hehehe
yaa.. that's why I'm def not watching chun li.
debbs queen of google!!! LOL!
Aiyo I forgot sape berlakon pun, blh? Nixon I think the movie? What was up with me la? LOL!!!!
Tu la, how ironic right? I was the one who suggested leaving halfway too ha ha ha!
Boo to Chun Li LOL!!!
Actually I prefer tea than coffee, but tea doesn't keep me awake! Hehe...those tea yg got flavour2 tu sedap!
Oh yes, Google is my fave site lol! And yet my blog no PR. Podah!
Dah lama sangat ke the movie GP? Hehe...naymind la if cannot remember lol! But it would be fun, nak tau jugak movie apa yg membosankan sampai can walk out lol!
Podah! MPG oso no PR. :(
best ke tu debbs.. doesn't make you go toilet one ah? hehehehehe
Hahaha no lah! Hahaha...itu diet tea lol!! Tak kuasa la wanna diet. Lol!!
I need a detox tea, shld start taking my lemon detox tea again la! Kena visit Guardian ni!
tulah.. for the amount of googling done.. we should at least get some pr right??
mine since i started no pr.. but still got some PB so that's all that matters!! LOL!
i have to begin diet lah monday debbs.. people call me F already.. how?
lemon detox tu best tu marzie.. i should do that too! :) :)
How long has it been since u started ur blog Shemah? Tak kan la tak pernah dapat PR? :(
I takut also if CnS kena turun PR nanti. I hope not la. :( That's my only blog yg got PR.
Hence the BLOCKBUSTER D Shemah, Monday it is! So today can still enjoyz LOL!!!
Debbs the movie was Nixon la!!! How? Boring right???
I hope to get some PR la for MPG and to maintain here at WOAfS. Pls la!
My ROTP last time PR3, pastu masuk je 3P trus demote pi zero. :(
Debbs, MPG last time PR4, masuk je smorty, terus 2! Then changed to own domain, until now 0! :(
Then have to eat vege only la and cut the sugar and carbs..
Movie apa tu, GP? Tak penah dgr pun Nixon! Lol!! About US president Nixon ke?
How to eat vege only ni? Lain la if I have a personal nutritionist to prepare all my meals he he! Must be yum but still tasty!
PR4? So sayang la...takpe2, still got rezeki from somewhere else for MPG. Yay! :)
Ha ha ha ha see so boring sampai u tak pernah dgr pun? And yes president Nixon ha ha aha hh aa!!!! ROtFLMAO!
Eh I mean must be yum but still Healthy la ha ha hahah ah!!!
Eat vege during weekdays, then weekend eat some meat. Lol!! Some more vegetarian meat expens kan?
Yeah! Tu la sayang tu, but the next day je right after my smorty post, terus slashed to 2 huhu! Takpe, still waiting for better things over at MPG! :)
I Googled, 1995 movie, no wonder la I tak penah dgr. That time I tak reti watch2 movies all. Anthony Hopkins berlakon, should be good but mesti the story pretty slow kan?
MPG punya PW laris kan? Ok la tu. Have you requested for payout at PW?
Dats what I tot, should be good…but OMG mmg slow gila, I was falling asleep, I had to leave Debbs!!! Sorry Nixon and thanks Debbs for googling ha ha ha haa!!! ;)
I dah byk kali request payout Debbs, 10 bucks je terus request he he, how abt you?
i've blogged for 2 years plus.. lepas tu i got pr 1 this year for like a month. and now back to 0. The big G doesn't like me lah Marzie! :(
no la.. i don't think the big G will take it back.. mine lah so kesian.. hahahahaah 2 years and still telur..
Hehehe...what to do, some movies are like that! Americans seem to love drama, though.
Never reached payout la hahaha...although now it's picking up, since I put a lot of ads on CnS. :):)
hahahaha haaa.. tu lah marzie.. last lah ni.. i tengah masak dinner jugak ni!! LOL!
nixon?? not frost/nixon lah is it? they said frost/nixon is really good!
i don't think you'll have any probs with your woafs or mpg lah marzie.. after you change domain tu, kejap je dah dapat balik..
yalah.. i dah buang all 3p.. hopefully dapat lah pr skit..
hmmm.. how to get my pr up ah? :( :(
cut sugar cut carbs tu yang susah sangat tu! LOL!
I haven't seen nixon.. wasn't it si anthony hopkins tu marzie?? tak best eh??
tu lah.. you know kan that j and rozie are both vegetarians?? masa i jumpa j, he relapse makan lamb!! LOL!
i memang nak watch nixon tu!! but didn't know that it was THAT boring! :) :)
what is PW ah?? hahahahaha..
i like drama also.. but that day i watch all the dramas in a row.. macam depressed terus ni!! LOL!
He he sorry ladies, now getting ready to go out ni. Kelakar la our conversasi!
Shemah, PW is project wonderful, see those ads in my sidebar right at the top? Woo hoo! Join la! $$
ooohh project wonderful tu!! :) :) alright.. i'll check it out! have fun going out with B! :)
:-D :-D :-D :-D hola te marzie!
;) ;) ;) ;)
i really will te marzie..the soonest if am not busy owredi! ;)
yer welcome te..
:* :* :* :*
congrtes, Marzie for being featured at SB! :* :*
Hey! Congratz Marzie! U so deserve it! I would so love to be featured there, too! I hope one day, hehe!
wow, congrates to you LJ for being FC!
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Gagay is nowhere to be found here. That's very unlikely, hehehe! How's ur SUnday Marzie dearie? I hope u had a fabulous time! Muslim Holiday here tomorrow. Maulidin Nabi. I bet there, too. Entire region will be off work except our office. Will need to report until Saturday and during holidays except Holy week for this year till the election come 2010. GOsh! So tiringgggggggg!!!!!! :'( >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Oh! Gagay is here!!!!
missed FC!!!
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
i must agree with you, mel!
Slogbit Gay, hehe! You better join SB before it's launching come April...
SLOGBITE i mean, hehe!
Congrats on being a featured blog!
Congrats Marzie! I should try signing up with them huh ;)
Recent blog post: Photo Hunt #9 - Space
>:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog post: The LINE is BUSY at the MOMENT!
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: The LINE is BUSY at the MOMENT!
am just here te ellaine! gettin' busy!
Recent blog post: The LINE is BUSY at the MOMENT!
hope to still be updated!
Recent blog post: The LINE is BUSY at the MOMENT!
:* :* :*
dasat la lj!!!! :* :*
congrats on being featured marzie!!
lj dah score 3!!!!! alamak1!!
congrats lj!
congrats te marzie!
hi gagay! don't cry ok...here's a tissue! 8-)
He he dasat gils si LJ tu! ;)
i oso don't like spiderman 3
Ha ha alamak it seems! She oso scored 3 at MPG oredi, berkobar2 betul LJ this month Emila! ;)
lol debbs!
thank you te emila..
what should i do?
LOL! dance dance dance!
nemind shemah! tak lama lagi ada next update sure dia mabil balik telur tu dan kasi you rank! :*
He he he he ambil balik telur tu ha ha ha! Emila u crack me up! Hugs! :)
congrats mariuca! as if you needed more help with traffic and having readers. you have more than enough actually! hihihi. :P
spiderman 3 boring kan emila.. eeerrgghhh..
hopefully lah emila.. the big G needs to gimme a little chance lah.. what did I ever do to them?? :( :( gimme PR lah!! LOL!
He he u didn do anything to mr G shemah ha ha cute la u! Takpe, I have a feeling this round mesti ada PR!!
hahaha you have to pooh depan pooh kiri kanan.. and give your aura.. hahaha then maybe i can get PR! LOL!
Yelah.. SSG is back!! Lol!
Hehehhe.. Aggie Aggie Aggie!! Lol!
I got it GP. And I love it!!! Muahs!!
i heart aggie aggie aggie!!
Yeay for all that is cheering GP!!
What did u get LJ? U love it? Ok yay then! :)
Hahaha dasat indeed Emila!! Lol!
Gagay.. what does "te" means??
SSG seriously leading ni, bukan senang nak chop 3 kali! ;)
Love the word dasat lah Emila.lol!
Hahah.. mestilah.. Nak sidebar GP full of LJ!! loL!!
Yelah.. I also want PR!!! PR PR PR!
Ha ha ha ha! Ok ok go for it woman! One sidebar full LJ hopefully this month!
Nak chop lagi!!!! hehe
Hehhe.. I heart Aggie also!!
But watch out for a star post soon to see what Aggie did to me!
Alamak.. I wish it was that easy lah Shemah!!.. satu internet I pooh sat
Hah tulah.. wouldn't that be a hoot!!
Eh where's Debbs, Jean and Ane??
Oh Shemah not on PW? OMG why Shemah why?? Lol!!
Easy to earn you know.. paid out numerous times!!
Go shemah go!
Shemah.. I still clearing 3P.. aiyoo so many and so tiring to go through
each post.. !
that's why la.. i haven't even chop once and SSG dah 3 times!!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!