I absolutely LOVE this Picture Tag from Diya and Emila! I think it's a really cool one and the more creative you get, the better! It's fun to see how you express your answers via pictures and I know just who I wanna tag. Your names will be listed right at the bottom of the post, but worry not for I have a feeling all of you will LOVE this one too, have fun! :)
Here are the rules:
"Use Google image to search the answers to the questions below. You must choose a picture from the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that, tag 7 people."
(1) Place I'd like to travel to

(2) Favourite food

(3) Favourite place

(5) Favourite color: Although I love red, I am currently into Lime Green!

(6) College major: International Business

(7) Name of my love: B

(10) My wishlist: A duplex penthouse


«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1230 Newer› Newest»lol.. Shemah.. I grant you a day off from commenting.. come back on 1 March
only ok :)
lol Shemah!!
wahh LJ! still pretty close to Jean lah! :)
lol.. yelah Debs.. skit jer! !lol!
okayyy!! Let's all go bersiram... we're a busyuk bunch!! LOL!
I full-blooded Singaporean!!!
don't start your hypno on me, LJ!! LOL!
I know I know!!!
ok ok!! going nowwww!!
lol!!! hehehe.. ler you pun blum bersiram gak eh?
lol!!! is it working Shemah...lol!!!
Dua2 i letak together, LJ! Dunno la it appears ok ke tak hehe
tulah.. i am also tempted to start another one with them but must find one
that will potentially send traffic to me via google.. still can't decide!
Hehehe tak sepmat! Am back! Now lapar pulak sbb dah mandi ni. Sejuk!!
Shemah, u can speak both dialects ke from both states? :):)
I bzbodi ni hehehehe
wah cepat nya mandi..lol!
code apa tu Debbs?
Wanna start what with what, LJ?
as of now, dah bersiram!! I dah mangiiiii!! LOL!
Hehehe fast n furious! Nama pun bersiram, LJ! Shemah gi bersiram ke?
code apa LJ? I dah blur ni...
i pun dah mandiiii.. LJ dah ker belum ni??
i'm very rusty on my sarawakian.. but i understand iban!!
ahahahah.. i have no idea.. i forgot. .I'm replying to so many comment from
diff sites as well ni..lol!
Wah Shemah also speedy! fast forward ke? hehehe
wah.. semua dah mangiii ke?? i jer yg masih busyuk.. tapi tak per sebab A
pun busyuk!! loL!
Oh ye ke Shemah? Your mom Iban ke?
hey debbs! i pun dah siap bersiram ni.. but masih berkemban!! LOL!
habiss.. have to hurry before my two hooligans destroy everything outside.. hahaha!
hahahahaha... awwww.. how shweet.. u busyuk i busyuk too! LOL! My hubby pun A also.. but you can call him Johnny! LOL!
auk ah debbs!! LOL! I got soooo many relatives back in kuching. Which part you from, debbs?
lol!!! yelah sama samal busyuk mah!! lol!!
Johnny it is!! lol!
Shemah mandi cowboy!!
ahahah.. oklah oklah.. i pulak nak bersiram..lol!!!
cowboy pun cowboy laa.. asal mangiiiiii!! LOL!
ahahahhahaha... nasib baik bukan kucing.. if kitties can put in cage kan..
wohoott... serawakian talk.. ok.. i shall try to understand ni..lol!! auk
hehehheeh... lol... geli hati lah.. lol!! cowboy pun cowboy lah..lol!!!
blum mangi lagi lah!!
hahha.. it's ok.. i pun blur!! loL
hahahaha.. that's all the sarawakian talk you'll get out of me.. I shy lah to speak because takut bunyi dia lain! LOL!
auk auk auk??
hahahha.. mmg pun.. stuck everywhere..lol!
auk auk auk, yes yes yes!! LOL!
haha.. why not.. lol!! i would love to see that soft gaze..loL!
yeah.. i learn a new word today.. auk!!!
Yeay for Wimax.. Auk!
yayyyy!! LJ did it! LOL! Learned an iban word! :)
Auk Auk Auk.. yihaa!!!
LOL LJ! eh btw, you jadi tak gi inlaws tonight?
i think not kot.. it's raining and kalau raining how to take the motorbike
there.. yihaa!!!
aahhh.. i forgot... you and A are like Brangelina! kekeke!! :) :)
I think you are in the running already lah Shemah!
Lj dah bersiram ke? Dah mangi?
What? Who's like Brangelina?? lol!
Hehehe...Shemah, I am from Kuching lah! Haha
Hehehe Shemah, cannot hear you cakap Sarawak lah here hehe...only can read..lol!!
belum lagi lah.. masih busyuk...lol!
Auk Auk.. eh how to say NO..
you and A lah macam Brangelina .. naik motorbike!
My mom's place also in kuching.. kenyalang park gitu!! LOL!
Lol!! LJ! Apa yg auk auk auk tu? Hehe
shy lah debbs!! so tak betul.. iban celup one lah me! LOL!
i forgot oh.. i know "enggai" is don't want in iban and "sik mau" for melayu sarawak. I don't know what is NO. LOL!
Hehe...here also hujan LJ, Shemah! Raining outside and inside. :((
she's having fun saying YES in iban.. LOL!
Owh Kenyalang park! hehehe my home is in Petra Jaya, matang to be exact! :)
my side is still sunny.. waiting for my johnny to come home.. maybe going out for makan..
how long does it take for our recent post to come out in twitter ya?
isn't that on the way to the airport? it's been years since i went back so i'm not sure..
Hehe I don't really know how to speak Iban..I'm a Bidayuh hehe..but can understand Iban a bit lah! Auk auk auk! Lol!!!
In Melayu Sarawak, NO is "sik". In Iban, I oso sik tauk. Hehe
Why la call him Johnny, Shemah? Hehehe
Oh okay Johnny Depp ye? Lol!!!
ohhh bidayuh.. Bidayuh girls all pretty2 one!! :) :) :)
hahahaha.. because when Rozie first met him, she always kept forgetting his name. and then when she asked him again, he said Johnny. And it stuck until now.. LOL!
johnny depp??? hahahaha!! how i wish!! LOL!
oh that's how he got his Johnny name eh..
Btw.. dah mangi!!
woww!! dah mangi lah we all!!
oh ya LJ! your 3P and SS posts you delete ke or just remove track code?
No la, on the way to airport is batu 3. lol! Ah it's different now lah, Kuching. But it's quiet and no jam, I laik!
Waah! 2 days ago I was still number 1!!! now I think I'm number6! huhuhuhu
Hahaha am not the pretty type ler Shemah. Cute sikit je lol!!
Lj is now known as SSG Mon... :) Sneaky Speedy Gonzales! :) lol!
Johnny senang nak ingat! hehehehe Johnny Depp! Drool!!
hahahah...auk auk!!
Yay! Johnny Depp!!! LJ dah mangi! A oso dah mangi ke? Hehehe
I remove the track code.. eh remember to remove the coding from your css or
your element as well..
I agree with Mon! You don't look like you're gonna be 36 Marzie! :) you look
so much younger than your actual age! :)
Totally! :)
haha.. yelah.. definitely senang nak ingat.. we shall call him J lah..
senang kan?
So we have A, B, C, J ... llalallalalalall
it's ok dearie.. slow slow ok !
I will do my very best to catch up Marzie1 I am 2 days behind in answering
to most of the comments, but I will answer ALL of them!!! :)
Still not over the fact that you snatched away that FC from me LJ! :)
Waaah!!! Must regain composure and fly to the top!
eeee bestnya no jam! back in kk it's starting to jam up already.
Hey Marzie, I think I'm gonna need your flying carpet again!
oh sweetie.. i'm so sorry that your internet connection had to suck today of all days!
I haven't dropped at all Marzie, my internet connection has gone haywire and
goes on and off every so often!
hahahaha shy shy cat lagi si debbs ni.. pretty lar tuu..
hahaha.. senang nak ingat kan.. hehehe..
magic carpet or magic keyboard Ane?? hehehe
yes boss! the ranks and all that, right?
Ane I finished dropping for GG today already.. yeay.. now dropping for LJL!
hahaha J it is!! :) :)
yesss.. slow and steady... then you catch the monkey.. LOL!
Jam ada Shemah, but moving la, not like in KL, no-moving jams everywhere!
heheh.. oopss.. magrib.. excume!
yes.. fly to the top Ane! I support you! :)
Hahahaha Shemah, can see my avatar what? My chubby face not pretty lah! Lol!! hehehehe
i don't think i'll drop today.. I'm not really in the mood. I'm thinking of what i'm going to put up for my MM..
I think GP is probably enjoying herself, reading everyone's comments. She always do that on the last day of the month. Hehehe if she's not out la today! ;)
if i say pretty.. tetap pretty lah debbs! LOL! :) :) Chubby does not mean not pretty!!
Wah already thinking about MM, Shemah? Gonna put how many vids this time? ;)
hahaa.. probably.. then at the last minute, then only she'll grace us with her presence.. is that true GP?? wherever you are on your magic carpet...
oohh kayyyy.. why is this suddenly so quiet here?? where did everyone go???
Hehe okay la Shemah, I take it...hehehe not often kan kena puji? Hehehe
Shemah, your Johnny not home yet ke? Just now you said wanna go out for dinner? :)
LJ went for prayer, Ane is probably offline, oh no!!!
hahaha.. macam tu lah!! pretty pretty wow!! :)
haaa. tu lah i'm waiting for my J ni but haven't showed up yet.. i din cook you know. my son also start complaining hungry.. no credit to call plak tu.. *sigh*
i really feel for Ane.. of all days, today lah her connection went haywire..
Alamak!! Find something to eat for your son lah. Keciann him!
Tu la, mesti Ane bengang tu! Poor thing!
ya.. he's snacking now! :) :) J better come home soon!
i knowww.. so who's going to fight LJ tonight?? you?? lol!! I'm going out soon.. but i need somebody to cheer on when i get back!
Hehe okay..how old are yours kids ya Shemah, if you don't mind me asking?
my son is turning 5 this year.. my daughter will turn 2 this october.. :) and no, i don't mind! hehehe.
Shemah.. must be awesome kawin mudah kan.. you're so young and your kids all
grown up already.. macam Gilmore Girls gitu..lol!
Cheer me .. cheer me.. Auk Auk... i don't think I'm going out.. perhaps
kluar after midnight kot..After I win my throne..lol!
I agree.. Debbs.. most chubby pple are pretty tau.. I swear they have the
sweetest smile I tell you!
haha.. yelah lah Shemah.. I also have not thought abt MM... lol.. thinking
of my throne only..lol!
I'll be here, watching! Hehehehe...need to finish up some work ni hehehe
hahaha she go celebrate and paint the town red lah after get her crown eh, debbs?
Wow, a pair ye..best tu! :):):) I love kids but who will be the father? I wonder???? Now mcm samar2 jer...lol!!
yes.. just like me! LOL! Chubby and sweet smile! LOL!
yaaaa.. if i leave up to the last minute.. i get so stressed! LOL! got 4 blogs lagi to look for mm!
hehe.. you chubby?? Wah like that I pun chubby lah...lol!!
lol.. hehehe... ok ok.. i dun know how many i want to feature this week..
hahahha... auk auk...
not samar2.. got your C oredi.. just need to determine want or not?? LOL!
Hahaha you made me laugh with your auk auk, LJ! :)
hhahah.. biar samar samar jgn terus tak der....lol!
hahahaa... we're the chubby mangiii bunch aren't we?? LOL!
LJ, I nampak garang mcm cikgu if I don't smile lol!!!
hahah... garang macam cikgu?? then smile more lah sweetie.. tak rugi apa
kalau you smile lots and lots.. tak luak pun!!
Tu la Shemah, some more red is LJ's fave colour! :)
You mmg pretty, Shemah! Nanti when u're 40, mesti nampak muda lagi! Phewitt! Hot momma gitu! ;)
4 vids.. one for each blog! :) :)
wuahh.. genterrr lah my hati kalau jumpa LJ one day.. dun garang2 with me ah?
Funny la u LJ wanna be chubby oso! Hehehehe..oh ya, wanna ask before I lupa, the MyEvo Clubhouse tu, mmg their club or what?
hahaha.. mana LJ garang.. LJ baik dan lembut tau..lol!
hahahaha dunno lah! Tak kawin for now pun takpe lah!
ehhehe... chubby kan cute..loL!
MyEvo clubhouse is for jamming and can sewa all.. coz got stage, dance floor
and the whole works lah..hehe
Lol!!! Kalau takde, takla pening LJ! Hehehe Btw dah berbaik lol! Bagus la gaduh ni, I can buat kaching post lagi based on it! Lol!!!
Chubby mangi bunch! Yay!!
1. LadyJava (186)
2. Shemah (140)
3. Phatelara (87)
4. Ane (49)
5. Monica (7)
6. diyadeary (6)
7. Nessa (4)
8. eastcoastlife (3)
9. blanne (2)
10. life ramblings (2)
Hehehe...I will smile more! Especially for pictures lol!! :)
hahahah.. well this chubby mangi mommy needs to get herself ready and her children ready.. nanti J come home tak siap kan susah.. nanti he'll be cleaning the whole house kalau gaduh nanti.. hahahahaah
hahaahahah,,,, hehe.. ok.. smile and the world smile with you!!
1. LadyJava (186)
2. Shemah (140)
3. Phatelara (87)
4. Ane (49)
5. Monica (7)
6. diyadeary (6)
7. Nessa (4)
8. eastcoastlife (3)
9. blanne (2)
10. life ramblings (2)update!!
lol.. ok chubby mangi mommy... see you later!!! have a great dinner!
have fun you guys!!!
woohoo.. and LJ Is queen again!! lol!!
Sape chubby wubby ni????
Sape chubbs and pretty ni????
Poor thing, go Ane Go!! 3 hours to go dear!
He he he I like la!
A = LJ
B = GP and Ane
C= Debbs
J = Shemah
Woo hoooo!!!
Ha ha hah ahahahhahaha Shemah, kelakar la ur comment LJ and A Brangelina coz naik motorbike he he hehehe!
hahha.. i wonder who else would fill the blanks.. lo!
Oh yeah and M = Jean
And Z= Emila!
oohh.. itu yg comment Brangelina tu.. alamak.. i no like that couple lah..
dulu brad and jenn ok gak...loL!
Eh Debbs! Sean McNamara oso hensem okay, gentle gitu he he hehehhehe! LJ, but kelakar kan when he dated the girl who ter-shit in the tub???????????????? Or was it swimming pool? AIYO!!!!!!!!!!
ahahha.. ok.. we're filling up the alphabets eh... lol!
tulah Ane is stress gila.. she keeps appearing and disappering!
Have a nice dinner chubby mangi mommy and family! :)
i think swimming pool lah.. lol.. eww.. gross kan?? lol!
Debbs lah.. hehehe
LJ, me too prefer Brand and Jen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and chubby mangi mommy is Shemah.. who also has TS = tumbler Shemah as
me.. i'm just cute..lol!
Owh...good la the MyEvo services. :):)
And that shitting girl pun tak lawa sgt, amendeeeeeeee la Sean tu? :(
Oh yeah yeah ha ha R = Mon!
Who else wants to have alphabet here? LOL!!!!
tulah.. me no likey angelina.. she's so weird!
Alamak…. BRAD la….hahahhahahahahahaha Brand it seems!!!!
yes Debbs.. the next concert you have to come ok...heheh
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Debbs! Streamyx beranak octuplets???? Muahahhahahahhahahahhahaha
Entah.. all his girls are ugly lah.. including Julia kan?? so skinny..
amender entah...
and the babysitter lah.. ish!
hahahahha.. brand ke brad ke.. ok lah tu!!
hehehe.. indeed streamyx beranak.!
LJ, she’s not weird, but she saja mengada2 trying to be weird, blood locket la, animal sounding ML sessi la, podah la!!!!! And I really think Jen is prettier actually, not bias or jelesi but my opinion only he he!
Shemah's J is also known as JD aka Johnny Depp! :)
Julia is the worst! Followed by the sitter!!!!!! I hope he gets a pretty GF this time around!
hahahahaah.... the alphabets partners!!
Ape ni partnership all? Is it LW?
eh mmg lah.. remember when she cemolet her brother.. yuckss!!!
mmg Jen LAWA sgt.. i don't know why they call Angelina tu lawa.. mana
ada..pun tak jeles.. tak heran.. now Jen.. is Beautiful!!
Eh LJ, dat day u sent me something on SS, sorry tak check lagi la, me busy with PB this week it seems, pestaim ever he he hehehehhe!
heheh....nasib baik he did not hook up with that teddy bear lady!! yikes!!
I can imagine Ane, white and fluffy, surely so adorable!!!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!