When I am pissed off, there's no pacifying me! That's for sure and that's exactly what happened today! :(
I woke up rather late as usual, after one whole night of burning the midnight oil and a futile attempt at dropping EC, which already put me in a foul mood right before I dozed off. So this afternoon, I decided not to go online, but concentrate on a new assignment for a client instead. I already had all the information I needed on casino tax refunds and casino tax rebate so I did not have to go online for research purposes.
Speaking of casinos, a friend of mine who recently vacationed in Melbourne, called me up yesterday to gloat about her casino winnings while she was there! How I wish her luck would rub off on me, especially now that the economy is so sluggish and work-wise, it has affected the number of jobs I receive from my regular clients too. Her winning tale was so enticing that the dreamer in me actually stopped for a moment to happily imagine all the wonderful things I'd love to purchase if I ever win anything big that is LOL!
Back to my story, I finally got the job done and got online to email the copy to my client, who's usually quite speedy in reverting back with any changes. While waiting for my client to get back to me, I checked my email and read all the comments I received on my last angry post. Imagine my shock and anger when I received a comment from one of my blog buddies informing me that this slow connection plaguing many of us right now, will persist till next month, 5th of March to be exact!
I got so angry when I found out about this, because putting aside EC dropping, slow connection is not good for me and my work. As a freelance copywriter working from home, I need speedy connection 24/7. I do a lot of online research, I use a lot of online programs and I communicate with my clients via email or other online communication means. I was fuming mad when I got to know this but lucky for me I have two very cool and understanding buddies, who also work from home and completely understand what I am going through. They immediately came to my comfort, and joined me in venting my anger at what's going on, via emails and their comments at my blog here.
It feels good to be able to vent, but it feels better when you do it with friends who actually comprehend your predicament. So today, I wanna say thanks to LJ, Debbie and Jean (who joined in the venting session later) for understanding my anger and frustration! You ladies are the best and it does feel good to have confidantes to share your frustration with, when need be! If I had to keep my anger all bottled up inside, god knows just how much more angry I'd be today!
And to the rest of my readers here, thanks so much for reading yet another angry post from me! I wonder if you too have friends that you can totally trust and complain to about anything in the world should you feel angry like the way I am feeling right now. If you don't, you're missing out on something great! Having good friends who listen to you moan and groan about whatever it is that's bugging you, sure does wonders for my stress level. I am feeling much better now after my venting session with my ladies and am ready to face my day, with or without a strong connection! Thanks again ladies for always being there for me, you guys are the best and Mariuca loves ya! :)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 695 Newer› Newest»Wow, you still have to tahan for a week before the problem gets solved, IF the problem can get solved. :P
i'm having slow connection problem myself and it is really annoying. sorry to hear that it has also affected your work. 2 days ago, i had to do some research and i couldn't get into any of the sites i wanted to open. grrrrr! >:o
Recent blog post: A Powerful Prayer That Was Meant To Be Shared
I thought I might have some luck to this post after seeing the time you posted it.... ALAMAK !! :(
So dissapointed lah !! Anyway, this is my first time to be TOP 5..... *consoling* myself !! :-P
Looks like slow connection is a BIG problem over your side ah? =-X
I'm so lucky cos mine is rather fast but ex lah !! Tot of downgrading it but still under contract. I paid near to S$70/mth for internet leh!! :(
I'm still feeling sad over the FC thingy lah.... I thought I got chance leh..... *sob*....
When will my link be here lah !! *sob*
Wah so many comments already..heheh :* :*
Oh I saw my name! Yeehah! Angers mangers here for you GP. >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Supermassive Black Hole (Muse)
hehehe.. it's ok dearie.. group hug again... muah muahs!! :*
Group hugs!! :)
Group hug~~ *hugs all around*
Eh Shemah is here! Hello! Group hugs!! :)
yup yup!! ehhh.. why my picture din come out ah?
Ha hah Shemah u and ur pic problem LOL!!! Ok betul2 nak mandi for real ni he he!
Ye ke? Last night got right, ur pic?
Hehehehe.. tu lah Marzie.. my pic ni buang tebiat!
But actually, it's coz i can't login to my js-kit profile.. :(
Gonna try this one more time..
Recent blog post: Good God!! It's Monday!!
yay!! hehehee..
Recent blog post: Good God!! It's Monday!!
Anyways, hope you're feeling much better after your mandi, Marzie!! :)
Recent blog post: Good God!! It's Monday!!
Ler.. budak ni tak mandi mandi lagi ke??? patutler asam....lol!
hi Shemah!!
Try logout and login again... and then choose your pic!
Eh dah mandi la, now smell like MPG like dat, so fresh and fruity floral he he!
Eh LJ, u dah mandi ke tu?????
dah... I dah mandi dah.. now waiting for Nandos!
hahhahahahah.. me too.. I pun dah wangi...hehehe..... macam bau kopi!! lol!!
Wah everyone dah MANGI! Off to have dinner now. TTYLL! :)
ahahhah.. you remembered Debbs.. .lol..
yelah semua dah Mangi!!
Kopi or kopiko LJ? ;)
Kay Debbs, enjoy ur dinner!
Enjoy your dinner Debbs!
eh that day I saw Kopiko lah kat my supermarket but because takut manis.. A
tak mao beli..hehe
Of course I remember, LJ! Who can forget the word MANGI. :):):)
GP! Guess what? C terbought salah HL milk. And it's not even banana flavoured! :(
Thanks LJ! Dah dinner dah, now sakit perut balik.
Hi Mariuca,
Sorry to hear about the slow connection and glad that you vented out without breaking your mouse :)
Yeah, its good to have buddies to support us when it comes to venting out anger and frustration.
Recent blog post: What's up with me??
I also cannot tahan slow internet connection. Are you using Streamyx? Ever thought of changing to others?
I know I'm a bit late, again, but hugs all around! :) :* :-D
I can't take slow internet connection also, so I haven't been dropping EC's lately, I think it's been so long since I reached over 50... :-P
Most of my time I devote to hanging around your blogs protecting my throne.. :)
but I see that LJ has managed to steal it from me! >:o
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Umbrella by Rihanna
Guess I'm gonna be needing your flying carpet to be able to catch up again, eh GP! ;) :) :-D :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Umbrella by Rihanna
:* :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Umbrella by Rihanna
Anybody here? *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Umbrella by Rihanna
I need your opinion about something people... should I cut my hair really really short or keep it long? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Umbrella by Rihanna
Hi Ane!
just barely Ane...:)
Hey LJ! :) you're here! :)
hehe, I see you've toppled me and regained your spot eh... :) watch me get
it back! :)
just barely here Ane.. my connetion is so terrible!
Hi Ane! Am here but busy dropping EC! :):)
Do you like your hair long or short, Ane?
heheh Ane.. I hope you're having fun dearie!! that's most impt!
I've kept my hair long for years, didn't dare to change my hairstyle, but recently I had my hair cut short and it feels great! :)
Oh LJ, am so sorry your connection is still bad, don't worry, I'll keep your
spot warm for you! :) lol! kidding, but really, it's been days and still
your connection is still slow...
Hey Debbs! :) I haven't started my rounds, but I will in a while... :)
I am a bit undecided Debbs... :)
I am LJ! :) I love it! :)
Hi ladies, please feel free to hang out here yeah…am not dropping but am working on a PB post here for MPG, see u when I’m done yeah? ;)
Don’t forget cookies and coffee are on the house, help yourselves!
ok Mariuca...
I'm just popping in and out as well!!
see you later!
Hi Marzie! Don't worry about us! :):) Thanks for the cookies and coffee. :)
Don't mind if I do Marzie, your cookies are the best and so are the cookies!
Hi Marzie,
Yes I do and you are one of them. thank you for that!
Well I don't where my comment disappeared too..but, I said yes I do and you are one of them! I am glad you are feeling better! :)
speaking of venting...I have for now decided to stay with CMF. to at least try it out. Also as for speed now you know my problem where dropping is concerned. I am half as slow as you guys on DSL. :(It takes me all day to get 300!! >:o
Recent blog post: Blogger Followers And How To Fix
Please forgive me for leaving this under the wrong post Marzie. But, I am really rushed for time as usual. I am simply not going to be able to be a member of The First commenters Club. I really wanted to so badly. But, here again my speed connection weighs in. I am so slow that sometimes it takes me 10 minutes or longer to get my 1st commenter located and then added. Grrrr....I am venting now about being on satellite and only running at 100mb. So please just remove my name from the linky. I am truly so sorry....but, my speed just doesn't give me the time to get it done!
Husg all around to everyone!! :* :) :)
Recent blog post: Blogger Followers And How To Fix
I'm thinking it's time for a change Debbs, but I'm a bit scared to cut my
hair because I don't know if I'll be able to pull it off...
I was scared too, Ane. But hey, you can never go wrong with a short do that's below your chin. Have it side-swept for that sophisticated look! :) I am no expert but I did my research before I had my hair cut. It was nerve-wrecking for me.
I'm doing my research now too Debbs! :) lol! :)
Soft n chewy the way we like them Ane! :)
I'm enjoying mine now Marzie! :)
Yay, I am working on another post at MPG, can u beat that? So hardworking LOL!!!! ;)
Welcome Debbs, u done with ur drops ke?
Go Marzie Go! :)
Ok LJ, u done with GG? I find that the connection gets better in the morn, 5am like dat! Maybe I will try to drop again later, but I’ve dropped on LJL and LLP oredi. :)
Awesome, Ane! Remember to share your new look okay? :)
Not done yet, GP! Made a mistake by choosing to drop on fashion blogs lol! So many interesting ones lah! :P
LOL! Stopped for some sight-seeing eh Debbs? Ok have fun! :)
I will Debbs, don't worry! :) I'll take the before and after picture! :)
Hey ladies, I'm gonna down for the night, a bit sleepy already as it is
already 3:12 a.m see you in the morning! :) good night Marzie, LJ, and
Debbs! And good night to you too Blue! :)
Yup! Feel inspired to make something. ;)
Sounds great, Ane. :):)
I'm going through the exact same troubles. I have a wireless router that enables me to move inside the house, too - but it usually takes me offline during conferences, online meetings or other important moments.
So, yeah, venting is good!! If it would change anything... would be even better :)
Recent blog post: Trashy Lingerie
Good night Ane! :)
Night night Ane, pleasant dreams! Thanks for coming by today! :)
Ane, u sure can pull off a short hairdo, go for it woman! ;)
Hey Jackie, no worries dear, we totally understand and though we will miss u at FCC, you can still come over to CHOP your heart out yeah?
Btw, I still have not been dropping consistently, hope internet picks up soon. Thanks for the hugs Jackie, right back at cha! ;)
Ane cut ur hair!!! ;)
Hey Debbs, maybe u shld put a before and after pic too! Ur avatar ni the new look is it?
LOL! Sure Ane and btw u are still number 1 for now! ;)
Ane ha ha hah, u are so funny and sweet, thanks for stalking my blogs dear ha ha haha! HUGS! :)
Thank you Jackie, I’m glad u can confide in me, love ya too! :)
Hehehe...Yup my avatar is the new look but I tied my hair there. ;) MAYBE I will. Great idea GP! MAYBE it'll be a * post? ;);)
Of coz it will be a star post Debbs! And speaking of which, I have one out at MPG if anybody wants to chop! ;)
Mesti already chopped tu! :) But that's okay hehehe
Jackie, I think ur comment went to the next page, I see it fine here, thanks dear! And I am feeling better. :)
Ok Jackie, that’s good! Again, thanks so much for being my first advertiser here and at MPG, you rock! :)
Jackie, I managed to drop 100 cards so far today, which is a big decline from my usual 300 yeah? Will try do drop some more later. ;)
Go for a new look Ane, change is sometimes good! ;)
Inspired to craft the night away Debbs? :)
Thanks for the hugs sweetie and better late than never! ;)
I got to 100 today Ane, and I think 35 for WOAFS! :(
Hey Foong, yup using Slow streamyx! :(
Thinking of switching to Wimax. I hear it’s good, so it’s worth checking out. :)
Hola Zunnur, long time no see! How are you? He he my mouse almost got the brunt of my anger, but decided against it, I love my cordless mouse! :)
And yeah, thank god for friends, love ya peeps! :)
Hope ur tummy-tum feels better now Debbs! :)
Yeah, feel like making a bracelet. Hehehe...
Tum tum still no good la Marzie. Been purging tonight! :(
Wah wah so clever! I only know how to make friendship bracelet, that oso dah lupa LOL! ;)
Hmmm tapi best jugak cause can lose a little weight tanpa mencuba Debbs he he! But seriously, hope u feel better. U need a nice hot water bottle to keep u warn and cozy wozy! :)
I also lupa how to make friendship bracelets. Those were cool kan? :):)
Tu la kan, better eat soup jer the next few days. Seriously bosan gi toilet so many times. :(
Soup sounds good, go ask C to make u some tomo! ;)
Ah tomorrow cannot pulak, C will be off work late. :):)
How late is late for C? ;)
Well Thursdays are delivery days for C. You know kan he's in charge of inventory, so he'll be going to all LB outlets to send disposable items and such. 10.30pm is late BUT normal for C on Thursdays lol!!
Yeah la 10.30 is ridiculously late!!! Maybe can ask him to tapau u something from LB!! YUM! :)
Ooh love the sound of that! If he tapau sure the chef masak special punya! :P And sometimes FOC! Hehehehe
WOW! U can ask for anything on the menu is it? Aiyo so nice, maybe u shld also do a review on LB, since C works there, give us the inside scoop! ;)
Yes, GP! Anything! Or modified oso can, if the chef kamceng one la. Hehe..I dunno la about food review but I did "feature" some photos of the Tapas foodies before. Yummies! I can still remember the mouth-watering chicken yakitori...tsk!
Tak yah food review per se, but something abt LB, sure best that post and yummy too! Wow chic yakitori sounds yummy, never tried b4! ;)
Chic yakitori sedapss! U must try! It's like satay la cuz it's on a stick but u know kan tapas food mmg small portion but it's good! :):) Sweet2 a bit but tasty gitu..
Ooooh I do like the sound of sweet n tasty, and I laik sate oso! Yum! :)
I used to be addicted to friendship bracelets,siap buy the thread then buat for ppl ha ha ha!
Lama tak makan sate! :):) Baru finish dropping for HC ni. Now trying to drop for CnS plak.
It was fun kan? :):) I can't crochet or knit, though. :)
Eh Debbs, nowadays u rajin drop EC kan? Anyway I dropped at HC oredi for MPG. Now doing for Mariuca, baru start je! :(
U believe or not I used to knit? He he eh heheh!!
I rajin drop cuz of HC, GP! :) Cuz can get kaching from traffic, kan? But I drop and run la. Tak ngomen pun. Lol!!
Astaga, u can actually knit? Hehehe learn something new today about GP and NO, almost didn't believe lah cuz u always say u're not crafty kan! :):):)
oh. that explains it. i guess all of us around the world have slow internet connection..
i think you're still a bit lucky though. at least your connection doesn't go dead. i mean, we have a slow internet connection and at the same time the connection goes off from time to time. how unfortunate can we get? :(
But cheer up Mariuca. There's a rainbow always after the rain.. :)
Recent blog post: Of Friendship And Maturity
Dats why la, zaman dulu tu…knitted a sweater some more, boleh??? Don laugh! LOL!!!! ;)
Hola Blanne, I am happy now to see u here today! Thanks so much for cominover to cheer me up, you’re the best! My connection seems to be almost normal at this ungodly hour of 7am, which is why I’m still dropping now ha ha! :)
Yeah la like GG kan? Dapat kaching from traffic, good for u guys. U dah dapat payment ke like LJ?
Wah!!! Okay not laffing..hehe but really la I wish I can knit ;)
Debbs, what flava did C get? Strawberry?
Hiya ECL, that’s why la heartpain here LOL! But it gets better at this hour, so am dropping now only! ;)
He he he oso knitted a scarf, double boleh???? ;)
Not yet la, I started HC later than LJ cuz I was away and all. Hehe
YES! Heart pain I drank it sbb sweet and taste artificial. Yikes!
So nice la can knit..like those baby booties. Chomel! :):)
LOL Debbs, thanks for being angers mangers for me! HUGS! :)
LOL! The choc one oso not so nice, the biasa one is still da best kan? :)
Baby booties tak pandai la ha ha ha!!! ;)
Jan! Don be disappointed, am sure u will be FC here one day sweetie! HUGS! :)
Ha haha so cute la u speak malay Jan, alamak it seems! ;)
Hi Bing! Oh you too suffering the same fate? Well I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one though I wish this nonsense will end really soon. Me too getting more than just a little frustrated right now. Meanwhile, let’s try to keep it together, hugs! :)
Cheer up woman, there’ll be more * posts coming up yeah? ;)
Oh that is kinda expense yeah Jan? Lucky u for having speedy connection! ;)
Dats why la Janice! So angry sometimes, but can’t do much until they rectify the prob, whatever it is la! :(
Hi Shemah, Hi LJ! Group hug ladies! :)
Thanks Shemah, I did feel better after my shower! Even used my special body wash from VS to cheer me up LOL! ;)
I’m def gonna try ur 5-in-1 first LJ, then baru consider Kopiko he he! ;)
Of course, I wanted the biasa one but C, being the blurry one, main ambik jer even though the box has pink colour on it. Hehe
But still, you can knit! I am amazed! :)
LOL! I oso amazed la at myself, can knit, triple post at MPG ha hah haha ha!!!
Hi Miss T! Thank you and welcome to Mariuca’s blog! Oh u too having probs yeah? Well, let’s vent together here then LOL! Here’s to better connection asap! ;)
Abaden! I terkezut oso u wrote 3 posts in a row for MPG! :):)
HA HA HA HA u oso terkezut?? I lagi la terkejut myself! Actually, I wrote 4 posts today if u count the one at Mariuca kan? Lagi la unsangkarable ha ha hah aha!
Oh ya 4 posts! Unsangkarable betul! :):):)
Tu la! I cakap dgn B pun dia tak caya 4 posts today ha ha! ;)
Hehehe all PB kan kalau tak silap? :D
For me Debbs? 2 PB at MPG and 1 PB at Mariuca. He he hehehhee! KACHING! ;) Actually the one kat MPG tu ada deadline, so must cepat2 buat. Jean oso shld be doing hers soon lol!
Oh okay, kaching!! :):)
I am seriously thinking about it Marzie, you really think I can pull off a
short short hair?
Marzie, I have the picture resized and is now at my blog post, check it out
dearie! :)
How much will you charge me for rent if I decide to move into one of your
blogs, or maybe both Marzie? :) lol! :)
oooh, I can't wait to see it, let me know if you have it up and running
Debbs! :) I wanna see your short hair too! :)
Hiya Debb! :)
Waaah! I probably missed the Chop once again! huhhuhu
I seriously think u can pull it off Ane! When are u gonna cut ur hair woo hoo! Oh I know! Maybe u can post a few styles and get us to suggest which one is the best for u he he!!!! :)
Lol!! Okay Ane! :)
Ok Ane, will check out ur pic, I bet u look gorgeous in it! ;)
For u Ane, FOC no charge at all to move into my blogs LOL! ;)
same here Mariuca! see my latest post!!
Recent blog post: My new shades...
I saw Mon! Angry for u and me, but this calls for a group hug LOL! :)
I missed the venting session :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: My new shades...
well I just don't feel like doing anything la :(
Recent blog post: My new shades...
He he! Venting session is always open here Mon, vent away on any topic u want! ;)
How abt sleep? ;) Or surprise R at his workplace today LOL!! Meet him there for lunch ha ha, no need to worry abt slow connection then! ;)
The keyword being "sometimes" Marzie... :) hehe
hugs again for everybody! Yay! :)
only the internet thingy made me angry now! haha..
I got to " go! Go!" last night Marzie! :)
A first in a looong time! :)
oh I m going to have lunch with R later...hehe!
LOL! Some more until 5th March kan? Even more angry! :(
Morning Ane! :)
Oh YAY! That’s more than 50 Ane lol!
Yay, have a great lunch with R, don forget ur new shades! ;)
Hmmm... Chic Yakitori... Yum... :) all this talk about food is making me
hungry! :)
hey btw, R told me abt P1Wimax or sthing like that.. he ask me wanna change or not *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: My new shades...
haha I myself used to make bracelets, from beads, threads, you name it... :)
but now too lazy! :) I can also knit and crochet... :)
Me too Marzie, I used to knit sweaters for me, Chakai and B, now, just too
lazy! :)
Me too Ane! How does the sizzling salmon sound to you? :)
Hi Ane! ;-)
Dats the one that we’ve been discussing la Mon! Shemah is using that and she happily dropped 1200 cards yesterday!!!!! ;)
WOW crochet I can’t! Ane, we both can knit (simple stuff la) that’s another thing in common dear! Yeeha! :)
Ha ha ha Ane!!!! U must knit a new one for Chakai and show us! ;)
thanks hun! ;-)�
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!