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There! That was what I had started writing yesterday before I got called away for a last-minute night owl meeting!
Late last night, I was in my home-office, busy researching for my web hosting assignment when I heard the WOOT call, signalling all night owls to gather here at Wishing on a Falling Star for some coffee chat. When I arrived, LJ and Monica were already there, happily discussing night owl matters. Naturally I jumped in right alongside those two and we ended up meeting for more than an hour!
It was really so much fun catching up with my fellow night owls over coffee in the wee hours of the morning. Though in different locations, each one of us was enjoying a nice cup of coffee in front of our laptops, as we had our meeting. See, this is what we night owls do. "Laze" around all day, work on our daily jobs and house chores separately and when night time comes, we gather around drinking coffee, blogging, dropping EC or just chilling out with each other discussing blog issues we're facing ha ha!
I'd like to thank my night owl buddies for that wonderful early morning meeting. I know we can't do this often as we each have other things and real jobs to worry about besides our night owl ways LOL! So it was really fun to spend some time with you guys yesterday. I hope to attend another night owl meeting soon but for now, it's time for this night owl to say goodnight. It's coming up to 7am and I need to catch a couple hours of sleep if I want to start my day earlier than usual. Happy blogging everybody and have a great day! :)

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 400 Newer› Newest»Morning Mariuca! :* :* :*
eh we ended up meeting for more than 2 or 3 hours I guess...LOL!
yeah it was really fun to spend some time with you & LJ! hahaha...see you guys tonight! 8-)
I missed it! No one invited this owl. :'( :'( :'( Hehehehe... :-P
Can I join your night owl meeting? :)
Recent blog post: Getting Over Hurt
Oh, I have a little giveaway at CraftnSwap! Join me! :)
ala..i thought post baru ni xder lagi org bagi first comment...xder chance la nak dpt fc kat sini
Another night owl here...
Time differences confuse me a bit, how many hours more you got there? Maybe one of this nights I pass by :)
Good Wednesday xx
night night Mariuca.. :*
I'm trying to install the commenting system at my blog..
eeek!! =-O
hi monica! :* :* :*
I'm really getting old lah. Nowadays if stayed up awake past midnight. The next morning will be so tired. I have to sleep around 11pm to ensure an energized day to look after the boys :)
Recent blog post: God of Fortune @ Tampines Mall
hi debbs! i am interested to join but i've a question for u! it's at yr post, k! :) :*
congrates for being FC!! :)
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
Have you managed to get Cafe 21 already? :)
You need all those to keep you company for the late nights !! :-P
Recent blog post: God of Fortune @ Tampines Mall
hi marzie! oh, it was so much fun lar! altho' i did not participate at that time but reading back yr comments has made me laugh and forgive me for menyampuk'ing in yr coffee talks. hehe ;)
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
yay!! no new post at MPG yet!! meaning i can still wait for it tonight!! woohoo!! :-D
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
yippee!! Kim is gonna hv JS too! :-D
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
mize, our time zone here is +8. :)
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
marzie, hope u dont mind i help u to answer mize. :-P
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
hi marvic! lama tak jumpa! how are you? :* :*
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
Congrats FC
I'm not much of a night owl. i need my beauty sleep, 8 hrs a day. :-D :) ;)
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Smiling Faces
sounds like u r having so much fun catching up with LJ and Mon. Happy Owl Meeting! :-D :-D :-D :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Smiling Faces
hi jean, me busy updating my blog ma..then work at the office somemore... :-D
:* :* :* Moooooorning Monica ha ha ha!
Recent blog post: MM - Bukan Diriku by Samsons *
Muahahahhahahhaha yeah la, see me still ROTFLMAO, some more baru bangun dah LOL ha ha ha! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Valentine Fever! *
He he he tonight u say Mon? Can but after my American Idol woo hoo!! U follow or not Mon? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: MM - Give It Up (KC & The Sunshine Band) *
Eh forgot to thank you for being my FC here Mon, special GP hug for u! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Good to be Back
:* :* :* Aloha Miss Y! :* :*
Recent blog post: Good to be Back
He he congrats to sweet Monica! :* :*
Recent blog post: My Valentine *
Wah Bono is here too today, hola Bono!! :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Bukan Diriku by Samsons *
Oh hohohohoho Debbs!!! So cute in tears for missing the night owl meeting he he! HUGS for u dearie, next one for sure u must attend, don forget it's BYOC he he he he! :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Valentine Fever! *
Beth! You too a night owl? Oh welcome welcome sweetie, for sure u will be invited too next meeting LOL!! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - We've Got Tonight *
Oh thanks for inviting me Debbs, nanti I check out ur giveaway kay? Woot!! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - We've Got Tonight *
Hmmmmm wonder what's ur question Jean? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: MM - We've Got Tonight *
He he Marvic itu! Takpe next one u quickly come chop okay? Happy Wed! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Bukan Diriku by Samsons *
Marvic, busy ke kat opis? He he byk kerja nampak! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-$ :-$ =-O :-D
Recent blog post: Bigger Blog Bucks!
WOOT! Mize, all night owls are surely welcomed here he he! Hope to see u attend our next night owl meeting dear! :* :* 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: MM - We've Got Tonight *
Dat's right Mize, it's +8 here, thanks Jean! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Happy Birthday Jean! *
Jean, thanks for answering for me dear, bangun lambat la today he he! =-O =-O :-[ :-[
Recent blog post: Valentine Fever! *
Moooorning Kim, this night owl is finally up! =-O :-[ :* :*
Recent blog post: Good to be Back
Ha ha so cute right this smiley Kim? It's my fave! =-O =-O =-O
Kim, I hope u get JS up and running soon at ur blogs, can't wait to hang out there later he he! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: MM - Give It Up (KC & The Sunshine Band) *
Morning Janice! U are not getting old la woman, it's just us night owls here who can't sleep and like hanging out after midnight he he! Of coz u need to be well-rested to fend for the cuties, HUGS! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: My Valentine *
Jan, thanks for asking sweetie! I got oredi and am happily enjoying my first Cafe 21 for the day YAY! :* :* :-[ 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Good to be Back
Ha ha ha Jean! Next time, u must join us okay? Seriously we were laughing so much, lucky B was oredi zzzzz or not for sure the fella thinks I've gone mad ha ha ha!!! =-O =-X :-D :-[ 8-) :* :*
Recent blog post: Valentine Fever! *
Clever Jean, I must have a new post out for MPG next, wait for it dear! ;) :-P *DONT_KNOW* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Dilemma *
LR, u can't afford to be a night owl cause u have ur lovely kids to worry abt he he! It's been a while since I enjoyed 8 hours of sleep LOL! =-O =-X :-[ 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: MM - Give It Up (KC & The Sunshine Band) *
We did have the best time LR, it was so much fun and we kept each other in stitches with our silliness ha ha!!! Hugs for all night owls WOOT!! :-D :* :-D 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: MM - We've Got Tonight *
:* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Valentine Fever! *
This is the very first time I am hearing about this night owl thing :)
Muahahhahahaha Uncle Che, such a cute comment from u. You a night owl too? ;)
hi, nice blog
Your Blog is More interesting.great work.
...if possible at ur free time visit mine..and give ur suggestion to improve..
i am very happy to add you in my blogroll as friends if u like..!!
Recent blog post: Reading others Mind
ALamak.. this night owl had a job last night and ended up crashing on her bed at 11am this morning!
Recent blog post: MyEvo ClubHouse Launch *
Morning Mon!!! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: MyEvo ClubHouse Launch *
Debbs.. it was an impromptu kinda thing dearie.. next time we buzz you ok!! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Creative Truck Ads
hhahaha.. Jean.. pandai lah!!! answer away dearie.. lol!!
Recent blog post: Creative Truck Ads
Yihaa... is yours working already Kim? *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: A New Header for LJL
Mothers are a special breed.. they need their sleep for sure!! :* :*
Recent blog post: MyEvo ClubHouse Launch *
New Post at MPG??
Eh Dah Kluar ke??? Uwhaa!! MIss FC again ke??!! :'( :'(
Recent blog post: MyEvo ClubHouse Launch *
woohooo still top today!!! :-P
Recent blog post: MyEvo ClubHouse Launch *
Abaden, mothers! Lucky we are just moms to our furry frens kan LJ? ;)
LOL! Bawak bertenang LJ, no new post at MPG yet he he!!
Yes dearie, very hard to topple the Queen mah! ;)
Hugs for Debbs! :) And chocs too he he! ;)
OH 11 am baru zzzz ye LJ? Well good morning to u dearie! :)
Thanks ITechworld and welcome to Mariuca’s blog, have a great day! :)
OK, great... how can you not have cafe 21 right? :)
Recent blog post: Our first visit to Marina Barrage
Sweetie!! I got picture di on my js-kit thingy!! LOL! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
wowww!! LJ! boleh tahaan man! Oh yaa.. which reminds me.. I need your help with sumfing. Later hehehe.. I talk like buddy already. Later lah I email you ya? ;) 8-) :* :-D
Recent blog post: 17 Again
Ever since Buddy started schooling, this mommy can't afford to become night owl like last time. hehehehehe...
Recent blog post: 17 Again
Hey Marzie!
You all are beautiful night owls out there!
Guess I was a bit late, but wishing you a good day morning or night ;)
Recent blog post: THANK YOU
Hey JL, awesome to see u back! Thanks for stopping by and I guess it’s time for me to say nite nite to u! ;)
:'( i missed the meeting! :'(
can't wait for summer! :-D
Jean, I've answered your question. Please check! ;)
Recent blog post: February 2009 Giveaway Contest - Buttons In A Jar
Hehe don't worry about it. Got jodoh, will join ya? ;) Hehehehe...
LJ, you're the sweetest! HUGS!! :* :*
Oh hugs for the lovely hostess too..and extra strong coffee for everyone! :):)
You're most welcome! :):)
Hi Jean. Thanks!
This means your night is my afternoon :)
Oh, Ok Marzie.
Now I only need to know what time are your night owl sessions :)
Midnight or later?
Good Day, gosh, still confused with time differences, so many hours, we´re living opposite.
Of coz, it’s always more fun if u join Debbs! :)
Thanks sweetie, I do need that extra strong coffee tonight, don care la if addicted LOL! ;)
:'( :'( Don worry Ane, we left u coffee all over, enjoy kay? :* :*
hello bono! 8-)
What's happening in summer Ane? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
oh okie, debbs! thanks! ;) :*
hahaa, marzie, you'll know it when u go to debb's giveaway post! hehe 8-)
you're most welcome, dear! ;)
haha.. of coz lar LJ! being in the blogosphere with friends around the globe must know the time zone mah. like that easier to chat wt them because we know what time at their side mah! betul kan! ;)
haha... there's no bangun lambat for u lar, marzie! a normal person needs 8-10 hours of sleep, so u are still ok! if i've not mistaken, you slept at around 7 something this morning. Then woke up at 4pm? :) 8-)
ok, marzie! that's why i dropped by at MPG just now. see if u got new post anot. hehe :)
haha.. agreed, marzie! ;)
haha, LJ! dont rebut wt me lar! dah lar u suddenly appear as TCM here, u wan to rebut FC at MPG wt me ye? kasihan me lar.... O:-) 8-) :)
HA HA HA HA HA HAH AH HA Jean!!!!!!!!!!! Don la say 4pm, more like 1.30pm mah!!!! HA HA HA HAH AHA!!!!!!
Ha ha ha ha hah a so cute la u Jean tonight ha ha ha a ha ha!!! U are still TCM at MPG sweetie LOL!!! :)
Shemah, so cute la Buddy! Is he enjoying school? 8-) :* :-D
:* :* Thanks Lainy, come join the fun if u're ever up at that time kay? :* :*
oh, sounds cool, mize! :)
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
Wow now see that's the difference that 20 or 30 years make. what fun it seems you all had!! :)
LOL Shemah! Finally u uploaded ur pic, so when wan to switch to JS? He he!! :* :* :*
I am once again on the borderline relating to satellite time. So my dropping has become almost impossible nightmare. >:o
Exactly woman! Can't live without my Cafe 21 lol! :* :* :-D =-O =-X
Recent blog post: MM - Bukan Diriku by Samsons *
I can't even remember if I made it over yesterday. If I didn't then please forgive me Marzie!! I love MPG and Falling Star. Oh boy how I wish I had the speed of cable!! that would be very cool. 8-)
the tornado pictures are quite shocking and scary huh? That's the way it is around here until full summer arrives. I am just grateful that we do have a storm shelter to use. Well it's off to do some hopping around!! Hugs to everyone!! :* :)
LOL! Mize, it always happens after midnight of coz, esp if all of us are doing a late round of EC dropping! It's fun to drop while meeting up with the night owls! Do join us if u're around. :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: MM - We've Got Tonight *
He he glad u agree Jean! Imagine u have 2, I have 3 but LJ has 6 furry frens!!! =-O *DONT_KNOW* :-$ 8-) :*
Recent blog post: MM - Bukan Diriku by Samsons *
Jean, planning new post but still dropping EC here lol! :-P :-D :*
Recent blog post: MM - Give It Up (KC & The Sunshine Band) *
Hi Jackie, we did have tons of fun that early morn woot! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Good to be Back
Jackie, it's pretty bad on my end tonight too, dropping is ridiculously slow! GP is not happy! >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog post: MM - Dilemma *
Awww thanks for ur lovely words and thoughts for my blogs sweetie! I heart your blogs too! BIG HUGS! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: My Valentine *
Okay Jackie, have fun shopping and keep safe! I hope to see some pretty pics next at TPV! ;) :-D 8-)
Recent blog post: MM - Give It Up (KC & The Sunshine Band) *
Betul tu Jean! :)
LOL! I saw ur question oredi Jean and I gave one guess to Debbs oredi, 2 more to go! ;)
Coming soon Jean, coming soon…. ;)
this night owl is here! :-D
I don't follow AI la Mariuca :-[ :-E
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - I melt just like.....
Hi Jean! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - I melt just like.....
Yay! I'm the FC! ;)
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - I melt just like.....
:* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - I melt just like.....
morning LJ! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - I melt just like.....
this season nice or not?
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - I melt just like.....
when is our next night owl meeting? :-P
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - I melt just like.....
you woke up at 1.30pm? why so early la =-O :-P
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - I melt just like.....
I have none!!! :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - I melt just like.....
when Mariuca? I'm waiting ;) :-D
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - I melt just like.....
yeah Jean join us next time!
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - I melt just like.....
LR! I also MUST sleep 8 hrs a day too! :)
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - I melt just like.....
ROTFLMAO! :* :-D 8-)
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - I melt just like.....
Jean, help me to answer @ my blog can ahr? :-P :*
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - I melt just like.....
Yay! I saw your answer. :):)
thanks Bono! ;)
no one can beat the Queen :-P
hi GP,
so sorry I haven't been around lately. Way too occupied with so much stuff! and I will be away again in 2 weeks time.
Talking about night owls, I dont sleep until 3am too. I am normally online browsing or reading forums and chatting with my buddies. EVen my kids don't sleep before 2- does that makes is all owls at home? LOL
hi Mariuca..
still haven't got my comment system up yet Mariuca...
I've been waiting on my reading glasses 8-)
thanks for offering to help if I get stuck ;)
you're a darling :* :*
Recent blog post: The Spirit of the Bush
have a lovely day :) :)
Recent blog post: The Spirit of the Bush
yikes LJ =-O
I haven't started yet.... O:-)
maybe tomorrow *DONT_KNOW* :)
Recent blog post: The Spirit of the Bush
nice blog!!!!
have a nice day
Recent blog post: My Trip To Native Place
;) Cuppa coffee and chitchatting with fellow bloggers sound really good to me!! :)
How to leave a comment with my picture? Which account I have to setup? :'(
Let us give credit to technology, we all can be together despite the distance and time difference. Yaay! what a nice way to bond with long distance friends.. :*
have a great day dear!
Recent blog post: American Idol Season 8 Group 1 Performance Night
yay!! i am only 10 comments away frm LJ!! woohoo!!! still got chance to become yr TC, marzie! :-D
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
haha, jackie! i get what u meant. Last time, during my college years, i can go for days without sleeping. But now, i need my beauty sleep at least 4-6 hours /day. It looks like as i grow older, i need more sleep. ><
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
hi LJ!! i am only 10 comments away from u!! woohoo!! :-P
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
haha... monica, hopefully i can topple the queen for this month lar! O:-) :)
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
oh yes, marzie! it's very hard to topple the QUeen, but it's possible!! ;) ;)
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
see this, marzie?
1. LadyJava (96)
2. Jean (87)
3. Monica (50)
4. Ane (39)
5. Jackie (12)
6. Kim (9)
7. Phatelara (8)
8. Mizé (6)
9. Janice Ng (4)
10. foongpc (3)
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
yay!! so good!! gembiranya aku!! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
marzie, i duwan to guess first. Need to discuss wt M. Two persons can get more accurate answer mah! hehe :-D
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
eh, how come my photo gone oredi? O:-) O:-)
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
ok, now got oredi? :-D
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: My Precious Moments
Sometimes have to log in again Jean, I’ve had that happened to me too. :)
Good idea jean, I have 2 more guesses left, must think carefully lol! ;)
Ha ha ha gembiranya aku it seems, ni betul-betul happy ni Jean! Hugs! :)
Go Jean Go! Very close la u two ladies! :)
Of coz still got chance Jean ha ha, so cute la u! Some more LJ is busy with her event, lagi la no time to mengomen here lol! ;)
That’s a very nice comment Twinks and u’re so right. Thanks to technology for connecting us to everyone in this world! Hope ur day was lovely too! :)
=-O =-O =-O
OMG! I've toppled LJ!! =-O i still can't believe this. Need some time to digest first! O:-)
Recent blog post: Instant Soto Vege
Join u s sometimes Karen, if u happen to be up and abt, do drop by! :)
oh, then i must grab this opportunity!! :-D
yay!!! i am TC here!!! :-D :-D Hope to maintain thsi spot lar. :-D
hehe, thanks, woman! *HUGZ* :* :*
Hi Karen, I’d love to see ur picture here sweetie, register here…
yeah!! i want to join you gals!! :-D :-D thanks for inviting! :* :*
but the timing need to be right. Coz i am not everyday an night owl! O:-)
haha... marzie, i was late to be yr FC ler. O:-) but i am so happy to be yr TC here!! woohoo!! :-D
haha.. of coz can, mon! ;) :*
hahaha.. marzie, u laughed so hard la. haha :-D
but u know, no matter what time i sleep, i must wake up before noon. If i wake up later than that, i'll be grumpy for the day. O:-)
no prob, mize! ;) :*
oh yes, when ar? dont forget to inform me first! :)
haha.. yeahlar marzie. These two kids are already giving me headache. And not only abt taking care of them, but also need to have money to pay for their grooming, food, see docs..etc.. Lucky the license is only RM15/dog/year. :)
and you got 3, roughly i can imagine the burden lar. But LJ got 6? I cannot imagine lar! =-O
You have a pleasant night now Kim, see u tomorrow! :)
I’d surely want to help u Kim, cause I can’t wait to hang out in ur comment box later ha ha! ;)
hahaha.. :-[ :-[ but i no need to stress so much already, marzie! i am yr TC here! woohoo!! and also in MPG!! double woohoo!!! :-D
Sigh… I try to wake up before noon oso Jean, but sometimes cannot la. Of coz must laugh so hard, shy only I wake up at 4pm ha ha ha!!! ;)
Yes yes grooming so expense yeah? Sigh… food oso must buy the good type, and then vitamins lagi tsk tsk, how to have another fluffy cat like dis? ;)
ok, marzie, i am off to bed now! at the moment, i am still TCM. :)
1. Jean (113)
2. LadyJava (84)
3. Monica (44)
4. Ane (39)
5. Jackie (12)
6. Kim (9)
7. Phatelara (8)
8. Mizé (6)
9. Janice Ng (4)
10. foongpc (3)
I oso cannot imagine la! 6 meows running around at home he he! ;)
Ha ha Jean! Some more u were “crying” here yesterday asking LJ not to topple u at MPG ha h aha so cute!! :)
Good night, lovely!! see ya tomorrow!! :* :*
Farah! Long time no see dear, how are u and the kids? Oh where are u going now Farah? Another vakasi???? I’m so jealous!!! You are def a night owl dearie, but lucky tak teruk sampai we all, sleep god knows what time, wake up oso don know what time he he he! ;)
Ha ha ha ha ha early right Mon???? Had some work to do mah….. LOL!!!!
Mon, our darling LJ is busy this week, I think after her event for sure we’ll have another night owl meeting! I’ll bring my coffee if u bring yours, then exchange LOL!! ;)
Oh I love AI Monica! :)
This season is awesome la Mon, watch la then we can discuss LOL! :)
hi Mariuca! I'm here ;)
Good night Jean, I am enjoying ur soto now. :)
Jean is off to bed now? :(
He he hola Mon! Oh Jean’s soto is making me hungry in the middle of the night! ;)
LOL! Abaden, night time oredi mah ha ha ha!!!
He he, good luck Jean and thanks a million for all ur comment love here! :)
Congrats Jean, you’re really working hard this month, I’m so proud of u! :)
ok sure! I'm also quite busy this week :-D
Try ur best Jean, Feb is almost over! ;)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!